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File: 215 KB, 1170x692, 1657204875798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50214095 No.50214095 [Reply] [Original]

here we go

>> No.50214140

explain me this screenshot like i was a low IQ eastern european (which I am)

>> No.50214157

house prices were crashing
so this is their desperate attempt to prop it up

>> No.50214174

Less loans people are using to buy housing.

Means nothing because blackrock will just buy it all up

>> No.50214186
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Real estate in general deserves a big fat rugpull.

>> No.50214194

This. Housing will never crash again. *they* will own everything

>> No.50214199

this is a good thing though

>> No.50214213

Blackrock doesn't have the liquidity to buy all the houses.

>> No.50214220
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markets finna be not bussin

>> No.50214223

blackrock is not in the business of buying overpriced houses

>> No.50214236

No demand for housing, they have to lower the rates because no one is buying.

>> No.50214274

Blackrock has endless liquidity

Never ever

>> No.50214303

the big funds know to not do that. The country is really angry right now and housing is a bipartisan issue that could lead to lawmakers being forced to act.

This. The value of a home completely decoupled from its price because people started to price in it's value as an investment and source of income instead.

>> No.50214354
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I can feel my zestimate expanding

>> No.50214379

You seem to think this is bad and not a good thing. Typical nohomer cope lmao

>> No.50214405

Mortgage rates are dropping because benchmark government yields are dropping. This is bullish for housing because it makes things somewhat more affordable.

Poor people, the ignorant, and no-homers will try to construe this as a bad thing. They’re wrong, like always

>> No.50214410
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The same mortgage rates that were sub-3% less than a year ago?

>> No.50214420

Banks lowering the rate because loan applications are going down at a rapid pace and they need to stay competitive and can’t skim as much off the top as they have until this point. Simple as

>> No.50214425

>he thinks houses are overpriced because he can’t afford one

Poorfag COPE lmao

>> No.50214433
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The stupid jannies ban me immediately for Zestimate™ posting now

>> No.50214443

they will rug you. Imagine thinking blackrock monopolizing homes is to your benefit

>> No.50214465

it's over

>> No.50214468

It benefits people who already have homes to the enormous detriment of those who don't

>> No.50214488
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That's because you're a parpaing bitch. I'm the real Zesty Stacy

>> No.50214487


You stupid fucking NIGGERS it’s not BLACKROCK buying homes it’s BLACKSTONE you ignorant fucking faggots get your facts straight if you’re going to spew this garbage jfc it triggers me so much

Where did you retards get this common misconception that black rock is buying homes?

>> No.50214493

A lot of people who bought a house in the last 5 years will be homeless

>> No.50214497

>Blackrock has endless liquidity
>Muh too big to fail
You are in for a surprise, lmao

>> No.50214532

Yes I’m sure all those people who locked in record low 30 year fixed rate mortgages at far lower home prices vs today will totally end up homeless, you stupid nohomer coping faggot

>> No.50214583

>Yes I’m sure all those people who locked in record low 30 year fixed r-ACK!

>> No.50214670

If you ask nicely you can rent one of those Blackstone homes

>> No.50214754

This. They’re trying to provide an exit pump for big investors to back out.

>> No.50214772


Hot off the press

Keep coping, no-homers

>> No.50214798

Why would big investors back out of for-rental housing when they’re getting 5-6% unlevered yields on homes? That’s better than most real estate asset classes

>> No.50214823
File: 290 KB, 1242x605, 8145A25C-5A11-475C-AA0A-6ACE3317EBF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys and you're missing the point. Pic rel

>> No.50214863

again, when someone owns a shit ton of supply, they can rug the shitcoin, I-I mean real estate
Making real estate into a speculative asset was a mistake. Fuck jewish kikes

>> No.50214868

Lmao are you retarded? That article says the low supply is a meme and house prices have shot up solely because of artificial demand created by the fed. They are literally warning you they are about to crash the housing market with no survivors.

>> No.50214870

Good, you stupid amerigolem. Your market exists for capital to flock to. You will own fucking nothing. We need to pump those numbers up until institutions buy 100% of homes

>> No.50214899

Commit suicide, jewish scum. Then burn in hell

>> No.50214917

You are expecting a shitskin to be able to read. The guy is retarded

>> No.50214940

>i'm willing to pay twice what a house is actually worth just because i can
>t. retard

>> No.50214949

Don't worry, retard. When the housing market tanks, I'll buy cheapies from you

>> No.50214954

Kill yourself you low IQ nigger, go read a book or two before you spout off your hot takes that no one wants to hear

>artificial demand

Cope harder faggot. Mortgage rates peaked at 6% and we still didn’t see any pressure on housing. The big bear narrative is that rising starts will lead to an inventory glut, which is clearly not as big of a headwind according to the paper. Demand will remain robust the second mortgage rates inch lower and median home prices will CONTINUE to rise.

Feel free to keep posting daily cope threads on biz though, they’ve been working so well for no-homers these last two years lmao.

