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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 503 KB, 631x940, housing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50210234 No.50210234 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50210248

what??? money is worth less than it's used to and you're telling me people want more of it now that it's worth less for the same asset as before??????

i can't believe it

>> No.50210287

Same shit they said in 06-07.
Then, 08 came around and everyone spouting this shit went silent.
We really do go in cycles, and yet the whole lot of you are still blind; unable to see it.
I don't feel bad for you.

>> No.50210305

Houses are independent of markets you absolute retard , they are physical structures as opposed to well street

>> No.50210656

Lmao imagine believing that

I wanted to write a paragraph on why but stopped halfway through, a waste of time on retarded niggers like you

>> No.50210754

I can't tell if this is bait or not

>> No.50210777

>duuude it's perfectly normal for assets to go up in value during inflation
Look my portfolio in the eyes and say that again

>> No.50210813

Anon your digital monopoly money that produces 0 revenue and solves 0 problems is not an "asset", it is a "meme".
>T. Fellow bagholder that sold 50% in February and is now priced out of a house

>> No.50210987

prices might go down as much as 20% again? oh no, that'll set me back almost 6 months on my Zestimate!

>> No.50211236

we took all the houses.
no more poor people with mortgages, as things should be.
mission accomplished.

>> No.50211266

>Price support will continue up where money does not exist to pay it

>> No.50211300

Had a bunch of contractors at my 5000 sf. house recently and they don’t see a crash coming

>> No.50211336

>House prices will never drop! You are priced out!
>Ok they might drop but only in certain areas
>Ok the price drop won't be localized but even the 08 crash was just a 15% correction I will just hodl muh shitbox

>> No.50211352

can you afford a house yet?

>> No.50211468

I am digits on a screen anon.

>> No.50211556

I have a fully paid 2 bed apartment in Dublin.

>> No.50211659
File: 120 KB, 500x506, 1595725906482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

house prices never went down.
rates went up.
people who opt for variable rates lost their homes due to non-payments.
sales did slugged, but people still put in bids and still bought.
people are always buying because the population is always increasing or they're doing it for investment purposes (hurr durr LaNdLoRdS r eViL!!!111oneone)

the only way houses go down, is if they go into disrepair like in Detroit and other black areas or if there is suddenly a decrease in the population like Detroit.

Dont believe me? Then go ahead and sit on your ass and wait for the prices to magically fall. But you'll be either renting or living at your parent's house for a lot longer than you should. and when you realize you've been wrong, you'll find out youre priced out and the only thing you can afford is a house with serious repair issues or something you just dont want.

remember, dirt is more valuable than gold, silver, or any other precious metal.

>> No.50211724

Everything is down except housing not just crypto faggot, historically housing goes down too, just not when it's jewed like now.

>> No.50211730

Can't tell if trolling or just retarded

>> No.50211760

i concur, life is a constant clown show set of disappointments for rentcucks

>> No.50211763

>Everyone will just get priced out and have to rent
And what do you think will happen to the value of homes held by speculators/investors when their yield takes a shit because price support for climbing rents can't be sustained, genius?

>> No.50211798

Everyone is already priced out, if no one is buying like now then they're eventually going to go down especially after the next historic rate hike.

>> No.50212176

>buyer pool keeps drying up
>cost of capital keeps increasing, putting more investors on the sidelines
>those that do buy to rent have to have higher and higher rents to make the numbers work
>costs across the board have gone up straining the middle class of renters who are moving further and further away from cities to find lower rents
>it's a new paradigm
>stay poor
>you'll be priced out forever
I honestly can't wait until real estate parasites get completely fucking rekt and lose everything.

>> No.50212226

>house prices never went down
Not only are you retarded but you're fucking lazy too. Let's see how you move the goal posts

>> No.50212256

Rentoids are in deep denial.

>> No.50212302

>i concur, life is a constant clown show set of disappointments for rentcucks
>"I own a house so now I don't live in clown world"
Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.50212329

Funny, I put a property on the market a few weeks back and I got swarmed by multiple agencies trying to increase inventory promising high prices and quick sales...

>> No.50212391
File: 73 KB, 900x710, F438DEBD-A755-43DB-B458-9C63D86024AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I bought the ‘13 dip. Even if the housing market tanks 70% I will not be underwater. I pity whoever didn’t buy the previous dip but had the financial means to.

>> No.50212417

It'll crash this year, I can't wait.