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File: 8 KB, 227x222, tradepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50202020 No.50202020 [Reply] [Original]

Or should I go coding?

>> No.50202039

>kum id
If you like the feeling of having your body fucked for 20+ years the become a tradie

>> No.50202086

Coding if your in a position to learn. You can always fall back on trades, easier to get into

>> No.50202105

I've got like 25k saved up. I want to move home to learn to code for free online, but my mom will be pissed if I don't do a paid boot camp.

>> No.50202112
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>> No.50202126

I did trade work for 10 years, but recently got a business degree and did some office work for a while. Tbh I don't really know if I want to keep doing office work or should I go back and start a trade business. I am also interested in learning programming or pentesting, there are good materials to learn pentesting with programs like hack the box which I have looked at recently.

>> No.50202137

Thanks, that's actually pretty helpful.

>> No.50202155

depends on the trade.

>> No.50202165

Sums up about everyone I know who went into the trades and we are all early 30s.

>> No.50202166

>mom will be pissed if I don't do a paid boot camp
Tell her you'll do it is she pays for it. If she can't pay for it, how can she expect you to?

Look into le wagon in Bali maybe

>> No.50202169

electrician yes
roofing no

>> No.50202173

The damage done to your body from trades can’t be mitigated by anything, breathing in all that toxic dirt, dust, particles etc

As a office beta male you can at least lift weights and do cardio to offset the sedentary nature of the job

No amount of health eating and exercise is going to fix breathing in toxic dust particles for years/decades

>> No.50202178

Checked digits. If you get into the trades for the love of God keep up a strength training regimen at the gym you will thank yourself later. Live well below your means and save the shit out of your income so that you can retire ASAP.

>> No.50202192

just pay for it, you retarded poor.

>> No.50202206

no pepe. you must learn to be a code monkey.

>> No.50202215

>but my mom will be pissed if I don't do a paid boot camp.
Because she knows you're a larping lazy faggot who won't do shit. You could have started your free bootcamp yesterday but didn't. And you won't tomorrow either. And when you say you will, you'll half ass it learn nothing and give up. Your mother knows you..

>> No.50202220
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>> No.50202230

if you think these are even remotely comparable options, you will never make it as a software developer. you will be a 50-year old junior dev working for a 30-year old manager.

>> No.50202237
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>> No.50202249

I actually work in mental health across the country and want to move back home since one of my family members died. I don't want to work in mental health anymore. Too many trans kids. It's fucked. It was fun when I was helping schizophrenic patients, but unfortunately, the field is focused in a very different and pointed way. Would not recommend. Only plus is I don't have to get vaxxed because I live in a red state.

>> No.50202256

Manufacturing wagie here. Just become a calibration technician for some specialized industrial equipment where barely anyone knows how to calibrate but the equipment is crucial for business to operate. Our manager has been running in circles all week trying to find a new tech capable of calibrating this equipment because there was only 1 guy in town who knew how to do this and he moved to a different state

>> No.50202259

>Comment as yungNBA
... Please tell me that's a troll acct.

>> No.50202263

I have a BA. Didn't help with much.

>> No.50202289

If its men only like electrician and car mechanic you don't have as much competition as the workforce supply is halved, unlike in coding.
It also doubles as a home maintenance skill so you save on that and its a skill set useful in apocalypse and post apocalyptic times.
Hours are long, work is hard, underpaid and underappreciated.

>> No.50202320

Ok I misread a little. Just say it's paid then and actually commit to it. Put all your effort and energy into it. Even now visualise your day and how you'll work your ass off and learn and one day make it your career. Then don't give up. It's that simple.
>You'll face many times it seems hopeless and you're getting no where
Know this going in, I don't think anyone had an easy pass.

>> No.50202326

Can you do either?

>> No.50202338

>I actually work in mental health across the country
This should be it’s own thread.
>Too many trans kids. It's fucked.
Do pray tell. What was helping the schizo’s like vs the trannies?

>> No.50202348

This is the important thing unless you really like fucking driving your truck or being a fucking wagegroid doing the heavy lifting you want to eventually move into the position where you're king tradie and bossing around Post-Zoomers/Gen Alpha kids in 20 years. Otherwise you will just suck.

>> No.50202362

How many years you worked in mental health?

>> No.50202384

trades fucking suck man
I have been an hvac installer helper for about 5 months now. I make $14 hr. Some days I limp when I walk after work. I am drenched in sweat, dirt, and just gross shit in general 24/7. I have experienced heat exhaustion where I am dizzy/delirious and the work must continue on. It takes a FEW YEARS to make 60k-70k a year. While some white collar cuck makes that coming out of college nowadays AND gets amazing benefits. I constantly have to buy tools/supplies. Either something breaks or gets lost. With my low wage shit gets expensive quick. Also, women in usa do not like tradesmen. You only get attention from single mothers looking for a handout. Go the IT route.

>> No.50202404
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>talk about trades
>manlet onions faggot gag reflexes by commenting "getting hurt/dirty"

>> No.50202418

the shortage shit in the trades is a huge meme fuck you for pushing this shit
if it was true tradesmen would be payed more

>> No.50202424


>> No.50202454

it gets old
especially if you have to go somewhere right after work
you feel like shit and everyone looks at you like a pariah
women loathe your existence

>> No.50202486

I got into mental health because my mom worked at a hospital and got me a job when I was young. I saw a very, very stark transition in quality of care and philosophy from 2016-2020. I kid you not the chaplain at our hospital told a kid in a controlled and parent free environment that his view of Christianity was "outdated." They literally push LGBT on kids when their parents are away and act like it's just some thing that everyone does nowadays. I have worked in both red and blue states and it's the same in both. Don't get me wrong, it's not a big deal if you're gay. But if you send your kid to the hospital because he said he was going to kill himself to get out of trouble at school and after his stay is over he comes back a girl, we've got serious problems. The whole "they reproduce by converting children" thing is real.

