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50190964 No.50190964 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50190993

The future is eating bugs and living in pods.
At least you will be happy.

>> No.50191007
File: 31 KB, 199x175, Screenshot from 2021-07-07 02-42-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, thankfully

>> No.50191317

web3 isn't even real.

>> No.50191341

lmao no

>> No.50191351

I've been a web developer for 20 years and "web [number]" has never been relevant to anything ever

>> No.50191422

its not about the relevance. its about what it is and what they are trying to take. its about how bad they are. they are bad people

>> No.50191448

it isn't anything. It doesn't even exist. Anyone suggesting it exists is to be dismissed with prejudice.

>> No.50191504

but they are talking about it. it is talked about, therefore it is. it should be taken away from them. it should be stopped

>> No.50191658

When you hear about web3, you'll notice that cryptocurrency is often part of the conversation, so it is here

>> No.50191780

they die i laugh

>> No.50191798

no, web 5.0 is the future.

>> No.50192221
File: 27 KB, 360x360, GMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to make some pretty good bank with pic related, which is one of the few web 3 dapps people actually use which is nice imo. What about you all?

>> No.50192252
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web 5 is still far from all i can say and web 3 is already here and web3 applications either run on blockchains, decentralized networks of many peer to peer nodes (servers); with this reason we would see lots of people migrating to this new web so as to benefit from the freedom and control it offers

>> No.50193154

Yes. It's needed or people will stop using the internet actually. Why grow a business online when you can just be shut down. Why grow a following if it can just be cancelled.

>> No.50193204

The thing is web 3.0 is still such an abstract idea outside of the developers realm that people don't under or think it's real. The currency aspect is such a small part of the whole crypto future it's not even funny. Web 3.0 is the biggest part for the future of the digital economy.

>> No.50193986

ipv6 is

>> No.50194063


>> No.50194082

i fucking hope not

>> No.50194168

it's web 6.0 for me

>> No.50194237

Never say never anon
Start from the now

Web5, 6, to web10 will come, but I'm convinced that with the emergence of subsquid, they is hope for a swifty web3

>> No.50195803
File: 45 KB, 290x230, Gamestop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. and I will be very rich in both worlds.

>> No.50195918

no "web3.0" is just the newest terminology for the latest grift

>> No.50195969

Literally just a buzzword to make people fomo. The tech itself is mostly useless.

>> No.50195972 [DELETED] 

web3 indexing is an important piece of infrastructure. be sure to pick up a bag of KENSHI to capitalize on this growing trend.

>> No.50196022
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Fake & gay. It's hype

>> No.50196126

NFTs will never be adopted into normie culture

>> No.50196512

Subsquid and The Graph have developed good solutions to the data indexing problems that limited it, so yeah.

>> No.50196564

cryptocurrency plays a big role in many of these protocols, It provides a financial incentive (tokens) for anyone who wants to participate in creating, governing, contributing to, or improving one of the projects themselves, already we have the likes of Polkadot as a key player also Ore Network which is responsible for cross-chain identity management

>> No.50196592

It is not, web 3 is the future, take it or leave it

>> No.50197267

They are more of a network token than a currency as they tend to have a narrow single local use. How doge is a crypto currency since it does nothing.

>> No.50197750

With the kinda NFT support projects are giving out, I bet the NFT hype will be back and better this time. In-time Creators will be able to seamlessly mint, Trade and transfer their works cross chain.

>> No.50197800

As long as elon shills it then its the 'billionaires coin'.

>> No.50197806

All I know is decentralization computing and internet is the future. Centralized powers have become too corrupted to function in any meaningful state anymore.

Now whether Web 3 or 5 or 10 delivers the most effective and efficient and resilient decentralized internet, that will succeed.

>> No.50198316

I share same sentiment as you, web3 is finally taking it place and projects are building very relatable usecases to help hasten its development including the onboarding process for NFT creators into the web 3.