>> No.50214985

/biz/ is still full of schizos that have come over from /pol/ during the insane bullrun of the last 1-2 years and have brought with him the mindset that "they" are behind everything that happens in the world. But of course in true /pol/tard fashion they're too lazy to form a coherent idea of who "they" actually are.

>> No.50214990

>low IQ nigger
says the down syndrome bitch that thinks institutions won't rug you LMFAO what a coping faggot.

>> No.50214998

Rent is due on the first btw. Make it payable to Blackstone LLC, thanks.

Nohomer cope

>I am the arbiter of what a home is worth because......I JUST AM, OKAY?

Cope. Just because you can’t afford it doesn’t mean the home is overpriced. It means you’re poor.

>> No.50215011

Weird how house prices went up 20% that year

>> No.50215026

>crashes won't happen.. because they just won't, okay??
You stupid fucks are in for a rude awakening :)
Be sure to stream your suicide. At least then your life could have value in the sense that it could provide entertainment

>> No.50215037

>rates up
>75 bps hike coming this month
>inflation going to take until the end of the year to actually decline an actual amount (in theory)
Is this just an attempt to find exit liquidity?

>> No.50215058

>refinanced when rates dropped to a piss-low %1.58 with VA magic
>haven't cared since then
>occasionally calculate truth-in-lendings for %5+
>over double the price of the house for 30 years

>> No.50215082

So rates went up and less people are willing to take out a mortgage? Was it not obvious that this would happen? Why is there even a debate over this? Seems like common sense.

>> No.50215114

Please explain how and why institutions will “rug” the housing market and destroy their own investments, please.


t. increasingly nervous rentoid

>> No.50215140

If you think this is their last ditch exit pump, you’re retarded.
They still have 40-50-100 year mortgages up their sleeves.
t. Literally work in the industry.

>> No.50215148

Great news! I'm in the market for a 4th house and I've been waiting for a dip.

>> No.50215182

Nice, I can buy a house that my children will be paying off.

>> No.50215195

5.3% of what?

is he saying only 5.3% of purchases are using a mortgage? jeez

>> No.50215230

>according to the paper
My fucking sides that's not what it says you illiterate nigger! Inventory is skyrocketing what planet are you even on?

>> No.50215246

>destroy their own investments
They'll buy up cheapies, dumbass. They'll cause the markets to bleed and people will panic sell. Same whale games that are played in any market. You're an idiot too because let's ignore them for a second. Guess what? 1. People are overleveraged 2. Recession is basically here 3. wages don't keep up woth inflation 4. Job layoffs are probable in a recession
All that is a recipe to massive foreclosures nationwide.
>any day!
This but unironically. Obviously it won't be overnight, retard

>> No.50215280

Also ignoring job layoffs, people's buying power are diminishing so even without them, people will not be able to afford making the interest payments

>> No.50215282

Remember Japan literally invented QE and are at end stages of it.
They already have 100 year mortgages.

>> No.50215295

No one is debating anything. It's obvious that higher rates mean fewer buyers. Banks are going to charge the highest rates they can, they just need to find the sweet spot, so they're gradually decreasing rates after there was a huge, sudden jump.

>> No.50215329

You can cope all you want but it won’t bring home prices down, sorry

You’re a fucking 80iq nigger who doesn’t know the first thing about anything when it comes to finance or macroeconomics: just keep your mouth shut and read a book before you say stupid shit online, please. It’s embarrassing. Touch grass.

>> No.50215347

>You’re a fucking 80iq nigger who doesn’t know the first thing about anything when it comes to finance or macroeconomics: just keep your mouth shut and read a book before you say stupid shit online, please. It’s embarrassing. Touch grass.
LMFAO this is just you reeeing. Get fucked

>> No.50215349

You're joking right?

>> No.50215408

So they can buy more at the bottom?

>> No.50215496

Oh well at least I’ll have 10,000 worthless link cubes qq

>> No.50215497

You're a poojeet trying to act like a burger

>> No.50215537

Oh ok you're just trolling rentoids nevermind good chap do carry on.

>> No.50215553

That’s rich coming from a rentoid lmao. Have fun owning nothing and waiting for le epic housing collapse that never comes.

Houses are plenty cheap now, hence the demand. The only people who don’t think US housing is dirt cheap are total poorfags

And you’re a rentoid lmao

>> No.50215565

what is 5.3% then?

>> No.50215587

I’m trolling them with facts, yes

>> No.50215594
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>> No.50215598

>More reeing instead of making a real argument

>> No.50215615

>Houses are plenty cheap now, hence the demand
Okay, you're trolling. You had me going for a second

>> No.50215653

None of the coping no-homers ITT have made any “real arguments” other than “home prices are too high for ME therefore they’re too high in general and will crash because reasons”

Which of course, they won’t.

>> No.50215668

No rate hike in July

>> No.50215696

Play Action Role Play?
Based Stacy.

>> No.50215704

its the interest rate on your mortgage loan.

>house prices are cheap
fuck that moron

anyways lads, i should have about 150k cash, what do you think the move is?
wait another year to see how prices are dropping?