>> No.50202558

Wtf it really is a massive cult forming in real time isn’t? Where did the shift in those years stem from you think? They were basically asking you to dilute every issue the kids had to their sexual identity huh? Jesus how do we stop it?

>> No.50202568

Did you have to go to a training program before you worked there?

>> No.50202591
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I know, I've been a plumber's helper for 3 years now, would ask to be a stand alone but i don't have a driver's license kek.

I don't really care about women, most of them are just looking for a guy with cash, especially here in nyc. never had done side jobs but if I did I probably would almost double my income. Mother fucker in my job charges like 200$ just to take a look down residential drain and 300$ if has to snake it.

>> No.50202595

High value trades will open doors for you if you were raised poor. Just because you're a tradie doesn't mean you can't go back to school.

>> No.50202751

Trades are for people who enjoy destroying their bodies and having no time just to have wage parity with office workers. "Just do 60 hours of overtime per week and you'll make six-figures bro!"
Coding is essentially the desk version of being a technician. You're still just building shit to a specification and have no real input over the company or products.
STEM is a meme because you'll never get a job as a marine biologist, despite what your high school teachers might say.

Where it's at is engineering, law and accounting. Be careful with the latter two though, because some accountants get stuck in borderline data entry jobs and a lot of law students think they'll be high-flying barristers and solicitors rather than just being the guy at the office who drafts contracts. Engineering is a safe bet all round, but there are lots of companies that don't understand what engineers do. As a general rule, if you're allowed to operate power tools then you probably aren't an engineer.

>> No.50202790

>week and you'll make six-figures bro!"
>Coding is essentially the desk version of being a technician. You're still just building shit to a specification and have no real input over the company or products.
This is why I'm gunning for a switch go product management after 6 years of being a codefag

>> No.50202806

I did, but it was significantly before this stuff happened. I did attend a training at my new job where we were "educated" on LGBT shit. They start from the presumption that it's accepted as fact. If you poke holes they melt down. I graduated top of my college class in Antrho, so I know enough to poke holes in post modernism. It's best to just keep your head down.

>> No.50202816

Trade jobs are for low class weirdos and virgins.
If I was smart, I would have gone the coder route.

>> No.50202831

It's more subtle than that. A kid will do something bad, get sent to his room with a staff to keep him safe, they talk.

>> No.50202834

Trades pay well but you can get killed or seriously injured on the job. Burns, scratches ane deafness are all common in my experience

>> No.50202846

Oh okay. I'm just wondering like when you originally would have been educated like 2006 or something? Seeing what timeline we have "normal schizos in mental hospitals" to "kids getting turned gay in mental hospitals" and over what timespan this occurs on.

>> No.50202850

And even if you weren't smart, there are still better options. I'd be a tech recruiter before working physical in the heat/freezing for long hours

>> No.50202882
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In the trades you’ll make $75,000 - $300,000 a year, but only because you’re going to be working ungodly hours in the blazing heat and freezing cold.

Before you know it, you’ll be so used to the money that taking a pay cut to switch careers won’t feel like a viable option. You’ll pack up your tools and move across the country to the next 5 year project the way that tradies do.

You can make good money in the trades, but it’s a significant trade off.

>> No.50202883

I started working there in 2011 or 12 I think. Let me put it this way, when I started working there the units were split boys and girls no contact due to violence or sexual allegations. After a few years it went coed. First week there was male on female violence and sexual allegations. For the sake of diversity and inclusion.

>> No.50202991

>In the trades you’ll make $75,000 - $300,000 a year
Most trades top out at around 60k-70k, 80k if you live in a high cost of living area. Stop with this bullshit meme. In the trades it takes 6-10 fucking years to make top out pay

>> No.50203024

What is your pay like? Are you planning on sticking with it or are you debating about doing something else?

>> No.50203078

>there was only 1 guy in town who knew how to do this and he moved to a different state

>> No.50203098

>Then don't give up.
Lmao, no.

>> No.50203111

Tried both, prefered trades

>> No.50203141

In two words you've told me your a loser of monstrous proportions. It's actually impressive.

>> No.50203151


>> No.50203158
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join us my brother

>> No.50203175

>As a general rule, if you're allowed to operate power tools then you probably aren't an engineer.

a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.

What a fucking retarded thing to post.

>> No.50203176

I'm earning 22$/h, this is helper pay which i never asked for a raise, i got bumped from 17-20 in one year and 2-22 in the last six months.

I don't ask for a raise cause I really don't want more responsability and don't have a driver's license. I'd probably get 30$ if I were stand alone. Our top guys earn somewhere between 35-50$ coudn't tell you, which doesn't matter cause when you're making 40+$ as a plumber you're most likely doing your own big jobs. Our most experienced guy is making a residential radiant heating and is charging 15k for something like 3-4 saturdays worth of work.

Other than that I'm staying cause it's super chill in my company, I'm always 10 mins late to the shop, the jobs themselves are more like "go here and do this". Rarely I see my boss but he's soft on us regardless. There's no one pushing you around but more like your co-workers poke at you for making silly mistake. I'm always home at the same time and overtime is always asked for.