>> No.50198669

sure thing neo. the transition from web to web 2.0 was fucking huge with all social media platforms launching and gaming + ecommerce. web 3 will use blockchain as its core. i will have authority over my own content and there's not a single nigger that will delete it without outvoting my whalestatus.

>> No.50198782

I love how the project contributes positively to the development of web3 through its participation in various web3 events. With their tech, I can only see better days ahead.

>> No.50198881
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I guess you are a dummy with little knowledge of what web3 is all about. It is a good thing we have projects like subsquid that have simplified the technicalities involved for retards like you.

>> No.50198923

now tell please tell us what happens to a decentralized social media platform when degens start uploading child porn to it and there's no way to delete it?

>> No.50199003

The fuck is web 3.0?

>> No.50199127
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They start drone striking Bitcoin holders?

>> No.50199180

I believe the future of Web 3.0, anon. There are projects that still show that there's a future in Web 3.0. Subsquid's FireSquid that's able to index Kusama in under 15 minutes with a 50k blocks per second says a lot about data indexing for the dWeb space

>> No.50199204

people creating a problem that isn't so they can make themselves seem useful once they offer a solution, which in reality will be naught but another trouble source

>> No.50199234
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That's not how a decentralized social media should work. Go learn how it works the better way. BTW, Squid Squad can effectively index what's best for the dWeb

>> No.50199254

How do you know there are peole who behave like that?

>> No.50199275

Bitcoin holders or maxis don't believe in Web 3.0? Holy crap.

>> No.50199487

anon, don't be naive, we are talking about humans, real humans, not their idyllic book renditions with their paragonic behavior

>> No.50199727

Yes, it's recent launched of firesquid which aid the rapid-fire syncing 10–50k blocks per second is really going to help web3 projects in many ways

>> No.50200581

Their loss

>> No.50200645

Asmongold mocks web 3 every day. It isnt going to take off.

>> No.50200911

Goes to say protocols involved in the transitioning from web2 to web3 like the ORE ID tool and the newly launched polygon ID will be a big deal.

>> No.50201609

it is a simple use of the tech at hand

>> No.50201656

>now please tell me what will happen to the personal computer when sex offenders start using it to download child porn
you do realize that child porn was one of the first uses of personal computers and the internet, right?

>> No.50201891

Its either they miss out or join the train regardless

>> No.50202297

only if it's true web3 (ticker: icp)

>> No.50202327

Buy ICP or be poor. You can take it the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours.
>check 'em

>> No.50202583

Is there any use case behind icp?

>> No.50202615

Is there any way of interacting with a smart contract wrather than sending it tokens?

>> No.50202865

it is an advantage to interact with smart contracts in web 3

>> No.50203692

i mean i want to tell a contract yes or no is there anyway to do this without chainlink? do i have to have a node get an api call from some website? can i not 'poke' it with an address?

>> No.50203858

>$2000 ATH
>token LITERALLY not needed
Anon, I...

>> No.50203878

it is obvious that web 3 is giving quite a number of projects a premise to prove their relevance, chainlink is sure having this interaction while ORE ID bridges the Web 2 identities with Web 3 and provides an easy, convenient and secure way to obtain a cross-chain wallet.

>> No.50204039
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 165349877562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, zha0 is the future, hold web 3.0 projects if you want some long term investment, for the short to mid this is the way

>> No.50204134

>unless OpenSea decides to remove your NFT

>> No.50204254

>Invents a new pizza which is just the same as other pizzas but worse
>"So it's a new pizza but worse huh?"
>"No, it's pizza 2.0, the future of pizza"
>"I don't get it, it's just like old regular pizza but worse"
>"You just don't get it"

>> No.50204597

ok but can i not do what I'm wanting now?

>> No.50204767

No one in this thread has given a clear answer because there is no real answer. Web 3 is a pipe dream meant to justify this gambling addict circlejerk.

