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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50185121 No.50185121 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50185169

Anon discovers capitalism

>> No.50185194

Where does one go from here?
What is the point of this? Have we not reverted back to feudalism?

>> No.50185293

>american discovers math

>> No.50185361

this, kek

>> No.50185426

only reason you'd be mad about this is if you're poor

>> No.50185435

The lesser disciplined serve the higher disciplined. This is still better than the old days.

Bezos gave a speech at a university about its sometimes better to be kind than clever.

The US is filled with people who are unkind and liars. This is why they will lose their freedom and become more like China soon. The new order is being processed specially for them.

>> No.50185498
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cool way of putting it, too bad the creator is only concerned with the symptoms and not the cause. also is the best fucking purpose for those mass sums of wealth they could come up with vaccinating people against a disease even the most middle witted moron is prepared to conceed was not that dangerous, or malaria, which poses ZERO fucking danger to any valuable human life that understands how to protect itself, those who still suffer from it deserve to. if you were truly a humanitarian that valued saving those worse off and you had half a wit, you would build salt water nuclear powerplants enmass, creating the single greatest clean energy currently achievable by man and a most energy efficient desalination plant too. you could restruction the major cities off the world and build the most efficient public transportation the likes of which arcitechs could only dream of achieving, you could build feasable walking cities. you could strip 80% of harmful frequencies through innovative restructuring of communication.

what a useless fucking website. at the very least maybe it will convince people to start killing the super wealthy and discover the nepitism and semetic underbelly of the economy

>> No.50185521

was this made the moment Bezos criticized Biden? lmfao

>> No.50185587

Oh no, someone made very intelligent businesses decisions and built a business empire, that provides a useful service for billions of people, from the ground up over the course of 2 decades. It's a crime against humanity! Boo hoo. Billionaire envy is so fucking pathetic and solves nothing, and changes nothing. The outcome? Some normie gets a tiny bit upset about wealth inequality, retweets some talking head, and then promptly forgets about it and moves on with their life. The only people who really care are delusional communists masturbating to the idea that the billionaires will all be beheaded and that will somehow magically solve all of society's problems. Envy-driven bullshit like this that offers zero meaningful solutions pisses me off.

>> No.50185626

Americans are so stupid it's literally itching. They spit on the Jews and will defend this. Uncontrolled liberalism IS the Jews retards. To anyone reading this just stop using American shit don't watch YouTube and other propaganda tools they made. It's unbelievable how retarded the far right of the USA is stupid, muh fuck jews fuck LGBT (good) but give the money to the propaganda machine and the super richs (not good). Fucking retarded country is the cause of most of the current world problems. I hope the bugs will nuke you

>> No.50185657

Brainwashed by the Jews

>> No.50185675

>cool way of putting it, too bad the creator is only concerned with the symptoms and not the cause. also is the best fucking purpose for those mass sums of wealth they could come up with vaccinating people against a disease even the most middle witted moron is prepared to conceed was not that dangerous, or malaria, which poses ZERO fucking danger to any valuable human life that understands how to protect itself, those who still suffer from it deserve to. if you were truly a humanitarian that valued saving those worse off and you had half a wit, you would build salt water nuclear powerplants enmass, creating the single greatest clean energy currently achievable by man and a most energy efficient desalination plant too. you could restruction the major cities off the world and build the most efficient public transportation the likes of which arcitechs could only dream of achieving, you could build feasable walking cities. you could strip 80% of harmful frequencies through innovative restructuring of communication.

Reminds me of


>> No.50185682

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.50185685

Zuckerberg said it well, “there are a lot of people here that shouldn’t be”

I once dabbled around in these “new” white neighborhoods with the 100k -200k medians

They are literally the ones who are complaining about the musk and bezos. Pure jealousy and entitlement, the college system is nothing but a brainwashing institution to make lowly hearted people believe they deserve to be above everyone else. Literally worse or on par with the lowest of niggers.

>> No.50185721

>Updated April 3, 2021

>> No.50185746

The only ones brainwashed by the jews are the normies who are eating this shit up. Who do you think is pushing all of this communist propaganda in the first place?

They keep the common people focused on emotional crap, and get them upset just enough to make them feel like they're fighting the system and taking down the elites by writing some crap on social media and voting for democrats. If people start to get a little too uppity and start movements, they infiltrate and undermine them causing them collapse, see: Occupy Wall Street. All of this keeps people from focusing on the real problems and demanding real solutions.

You know what they really hate? Happy, productive, nationalistic people who shop local, grow their own food, and who avoid participating in in globalized, hyper-consumerist culture as much as possible.

>> No.50185785

> You know what they really hate? Happy, productive, nationalistic people who shop local, grow their own food, and who avoid participating in in globalized, hyper-consumerist culture as much as possible.

Sounds like they hate capitalism and open markets.

The political class is mostly comprised of retards most likely blackmailed by other retards.

>> No.50185918

Jews definitely hate capitalism and free trade, and love corporatism and wage slavery. Which is why we live in the latter situation and not the former.