>> No.50203296

If you're asking you're too stupid to code. Just do trades

>> No.50203339

Graduated HS with a 4.0 and college with a 3.93. It's more about the environment for me. I work in a hyper feminized environment now. It blows. Seems like coding might be similar.

>> No.50203348

How do I find a job after teaching myself to code?

>> No.50203603

I am an industrial electrician doing a lot of maintenance and breakdown work, you see plenty of guys here who are 50+ still working as a tradesman and are just fine. If you can get into more of the PLC or fault finding work you wont be pulling cables or installing cable tray at all and can save your body.
Its a lot more enjoyable too than the monkey work

>> No.50203705

yes this, I am a tradesman now and the thought of going from my 6 fig job to go study to do something else, having to start at the bottom at some shit pay feels wrong. There is always a chance that id never make it back to where I am now in terms of pay (im on 180k AUD which is around 120kUSD)
Its so easy to get used to the money coming in

>> No.50203825

I still have back pain from the few years I put in to as an tradie.
Finding another project and having to move is the reason why I decided to stop doing this. Now I'm in IT. I make less for now but the work is stable and half the people aren't double digit IQ retards

>> No.50203886

>if you're allowed to operate power tools then you probably aren't an engineer.
lmao even

>> No.50203919

Guess I'm not an engineer then, despite my four-year degree, 5 years of experience and professional chartership. What am I if I don't do any of those things?

>> No.50203928
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No, you should get into meth.
All of the cool cats are into it.

>> No.50203974

I would like to get into trades for the money but im afraid I am too asocial to ever succeed.

>> No.50203993
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This. Find a way to get into an office and just chill there. If you want to live a long life, take it easy.

>> No.50203996


you dont need to be social for trades

>> No.50204050

What you need to succeed in the trades is a strong back and massive balls because this shit can kill you

>> No.50204068
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Any electrican bros here? Whats the best way to start in this trade?

>> No.50204082

Apply for entry level jobs. After 5 years studying my teacher in the final year who recognised I cruised through it all pulled me aside and told me I'll learn more on the job in my first year than I did at university and he was right. If you're intuitive and clever (most anons are) you'll progress quickly and figure shit out.
If you want to go solo you'll need to network and negotiate and get jobs.

>> No.50204104

union journeyman 6 figs all day

>> No.50204150

You literally do NOT need an apprenticeship just someone that can sign your required hours and can vouch you are not low IQ. All it takes is to find the right course that has the exact same questions as the exam. Just 1 fucking exam with 70/100 passing score with 3 retries. Electricians that only know how to run wire and bend pipe don't get far. Go into maintenance, controls or PLC programming which filters out alot of apprenticed electricians. Literally nobody wants to work in a construction site anymore. I won't because I like going home watch my anime girls fuck and vidya until I pass out. You want to be the guy inspecting the faggots in the trenches not the other way around.

>> No.50204189

Union apprenticeships

>> No.50204281

Trades will fucking destroy your body by the time you're 50, you'll be making under 100k in current usd for your entire career unless you get promoted to a management position or start your own firm, financially speaking, they're not a very good investment, however, you'll get to have a cool job doing interesting shit, you actually get to make stuff so there is a sense of purpose to the work and a real feeling of accomplishment when you look at a building you worked on, coworkers will also generally be pretty cool guys and as long as you work hard, you won't get in trouble or have to deal with any diversity bullshit

Coding pays way more and is a much better financial investment, however you will hate your life, every morning you will wake up and want to put a bullet through your head instead of going to your job to sit at a desk and waste hours at meetings that could have been a slack message, you will be surrounded by the most miserable whiny betas and fat retards and feminist turbobitches who will force you to sit through diversity meetings about how ashamed and sorry you should be for being white, straight, and male and if you ever say anything even remotely based you will be fired at a moments notice with no severance.

Could be comfy if you manage to land a wfh coding job, I'd rather shoot myself than go into the office tho

>> No.50204294
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How does that work? Do I just call up my local union and apply? Do I need any prior training? I'm a veteran if that helps at all.

>> No.50204366

online application probably. You don't need prior training but I think when they rank applicants you get some more points if you have previous training/experience. You also get ranked higher as a vet if I remember correctly but it could vary depending on the union

>> No.50204398

yeah youll never have the health issues mentioned here doing fault finding and small maintenance in the industrial sector, the bit of fault finding is interesting enough to not want to kill yourself out of boredom too
I do it too and couldnt recommend it more, it can be a bit harder to get into but pays pretty well compared to most office jobs

>> No.50204403

Most tradesman aren't actually good at their job and probably won't ever realize what it takes to be good at something. That's why they are low paid. The ones that do realize what it takes, own their own business and organize other people to do it for them.

The trades are stigmatized more than ever so fewer people that could have been good won't go into it cause it won't get them pussy.

But there will never be a shortage of dummies who you can pay pennies to do grunt work.

>> No.50204470
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When I was younger I wanted to be a psychologist. Part of the reason why I changed my mind is because I felt that I would one day be forced to push shit like this, and would end up losing my license because I say some real shit to someone and it comes out. Just generally fucking up my career for going against shit like this and teaching "outdated pseudoscience" or something like that. It's still crazy to hear that this is actually happening though. I'm so sorry anon, we all just wanted to help people :(

>> No.50204655

Commit fully to one or you'll just be shit at them all.

