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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 1552x873, studentloan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50218807 No.50218807 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you've been making payments on your student loan....they start after July

>> No.50218859

No thanks. Either forgive my loans before midterms or I vote republican.

>> No.50218874

That's what they said earlier this year, and then before, that, and then before that. It'll just get extended again.

>> No.50219137

They aren't forgiving anything. This will trigger the recession

>> No.50219353

anyone who has paid a single dollar on student loans since apr 2020 is functionally retarded

>> No.50219378

I'm voting Democrat next election if they cancel my student loans.

>> No.50219984

first of all student loans were already "forgiven"
second of all "forgiveness" on your student loan involves you making consistent minimum payments every month for 10 years. the government then has to select your type of student loan to be "forgiven". oh and one more thing, you NEED TO BE A FUCKING FEDERAL EMPLOYEE TO EVEN QUALIFY TO HAVE YOUR LOAN FORGIVEN.

only after you have met all three of these requisites will the government "forgive" your loan. No, nobody can hit the delete button on your loan. Student loan forgiveness has never worked like that, and will never work like that. If you think that's what "forgiveness" on your student loan is, you are clinically retarded.

>> No.50220025

these mongs really thought they could just be bums and the government would bail them out

>> No.50220190

there has only ever been one instance where a loan was completely cancelled/forgiven . for example, the SBA gave out a lot of loans during the covid pandemic for small and medium businesses. they handed these out with 0% interest too. and then these debts were actually cancelled. but again these were specifically for businesses only, not individuals. and they only decided to cancel these loan debts 2 and a half years after the fact.

student loans are a completely separate type of loan. they have their own rules and forgiveness is different too. student loans will NEVER be completely wiped/cancelled. the forgiveness process involves all those things i mentioned in my last post. the government/lenders will literally garnish your wages and reposes your belongings if you don't pay student loans. there is 0 ways around it. bail outs do happen but for businesses and banks only. on top of that requirement something catastrophic has to happen like covid or a massive hurricane etc

>> No.50220564

You know what I meant you fucking retard.

You can either forgive the loan or realize that no one will pay it back so long as ending deferment will immediately lead to a recession, then QE, then more inflation, then the loans are worthless and effectively paid for via shit tier economic policy by devaluing the loan.

tl;dr you'll never get a fucking penny.

>> No.50220570

>student loans are a completely separate type of loan. they have their own rules and forgiveness is different too

its the same in the UK, student loans dont get written off like other delinquent loans

>> No.50220761

No, im just not gonna lmao.

>> No.50220792

What kind of retard makes payments on a loan during 15% inflation?

>> No.50220813

luckily I finished school with no debt.

>> No.50220882

>just not gonna pay LMAO
not an option for student loands. you will get wages garnished or belongings repossessed. or you will pay. these are your only options. i suppose you can flee the country or KYS. i recommend the latter DESU

>> No.50220902

Biden will forgib

>> No.50221087
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1639421420588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe is going to extend the memorandum. No way the Democrats are going to poke the student loan hornets nest. Not before the midterms.

>> No.50221428

No. But I have used the time to save up enough money to pay off the balance I had remaining when the freeze happened about $17k. I will probably continue to pay my monthly payments. My APR on the balance is about 3-4%. With the economy on the brink of collapse I would rather have the savings than no debt, especially when the government has been willing to pause them if the economy collapses. If we really do enter a recession they will be paused again, because if they don't many going first time homebuyers will not only be defaulting on their student loans, they will also be foreclosed on due to being underwater on their new $300k 900sq foot home. That leads to riots.

>> No.50221447

Ok well if I never work and don't have any belongings then what are those jews going to do? Lmao

>> No.50221464

the loancuck tears will be so sweet

>> No.50221597

Pay denbts.

>> No.50221640

I doubt it. The left can literally coast through this election on Roe v Wade and Gun posturing.

>> No.50222047

The fuck are you talking about boomer? You resume paying your kids' loans on September.

>> No.50222197
File: 96 KB, 960x928, makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50222245


>lE eViL riCH pEoPlE

meanwhile in reality, college grads themselves are rich and yet still try to get the retarded slave class to bail them out

>> No.50222316
File: 12 KB, 431x363, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i freelance from asian countries and i'm paid in cryptocurrency. i haven't filed a tax return in over 5 years. pic related is quite literally not my problem.

>> No.50222361

>retarded slave class
you mean the retarded slave class that pays literally $0 in federal income tax?

>> No.50222381


>> No.50222430

Maybe if you had studied something useful instead of gender studies you would have already paid off the loan, idiot.

>> No.50223802

I don't have student loans lol
I never went to college
All of my friends "make more money" than me, verifiably, but I'm still the wealthiest out of them.

>> No.50223970

Is interest being suspended as well?

>> No.50224044

>paying back student loans

>> No.50224320

why wouldn't you want to pay off your debts while inflation is high? they're cheaper during high inflation, one of the reasons i began taking loans in 2020 was due to the fact that a $10k loan would be diluted via inflation by 2022.

>> No.50224426

>borrow money
>pay it back including interest outlined in the contract you signed

This confuses and enrages the Millennial

>> No.50224449

Would you settle for an empty promise to forgive your loans?

>> No.50224496
File: 1.09 MB, 498x498, cheers-wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never went to school, and I never will

>> No.50224519

Most Americans more upset about inflation and the economy at large. Republican ads against the Biden admin and dems literally write themselves

>> No.50224594

well eventually they'll catch up unless they're consuuuuumers, the point of the degree is that it's an investment.

>> No.50225619
File: 155 KB, 800x662, DAA694E2-D2B6-4607-A1D5-842B95CABA5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the perfect solution to the student loan crisis. All those losers with student loans should pay them back. Sometimes you have to face the consequences of your bad decisions.