>> No.50215706

US median home price is like 425k against a median HHI of 67.5k. That’s a home price to income ratio of like 6.3

In Canada the average HHI is about the same but homes are literally twice as expensive. And yet civilization hasn’t collapsed there. Houses are dirt fucking cheap in the US and that’s why so many large institutional investors are gobbling them up. You can MAYBE begin to make an argument they’re fairly priced when the rental yield falls below 4%. It’s currently mid-5’s

>> No.50215757
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Lmfao you're gonna be in for a surprise real soon. I'd pay my left nut to see your reaction when it all comes crumbling down.
Anyone who has bought a home in the last 2-3 years, bought at the top.

>> No.50215766

Housing prices are dirt fucking cheap in the US and I love that this statement of fact triggers the no homers on here. Go travel outside your little bubble and see how costly home ownership is globally.

>> No.50215773

>it's not overpriced because... it just isn't ok

>> No.50215783

Ima copy and paste something from my notes for you.

When baby boomers had a median age of 35, they owned 21% of all the nation's wealth. Millennials of the same median age? 3%. They literally had 7x of the wealth compared to millennials (with less effort too i.e. not needing a degree for middle class jobs). Population of both generations are about the same so even though it's not a per capita stat, it's the next best thing.

Also median wages in 2000 were 20,957.18. In 2020 (last time this was updated)? 34,612.04.

Wage Increase of 65%. Did inflation all around only go up by 65%? No, you fucking retard. Yet you are you saying that times are better now. My point? Macro downtrend in buying power. You're an idiot.

>> No.50215789

Imagine consuming surface level media aimed at creating exactly this type of emotional response in coping no-homers and thinking it has any value.

>> No.50215817

>Housing prices are dirt fucking cheap in the US and I love that this statement of fact triggers the no homers on here.
Saying stupid gibberish with confidence doesn't make it true, lmao. Educate yourself: >>50215783

>> No.50215851

Interesting but does not take into account increasing costs due to inflation, government taxes, and energy supply asymmetries. I am more than fine with institutional investors taking 20% of housing so that they can hold on to the demographic time bag. Don't you know Canada already collapsed and Traidor is in a bunker in Anal Schwab's basement.

>> No.50215853

... im seriously asking

>> No.50215865
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Absolutely devilish b8 to get normies on the hook.

>> No.50215872

It’s not overpriced because you can rent them out at a very attractive yield relative to your cost basis at today’s price, you uneducated fucking mongoloid

>he’s got cope notes

Maybe if you spent that time and effort working towards a down payment on a house you wouldn’t need to get so aggressive on the internwt about how home prices NEED TO and WILL collapse. Nothing in your gay little paragraph there has anything to do with US housing remaining cheap as fuck.
Sounds like millennials and gen Z need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop eating so much fucking avocado toast

>> No.50215874

ok but i thought interest rates were going up each month? how are mortgage rates dropping so much? doesnt make sense

>> No.50215879

and housing prices 4x'd in the last 30 years, as if thats normal market condition.

non boomers dont have money to buy a house man.
and money only multiplies for the rich.
and you got banks and real estate companies as your direct competition.
Maybe if i go to central america it will be affordable.

>> No.50215886

>nothing but low IQ snipes and jabs
yeah, the top is definitely in
this is exactly what 60k btc looked like

>> No.50215908

I live in Canada and own a home here. If makes me very happy to see Americans whining about high home prices that most Canadians would kill for. If you have a triple digit IQ you should easily be able to make six figures in this environment. If not, you’ll just be a lifelong rentoid working to pay the yield on my assets.

>> No.50215911
File: 175 KB, 592x391, WereFucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sure, keep on denying the inevitable collapse.
I'm rooting for yah.

>> No.50215913
File: 3.77 MB, 560x420, this fucking guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Houses are plenty cheap now, hence the demand
Fuck all this nonsense
Fuck the institutional investor BS
Fuck conspiracy theories
Here are the basics you fucking niggers.

Housing market is debt-fueled.
Growth has been supplemented by cheap money.
Cheap money has been available since 2009 as a "great recession" reform measure, when the Fed pushed interest rates into the toilet.
Nobody ever took their foot off of the gas.
Now we're here and we pumped over 9000 dollarinos into circulation BUY and avoid a pandemic-related secondary market crash.
The Fed doesn't have that IR tool to work with anymore.

This means the Fed is up shit creek on housing.
Don't increase IR? Money stays cheap and you eat massive inflation as lending spirals out of control, wages don't keep up, and people that leveraged into their dream house end up with a cash-flow problem and have to dump it.
Do increase IR? Housing demand contracts, prices fall, and people that leveraged into their dream home at the top -- or have been forced to cash in equity to survive a pandemic -- get skullfucked with negative equity.

Unless something revolutionary happens, or there's another MASSIVE bailout, it's a matter of when, not if.

Trying to time it is fucking mental though. There's no way to predict when the ass end of this thing is going to fall out with an inventory hike combined with a demand shortage, or whether it will just crab down over the course of years as people are slowly consumed by inflation.

