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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50194705 No.50194705 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50194735

Gay conversion therapy camp, but for straight people to become gay because they hate putting up with women.

>> No.50194741

shitposting on 4chan all day while complaining about women because you can't have sex

>> No.50194768

I have a multimillionaire idea but I won't write it here, regards

>> No.50194786 [DELETED] 

Kill all jews (in minecraft)

>> No.50194814

Buy island
Buy virgin teenage girls from all over the world
Deflower dozens of teenage girls on bought island
Rent used girls to billionaires and alphabet agencies

>> No.50194824

jews got this
pls pls post it

>> No.50194849
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get a tomboy gf

>> No.50194853

why even deflower them? elites like them fresh and new

>> No.50194886

A digital wallet app that automatically selects the best option from your list of credit cards to automatically maximize the rewards you earn on each transaction

>> No.50194896

tomboys require money to stay fit

>> No.50194915

Nigger repellant in spray

>> No.50194943

Sell silver contracts and never allow physical delivery

>> No.50194952

I have a genuinely smart idea, but I’m too lazy to implement it to here it is.

Create an app which aggregates various streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Disney+) onto one platform and sell it. Instead of juggling various services people just subscribe to this one.

>> No.50194958

It's over

>> No.50194980

Meaning in a can

>> No.50194997

use facebook and youtube ads to sell overpriced digital marketing courses

>> No.50195033

too centralized and it will require to deal with movies, shows producers.
Still, a good idea.

>> No.50195062

Do people actually click on ads?
I never seen or clicked an ad for years.

>> No.50195092

The kind of retard that would buy a course in an ad is the kind of retard that doesn't have adblocker. That's why ads are so retarded, only retards watch ads. Know your target demographic.

>> No.50195114

>get $100 bill
>print in colour on both sides
>cut excess paper off new bill
>now have $200 for the cost of a colour print
spend it in any pajeet run store and I bet they don't even notice

>> No.50195128

I literally have a multi million business idea and how to initiate it and get rolling within 3 months, with income that will far outpace costs within a month.

It's not free and not a single faggot here is willing to pay for the information.

11.2k and its yours, not gonna give you free information to datamine.

>> No.50195139
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Lovelace = GameFi as a service (extra muni in the form of monthly/weekly fees and such). That extra muni becomes apparent after many people use it. Etc. Suscriptions in crypto.

>> No.50195142

Uooohhhh.... Strong belly muscle... So erotic!

>> No.50195144

>i have a golden goose but im gonna sell it for 11.2k
Only the kind of retard that doesn't adblock would fall for this. You should sell this scam in an ad.

>> No.50195159

a kiosk near my house run by chinks has this old bitch of a woman that checks every single bill handed to her like she's a CIA operative.

>> No.50195186

>get a tomboy gf
How? There is currently a tomboy holocaust going on.

>> No.50195197

A sesrch engine for the platforms ypu subscribe to? 100% sure it exists without looking it up

>> No.50195221

After dinner mints shaped like poop emojis called ExcreMints

>> No.50195307
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>multimillionaire ideas

>> No.50195383

buying kadena ticker KDA

>> No.50195439
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>multimillionaire ideas

>> No.50195454


>> No.50195464
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Like I said you retards won't buy ideas/information because you are lazy and entitled and believe everything is a scam I'm talking a real actual physical business.

>> No.50195525

Create a mechanism that can transfer human strengths to electricity.

Sort of a gas pedal, but by pressing it, it will push/pull up a weight. Once this weight is at it's peak, let it go down slowly, and transfer the energy of the weight going down to a motor that will generate electricity.

Once this is done, optimize it until a single push/pull can produce enough energy for a household.

>> No.50195645

uh anon, I have a feeling this won't last long term...

>> No.50195686

>Gay conversion therapy camp
so transgenderism?

>> No.50195792

>Gay conversion therapy camp, but for straight people to become gay
That's called a movie theatre

>> No.50196252

physics sisters... not like this

>> No.50196765

operate not one - not two - but THREE miniature golf courses in separate and independent prime locations

>> No.50197021

okay, it is settled. I'm going to sell cocaine.

>> No.50197129

Sell cocaine in pill form

>> No.50197206

What is the different between standard cocaine and cocaine in a pill?

>> No.50197238

Classical music has already been proven to work.

>> No.50197248

buy bitcoin

>> No.50197276

The shape

>> No.50197396

It’s mild hot sauce mixed with pumpkin spice latte. 5mg repels anyone with >25% African ancestry for up to 45min on a low humidity day

>> No.50197546

I have an idea that would make me a multi millionaire but its very illegal and very risky.

>> No.50197592

There is literally no legal idea to get rich

>> No.50197782

flavored oxygen bars in China?

>> No.50197837

Don't care about chinese.

>> No.50197890

ideas are worthless

>> No.50197936

Do you actually think people want to be decentralized? Normies like things to be ever central. It's more convenient

>> No.50198015
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Borrow $1 billion from the Federal Reserve at 1.58% to buy $1 billion of 1Y Treasury Bills at 2.8% and pocket the 122 basis point delta. Boom, $12 million profit. This is what the Jews don't want you to know.

>> No.50198083

True but some land you in low sec white collar prison and some land you in federal pound me in the ass prison.

>> No.50198125

Self buttering toast. Like once the bread is toasted the toaster puts the butter on for you

>> No.50198154


>> No.50198212

pill wouldnt get you high, stomach acid destroys it. snorting gets it to the blood instantly. which leads me to an idea: butt chuggable cocaine.

>> No.50198276
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Start with a billion
Buy some crypto
Wait a few days
Cash out
You are now a multimillionaire

>> No.50198323

Bluetooth luggage that follows you around. so you don't have to carry your own bags they just roll behind you.

>> No.50198756
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Start your dapp on hive blockchain

>> No.50198856

“I’m talking a real business that could net me millions over years but I want 11k now”
>calling other people lazy

>> No.50199373

continue shilling plz. whats so good about it?

>> No.50199479

didn't that maxwell chick just go to prison for this?

>> No.50199811

My multimillionaire Idea is to yolo all my money into SCPT from script network once they've fully launched.

It's a watch to earn platform where they have channels streaming content 24/7, but also have a community where you can Live chat, private message and trade NFTs for that show/film (that you're interested in) in real time.

It's where all my bucks are going.

>> No.50201834

whats the minimum for the presale?

>> No.50203444
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god i wish that were me

>> No.50203497

Create a youtube following for scriptural evidence in the Vedas that the world is being invaded by evil spirit wickedness. The solution is the special holy water you sell for the price of $39.99 a bottle as you are a holy warrior. Then you can branch off with crystals, pebbles, etc.

>> No.50205930

Garlic bread cones that can be filled with spaghetti and topped with parmesan.

>> No.50205943

Another one, Cat Soda.
People love soda, and they love their cats, so why wouldn't they give their cats Cat Soda?
>cat hates it
He loves it!