>> No.50204742

I'm from a country where most coding jobs pay like shit
what do?

>> No.50204810

like anything theres pros and cons. list them for each job and compare. the mire pros you like and cons you can deal with the better. i worked trades as auto mechanic and wanted office life but after almost 2 years in office im about to bail, ots boring as shit.

>> No.50204818

I think I'm the worst person to ask that, I'm literally just excited for doggies like zh4o.

>> No.50204827

What's the age where it's too late? I'm a 30 year old boomer and am at a crossroads, stuck between doing a paid lrn2code bootcamp or taking up HVAC or electrical as a trade.

Fwiw Ive only worked office jobs 90% of my working life and they've all been absolutely soul sucking. No energy at the end of the day, but unable to sleep because I was forced to stare at a computer all day. No sense of accomplishment because the projects are all horseshit. Only two jobs I've enjoyed were being a carpenters assistant for like 6 months a few years back, and delivering pizzas when I was a teenager.

Been doing some freecodecamp stuff and am enjoying it but I'm worried that if I go through with that and get another office wagie gig I'll end up hating it again. Did marketing for 4 years before quitting last year because I couldn't take another minute of it.

Bases on what I've said here, do I go with lrn2code or trade wagie?

>> No.50204881

>if it was true tradesmen would be payed more
Lol no.

>> No.50204947

Being homeless or in jail is better than being a tradie I'd kill myself before doing that again

>> No.50205067

Yeah finding faults is the only thing interesting about being an electrician but I would never go beyond doing out of town field service work since only special types of people would do it and most likely already divorced. I am too zoom pilled for that shit.

>> No.50205084

Nonono no no no no
I regret it greatly

>> No.50205107

The way to make a lot of money in coding without having to go into the rat race for big tech jobs is surprisingly simple.
Learn stenography (220 wpm should be your goal + many open source/cheap ways to learn/use), use GitHub’s coding buddy and take as much work as you can. Even doing simple shit you can draw in 80K a year just because of how fast you can chug out work.

>> No.50205166

Trades are literally just gambling. Coding is way better in these days. There are some crypto entities like Hbar foundation that would grant big bucks for competent developers that have a good idea/project to build. It pays off during these times

>> No.50205392

>learning a new alphabet is easier than just getting an entry level swe job

>> No.50205398

Move to the US like all the other pajeet coders

>> No.50205485
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I'm a lineman for an electric in my area of bumfuck nowhere Ohio. This is my paycheck from July 1st, halfway through the year. I'll have two years into my job in September. Some days are physically demanding, if I've got a lot of climbing to do, or a storm hits and I'm running around like crazy at 2a.m., but most days are pretty easy just doing maintenance work from a bucket truck. I report to the same shop everyday and will never have to move for work

>fuck taxes

>> No.50205523

I feel like being a lineman is cool, but I don't want to fucking die lol. My dad was a doctor and told me about a guy he worked on that got his face lopped off by a line.

>> No.50205878

that sounds really cool can you elaborate more?

>> No.50205906

Currently an electrician, I'm going to start learning programming at the end of this month in my free time personally. I've been doing this for about 8 years and it's been hard on my body.

>> No.50205987

>4 year degree
We are all so impressed Anon. Tell us more about how much you know kek'd

>> No.50206007

>hard on the body
What did someone make you sweep up your marrettes?

>> No.50206065

Residential, not commercial/industrial we work a little faster/longer than those guys.

>> No.50206089

Be a grunt for about 3-4 years until you start picking shit up. A common thing I hear from all the old fucks is you aren't a carpenter until 10 years after your red seal or certificate. You are also king shit of the job. Typically the general contractor who commands the pleb trades but makes the least.
Screw and glue together pipes. Brainlet work, good pay
drill holes in framing, run wires, screw in lightbulbs until you're a journeyman where you spend all day standing in front of an breaker box. High chance of death from being a mouthbreather, low chance of death if you can count past 5. Also by far the most entitled people who think their job is hard. (it isn't)
Hard work, decentish pay, very tiring. Typically just done by carpenters anyway.
The trade I should have went into. I could have been fucking dead bodies all day.

t. Carpenter.

>> No.50206237

What? Elaborate. What exactly do you mean by stenography and what is Coding Buddy?
Say how can I get one of these union guys to sign off hours on my sheet so I can take the exam and become a commercial electrician

>> No.50206393

Yeah, I find myself so tired for watching charts and end up losing my funds after a wrong call or TA. I want to learn coding but the information is too complex for me. Just sticking to be a crypto normie insted.

>> No.50206646

he means this for stenography:
and i'm not sure about coding buddy but I think he means the Coding Buddy browser extension.

basically learn to type 300 wpm with a special technique then do coding contests and take bounty money?

>> No.50206757
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I already won a typing contest when I was in college and beaten all the students there but that 300 wpm is off the books. Kek. Haven't tried bounty hunting, do you think they have that on Web3

>> No.50206794

commercial HVAC service tech here

ama bros

also despite making the most money ive ever had in my life I desperately wish to learn2code and switch careers. Even if you're "well paid" - $30-50 an hour in the field the only way you're making REAL money, six figures or so is by working 60-80 hr work weeks like a fucking slave. tech jobs are the only ones that keep up w inflation :/

>> No.50206807

web3 projects are trash

>> No.50206821

You are exposing your life situation here pleb, most web3 projects are now aiming to bring innovations in the marketing industry including KOLnet which can overturn IDOs into their upcoming IMOs. Kek.