>> No.50215930

mortgage rates = interest rates on your mortgage.
They are not talking about a rate in which mortgages are being taken out.

in past few years we've seen it drop to 2% and fly back up to almost 6% and now a drop back down to 5.3%

>> No.50215942

4x over 30 years is less than 5% annualized you retard. Are you asserting that this is a huge rate of appreciation?

Cope, seethe, rent

>> No.50215944

>cope notes
They are called stats, faggot. I wrote then down because you senile boomer retards have shit memory and I got tired of repeating this common sense shit
>Maybe if you spent that time and effort working towards a down payment on a house you wouldn’t need to get so aggressive on the internwt about how home prices NEED TO and WILL collapse.
Nigger. I'd never make a down payment for an overpriced piece of shit is the point. I actually did have enough cash last year to buy a FULL home in cash. Downpayment isn't an issue. I simply refuse to buy at the top of the bubble.

>> No.50215946

>record low
What will it take to get through your thic skull, easy money these past 10 years have permanently fucked our living standards into a normal functioning society, all with the power of politics. Can you imagine if the same political arm decided to intentionally crash it down like the great depression?? Remember that year? Banks were all in on it to get the dollar out of the gold standard, were about to see the mega ballon pop with realstate, a HUGE part of our gdp/mind you were two quarters into the negative as of now by the st.louis fed

>> No.50215967

Oh no the house I paid cash for will disappear fugg

>> No.50215979

That's why you are in Canada because you didn't whine hard enough(still British bitch). Also I don't pay rent, and can buy a house or two dosh. I waited this long as retard, I can wait longer.

>> No.50215980

>I actually did have enough cash last year to buy a FULL home in cash

And you didn’t? Holy shit you’re even stupider than I thought. Doubly so for not locking in a generationally low 30 year fixed rate mortgage with no refinancing risk

Imagine not taking low cost long term fixed rate debt if you’re going into a higher inflationary environment. You’re such a stupid nigger it’s amazing.

>> No.50215991

>Do increase IR? Housing demand contracts, prices fall, and people that leveraged into their dream home at the top -- or have been forced to cash in equity to survive a pandemic -- get skullfucked with negative equity.
that's their choice
skullfucked on negative equity = removal of "wealth effect", and jacked up IR means no one is buying and prices fall
since housing/rent is a large part of CPI, and it's a lagging value, they need to crush housing prices NOW to prevent that from showing up in the official numbers
a few wagies eat shit, so the fed can keep their jobs? it's a no brainer

>> No.50216001

Big enough to be bailed out.

>> No.50216016

I’m in Canada because my life and family are here and I’d rather not get shot going to the store or church or work or out at a parade

>> No.50216036

On marketwatch
>"Fed's Waller supports 75 point raise in July, 50 points in September"
They didn't say anything about August.

>> No.50216041

I've been here since moot created this board in 2013. Gtfo newfag.

>> No.50216059

Castrati makes whining noises
> I'm safe here

>> No.50216062

>And you didn’t? Holy shit you’re even stupider than I thought.
Learn to read, nigger. I'm not buying at the top of the bubble.

>> No.50216069

tbqh yes. The only thing that should appreciate are productive sectors. Housing should slowly fall as more and better are produced. Thing always rise over time because we have built in inflation.

>> No.50216077


Mine is 2.75%. So I'm pretty much stuck in this house although my LTV is almost down to 50%.

>4 years until student loans are paid off.
>13 years until both kids are finished with college.
>14 years until house is paid off.
>15 years until (hopefully) in good position to retire.

wew lads

>> No.50216082

there isnt one in august coz its every 6 weeks

>> No.50216086

Should doesn't matter in a market

>> No.50216138

Imagine a bank bailout in this political climate.

>> No.50216160

Shouldn't that put the one after July's on the 25th of August?

>> No.50216167

good luck renting them out as more and more people lose their jobs
you just don't understand and you're going to get rekt if you are using leverage
good luck

>> No.50216211

Why are you using Canada, one of the least affordable countries for housing on Earth (apart from New Zealand and some meme countries like Monaco) as a metric for this? Canada is fucked, 7% of their entire GDP is housing fees and taxes lmao

>> No.50216268

Because if Canadian society can make due with housing as crazy as it is here then Americans have absolutely nothing to complain about given your homes are much cheaper and your salaries are comparable if not higher.

Your housing is dirt cheap dude, simple as. We’re seeing the housing correction as we speak, it’s just correcting UP

>> No.50216307




>> No.50216352

Whoa 5.8 to 5.3. Truly a massive drop.

>> No.50216528

it is a massive drop
learn how % on large numbers works, sweetie

>> No.50216915

>Make due
Ok maybe not a troll but an actual retard

>> No.50216935

If you actually read the Slate article you’ll find they make the exact same mistake, they say black rock and then later mention blackSTONE and INVH

Also imagine using Slate as a form of news holy shit kill yourself

>> No.50216946

100% agree. A few relatively affluent millennials with WFH jobs FOMOd hard into real estate the last few years and they'll get fucked. Some boomers that got lots of PPP money also decided to spend that PPP money by buying investment properties. They too will get fucked.

