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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50224719 No.50224719 [Reply] [Original]


I need to find a career, not a job, a career

>> No.50224744

Find something you're uniquely good at and get after it then.

>> No.50224750

Making more than me and I have 8+ years experience repairing motherboards

>> No.50224754

Use that money on crypto, career is just a wagie on roids.

>> No.50224764

why did you wait so long anon?

>> No.50224769

Are you educated? University degree? Not having that limits you to grifts or hard/meanimgless work.

>> No.50224772

skills pay bills
save all your money, go to school or teach yourself something of value

>> No.50224782

mutts are making 22$ per hour and still complain

even my president doesn't make that much

you have it so easy

>> No.50224799

a small 1 bedroom apartment in a medium sized american city costs more per month than the entire GDP of whatever shithole province you live in. will turd worlders please shut the FUCK up.

>> No.50224828

how much is your rent?

georges clooney

>> No.50224857

mine? $1300 a month. i live in a town that's unironically 30% niggers.

>> No.50224892

Just keep doing it anon
It really is no better

>> No.50224897

3500$ per month
1200$ rent

yeah you have it so easy
you can literally travel to Paris or London every month

>> No.50224921

>I need to find a career, not a job, a career
start a business. nobody owes you anything
dont live in a city if you cant afford it

>> No.50224934

Is that your only expense, you can just keep buying crypto every month with what you have left over and when the next bullrun kicks off you'll make it.

>> No.50224936

stocking shelves at costco is the ultimate autism job and workplace.

>> No.50224954

i'm not OP retard. also your numbers are completely wrong. his $22/hour is before taxes. take 25% off that. he's bringing home $2600 a month. his insurance is likely $150/month. his food is likely $300 a month. his car (there is no public transportation in america) likely costs him $200-300/month in fuel and maintenance if he owns it outright. i can keep going, but you get the idea.

>> No.50224976

What the fuck? What are your hours?

>> No.50224982

this is the most cliche retarded advice. no one is uniquely good at anything, and if you are, you wouldn't be asking about what career you should go into

>> No.50225000

Why income is taxed will never make sense to me

>> No.50225025

Who in the fuck pays $22/hr to stock shelves? Are you sucking the bosses dick twice a day too?

>> No.50225029

it's not cliche, it's outdated cause we got rid of natural selection, there's too many dumbed down retards walking on this planet.

>> No.50225052

>there is no public transportation in america
The fact you have to lie shows how shitty your argument is. Unless you live in Detroit, its pretty easy to get around most cities without a car

>> No.50225203

>determine skill set
>seek self-sustainable work within skill set
>rebudget to allocate funds for projects
>network or communicate if necessary to make any profit or have opportunity for it
>pace yourself, may take time if budgeting and discretion on schedule is needed
That's about it. What are you good at OP?

>> No.50225219
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It's as easy as looking what skills are in demand and then learning that skill. Might take a couple years and it's better if you're not tied down to location, and it's way fucking easier single with no kids. Deadbeats on /biz/ will cry about how hopeless it is but that's only because they are emotional losers with no drive and a room temp IQ.

>> No.50225269

Fucking useless mutt. Your economy is imploding as we speak and service/retail sector will be eradicated, forcing you to get a useful skill like working in agriculture or you die out. Which do you prefer?

>> No.50225296
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>> No.50225303
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>> No.50225320


50 HRS a week

>> No.50225329


My official title is "Merchandiser"

>> No.50225333

>tech support with a comptia cert and another on the way

>> No.50226535
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i have no idea how much i make "per hour"

>> No.50226765

That’s WAY too much just for stocking shelves. Should be $14

>> No.50226819

electrician in kentucky reporting in

i make 15 per hour to do very risky shit, because you can never trust anybody but a constraint of your job is that you have to in order to be productive

>> No.50226863

He lives in San Francisco or Seattle and 75% of his check goes towards renting a studio AKA shoebox

>> No.50226902

public transit outside of NYC is just asking to get stabbed by a crackhead

>> No.50226937

I have an engineering degree and make $3/hr more than you

>> No.50227251

imagine not paying rent living in your parents basement making essentially 10 LINK an hour. God speed where youre gonna put that savings into

>> No.50227337

I can't imagine anyone willing moving to Paris right now. Its fucking disgusting with migrants

>> No.50227364

you make almost $52,000 per year stocking fucking shelves? I wasted time going to college and never made that much.

>> No.50227368

Best get a CCNA

>> No.50227397

He mentioned merchandiser so usually you work for a brand like Coca-Cola and go to the stores and set up product on shelves and make product displays. He can correct me if I'm wrong, used to work at a grocery store

>> No.50227409

I've been a NEET for 15 years. I'll be getting my very first job this year or the next.