>> No.50206824

This. Trades aren’t bad, but coding if you can would be better.

>> No.50206825

how old are you?
how long have you been working hvac?
was it your first job?
how hard is it physically?

sorry for the basic-ass questions

>> No.50206858

late 20s
4 years
i worked in retail, restaurants etc before going to trade school. did a few months of residential service, 3 years of commercial install now 1 year of service

If you're just someone with no experience anywhere or aspirations working basic bitch retail/food service type jobs the trades are HUGE upgrade financially/status wise.

trades in general:

HVAC - has high potential for making good money, especially if you're the type to go out and do stuff on your own. many techs I know make a few grand on weekends from simple swapouts.

residential is easier on the body but a lot gayer and shittier (140 degree attics, crawlspaces, dogs, piss, niggers)

commercial is better working conditions but harder physically, almost every day you're climbing an extension ladder and roping up all your shit no matter how hot or rainy it is. will take you some time to get comfortable with the heights, daily ladder, jumping parapit walls but once you do it its easy.

electricians: easy trade, so easy women do it all the time. you literally just run wire. maybe the highest paid on average too, probably the best choice for ur average lazy nigger

plumber: commercial plumbing is pretty cool and easy, residential service plumbing sounds like aids. not as good as the other two

construction: is typically a top tier job simply due to the work hours r generally like 6am-2pm, the "back-breaking labor" is purely a meme. most ppl in construction are average or just flat slobs.

>> No.50206908

>High chance of death from being a mouthbreather, low chance of death if you can count past 5.
Sometimes you have to work on live wires and your client won't take no for an answer

>> No.50206928

You can always tell them to fuck off if they want you to do something unsafe. If its just a client tell them to fuck off and dont do it, if its your boss telling you to do it then generally tradesmen dont have too hard a time finding work
No job is worth dying over

>> No.50206933


as an HVAC tradie here, even if you made $40 an hour (which is a wage only the elite/top tier niggas will achieve) you would have to work SIXTY FUCKING HOURS A WEEK ON AVERAGE to crack $100,000 take home.

niggers in office jobs smacking their wigs and writing emails make this doing 40.

>> No.50206949
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>that feel when do industrial maintenance
>just sit on my ass at my desk all day take a few calls and do some actual work for about an hour doing preventative jobs

It’s so fucking boring bros, women don’t get turned on hearing me say I do industrial maintenance, they think I’m a glorified janitor

>> No.50206971

>ladder diagrams
Man I hated this stuff at school

>> No.50206972
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your average unskilled laborer in the 60s made the modern day equivalent of $30 an hour. if you have the choice/capabilities, go learn to code or something white collar

>> No.50206976

Make your own blcokchain

>> No.50206980
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> coding

Lol, niggas, you have no idea lmao

Here is an example of a guy you will have to compete with


If you are not writing code for fun since primary school you have zero chance.

You have no fucking idea what a Standard or MIT grad is in terms of actual problem solving.

>> No.50206985 [DELETED] 

No thanks faggot I live perfectly fine on my wages and own a home.

>> No.50206991

Pay for the boot camp and get yourself busy you larping lazy fag. Be good at it and create some apps. Luckily you can easily the apps and dApps you created on Subsquid within minutes.

>> No.50206997

You have no clue how many bad programmers are out there you stupid demoralisation nigger.

>> No.50207040

Most jobs in the industry dont need an MIT guru to do monkey code that pays a good wage lol fuck off

>> No.50207058

bro it’s so fucking boring what do we do I just want to retire . Thinking of getting a van and living like a poorfag until I die

>> No.50207074
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A friend is building a house, and the small, fat contractor who builds houses with his brother and Eastern European employees, drove a 800,000 euro topshelf Lamborghini

>> No.50207079

To be honest I haven't yet felt the soul sucking despair of a desk job, but I've only been at it for 2.5 years and I'm allowed to fool around at my desk if I'm not busy.

>> No.50207095

I am too it’s just boring let me bring in my switch and play dark souls or some shit I have no ambition or pride in my work either all work is garbage

>> No.50207194

It's funny how in Australia women love tradies because they make hella money.

In America they make fuckall money so the pussy dries up.

Moral of the story women like any profession that makes money they can leech off, who would've thought?

>> No.50207196

Peterbilt diesel tech.. Choose my customers and work,flat rate, cleared 88k so far this year.Work about 45 hrs a week bring home 65-70hrs easy.half of my time is sitting in a ac truck

>> No.50207240

Also to contribute to thread.

Be a data analyst. Minimal coding required, easy as fuck job. Get paid to make meme graphs and boomers think you're a genius.

Comfy, great pay and can work from home.

>> No.50207296

yeah, I moved over into the breakdown side of things to get away from the boring as fuck preventative maintenance. You sorta get to do your own thing and fix shit, lotta PLCs and fault finding. Kept it interesting enough for me, im sure ill change my mind within the next few years tho

>> No.50207309

tbf I’ve been doing it for 5 years now and don’t have coworkers I can really shoot the shit with

>> No.50207323

How much time you studied the field?

>> No.50207331

Do you want a fucked back, knees and arthritic hands from working with your body or do you want a fucked back, knees and arthritic hands from sitting at a desk all day?
Only checkout chicks and other deadshit roasties love tradies then again being a programmer probably doesn't moisten cunt very well either

>> No.50207333

> body fucked
Same happens with proogramers, most of them develop back pain, numb nerves in fingers/palm, loss of eyesight etc.