The alternative is the landless class increasingly turning to socialism, which would put the Fed and their overlords out of business. A few FOMO speculators will get fucked so that the whole charade can continue onward without the pitchforks coming out.

None of the people that will get fucked by a housing collapse matter to the FED. Literally only FOMO millenials and PPP boomers (who bought the houses with their ill-gotten gains).

>> No.50216959

you're literally retarded

>> No.50216974

Correcting grammar is a reddit trait for those with no actual argument or rebuttal.

>> No.50217037
File: 294 KB, 1242x2110, 7F6A83DA-5381-4BC5-BF9F-FA37AA6CD0B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a very long way to go to seeing prices falling. If the available homes doubles we just return to normal price appreciation.

>> No.50217040

>The U.S. Federal Reserve has hired asset management giant BlackRock to help it execute the purchase of commercial mortgage-backed securities
>Earlier on Tuesday, the Fed also told large banks it still expected them to submit the capital plans for the central bank’s annual stress tests by the original April 6 deadline,
>In said those plans will be used to “monitor how firms are managing their capital in the current environment.”
>At the same time, the Fed said it will give banks more time to address non-critical examiner issues and will temporarily reduce examination activities at banks.
>Instead, the Fed is currently focused on bank outreach to make sure firms can manage the challenge and risks brought on by the pandemic.
lol, it's so over it's not even funny. Just buy them BEFORE they go bad, nothing to see here.
My question is... why is the street not reacting? Or has it already and it's just hard for a retail pleb to figure out?

>> No.50217063

if you were responsible and got a good fixed rate on a mortgage with money saved up and/or a secure job, you'll be fine most likely
but people here are acting like everyone is sooo financially responsible
lol, don't think so
leverage fags will get rekt, and they will take your home equity down with them, like it or not

>> No.50217084

I already made all the arguments I need to friend continue to cope and seethe about reddit because I mocked your brother in retardation.

>> No.50217111
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Why is the fucking economy pricing in rate cuts? I don't see any sign that inflation is going down (maybe stagnating a bit) this just smells like insanely misplaced optimism. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.50217128

US housing isn't even that cheap, look at top HDI countries and US is near the top. Just because Canada is hilariously overvalued doesn't make it a "standard"

>> No.50217208

Good, you should kill yourself.

>> No.50217254

>Mortgage rates peaked at 6% and we still didn’t see any pressure on housing.
Are you retarded? Price cuts and listings increased dramatically in June.

>> No.50217259

i think the solution is to pull medicaid and let all the old people fucking die. how long do people need to live? i do not want to see a day past 40

>> No.50217294

these hoomers just live in a fantasy world
ignorance is bliss

>> No.50217361

>Mortgage rates fall to 5%!
>Mortgage rates PLUMMET to a record low* of 7%
>Biden's tweet saves America by slashing mortgage rates to 11%!

>> No.50217363
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Pic reated

>> No.50217376

The real solution is to make laws
-No one is allowed to own more than 5 houses.
-No real estate company is allowed to own X number of houses at a time.
-No bank is allowed to own x number of houses at a time.

All done

>> No.50217413

>Banks lowering the rate
People are buying treasuries because of fear, this pushes yields down which correlates to mortgage rates. Why are so many people on /biz/ so fucking clueless? Half the people in this thread are brain dead.

>> No.50217418

"endless" liquidity is not an invitation to buy into a drawdown instead of waiting, whatever theory you have about these asset management companies they are still professional investors that would prefer to buy at lower prices when the risk/reward is more in their favor

>> No.50217432

ya. the reality is MOST people did not buy their homes in the last two years. A return to 2019 home prices might be disappointing to most homeowners, but it won't materially change their lives. Folks who bought since 2021 are fucked though. Markets always revert to the mean.

>> No.50217496


>-No real estate company is allowed to own X number of houses at a time.
>-No bank is allowed to own x number of houses at a time.
I strongly feel these will be presidential candidate talking points in the 2028 elections MAYBE a hint of it in 2024.

>> No.50217516
File: 834 KB, 723x1106, too many houses 30 june 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the available homes doubles we just return to normal price appreciation.
Pic related

>> No.50217529

this also
if you actually want to maximize the amount of people with stable enough housing as to actually afford to meaningfully contribute to the growth of wealthy in a city or society as a whole.. amazing this gets you called a communist or something

>> No.50217554

this, as soon as people start to see prices dropping. potential buyers will hold off buying, hoping to get a better deal. this has a knock on effect and causes prices to drop even faster.

>> No.50217606 [DELETED] 

This is actually a pretty good idea.
But then people would complain about, "muh freedom" and "muh free market".

>> No.50217635 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 400x226, E2920A94-6CF5-4483-9B9E-ED41E39D1B9D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually read the article they say this a problem that is at least five years off.

>> No.50217663 [DELETED] 

I think thats really only uber wealthy people saying that, im conservative family owns a bunch of properties but we're just playing the game, could easily be divvied out to siblings and I and avoid the cant own X type shit but it would stop speculators and much larger companies from buying subdivisions to then piece meal out to the market on fake evaluation and demand

>> No.50217681 [DELETED] 
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Nothing ever happens.

