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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50205314 No.50205314 [Reply] [Original]

Salary: $75,000
Annual take home pay after taxes and health insurance: $52,000

$1,400 monthly for a 650 sq ft. apartment: $16,800 annually
$150 monthly in fees and utilities: $1,800 annually
$400 monthly for food: ~$5,000 annually
$150 in gas monthly: $1,800 annually
$40 gym membership: $500 annually
$1,000 in auto insurance annually

There’s $25,000 left, but there’s no saving for retirement, no traveling, no entertainment, no random emergency expenses, no clothes, no gifts, no anything besides subsistence.

It became 95% more expensive to own a home in my area in the past two years. I cant fucking do it anymore. Not like this. I’ll kill myself wt this rate, this isn’t living, I’m not getting ahead, I’m a shell of my former self.

Please, give me a higher paying career that isn’t mechanical engineering. This is brutal. I’m never going to get ahead doing this.

>> No.50205361

>waging isn't working
>someone tell me where I should wage instead
Fucking retard

>> No.50205391

What else am I supposed to do? Wallow in poverty and gamble on shitcoins all day?

>> No.50205396

What are you talking about? You've got $5,000 a year to spend on clothes, travel, and entertainment, save the rest and you can buy a house in 3 years. You can worry about retirement after that. If you're not a complete retard with crypto, you can probably get there in 2.

>> No.50205411

$60,000 isn’t enough for a down payment in 2022

>> No.50205418

>be american
>can't live off 75k a year
>calls others yuropoor

>> No.50205429
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Stop caring about money and keeping up with the Jones. Find a more enjoyable job in a cheaper area, even if that means taking a pay cut. Pursue hobbies that actually bring joy to your life.

I worked my life away for 10 years straight, skipping vacations and working 10-12 hours a day, 50 - 68 hours a week. The pay was okay, but in the end it isn't worth it. My mental state was deteriorating more and more every single year.

It's cliché, but money literally WILL NOT bring you happiness. In many cases, it just creates more stress.

>> No.50205453

yes. they're counting on retards wasting and expending their entire lives wage slaving in misery at the bottom to keep the economic status quo and magnify the gains made by the top .25 %. They need more from the likes of you and they'll get it. They'll never compromise on their own compensation and dividends.

They expect you to die in poverty because this economic system depends on losers suffering, like you.

>> No.50205474

This is the democracy they've spent the last century exporting all over the world. Shut up and don't be a sore loser, peon.

>> No.50205540

>$25,000 left
>”there is nothing left”

>> No.50205645

you're a retard, you're supposed to live with your parents while saving and investing everything until you make it. Instead you went and got a million expenses.

>> No.50205698

25k left to do whatever with...
you little humble bragging shite

>> No.50206118

Based. The only way for the average wagie to make it. Don't fall for the (((normie propaganda))), there's always a way create more streams of income anon.

>> No.50206137

>only 25k leftover per year, I suffer
Kek no amount of money will fix your brain, truly ngmi

>> No.50206160

>here’s $25,000 left
>but there’s no saving for retirement, no traveling, no entertainment, no random emergency expenses, no clothes, no gifts, no anything besides subsistence.
Wut? It seems like that $25k that's left over would be used exactly for that. This might be the most retarded post I've seen on /biz/ this week.

>> No.50206395

So what do you suggest. Live in the wild and hunt deer with a sharpened stick you fucking twat? You need money to survive and how else do you suggest getting some without working. Shitcoins is not a realistic option

>> No.50206425

some people would rather put a bullet through their brains than live with their parents