It could be worse.

>> No.50227434

>he's bringing home $2600 a month
Still better than the $1800 I bring home making $15/hr doing much harder work than playing Tetris on easy mode or whatever "stocking" means.

>> No.50229017

Not true, plenty of mid-tech blue color jobs really only require work when shit breaks. Theres a couple of jobs paying $38/hr where you maybe do 2 hrs of actual work out of a 40 hr work week.

>> No.50229061


Kek, yeah. I'm making 35.20 (night shift, 32 base) right now doing exactly this.

>> No.50229107

Careful though, that indulgence will seep in and become apart of you. I quit that cushy job this year, and bounced around u til I fpund my dream contract... im in Thailand working right now.

>> No.50229139


Eh, work comes in tides, there are weeks where I hardly do shit, and about as many where I work my ass off the whole time.

>> No.50229150

there is no livable wage in the USA right now. if you make less than like 120k per year before taxes your in an endless cycle of wagie hell

>> No.50229168

holy shit he's right

not "uniquely" good, but I'm a super user of a niche software + a good communicator + can build and train a team... incredibly rare combination

>> No.50229190

wealthy cities where most ppl make insane amount of money.

>> No.50229264

You've got it backwards
You need a job, not a career
You need friends, and to hang out with them everyday like you did in school, and a good family

A career is just something to do to distract you from not having all these things

>> No.50229306


>> No.50229329
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>i live in a town that's unironically 30% niggers.

>> No.50229346

Careers are a meme. What you mean to say is that you want to make the most money for as little work in a dignified position as possible.

>> No.50229602

>you can literally travel to Paris or London every month

>implying Americans get vacation time

>> No.50229624

>>implying Americans get vacation time
Implying we want you in England....
>m3h m3h3 m3h {rapid devious sniggering and waving of fingers in front of mouth}

>> No.50229697

>what are you good at
I am offended

>> No.50231414

just be yourself, bro

>> No.50232597

I am in Indianapolis and you can only use public transit if you are in city limits, no lines run to suburbs (which is nice if you are in the suburbs). The only decent public transit I have seen here is NYC and Chicago.

>> No.50232633

OP I am going to help you out here. What do you do for that 22 an hour? I will tell you the road I took. Worked in a warehouse, used my off time to learn SQL, lied on resume and said I would do BI reporting, picking reports, consumption reports for customers, etc. and was able to get my first job as a BI developer. 5 years later senior data engineer making a great salary working from home. Learn database, don’t learn to code until later.

>> No.50232663

i make $95k a year and i'm looking to job hop to something that pays closer to $120k/year. you are unironically right and anyone who says otherwise is a seething sisyphean wagecuck.

>> No.50232670

Since the Earth Is Flat
So is your money
Invest in Crypto
Invest in FlatEarth Coin
Just Launched 1k MC!

>> No.50232716

trust me, anon. Careers are a meme. This is lower end bear market. Accumulate.

>> No.50232757
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>> No.50233334

22 an hour is 42k a year

>> No.50233384

>making four dollars less than that doing AP for a massive industrial company
Sometimes I question things...
Then again, I work from home.

>> No.50233392

Fuck jannies

>> No.50233544

Can you kill yourself?

>> No.50233792

Good luck, it's either nepotism your way in or go into a fuck ton of debt with student loans. A wagie job with smart investing and saving habits is better than a career.

>> No.50234091

what the fuck? thats a lot. a lot of people in the US are crying about $12/hr. your job is no harder than theirs. what the fuck?

>> No.50234276

Fact of the matter is that only like five cities across the entire country have viable public transit as a substitute for owning a car: NYC, Boston, DC, Chicago, SF maybe. The rest are too sprawled out or have cancerous local gov preventing any progress in that aspect

>captcha: DXYY

>> No.50234436

I work 9 hours a day so was going by that.

>> No.50234717

>dont live in a city if you cant afford it

In general yes but:
>WFH craze means cheap real estate is nonexistent. A San Francisco tech worker can work in rural Montana if there's internet.
>Few quality jobs outside of cities
>Commuting far sucks, gas is $5/gallon.

>> No.50234745

How in the fuck is a STOCKER making 45k a year? That's fucked. You should be making 25k max. Appreciate your position more and stop whining.

>> No.50234766

Please tell me more

>> No.50234857
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>tfw in unemployed/looking for a job hell

>> No.50234862

This, I was making fucking $8 an hour in 2014 working at target through college. Things have inflated in price obviously but OP is still way better off than I was

>> No.50235324

Aviations a pretty sweet gig if you got a clean record.

>> No.50236904

>no one is uniquely good at anything
that's why you find a niche moron, you're not stuck with the same sets of skills for the rest of your life.