>> No.50217689 [DELETED] 

Still not enough houses where it matters.

>> No.50217709 [DELETED] 

Price is a function of supply and demand. In a recession people don't have money to buy houses, and people who own houses default or are forced to sell to cover costs. It's not normal supply from flippers who scam buy and sell inventory in waves to dramatically increase comps. If inventory spikes to 2018 levels under these conditions, prices will fall substantially.

>> No.50217750 [DELETED] 

the realestate lobby is one of the most powerful in the country (USA). good luck.

>> No.50217784 [DELETED] 
File: 781 KB, 1170x1908, ECFF9FEB-0FCC-43FE-914D-49E186596DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to Micheal (Cassandra) Burry in 2006.
5 years can easily turn into 2 years, given the right circumstances and financial/political environment.

>> No.50217798 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1024x576, 6BDE6A26-5BB0-4B87-B61F-44C428B696A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Member all those infomercials about how you can become a real estate maven with no money, just making deals where you leave the closing with more money in your pocket?

>> No.50217818 [DELETED] 

You millennials think all recessions are like 2008 when they aren't people still buy homes and have jobs in a slow down and then it corrects. This is a normal event in a functioning economy. Plus rental prices are too high to force people to sell homes at a loss.

>> No.50217823 [DELETED] 

why doesn't anyone just start doxxing real estate firm employees? or just start shooting out their buildings?

>> No.50217827 [DELETED] 

>If inventory spikes to 2018 levels under these conditions, prices will fall substantially.
This is the issue, not going to happen.

Especially with all these immigrants flooding into the US. Where do you think they are going to live?

The noOwnHome copers did this to themselves. I feel sorry for those of you who were too young to buy a few years ago, but you faggots who waited to 'buy the dip' and talked all that shit how the RE market was going to 'go through 08 again' in 2018 got what you deserved.

>> No.50217838 [DELETED] 

2006 =/= 2022

>> No.50217929 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1217x1978, 826285BF-F308-4A3F-BFA6-5D669D1A67A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2006 =/= 2022
See pic

>> No.50217932 [DELETED] 
File: 864 KB, 1170x1511, 4D65370E-E64B-460E-A9F2-E682F58678DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely correct. What we're dealing with now will put 2008's crash to shame.
And it's not just houses either.
See pic related.
But even after seeing all the signs, you're still bullish for the market, aren't you?

>> No.50217933 [DELETED] 

>Plus rental prices are too high to force people to sell homes at a loss.
The only people that would sell at a loss are those that bought since 2021. Nobody thinks we're going to collapse to 2012 prices -- we're going to collapse to 2019 prices. Gains from the last two years are vapor and real estate will revert to the mean. Those millennials and PPP boomers that FOMOd in the last two years will get fucked. Everyone else will still have equity, just less of it at 2019 prices.

>> No.50217997 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 646x700, D80DC0D7-B1CF-439B-B0F3-91EE6333DD7D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delusional rentoids are delusional
You can't talk sense to some people. Get ready for pod living rentslave.

>> No.50218004 [DELETED] 

Oh I member.
Funny you mention this too, because 3 of my homies all got real-estate licenses within the last year lmfao.
As I keep saying, all the signs are there.

>> No.50218052 [DELETED] 

timing is very hard because it's a political choice.
ultimately they can't choose to stoke inflation, and current prices require near ZIRP, so prices will fall.
The question remains: how much resolve does the Fed have?

>> No.50218078 [DELETED] 

Canadians are retarded on housing.
They have just lost all reference points.

>> No.50218100 [DELETED] 

Enjoy holding the bag for a few years.

>> No.50218149 [DELETED] 

Cope, rentcuck.

>> No.50218176 [DELETED] 
File: 302 KB, 750x727, 7CB48E8B-7A4B-4596-9942-F63BE0896E63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only people in denial are folks like you buying at the fucking TOP.
I'm telling you, when it happens don't act surprised.
You've had PLENTY of signs, handed to you on a golden platter.

>> No.50218194 [DELETED] 

>Cope, rentcuck.
Seethe, bagholder.

>> No.50218208 [DELETED] 

Keep hoping. Blackrock will make sure you always live in a pod.

>> No.50218214 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 2688x4032, 1656911902978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is tasty i can't wait to see IRL pink field wojacking

>> No.50218219 [DELETED] 

His name is Jesus, don't blaspheme

>> No.50218258 [DELETED] 

Blackrock stonk's been dropping like a rock. If I had more balls I would have shorted month's back. I wanna see how rigged this game is, if they keep buying on negative growth, Russian assets seized, and liquidity drying or a US bail out(if the US can even support it). This will be interesting.

>> No.50218399 [DELETED] 

They're gonna have some false flag pandemic on steroids and blame it for the collapse.

>> No.50218415 [DELETED] 


Dude Socialism relies even more on the central banking - the poor retards who vote for more socialism are too stupid to know that QE always increased asset prices and rich people have assets, further increasing their wealth at the expense of the poor retards who pay via inflation and less opportunity.