>> No.50205513

There are billion dollar companies like Coco Cola, HTC and Facebook working with Web3 leaders like Polygon

If this doesn’t assure you that Web3 is the future then idk what will

>> No.50206250

Bliion dollar corps throw money at a lot of things. Most dont lead to something though. Just look at IOTA, they had 'partnerships' with many big corps. But the big corps just used it as R&D to take tax advantages. Literally no one is still working with IOTA because they just uae centralised solutions. They are more effizient and cheaper and most use cases dont need decentralised solutions and web3. Its just a new buzz word without real world adoption, just like bitcoin as payments, then digital gold/inflation hedge. In a few years we will have the next buzz word because web3 will be abandoned.

>> No.50206318

3 is bigger than 2 so yeah duh

>> No.50206363

no, web3 is basically a javascript library that connects websites to the blockchain, its really underwhelming and limited.

>> No.50206432

Polygon is really the big deal here that's why chads are starting to explore some upcoming good projects around them. I believe they can also change the marketing standard in a genius way.

>Web3 is really the future

>> No.50206577

from their frontend, yes
It's still all on-chain at the end of the day

>> No.50206627

NFT are the future. Not for shitty art of apes and zombies, but for actual practical things. Everything will be tied to an NFT to show proof of ownership and provenance. Buy a house? You buy the NFT attached to it. A car? Ditto. It will start with video games though, which is a bigger market than movies, TV or music combined and has a growth of 10% per year. Look for the upcoming Gamestop NFT marketplace. LRC and IMX are powering it.

>> No.50206781

obviously it is bigger than that, it is creating a new niche with endless possibilities

>> No.50206793

what could you have wanted than to access your web 2 identities on the new web with ease

>> No.50206813
File: 825 KB, 700x525, 1656116589425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone explain what is Web3? And how does it differ from web2?

>> No.50206837
File: 40 KB, 657x657, 0hxzofc9mqy11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he is just a boomer stating nonsense bullshits in this thread. Web3 has a long way to go especially in the marketing industry. Most micro influencers will get their benefits through joining KOLnet on Polygon soon.

>> No.50206867

see this>>50198669
also web3 is in its infancy now. we have no idea what is going to be founded during the web3 era. like the other anon said blockchain is its core.

>> No.50206920

I agree with you, there are lots of NFT projects out there with real use cases especially in the gaming field with lots of potential users if it manages to get a wild adoption on mainstream.

>> No.50206973

Web 3 is going to happen, but there's way too many shit and vaporware projects right now. We still need to go through the first big web 3 crash, wash out all the projects with poor fundamentals.

>> No.50207000

Owning your in game assets is going to be the mainstream eventually. Who is going to play games where they can't make money by selling their in game assets quickly and easily? Why would people play a game that does not compensate them for their time when other games do?

>> No.50207219
File: 27 KB, 250x206, smoblehjashfsjdhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember having my account for years in some games I played before on PC and I can definitely sell them because it's at the top leaderboards. Now we can even sell NFT gaming assets as is without waiting for it to get stronger. The only thing that matters now is the volatility of the price because of the market trend.

>> No.50207221

wow what a fucking riveting argument, you're not fucking retarded or anything dude. I'm going to take your word as truth with nothing behind it except "I web developed for some years"

>> No.50207268

anything worth selling?

>> No.50207286

I'm not selling anything but I'm waiting for my Honeyland Genesis NFT eggs to get hatched probably this mid Q3. Coz there are still chances that I can get some legendary ones which I can sell for extreme high price.


>> No.50207334
File: 855 KB, 817x789, 4534534343534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it isn't
i don't understand it

>> No.50207476

Even at that, since it is decentralized, they don't suppose to have such power to delete your stuffs without your authority, that'w where

>> No.50207501

I believe in its potential as well if of course there is more innovation in it. Web3 would also function with NFTs and the Metaverse seeing as they are linked in a way and its only natural for investors to be trooping in. Binance and Cristiano Ronaldo are part of them with plans for a web3 community showing how even the world of sports is not left out.

