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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50191157 No.50191157 [Reply] [Original]

Next is Goerli in a few weeks then mainnet
Likely mid aug to mid sept
After that
Emitted block rewards are less than eth burn
No more miner overhead to incentivize

Taking current unchanged network usage and new pos emissions eth will end the year at ~13500
This is not taking into account new investors riding the "eth is the green crypto" train

Btc will lose its #1 spot
And fall to #7 or #8 as the "beta capture of crypto" narrative falls apart

Buy eth now and stake it forever
It will get you enough money to get a woman
And kids
And grandkids
And theyll thank you for it

>> No.50191215 [DELETED] 

Yes i made a thread minutes ago and people still dont believe it happens or understand it
so its not priced in

>> No.50191251

Yes i made a thread minutes ago and people still dont believe it happens or understand it so its not priced in

>> No.50191266

Oh boy can't wait for centralization to get worse after ETH moves to Proof of Stake

>> No.50191288

400k validators already!
It will get better without mining pools

>> No.50191315

Imagine the maxi salt mine after btc gets flipped!

>> No.50191321
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All Proof of Stake systems are fundamentally flawed and therefore worthless longterm. Large Stakeholders either retain their stake with close to 0 effort or can even expand it, giving them ever more power over the network. If governance or voting is part of the system, large players can decide matters by themselves, such as recently seen by Solend. Large players could become so large they could attack the network purely for the joy of it, or financially benefit if they find a way to profit off the network dying (or taking massive damage). Further large players can hide easily to the public, spinning up multiple cloud instances and act as if they are many different entities when in fact they are only one. They can also switch locations easily and evade law enforcement.

PoW on the other hand you must keep spending part of your income on new hardware, so you fall behind if you don't keep up, allowing new entrants into the system. In PoS you must beg existing players to sell you tokens to enter (ie no permissionless entry). Further hardware takes space and can't be moved easily, so criminal activity can be traced to a location and law enforcement can find criminal miners.
PoW is more secure.
PoW is also green if scaled up as seen on coincarboncap.

Proof of Stake has no future. Eth can never scale anyway. Plus Bitcoin was always Turing complete (as proven now) and BSV is both scalable and Turing complete (ie smart contracts, can do anything Eth can do).

Eth not needed. BTC too slow. DYOR faggots.

>> No.50191323

two more weeks trust the plan

>> No.50191343

The mental gymnastics of desperate miners and bit maxis is pathetic

>> No.50191344

Does the PoS merge:
>Improve scaling?
>Let people unstake ETH (which is down 75% from ATH)?
>Improve security?
>Add new features?
>Improve decentralization?
Lol, lmao

>> No.50191369

Seeing saylor rope will be bliss

>> No.50191375

I dont get this meme, sure its great for big bags that never have to spend eth any more, but it kinda kills the onchain economy and forces us to trade with centralized shitcoins

>> No.50191398

Theyre desperate
Theyre trapped and they arent smart enough to escape

>> No.50191419

It eventually balances supply with demand
At a progressively higher price
Providing greater security

>> No.50191435

>400k validators already!
Validator numbers means jack and shit when there's currently an upper limit on the amount of ETH you can stake right now. People will split their ETH above 32 across multiple validators to maximize their gains

Then you have the whole issue of a single pool having 32% of validating power right now, and it's not going to end up limiting itself

>> No.50191472

>Validator numbers means jack and shit when there's currently an upper limit on the amount of ETH you can stake right now. People will split their ETH above 32 across multiple validators to maximize their gains
Ignore my fucking brainfart there jesus I don't even know what I just wrote. It's the opposite since it's a lower limit on how much to stake, which means people are using services like Lido which centralized power to Lido

>> No.50191526

Great, I guess Ill just spend the next bullrun taking loans and spending USDC on shitcoins
Just gotta hope no one disagrees with my gambling and freezes my assets

>> No.50191588

This. Mining encourages competition, staking will just make the rich richer and end up concentrating all of the networks voting power into the hands of a few.

>> No.50191672

>centralized power to Lido
This is a problem

>> No.50191692

>This is a problem
Correct, and they're not going to stop it at all. Over 99% of users of Lido want no limit on how much power Lido can have over the network

>> No.50191737

Youre assuming those who hold large amounts of value in a network are going to take steps to actively undermine it
This kind of stupidity can only come from btc maxis

>> No.50191759

it's already happening to your defi & governance clusterfuck

>> No.50191760

Thank you for the excellent explanation my fellow big blocker. People in this industry are so fucking dumb it's unbelievable. See you at the citadel

>> No.50191787

>Youre assuming those who hold large amounts of value in a network are going to take steps to actively undermine it
Well gee guess decentralization is pointless then since whoever has power over the network always wants what's best for the blockchain. Might as well just get a couple of people in control and let them decide

>> No.50191802

stop responding to vitalik bro

>> No.50191870

Stay poor and rope losers
You realize the moment btc is out of the #1 spot its dead forever, right?
Or are you too stupid to understand that too

>> No.50191958

Do you have anything relevant to say to actually refute the fact that a staking service has 32% and that's bad for decentralization?

>> No.50192019

No Im assuming that deflationary pressure on the networks currency will reduce even further the incentive to use it as anything else then collateral.
Im also assuming that this will encourage even more the usage of USDC/Tether for onchain trading.
I find this shitty, next bullrun will probably the last chance for many to obtain any stake in the network before being permanently priced out and seeking refuge in other chains

>> No.50192023

BTC mining pools are even worse

>> No.50192088

To add to this, all of these services generally just rent servers and such from the same few companies (AWS for hosting, Cloudflare, etc.) so when any one of those go down, your "decentralized" currency/computer/shitcoin goes down as well.

>> No.50192106

>You realize the moment btc is out of the #1 spot its dead forever, right?
Two more weeks

>> No.50192149

I don't hold BTC or any other shitcoin for that matter. I'm all in on the only chain that can scale and encourages competition.

>> No.50192211

Again youre too fucking stupid to understand that the network equilibrates to neither deflationary nor inflationary
Just at a higher price
With more security
Just like any value asset should
You fucking retard

>> No.50192238

If every one of those went down eth would be fine with remaining stakers
You know that
But youre lying
Because youre stupid enough to believe your own lies

>> No.50192469

>after merge block rewards lower than burnt ETH, Eth supply goes down forever
>After the merge, you'll need enough sell demand for ETH for the price to NOT go up to compensate for the burn
Explain. Cunt.

>> No.50192608

Will gas fees ever go down?

>> No.50192762

Aren't they just going to copy and paste matic over to multiple shards to scale the network after transferring the current chain to a shard?

>> No.50192968

Eth becomes deflationary via high burn
Price of eth goes up
Cost per l1 transaction goes up
More traffic shunted to l2s
Per transaction burn decreases, possibly below pos emission rate
Eth becomes stable or inflationary
Price stabilizes or goes down until transactions volumes again increase

Its an obvious homeostatic mechanism that any thinking person can see
Now kill yourself so my children dont have to explain things to your retard progeny

>> No.50193042