>> No.50218495 [DELETED] 

LOL now that's a good one.
Again, all the signs are there, but YOU choose to ignore them.
When they start yelling, "TIMBERRR!!!" don't blame anyone but yourself for your losses.

Same here bud. It's not that I enjoy watching others suffer financially either, as I too know their pain.
But when it comes to shit like this, where all the answers are right in front of people, and they still don't see it?
That's when I start to enjoy the shit show.

>> No.50218573 [DELETED] 

they cannot fathom a Fed that doesn't pivot. I'm not convinced that they won't pivot even with inflation being what it is myself, despite wanting to see it all crumble so overleveraged landlords get raped all the way to homelessness

>> No.50218644 [DELETED] 

>But when it comes to shit like this, where all the answers are right in front of people, and they still don't see it?
>That's when I start to enjoy the shit show.
yup same fren it's REALLY funny. dumb fucks all of them, and even worse when you're in the field that they want to influence without any actual knowledge through lobbyist tier acts of "bureaucracy" . very big gay fuck them this is funny, and they deserve it, and those stupid fucks who thought they could just walk into real-state and walk out with big fuck you bags will be fucked, and it will be great. same goes to every fucking moron who endorsed us to get rid of our pipe deals,oil drilling, and fracking methods. HA fuck you all dumb fuck goys.

>> No.50218784 [DELETED] 

>Keep hoping. Blackrock will make sure you always live in a pod.
the people who say this kind of shit are coping harder than just about everyone else on the planet. they really think punitive taxation for both large and small landlords wouldn't happen if blackrock bought every house in the country. what a laugh

>> No.50218884 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 499x499, 1649953139018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rates are already back up to 5.74%

>> No.50219143 [DELETED] 
File: 517 KB, 1067x727, Screenshot_20220421-092628_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I can't wait for Putin to nuke North America. These fools have been taking out loans and spending MILLIONS of dollars on homes, once the nukes drop I'll get FREE real estate in the bay area for the low cost of braining what's left of the former owner! Rentoids and mortgage cucks will be seething (in nuclear fire).

>> No.50219177 [DELETED] 

Property tax rate for the 3rd single family house (and every one after that) needs to be like 50%

>> No.50219369 [DELETED] 

I thought it was BLACKMINERAL.

>> No.50219417 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ MARIE

>> No.50219430 [DELETED] 

dentists living 6 to a room!
lawyers living under bridges!
Carl who worked at Subway and bought in 2015 is now one of the richest men on the planet!

>> No.50219432 [DELETED] 

what about the radiation?

>> No.50219494 [DELETED] 

You expect a bargain that isn’t a fixer-upper?

>> No.50219510 [DELETED] 

Liberal hoax. Oh no you touched a bad rock and inhaled some bad air? Grow up.

>> No.50219556 [DELETED] 

you are a deluded lunatic
it's BLACKPEBBLE who owns 59% of US housing market
their total portfolio is above 500 trillion US dollars

>> No.50219604

The entire retirement plan of cities, states, even countries is tied up in the idea that real estate go up. The Joomers will do literally anything to prevent this reality.

>> No.50219634

it means banks will be making less profit, it means house prices will fall

>> No.50219680
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Something will give soon one way or another.
I'm not egotistical to pretend I know what it's going to be.

All I know for certain is that when liquidity problems persist for long enough, they become solvency problems, which impacts the value underlying asset and the credit market surrounding that asset. You don't have to be a genius to see that current conditions are unsustainable -- yellow line will eventually kill consumers' ability to service debt.

>> No.50219715
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>> No.50219719

The boomers are fucking dying bro

>> No.50219748

>This house isn't worth this much because I can't afford it!

>> No.50220459

This is another case of not zooming out. rates will fluctuate in the short term.

>> No.50220525

My house value went up another 5k this month kek

Rentoids eternally BTFO housechads ftw

>> No.50220534

Solvency ..did someone say INSSOLVENCY

>> No.50220701

Idk why, but your ID has triggered me.
I'm blaming the first and last 3 of your ID.

>> No.50220726

I thought it was Whiterock? Sorry Rabbi

>> No.50220777
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>Cheap car to put in the garage of my cheap house

>> No.50220821
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underrated reply!

>> No.50220840

Just because some zestimate says its worth X doesnt mean you can get this value kek i can only imagine the shock of you rerards when they see this, like a shitcoin with a high price but no volume

>> No.50221015

none of this works now, because all you would have to do is make an LLC and then give it X house, then make another LLC and give it X house.

The REAL way to fix it is:
- corporations aren't people
- only people can own residential housing

>> No.50221081


Or you know, build more starter homes. It would create jobs and homes. But then homes would return to being a commodity and they cant have that.

>> No.50221224
File: 664 KB, 1595x900, 4qnhqj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
"housing will crash! - person with schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"
based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.
"their delusional belief in the market risks never wavers"

>> No.50221399

US housing isnt cheap. You canucks are just getting absolutely ass raped lol. We understand why you are so upset but it doesnt change the fact that both markets are way over priced.