>> No.50207514
File: 5 KB, 165x115, hsjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, we are just starting out in web3, as more projects keeps building support for web 3, it will get better by day, subsquid recently launch another program to support web3 development too

>> No.50207530
File: 139 KB, 1200x800, 9274764854w84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metaverse is the future, you can see how much it is buzzing around the gaming, sport and entertainment industry

>> No.50207538

Or you're just too dumb to understand how it works

>> No.50207553

That's true, both web3, NFT, metaverse P2E, all these will be synchronized into one, as such, it needs swift data speed to on their API to be able to withstand the data transfer

>> No.50207565

Hmm, sounds like you're about to make a conspiracy theory

>> No.50207575
File: 2 KB, 125x78, 1637686661178s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly my point, all these are the future including defi, but all these needs a swift data transmission to succeed on this, I think that's when subquid new product(firesquid) will be more effective

>> No.50207587

If it is indeed about connecting and bridging the gaps between people, then it probably is. Same reason why metaverse is going to become a big deal, esp. in sports. For ages, fans have been trying to connect with their icons in advanced ways

>> No.50207608

Then, that's going to be a far future

>> No.50207623
File: 18 KB, 200x183, 1643028025974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not useless anon. Don't be an idiot

Okay retard. Do a little check on NFT in sports and see how dumb your statement is

>> No.50207635

Network matters a lot, especially in the kind of world we are moving into

>> No.50207645

Seen Lion Club NFT? I don't think the hype will be back. I think it is already here. A whole lot of big names and brands are into it

>> No.50207649

NFT enthusiasts will get the best out of it

>> No.50207672

>but for actual practical things.
>coupled with sports metaverse
Like connecting fans to their favorite sportsperson. Slowly becoming one of the biggest topics in the world of sports

>> No.50207686

Definitely, most NFTYs will die off during this season, but only those with use cases will stand out for the long term
I don't know about lion club, but I know for sure that Lox NFT is here to stay, because of it's uniqueness and use cases

>> No.50207691
File: 9 KB, 192x262, 38464583645743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen EA sports, Youtube, Nvidia, Sony, Playstation Home, Doom etc. going all in into NFT and metaverse-based project is not a fluke

>> No.50207702

>I don't know about lion club,
You should check it out, still one of the biggest deliveries of NFTs in sports this year. Lukaku even has a collection with it

>> No.50207757

How will that work?

>> No.50207759

How will they fucking help web3 development?
Is firesquid same with subsquid?

>> No.50207893

Basically, it is about covering all the biggest celebrities in sports in one place in the metaverse, in such a way that fans can engage with them in 3D. Amanda Nunez even announced that she will be inviting her fans to train with her on the metaverse. The possibilities are endless and virtual meetings are even set up to connect fans to the stars covered on the metaverse. it's a big deal in my opinion

>> No.50207920
File: 77 KB, 492x559, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure google, meta will sit on the sidelines watching the web getting taken from them.
web3 is a meme

>> No.50208033

no, but crypto is.
is going to replace fiat any moment now.

>> No.50208049

Yes, they provide data indexing services to optimize web3 projects
>Is firesquid same with subsquid?
Yes, firesquid is one of their product they launch recently, it'll enable a data rapid syncing b/w 10-50k blocks per seconds

>> No.50208078

That's pretty cool. Dunno why it would require NFTs but still can't wait to see where it goes.

>> No.50208269

LoL no

>> No.50208638

yeah maybe but as of now the next big thing is web 3 and its really cool that it is giving lots of projects like Ore Network, Chainlink, Polkadot and so many others the premise to exhibit their features

>> No.50208690

there's too many pajeets in this thread
whether web3 will succeed or not will bow down to whether we can have robust decentralised yet anonymous identity systems (think zkproof-based) filtering out low quality "humans"

>> No.50208797

You don't know the half of it. There are projects coming along which will revolutionize the very basics of the modern economy: data. I've seen Blockchain solutions that might trigger great paradigm shifts

>> No.50208812

Yeah sure idiot. Ransheesh hacks the metamask wallet of your tech illiterate boomer, steals the house nft and now you and your shitty family need to live on the streets to make room for a 16yo indian hacker in your house. This shit will never happen, we will use centralized services for this and then we dont even need blockchain so nothing will change.