An ideal capitalist society is built is built from the bottom-up by people who hone useful skills to produce goods and services, which they provide to others in their community, and buy goods and services from their neighbors in order to promote growth of their local communities. Excess goods are exported to other communities, and in exchange some goods are imported to expand opportunities. But always there's a sense of local and national pride, and if something can be bought locally it is rather than imported from elsewhere.

What we have now is the opposite, a top-down control of the economy where the bulk of the population is dependent on multinational corporations for everything and have to slave away working for them if they want to survive. A great deal of our products are manufactured outside of the country, and every day locally-operated businesses are driven out. It's really a sad state of affairs, and it's because they've infiltrated our society to the point where morality and national pride is a corrupted form of what it used to be. And twisted the meanings of words and distorted concepts to the point where anyone who calls themselves a capitalist has no choice but to support corporatism and wage slavery for fear of being labelled inconsistent or a hypocrite.

>> No.50185998

> Wanting a fucked system to change is being manipulated by the emotions
> Furiously defend ultra liberalism
Ok retard
> I hate the guys who are compliant with the Jew propaganda
> Don't want ppls to change the system because it is being manipulated
You don't see a problem?

>> No.50186062

Are you familiar with the concept of controlled opposition? Because that the tactic they are employing masterfully.

People who aren't aware that they're being manipulated are easily manipulated. Like I said, this propaganda is artfully designed to create outrage that won't lead to any meaningful change in reality, because it's mediated by their propaganda outlets and talking heads, such that anyone who goes too far is labelled an extremist and the bulk opinion of the population is driven toward a middle-ground position where, by design, nothing impactful can happen.

And they already have contingency plans to snuff out opposition in the rare case that population DOES get too riled up by "extremists" and begins moving in the direction of real change.

Of course I want the system to change but falling right into their trap is not the way to make that happen.

>> No.50186088

Fake and gay. Yes the money is tied up in stocks their wealth is speculative. Thus eat the rich shit is cringe. You'd have a better argument for improving effective tax rates on super wealthy but you won't because eat the rich and revolution is all you want. Dumb.

>> No.50186096

I hate this fucking propaganda so fucking much.
>hurr durr the cost of curing malaria the cost of ending poverty the cost the cost the cost
HOW? HOW WOULD YOU DO THAT? It's not about the cost you fucking dumbass, it's about the methodology, the technology. It's also about bureaucracy, since your beloved govs and foundations and NGOs already are well founded but they can't seem to work properly somehow. I wonder why. Commies are the worst of the worst

>> No.50186855

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value and private property is theft. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, disease, pollution, slavery and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Alternative to capitalism is communism. But 4channers are too far deep into the rabbit hole for this discussion imo

>> No.50186954

you're a pseud hypocrite who will at best end up as fertilizer for the next yagoda
also what you're saying is antisemitic as finance is dominated by jews (starting from larry fink) :)

>> No.50186988

You live better than any other generation anytime in the world, especially if you're from US.

>> No.50187065
File: 197 KB, 600x600, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a free market capitalist I believe in a certain level of wealth distribution. This is mostly done to prevent excess capitalism and destruction of civilization as a small group controls everything.
So here's what we do: we redistribute the 0.01%'s wealth but covertly. Don't announce it on social media. Don't make a big deal of it. Just take their wealth and that's that. So what if they complain? They're not special. They can be replaced. What do we do if Bezos or Musk cries about us taking their money? Get rid of them and install someone else as CEO.
I honestly believe this is the only way we can both enjoy capitalism and not have it destroy us.

>> No.50187082

Same shit concerning the American left
> Jeff bezos donated to BLM
> Jeff bezos good.
> Random politician says LGBT good women abortion
> Random politician good
They're even using you faggots to push their agendas, every twitter user with pride flag has Ukraine flag next to it, and thinks Putin is worse than Hitler

>> No.50187094
File: 241 KB, 356x590, 1656379227697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this nigga is retarded

Imagine doing this and then wondering why everyone who bought the liquidation stock is now bagholding and how the paper wealth went up in smoke.

>> No.50187103

How can someone who is smart enough to program not get that those billions are not real and not accessible by him like cash

>> No.50187119

Do you understand why npcs have to be separated from thinking men now?

>> No.50187165

> programmers are smart

Common misconception. Programmers are autistic.

>> No.50187456

its literally a pro-vacc shill

>> No.50187524

Guarantee the creator of this page is am amazon prime subscriber

>> No.50187586

He should market sell his stock, lets see how much "wealth" that'll generate for others.

>> No.50187597


>> No.50187599

>net wealth

>> No.50187605

>Fucking retarded country is the cause of most of the current world problems
World Economic Forum, Rothschild Family and other jewish NWO trash is European bud.
We need to nuke you to save this plan

>> No.50187644


>> No.50187720

Nationalism and corporatism originated at at the same time, give or take 5 years depending on the location. One always leads to the other because nationalism is just a way to create a protected market for your corporation

>> No.50187963

>provides a useful service

>> No.50187995

nu programmers tend to fuck up shit that worked

>> No.50188399

You can sell his stock and give money to retards for free, then you will have stock market crash and higher inflation. There's a reason he's richer than average 90IQ amerimutt not producing anything of value while consuming same amount of resources as big village of niggers.

