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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50192973 No.50192973 [Reply] [Original]

i finally found an okay girl to ask out, what do i tell her frens? i want my first sentence to go like this:

>hi my name is anon, i don't know much about aside from you work here, and i've seen you around enough that you got my attention; and equally you don't know much about me, even less i'd argue. but i would like to get to know you better over a date.. that is if you don't have a significant other already.

how do you think she would respond to this? bls help.

>> No.50193001

seek help

>> No.50193005
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I've fucked her

>> No.50193013

or should it be simpler

>look i don't know you and you don't know me but i think there might be something between the looks we've had with each other. am i crazy from asking you out?

>> No.50193027

even simpler
>hey you're hot wanna come over my place?

>> No.50193031

This can't be real. Are there actually genuine autists here?

>> No.50193051

yes i used to be one until i got onto /fit/ and built up my social confidence

>> No.50193055

shut up shut up, just help. i see her again in 1 week. i must make my move then or never.
wouldn't that be too direct.

>> No.50193072

Too short, you need to give her some more background info (how old you are, where you were born, whether you want children, your favorite color etc…). Think of it like filling out a dating app profile IRL. Your opening statement should take around 10 minutes minimum, that way she has enough information to make an intelligent decision.

>> No.50193078

only works if you're terachad
just ask her out on a coffee date or sth, jfc stop thinking so much

>> No.50193079

Holy shit no op.

>Hey, I'm anon, you are

*fist bump* if she seems cool just carry on normal human convo. If you make it that far THEN... you ask...

>you feel like grabbing a coffee after your shift?

That is literally it.

>> No.50193081
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Terrible. Just say "you want some fuck?"

>> No.50193083

Ask her out for a beer and teach her how to play cribbage or something. Jesus Christ stop overthinking and trying to script you every move you autist

>> No.50193088

Nigger, it's just as easy and starting a conversation and then asking her if she wants to have lunch with you. Don't say all that creepy shit you typed out.

>> No.50193108

what's the point in wasting your own and her time? if she's interested in you any way sexually she would agree, or at least start talking to you more if she is prude.

>> No.50193110

*as easy as

>> No.50193120

Asking her out shouldn't be your first interaction with her. Make some small talk first, make her laugh.

>> No.50193122

just my opinion but give her your real name. I've tried going by anon in real life and boy oh boy the looks you get people treated me not as well as id like over it and I think women even created a rumor

>> No.50193150

What do you look like OP

>> No.50193183

i look good enough b/c i've seen her check me out. i just haven't made a proper conversation with her, aside from just saying greetings.
this make sense.

>> No.50193253

Fine dude, keep it simple like others have said and be genuine that's all it takes.

There are so many things to say but you've literally just wrote a sperg wall of text.
That last sentence especially sets you up for failure, almost like you expect her to say she has a bf...

What I usually do is notice something unique about her clothes/jewelry/tattoos to start chatting, and then ask her on a date when it feels natural in the conversation (or at least get her number before you go)

And remember, just yourself. Seriously, get in a positive frame of mind and don't care about getting rejected

>> No.50193288

Break the ice by asking to see her wiener

>> No.50193337

You've thought about this too much. It's best not to have a script when you approach a woman

>> No.50193378

okay i'll start by asking her if she is married, i know she isn't b/c there isn't a ring on her soo i think that would make her laugh, then i'll complement her smile, and then ask her out on a date.

>> No.50193445

The less you say the better.
Women don't give a fuck about your carefully hedged neurotic mindgames. All day every day they get approached by nervous pussies who do the same song and dance, and all they have to say to get rid of them is, "no."
Women appreciate unambiguous, simply worded approaches that are congruent with a man's physical presence. i.e. if you're wringing your hands and sweating, nothing you say will make up for it.

>> No.50193480
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>Business & Finance
Jannies do your fucking job pls, get this faggy shit to /adv/ or /b/ benchod.

>> No.50193577

it's almost like women are a completely different breed. emotional creaturas.

>> No.50193615

>hi my name is anon blahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blahblah blahblahblah blahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blah blahblah blahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblah blah. Blahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah. Blahblahblahblahblah blahblahblah blah.
I think you're underestimating all the time it's gonna take to say
>all that shit

>> No.50193637

it would take less than a minute.

>> No.50193663

and that's a good thing unironically. if everyone was like men it would be shitty

>> No.50193676

Look OP, no one asks girls out any more. I don't think asking people out ever really happened to a large degree outside of fictional tv/movies. You're basically a stranger, no one wants to hang out with a stranger.

The only way to get a girl out requires a more natural approach. Get her insta or whatsapp. Start commenting on some of her posts. Be sure you posts cool stuff yourself. To girls, your entire value as a human being is your social life and how cool you seem. DM chat with her. Ask her to hang out in a not one on one environment. This takes a lot of time so you need to have multiple girls in your workflow here.

I know you think the above is gay as fuck and it is but too bad. Girls define the parameters of the game.

>> No.50193699

Yeah because that's an autist af thing to do. Did you actually use "anon" or was it actually some other alias?

>> No.50193741

kid, nothing happens like you think it will in your head. when you finally deign to talk to a girl, she will open up her phone or turn her head away within 10 seconds if you have nothing good to say. the smart ones will interrupt you slightly and you'll just start muttering and shifting your eyes like an idiot.
get off of the computer and live your life, you're procrastinating.

>> No.50193758

Sex is a social event, you need to either rhwve higher value or a connection with someone to have sex. It's an experience between two people. There is no correct secret sequence of words that will get you in bed with a woman. Learn to be your authentic self. It's the only way. One day you will look back and laugh about how long it took you to learn easy parts of life.