>> No.50208817

What's so special about it? If I was to pick a long term investment it would be the Sportsmetaverse. I'm seeing a lot of potential especially with the likes of YouTube and Sony investing in it.

>> No.50208839
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All these are vaporware. They regurgitate the same thing, all of them. The space needs more than that. Kek

>> No.50208870

You have a point there anon. The shift is already happening. Mult-blockchains and the fundamentals of Geeq might bring more innovation and adoption. Fingers crossed.

>> No.50208913

Well said anon, i love their proof of honesty concept

>> No.50208924

Interesting. Only thing is... multichains have become a dime a dozen. We now have a couple good projects proposing that.

>> No.50208932

Hahaha, well, that's your opinion, so what do you think the space need, and who will give it to them?
Know it that as the space grows, more solutions will keep emerging, same will subsquid keeps innovating and finding new solutions too

>> No.50208945

Talks about BFT values of 99%. That's pretty hard core if they're able to implement it as they've said

>> No.50208950
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1655119531955s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research everything down to the bone. Just note that blockchains solution is your savior in the end even if you get involved in a shady crypto,

>> No.50208973

Since they employ a consensus system, I believe they will.

>> No.50208984

You mean privacy chains? I've only seen few multichains. One has to really look to recognise them. A lot of work but well worth it in the end.
Another sensible anon right here.

>> No.50209004

More data solutions on blockchains are a good place to start anon. I don't know about others but geeq seems to be already doing a good job of that. Think on it.

>> No.50209058
File: 222 KB, 1012x800, 1642023714541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of pajeet shills and retards in this thread...
and the only real thing you black monkeys can think of is scammers and industry gigajews selling nfts, like these idiots: >>50206920
guess what you subhumans: nfts have nothing to do with your abstract web3 concepts - nobody claims we're at "web3" and nfts are being sold currently. using blockchain for anything in web development is a retarded idea and only brown third worlders can fall for that.

>> No.50209109

some projects are not even proposing but taking the bull by the horn already giving access to multiple blockchain

>> No.50209172

Web3 NFT braintards dont even try to answer to my criticism because it destroys their whole concept.

>> No.50209332

Well, geeq you call it, I'm hearing the fuck about it for the first time, but I think you allow google to help you with what subquid is next time, bc it's the data indexing solution you need for your project

>> No.50209370

We have privacy chains. And we have public chains. And then we have the lesser known hybrid chains. That's where Geeq comes in

>> No.50209380
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>> No.50209397

Is subsquid a hybrid Blockchain? I don't think there are many hybrid solutions out there.

>> No.50209407
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This web3 project, I'm confident, will be successful.

>> No.50209420
File: 147 KB, 500x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you do realize that child porn was one of the first uses of personal computers and the internet, right?

So you mean we should just fucking overlook child porn you fucking downie?

>> No.50209460

I enjoy how the data makes it possible for you to locate and substantiate your claims at any moment in the future.

>> No.50209637

No, it's on polkadot blockchain

>> No.50210407
File: 2 KB, 125x101, 1650995629656s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about NFT hype but relevant use cases. And as far as that goes I see the lion club NFTs of Sportsmetaverse being way up there for granting holders access to some of the greatest athletes of all time.

>> No.50210456


>> No.50211157

keep believing bullshit then shitdick

>> No.50213163

Someone get this retard his medications.

>> No.50213190

Tell me something I don't know

>> No.50213660

Elon infulence is dying now. It's past its peak, for sure. You can only fuck people over so many times before they just stop listening to you.

>> No.50213703

Agreed but most of these coins/tokens at this point aren't money or supposed to be money. Thye are closer to a stock at this point. Something that can be traded for money but not a currency. Like I said earlier doge is the closest crypto to actually being a currency.