>> No.50207384

yeah having a decent crew you get to work with makes a huge difference. Im not amazing mates hanging out with them on days off or anything, but can talk shit with them when we are at work so its comfy enough

>> No.50207577

Do health and safety, it's the easiest work you'll ever do in your life.

>> No.50207586

bro why do women think we’re glorified jannies… it’s not fair

>> No.50207722

If you can fuck and make money you will moisten cunts regardless of profession. Women don't give a fuck what you do on a daily basis.

>> No.50207766

>Coding is essentially the desk version of being a technician. You're still just building shit to a specification and have no real input over the company or products.

Who gives a fuck? As long as they are paying you good money. Your retarded if you look for accomplishment through work. It should be your side hobbies that give you that.

>> No.50207841

I’m familiar with dunner-kruger effect but i was always very surprised how much money carpenters make. Especially ones working for themselves. Can’t argue with reality though.

tried coding, found ir extremely tedious and boring. Never understood how something like this can be liked.

>> No.50207888

Do you wanna breathe in toxic fumes all day, or spend all day behind a computer screen?

>> No.50207890
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DESU if you get good at any of those you're going to be rewarded nicely. You're not looking at it correctly. You should be asking yourself what you enjoy doing most and find satisfaction in. The money will follow if you sincerely become skilled.

>> No.50207897

Used to be a diesel fitter and and zero cunts are moist when you get home smelling like old diff fluid

>> No.50209209 [DELETED] 

I'm more /fit/ than 99% of the population and the trades still fucked me up. Every day I was tired, every day climbing ladders and carrying shit non-stop. Double digit IQ coworkers had no problems even though they didn't even work out.

>pulled data cable for 3 years
>non-stop 10-12 hour manual labor shitfests
>study shitty udemy courses non-stop, the pain of climbing ladders and crawl spaces put a fire in my soul
>plug all that shit into my resume as if I was certified in all of them (not paying $300 a test fuck you)
>start a new job soon as tier 2 support making more than my current supervisor
>going to actually learn IT skills and grow my resume


>> No.50209305


Thats how I felt about data cable work. I've never understood how someone can be proud of a lot of trades stuff.

>Oh gee we really pulled some cables and installed a rack again I'm so proud of myself!

I just felt tired and empty. I think normies just don't have hobbies. I feel much more proud when I work on my own car, teach myself a skill or finish a book. Work is so boring.

>> No.50209349

What about landscaping?

>> No.50209352


>> No.50209359

>become welder
>dont work for past week and a half because its fucking hot by day and slightly less hot but 90% humid at night every night and building I work in has no ac and fans gas out my welds
I have, perhaps, gone into the wrong profession

>> No.50209644

tradecels seething at this comment

t. make $95k a year "working" from home 30 hours a week on average

>> No.50209649

how do you get into this job if it requires such esoteric knowledge?

>> No.50209673

This is all super avoidable with good chairs, vertical mouses and standing desks.

>> No.50209727
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>learn stenography
they use shorthand and use special keyboards. stenography would do NOTHING to help you with your implication of faster typing skills = easier to work two jobs at once. what is it with debilitatingly low IQ retards and their inclination toward giving worthless and retarded advice?

>> No.50210041

Trade faggot here, I work as a maintenance mechanic. I am 23 making $28 an hour, working 50-60 hour work week.

Is it shit? Absolutely. I definitely wouldn't recommend making a career out of one. But if you need a decent amount of money with little to no education then go for it.

For me it works because I've been investing since I was 18 and during this bear market, I plan on keeping my tradie job to invest even more. after 2-3 years though I'm going back to school. Can't make this a career.

>> No.50210056

Freelance coding sites are shit why not use boogle

>> No.50210107

i feel like the coding bubble is about to burst. yeah you could say thats been said forever but never had people have had more access to learning to code resources than ever before. i heard a story on npr of some random women who got into coding and is so happy she made the career change. im still learning to code because i enjoy it, but my expectations are tampered

>> No.50210109

In during everyone pretends to be underwater welders making millions

>> No.50210612
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Accountant here for globohomo. The big corporations have figured out the scam of putting their back offices in red states and then paying shit. The leftist politics in the office are insufferable and all the races are looking out for their own kind besides whites of course.

>> No.50210830

>he doesn't work from home
hello fellow jewish megacorp accountant

>> No.50211184

Just got offered role doing ADT service installation, its supposed to pay about 50-60k and up in my area. I have a finance degree and I hate sitting in an office all day. Also all the companies in my area don't pay more than 40k yearly unless I have 5 years of experience then I might get 50k, its fucking bullshit.

>> No.50211744

Miners can mine two or more cryptocurrencies in parallel when they merge mine, without sacrificing any mining performance when it’s done on Syscon.

>> No.50211958

I make 35 euro an hour after following a 3 course.
I make 80/90k a year, the median wage in my cunt is around 36k a year(Dutch).
Id advice anyone without a degree to get into trades.

>> No.50212081

Except you won't even be that.
t. burnout 35 year old with no chance of getting any kind of entry level position when my experience and aptitude is equal to any fresh 20 year old comp sci grad

>> No.50212439

>Learn stenography (220 wpm should be your goal + many open source/cheap ways to learn/use), use GitHub’s coding buddy and take as much work as you can
this makes no sense and basically you're fucking stupid

>> No.50212553

I knew an EMT who drove a really nice car. Turns out he works well over 60 hours a week.

>> No.50212721

Should I get the WGU BS of Data Management and Analytics?

