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50194306 No.50194306 [Reply] [Original]

The only time I successfully managed to talk to a woman without completely dropping my spaghetti is by telling her that she could make some extra dough with stepn just by walking. It was for nothing though because she has a boyfriend anyways so I’m still a loser.

>> No.50194322

woman are complementary goods for the man, stop over idealizing them, just work hard and get enough money to make it look that you have even more, you'll get bitches forming line on your door for you to talk them in no time.

>> No.50194367
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Had to touch the hand of another lady the other day as to not come off as rude due to the social queue she presented as she raised her right hand in a formal business gesture for me to shake it. Still getting goosebumps.

>> No.50194380

I saw a woman with the nicest ass I've ever seen today. Total gym rat. I was so close to just getting on my knees and shoving my face into her asscrack and inhaling deeply.
I am hopeful that the smell of shit and stinky pussy would cure me of idealization

>> No.50194387

fix being a loser first before thirsting for women. even if u find one to tolerate u it’ll never last and u’ll get cucked.

>> No.50194471

what is this touching spaghetti thing I'm reading? is it some sort of slang I don't know?

>> No.50194478

that's sick

>> No.50194501

spaghetti touching? lmao

>> No.50194506

kinda incel but pretty based

>> No.50194527

I would do the same

>> No.50194534

yeah that sounds even weirder that spaghetti dropping as OP said idek either

>> No.50194550

go touch some grass

>> No.50194556

sick of imagining the smell, bro

>> No.50194560
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this is (You)

>> No.50194570

I think he was talking about spilling the beans

>> No.50194576

Anon I...

>> No.50194579


>> No.50194585

king batch made it a thing

>> No.50194589

Start going to a gym, ideally in a class or with a personal trainer. Your confidence will skyrocket once you get rid of the paunch and start getting some arm musculature.

>> No.50194593

that clown is so happy to be him

>> No.50194595

nono he kinda has a point

>> No.50194600

what in the mgtow

>> No.50194608

everyone making fun of you is an unbased pussy feminist simp king

>> No.50194615


>> No.50194621


>> No.50194626

Women are always flirty as fuck with me and very sweet but im always self consxious about being a broke poorfag loser.

>> No.50194669

Literally just practise talking to them with no expectations of dating / sex, gradually you will get more comfortable talking to them and being yourself and then you can start flirting, making jokes, asking on dates etc and things will just naturally progress. Women are more afraid of you than you are of them, just start conversations with meaningless icebreakers like asking what time is it, where are you from, etc idk. It's easy with practise.

>> No.50194708


>> No.50194938

4chan paid shill is a truly bizarre job

>> No.50194964


This. Most of the time they don't even give a shit about what's being said, just how you're making them feel. It's all about the vibes you are sending. You could have the sharpest wit but if you make her feel awkward/uncomfortable, that easygoing dumbass is going to win.

>> No.50195073

Lol, post you're shit physique. I could do with a good laugh

>> No.50195492

lurk a year before posting

>> No.50195621

>25+ yo women are sweet and often even flirty towards me
>the younger ones who are my age act like total bitches
What the fuck does it mean

>> No.50195632

well if you told her that you are a matic holder things would be very different right now.
she would have left her bf for you.

>> No.50195809

Were you ever a loser? It’s hard to go from loser to chad. It’s a daily mental grind that most men seem to fail at