>> No.50214908

most people are not even using secure routers in their home. Web3 is not the future, it's just the latest investor hustle to get dinosaur financiers onboard with what the tech oligarchs were already planning on pushing.

>> No.50215311

Doesn't matter if it pumps and it gets used. Your opinion doesn't matter. Most the dumbest things take off.

>> No.50215377

It's actually the present so you sre latd to the game as always

>> No.50215405

Lmao dude

>> No.50215624

for me, it's the Playstation 9

>> No.50217171

Subsquid is a project that provide data indexing services to web3 project for effective data synching

>> No.50217491

yes because whatever web infrastructure that comes after web 2.0 would be called web 3.0, not that ETH and SOL jpegs and shitty MMO's are "web 3.0"

>> No.50217891

how is it any different from the life you live already? spend all day at your computer, eating garbage, just to stay alive? just barely maintaining homeostasis? is this why you fantasize about this so much? you want the big powerful government to force you into this situation so you feel less guilty about enjoying it?

>> No.50217916

who? wtf are you talking about? who is trying to make what? be specific retard

>> No.50217983

how would nft improve any of those? Music will be more enjoyable?

>> No.50217993


>> No.50219221

Is facebook, distributed system, run from multiple data centers a web3!

>> No.50219223

Not our jobs to sell you on the idea, faggot. You sound like the doubters in 2009 with bitcoin. Enjoy being poor.

>> No.50219253

Imagine if your entire steam library was tradeable. You get sick of a game or finish it and don't want to play it anymore? Just sell it to someone else.

>> No.50219304

People wake up to reality?

>> No.50219355

maybe there is no way to delete but there always can be a way to hide it

>> No.50219629
File: 6 KB, 200x190, ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor fag, Web3 social creator economy is the hot topic in the space. Degens are stacking up Crypto by creating content and sharing it on social media.

>> No.50219896
File: 2 KB, 95x125, 1650974777318s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's incredibly innovative that oldfags can earn Cryptos, NFTs, and digital gift cards by posting on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram using the Raiinmakerapp. This is a simple way to generate income on Web3, Anon.

>> No.50220090

Woah I thought you were lying. Thanks for all the free crypto and rewards anon! Very redpilled!

>> No.50220456
File: 2 KB, 96x125, 1640702803292s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I've heard about RaiinMakerApp as well. With the help of raiinmaker, I believe it is time to democratize the creator community and reclaim the value of our social capital.

>> No.50220517

no, it's a poncy
just buy early and get out

>> No.50220562

lol im 31 and retired thanks to eth and xmr. but thanks for your concerns, im fine.

>> No.50220592

And why should steam allow it? What do they get out of it? Basically, their sales will go down. Makes no sense for them to allow something like this.

>> No.50220708

Yeah sorry guys this doesn't seem like organic posting, dr;ns

>> No.50220732

Holy ngmi low IQ

>> No.50220736

They and the developers/publishers can charge a royalty fee on every transaction.

>> No.50220807

Still less money than selling new games. Steam will only do something like this if they are either required by a law or it highers their profit margin. Corps arent altruistic.

>> No.50220900

Web 3.0 is fake and gay, just like Industry 4.0 and all the other X.0 number bullshit some retarded suit nigger is trying to shill. If you haven't learned how to spot bullshit some biz major retard thought up and put on a PowerPoint, you are literally, not, gonna, make, it.

>> No.50221062

lmao, even.
Valve Software could be doing that now without NFTs (assuming the copyright holders were ok with it [protip: they aren't]).

>> No.50221253

Yes, because publishers hate money. Gotcha. You're brilliant.

>> No.50221294

How is preventing a second hand market hating money you fucking nigger? Holy shit. If they deploy ze NFTs, it will be some cucked centralized goyimware that says you bought thing and it is nontransferable.

>> No.50221332
File: 31 KB, 400x400, miguelmutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, only use case is losing money

>> No.50221404

If you can't figure it out then that's just too damn bad. I'm not here to spoonfeed brainlets.