>> No.50188442

Okay, but which shitcoins did he invest in to become that wealthy?

>> No.50188451

holy shit anon just discovered the cause of inflation!!!!!!!!!!!
selling billions worth of stock for 0$ would cause a market crash?? no...
thats crazy bro

>> No.50189108
File: 39 KB, 800x450, dog-whistles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans actually defend shit like this and their healthcare system.

>> No.50189175

They are taught at a young age that taxing Rich people and actually having first world social programs is communism and that they will one day be billionaires if they give their boss a firm handshake

>> No.50189340

So is this capitalism or not, /biz/? What's the point of hoarding that much wealth?>>50185498
>those who still suffer from it deserve to. if you were truly a humanitarian that valued saving those worse off and you had half a wit, you would build salt water nuclear powerplants enmass, creating the single greatest clean energy currently achievable by man and a most energy efficient desalination plant too. you could restruction the major cities off the world and build the most efficient public transportation the likes of which arcitechs could only dream of achieving, you could build feasable walking cities. you could strip 80% of harmful frequencies through innovative restructuring of communication.
Bro, that's literal national socialism. Not saying I'm not for it, just you're average goy is content with being allowed to shoot his AR in bumfuck CA and muh money and muh property muh liberty

>> No.50189438

what's with that webm?

>> No.50189482

A land tax would fix this

>> No.50189535


>forced to work 9 hours per day, with TWO off days for the REST of YOUR LIFE UNTIL YOU DIE
>You can buy THINGS TO COPE

This to me just seems like an insane amount of excess for 1 person. I don't even think he or people like him even uses money anymore everything is literally free in life. You could solve so many actual problems in the country but instead, it's
>no bro just let this one dude have more money than God
He literally writes the laws in America. How is this not a problem? He writes the laws, and owns the press....how is this not a problem??????

>> No.50189715

While I agree with you, don't you think this money should be used for good rather than being hoarded by a handful of people? Does bezos need that much money? Why doesn't he spend it to improve the lives of his employees? While these people may provide a valuable service, they are still incredibly greedy and don't want competition.

>> No.50189806

You are absolutely wrong.
It's fine and it always worked out when 1 entity or person has hoarded vast amounts of resources like food water money or shelter. Nothing bad happens because that one person provides a useful service.

>> No.50190764

Holy shit. You "people" need to die. It isnt even murder. It is euthanasia. You are like...so far fucking gone. Wtf...

>> No.50190875

The website starts talking about coronavirus vaccines lmao. What a faggot whoever made this.

>> No.50191043

If you want the billionaires money, create a product or service that is better than theirs and you will steal their customers. Welcome to capitalism

>> No.50191139

This is presented like he has that just sitting around in cash.
Wealth doesnt mean what he is implying as if the stock tanks (which it has) that "wealth" goes away.
He is worth a lot less now than he was 2 years ago

>> No.50191179

>regulation and lobby kicks him
>ladder is officially burned

Nothing personel, kid.

>> No.50191216

>don't you think this money should be used for good rather than being hoarded by a handful of people?
You have never been involved in anything.
Look at any government or any company. The people deciding where the money goes conspires to steal it
For example charities give money to africa, it gets stolen before it gets to the people.
Gov gives grants to start a company, people open those companies, get the grants, hire friends, blow the money and then close down.
Fuck even condos. I own a condo. There are 15 people on a board that decide what a portion of the maintenance fees go to. We had to fix the pool and some other shit, so they voted to contract the work to a company that is vastly overcharging and they are probably getting a kickback on it.

You cant let people handle OTHER peoples money. They blow it and steal it.

>> No.50191280

Why do you think he’s taking an unfair share when the Fed printed 41% of all USD in existence over the last two years? There is limitless money. Bezos has simply leveraged his money over and over again until it took on a life of it’s own and, like a gravity well, began pulling more wealth towards it. Wealth can be created. The market will expand in such a scenario. There isn’t a finite amount of wealth or value in the world, in fact there is so much inefficiency that the human race is losing gobs of value from said inefficiencies.

>> No.50191516

t. coping tripfag shouting 'gimme Gibs' in the lengthiest and most annoying way.
>'MUH social programs, muh wealth gap, muh injustice'
No, lol and you deserve to fucking die lmao.

>> No.50191785
File: 83 KB, 1024x572, 1648471732600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.50192004

How to make it happen then ? Here in France we used to cut kings heads why would this be "falling in their trap"

>> No.50193190

Americans are so easy to spot. Your societal values are inhuman and darwinistic while you promote a fake diversity and acceptance facade. American "culture" is sociopathic and narcisitic cannibalism at its worst and that reflects on the insane people living there

>> No.50193482

If you think Jeff Bezos has $200,000,000,000 or is even slightly more powerful than JP Morgan was in his day, you're a complete fucking idiot. Money does not work that way and you do not know what net worth is.

>> No.50194424

>Now, don't hang on
>Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
>It slips away
>And all your money won't another minute buy


This nigger is still going to die, and sooner then he would like.

>> No.50194455

wow, the new Far Cry looks incredible
the graphics are life like