>> No.50213131

No. Do not go into trades. I was a plumber + welder for years and it is hell.
>awful hours
>shitty working conditions
>shitty coworkers
>usually terrible commuting
>working from a hotel or worse
>have to buy tools
>real hourly pay isn't even that good
It is hell. If you absolutely had to for some reason be an electrician to spare your body but do not become a tradie.

I have lost years of my life to this shit. It's worthless work experience I can't even mention to employers for good jobs either because they will write me off as a retarded spanner monkey.

>> No.50213170

Whoa someone saved my old post.

>> No.50213255
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What about IT/Cloud career as opposed to coding? I've heard people speaking well of it. Or anything else computer related, but not programming.

>> No.50213290

Trades pay well, but after multiple generations of shitting all over tradesmen and letting faggoty unions run wild over every corner of the industry, getting into the trades means dealing with some of the most retarded motherfuckers you're ever going to meet, the most incompetent foremen, shitheel faggots who inherited the company from their boomer daddy and expect the oldest employee to run the whole business for them, and so many other problems that you'll wonder if the money is worth it.

All that said, you should learn some basics of the trades, if only just so you can DIY some minor repairs, like fixing the wiring on a light switch or unclogging a sink drain.

>> No.50213361

Plenty of careers in IT, but for anything technical you'll need some notions of programming, even if it's just for powershell/bash scripting.

>> No.50213405

>you'll need some notions of programming
Oh for sure, I get that. I want to learn programming, but I don't want to even attempt to compete in that job market.

>> No.50213465

I started in Devops/Cloud 6 years ago at 70k for my first job with very little programming skills.

Now raking in 275k WFH as a "SWE"

>> No.50213553
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Right, this is the kind of stuff I am hearing both from people online and offline.

Anything I should be aware of? Advice? Cons or cautions?

>> No.50214195

how is dating in NYC?

t. 6 figs 5/10 hapa dev, 5'9 but lifting seriously for 2 years

>> No.50214257

If you're good a problem solving, and handle stress well it's an easy path to move up in.

You are basically a digital janitor for a while, cleaning up the shitty messes from your engineers, and fixing issues in production when they arise. Eventually you get the skills to develop better tools to help stop the failures, but for a while you just troubleshoot, and fix apps/software.

>> No.50214389

>If you're good a problem solving, and handle stress well it's an easy path to move up in.
Yeah I should be able to handle that.

Does this sound like a path forward? What would you modify? I am getting this from some youtuber:

1. Acquire CompTIA certifications (A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+) and CCNA
2. Concurrently screw around with Linux stuff at a basic level.
3. Get IT support job
4. Choose a cloud platform and acquire relevant certifications/training
5. Get Cloud job

>> No.50214449
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you can use normal keyboards for steno now, look up plover -- but regardless its a pretty dumb idea, the main bottleneck in programming isnt typing speed, its mental speed
>t. ranked top 50 in the world for typing speed and midwit code monkey

>> No.50214471

this is good advice, but skip the CCNA unless you know for sure you want to do cisco networking specific stuff.

>> No.50214483

>Now raking in 275k WFH
How many different jobs have you gone between from $70k to $275k? I started my first dev job at $70k 3 years ago but the raises have been fairly shit at my company so I'm only up to $95k. Probably was a mistake sticking with the same company for this long but I did so because I know I can do very little actual work while still getting treated like a star employee.

>> No.50214505

Good idea to speedrun the AWS Solutions Architect/Developer associate certs? Could I get a job with just one of those, anyone chime in on the AWS job market?

>> No.50214564

what kind of work can i do that will let me fly drones?

>> No.50214788

I'd skip the first 3 steps. Here's what I did, but mileage may vary. This took about 6 months for me who was a CS college dropout since I played too much LOL.

1. Get all 3 AWS associate certs, using sites to practice/dumps.
2. Practice a bit of bash/python scripting from $10 linuxacademy course.
3. Lie on my resume to look like I had 2 yoe as junior cloud engineer, and had a bachelors in CS.
4. Put some other peoples simple projects in my github.

Apply to any of these titles (Devops, Cloud Engineer, SRE, Infrastructure engineer).

>> No.50214831

1. 70k 1 year
2. 110k 7 months
3. 175k 8 months
4. 210k 2.5 years
5. 275k current job (same company as #4).

>> No.50214883

This is literally what an apprenticeship is like lmao

>> No.50214951
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Fuck I should really start applying somewhere new...

>> No.50215174


>> No.50215177

Yea I wouldn't consider staying over 2 years anywhere unless it's already over 200k, remote, and you like the work.

>> No.50215197

I can relate but seriously every job is like that as long as you wage

>> No.50215207

Tbf, that sounds like a lot of... lying. But good for you.

>> No.50215308

just started doing concrete work for the summer
shit's intense

>> No.50215394


I'm a white male, needed to do what it required to get my foot in the door, and show I'm not a brainlet.

Now I have over 6 yoe and senior title at one of the best companies in the world, and I'm only 28.

>> No.50215564

I would say depends on your current situation and how you ultimately would like to end up.

I landed in a trade that doesn't seem to be talked about a whole lot, the money is pretty good, and the work is pretty easy/light for the most part.