>> No.50221716
File: 9 KB, 1008x102, 21345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really want to invest into a condo in one of the most beautiful areas of the world
>can't justify spending more than 600k on anything

pls keep dropping

>> No.50221771

Cool it with the anti-semetism

>> No.50221802

Offerpad is giving any homeowner their zEstimate - 5%. Sold my house to them last month.

>> No.50221822

it would be a related party transaction that would have to be disclosed, no different than any other related party disclosure.

>> No.50221864
File: 18 KB, 450x498, rates 7-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if your credit is shit.

>> No.50221885

Newport Beach is sexy.

>> No.50221924


>> No.50221961

>what are shell companies
easy to sidestep

>> No.50222016
File: 103 KB, 1247x648, home prices english countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA is extremely cheap compared to the rest of the Anglosphere.

>> No.50222076

idk if usa qualifies as anglosphere anymore

>> No.50222139
File: 213 KB, 902x612, 12979214834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what part of the country you're referencing.

>> No.50222144

People still grope all housing markets into one big basket here. Not how they should do it. There is a missive disparity between geographic areas. I actually prefer it that way.

>> No.50222184
File: 291 KB, 1204x880, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people complaining about home prices are all looking in the same 10% of the country.

>> No.50222243

>does it for free
>gets priced out
>seethes when he sees zestimate stacy
you hate to see it

>> No.50222349

>home prices double in 4 years
>banks think they can raise double rates to 6% as well
this was really predictable. Rates will have to drop to 4% or lower before people start buying again.

>> No.50222670

An atomic deal

>> No.50222710

no one controls mortgage rates you mouth breathing retard

>> No.50222712

they OWN money

>> No.50222772

still won't stop the bubble from poppin

>> No.50222828

>no one controls mortgage rates you mouth breathing retard
jack up federal interest rates to 10% and let's see where mortgage rates end up, you mong

>> No.50223207

>implying the nation's wealth is the same now as it was 50 years ago
>implying liberal arts and meme degrees in humanities makes you entitled to wealth equality
boomers made things, and for all intents and purposes, built the US economy. millennials wear pussy hats and spend all their disposable income on avocado toast and iphones

>> No.50223237

God all that debt, what a good goy

>> No.50223260
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>> No.50223289

>the economy is fake america doesnt do anything
Midwit take.

>> No.50223337

Read Princes of the Yen

>> No.50223370

>if something is too expensive then just move to a poorer area
do you even have a job?

>> No.50223385

Work remote. I've been doing it for 2+ years. Pulling in 6 figures too.

>> No.50223451
File: 743 KB, 1590x1036, 760C28F6-5CC7-4D5D-B689-F1C209DFB1C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Article from today, Rates aren’t down.

>> No.50223470

No one *directly* controls it perhaps, but the fed can make it more profitable to put money on a specific kind of debt vs loaning it out to goyim so...

>> No.50223472

>Work remote
I'm fucking trying but useless HR cunts can't fucking respond to me so I can actually get onboarded and start. The shit they sent me to start is lost in the mail and one goddamn text saying whats in the fucking box is too hard for them to the point where I probably have to start looking for another job.

>> No.50223620

Swarthystone, scratch that, Schwarzstein

>> No.50223665

It's because the rest of the country has shit employment prospects. Unless you wanna become a manager at a local Walmart kek

>> No.50223697

You realize that's not an option for everyone right? Not everyone can work remotely.

>> No.50223764

why not
are you doing some gay faggot job that requires the physical presence of your fleshbag body?


>> No.50223766

>that red dot in WY
Fuckin’ Jackson Hole

>> No.50223967

Yea… but Japan is unique in that they had an occupying military force enabling those policies to last so long. America doesn’t have the same. Unless you think China would protect and occupy America?...

>> No.50224029

the amount of nohomer cope in these threads good lord you make silvertards look rational
yeah guys just two more weeks, and when it "crashes" prices are gonna go down 80% everywhere for sure and not 10% on shithole homes and 3% on anything where people actually want to live
the reason you're renting or living with your parents in your late 20s is because you're smarter than everyone else, not because you're poor lmao

>> No.50224060


>> No.50224133

no one wants to take out a mortgage, simple as.

>> No.50224485

supply and command

>> No.50224591

Fucking checked.

>> No.50224861

It's not a sin to take jeez's name in vain.

>> No.50224906

Imagine being a janny, a tranny, AND a rentoid.
Goddamn. Can't catch a break.

>> No.50224952
File: 123 KB, 399x404, 1518885433008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over-leveraged hands typed this post
>T-The market isn't go-gonna crash idiots!

>> No.50225003

Relative to money supply housing is the cheapest its been in decades. If you don't have reason to believe that they are going to *reduce* the money supply you're fucking up by sitting on your hands.

>> No.50225284
File: 420 KB, 536x680, rent prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I love reading renter cope.

>> No.50225922
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Checked. I need a new truck.

>> No.50226038

>Or you know, build more starter homes

Due to zoning/nimby laws starter homes are not profitable to build

>> No.50226079


>> No.50227080


Housing market won't crash again anon. Give up. Housing market to the moon!