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5020017 No.5020017 [Reply] [Original]

Am I going to lose money (other than the transaction fee) if I transfer any of the big 3 over to Binance in order to make some trades? There is a big gap in prices atm, so I'm not sure how that works. I have mostly LTC btw.

>> No.5020039


>> No.5020081


>> No.5020085

How the fuck long does it take to transfer a bitcoin neway

>> No.5020109


about 3 hours

>> No.5020113

It says completed on gdax and nothing is showing up on binance

>> No.5020133

I’m not planning to sleep untill this opportunity is gone, I would not post about if I were you it just draws attention and the market will even out faster the more people know

>> No.5020188

I'm not trying to arbitrage. My question is more about losing value by keeping it at binance. if i buy 100 LTC at 300 and move it to binance where it is 280, am I effectively losing 2000 just because I transferred?

>> No.5020223

How does this make sense to you??? Ltc is ltc no matter where you keep it

>> No.5020252

God please,
People are stupid.
Make it stop.

>> No.5020266


but the price is lower on Binance.

>> No.5020333


>> No.5020410

Am Brainlet, pls halp

>> No.5020415

fuck off op you are obviously trolling, saged

>> No.5020444


I just want to convert $500 USD DOGE to BTC. What is the most efficient way to do so.


>> No.5020562

Not a troll. Am srs.

>> No.5020632


>> No.5020791

Well I guess you could just transfer back and get the money back - the fees. Right?

>> No.5020852

? I guess this means that I am wrong. Lol. Thanks!

>> No.5020863

BUMP: How the fuck do we transfer BTC to and from without getting shrekt by fees? $100 per transfer is insane >.<

>> No.5020897

I think you're screwed unless u buy from localbitcoins or somewhere else.

>> No.5020980

I just want to convert my DOGE into USD or maybe amazon gift cards. I know the fags at reddit are always looking to score, but I don't want to trust strangers on the Internet.


>> No.5021091

Also, how can I calculate the current transaction fee? I've seen numbers between $20 and $100. I could probably swing $20, but I would have to do one fat transaction and I would hate for it to get "lost" by Changeally

Then to spend it I would have to pay another $20

fucking hell, .5% is nearly 10% after network transaction fees.