I work for a company that does construction materials testing and Geotechnical reports. I have a GED and managed to get a spot working in the lab after taking their entry test. I started at 13 dollars an hour (I live in a very low COL area and I know in my old city the entry level pay is like 20 dollars an hour). My company has a policy that you have to take certs during your first three months, and if they like you they'll just keep sending you for more. Within my first year I got a $2/hr merit raise just for taking one of the tests without a class, and then each cert ranges from .25 cents to $1.75 bump. Eventually I was making like $22 dollars an hour after 9 months. Now I've been promoted to a different position which is salaried, lots of growth potential, man. They're even paying for me to take engineering classes at the local community college.

Now here's the kicker, you can be a field tech with zero experience and just work your way up. I've heard your experience may vary, I do mostly soil stuff because I got certed as a soil special inspector but I'm certed for concrete through the American Concrete Institute. When I go out to field, my day mostly consists of sitting in my car, looking at grading plans, and then talking with some people.

>> No.50215810

>applied for out of state job
>got an email response saying my application was accepted
>have to go to an in-person exam next week at some testing center
Anyone else get into this situation?

>> No.50215833

Also I should I'm only taking engineering classes because I wanted to. Many guys in the office have no degrees or just an engineering technician 2 year degree. A lot of them make more money than the actual engineers because they're Certified Welding Inspector's, reinforced concrete inspectors, Masters of special inspection. That last one I thought was just a silly title but the guys I've met who are MSIs can literally name their salary at any of these CMT/inspection companies. Also not to mention there is potential to get into government jobs. My local city building company hires on special inspectors with like a year experience at 25 dollars an hour

>> No.50215889

Building department not company

>> No.50217569

your story gives me hopium but amazon is not a good company, are you planning on jumping ship to somewhere like Microsoft/google that’s a lot more laid back?

>> No.50217670

If you enjoy working with drug addicts and alcoholics and a union that doesn't fire idiots and old people who think they served the union enough so they dont work and if you enjoy traveling and enjoy working 100 hours a week. Yes they are worth it

>> No.50217699

Why not both? Could work on servers in cisco

>> No.50217722


Fully remote service team at AWS with no on-call, so life's not bad. Considering jumping to stripe, on quant though.

>> No.50217771

Coding is a bubble. Companies and universities forced the STEM meme with some companies like Google even going so far as to accept their own certs in lieu of a degree. AI can already do rudimentary code and can easily pass wagie code tests. If you can build houses you'll always have a job.

>> No.50217782

This is a good post, I'm middle management now and it is way easier on the body. Trades are a good route for young kids from poor backgrounds or did poorly in school. Don't stay in them for longer than 5 years tho, be smart with your money and don't blow it on a charger/boat/shitty gf

>> No.50217892

Nice, no on-call does put you in a good situation. I plan on trying to get into amazon eventually too since they seem like one of the easier elite companies to get into.

>> No.50218096

I am trying to leave Plumbing behind. I'm 25, I left partway through my apprenticeship. Im skilled enough where I'm close to taking the next step but I realized I hated doing it. It's terrible on your body, you get treated poorly by everybody and everybody's a snake in the grass. The pay was very good, I was making 30/hr, sometimes 60/hr, but I was miserable. Im trying to learn to day trade now but it's not looking good, I may have to go back to wage trading it. Wish me luck boys I really wish I had the option of going to college or something like that. Trades were a big mistake.

Also, girls like me more as an unemployed day trader than they did as a near 6 figure tradie. Go figure. I think its because I'm happier not having to deal with the crap I had to deal with before.

>> No.50218129

Im thinking of getting out of the military to be an accountant. theres globohomo here too but at least i wont be owned. Is accounting really that bad? Would you be an electrician if you could?

>> No.50218746

You are able to be very successful with trades. You can also be successful in coding. The thing with trades is you should have the goal in mind to start your own company. Otherwise do the coding route. You could also start your own company in pentesting. If you don't plan on starting your own thing I would recommend against trades. If you are planning to you could be wildly successful.

>> No.50218799

>there are good materials to learn pentesting with programs like hack the box which I have looked at recently.

that sounds cool, think i'll have a try

>> No.50218941
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>be tradie
>rough hands like a poor person
>be cooder
>soft, delicate hands, work from home in a/c room


>> No.50219473
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>40+ hours of OT
Yeah fuck that I don't care about the pay if my daily life is not much better than slavery
>less than $50 union dues
Do niggers really ditch $30/hr because they don't want to pay that??

>> No.50220667

yep theyve been that brainwashed to think:
"I dont need no stinking dang dirty union! My employer gots my best interest at heart! If just got da democraps outta office id be makin 1000/hr"

>> No.50222145

depends on where you are. it’s very true in FL. also, from what i’ve seen, all the dudes working are older.

>> No.50222333

the fact i can work alone, don’t have to talk to anyone, and can be completely antisocial is one of the main things that attracted me to the electrical trade.

>> No.50222801

Which one will you be a top 10% in?
I started in programming and new when to give up. I've been in a niche trade for 3 years now and make $1500 and work an easy 4dx8h week. Plenty of time for side proyects

>> No.50223881

>be smart with your money and don't blow it on a charger/boat/shitty gf
This advice transcends trades and applies to all young men earning a wage/salary.

>> No.50223963

This is good bait.

Automated service contracting like proposed here is a dead end. Even for profit open source contribution companies that work on contract with a few buddies, way less of a dead end but very risky.

Hold out for an offer. If you don’t get one do a training program that lets you pay with future wages. Careful contracting positions are fine but bottom of the barrel stuff is a rat wheel. Don’t sell yourself short.

>> No.50224180

linetards will drag up if they don't get
+20hours OT per week.