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50185010 No.50185010 [Reply] [Original]

Watch this video to learn why we are already past peak oil: https://video.ploud.jp/w/f3gUvgWaaDWhKinY4cWkYM

>> No.50185024

Token not needed.
>verification not needed

>> No.50185046

>there is no substitute

>> No.50185078
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Synthetic fuels amount to that tiny sliver of a line on the top of this graph.

In the video this graph is explained around 17:54

So synthetic fuels will need around 50+ years to become an oil substitute.

>> No.50185081

its the inverse actually. Oil distribution is proportional to GDP because america/opec controls the oil trade and the dollar is the global reserve currency so only nations which produce for the empire are allowed to receive oil unhindered through american patrolled global sea lanes.

>> No.50185113
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Oil products are needed in everything, and is part of a significant chunk of the GDP.

See pic. In the video it is explained at 27:00

OPEC overestimated their capacity. Russia announce their peak oil last year. China thinks according to their models peak oil was 2018.

USA lost control on oil trade recently when both UAE sheik and Saudi sheik refused to talk to Biden.

All of that is explained in the video.

>> No.50185114

That's because there is no motivation to create a worth substitute. Oil will quickly and naturally be replaced when it becomes too expensive.

>> No.50185120

I consume almost nothing per year, and could probably live off of renewables alone.

>> No.50185126


Coal to oil transition took 60 years.
Biomass to coal transition took 50 years.

To date humans have never switched from one source of energy to another source in less than 50 years.

Also the next dominant form of energy source must be at least 1/3rd as prevalent as oil in the next 25 years if it has to replace oil dominance.

All of this is cited and explained in the video.

>> No.50185135


Did you order anything online that reached your house?

That takes oil to reach you.

Most products in your house is moved around the world using oil.

>> No.50185149

>To date humans have never switched from one source of energy to another source in less than 50 years.
>Also the next dominant form of energy source must be at least 1/3rd as prevalent as oil in the next 25 years if it has to replace oil dominance.
We don't need to switch to one energy source. We can switch to natural gas, biofuels, wind, solar, tidal, nuclear, and hydro. A concerted effort and 10 years of full-population ascetic-maxing in soviet-union quality of life should do the trick.

>> No.50185150

If peak oil has already happened, it is over for most of humanity (most likely myself included). Civilization will exist as a bunch of isolated fortresses running on renewables in an ocean of barbarian tribes.

>> No.50185175

I order like 50lbs per year of goods. That's like 5 gallons of gas at most.

>> No.50185197


I bet you eat more food than 50 pounds per year.

As of 2011, the average American adult ate 1,996 pounds of food per year.

All that food takes oil to move and fertilize.

>> No.50185221

Just transport the food with electric trucks or boats (especially sailboats) instead. Charge the electric trucks with nuclear, solar, and wind plants dotted across the country. I could also just start growing my own food or bugs if I had to.

>> No.50185277


Electric trucks are really hard to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ8Cf0vWmxE because the unladen truck is too heavy because of battery weight and makes it expensive to carry its own weight.

It may even be impossible.

Sailboats take months to reach destination, and need preferential routes and favorable weather.

>> No.50185384

Range isn't necessary if you have a standardized cross-country route with charging stations every 100-200 miles.

>> No.50185386
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The video also explains why there is only 2 to 3 years of shale oil left to be mined at 2019 production levels.

>> No.50185398


If charging stations are free of cost, and we make massive changes to supply chains, with enough trucks waiting to charge for 6 hours every 100 miles, we might be able to achieve current throughput. But I am not sure.

>> No.50185422

>because of battery weight
Use compressed air instead.

>> No.50185499
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It is even more complicated to move to many different energy sources. It will probably take longer to build the logistics networks, markets if not for the technology alone.

> 10 years of full-population ascetic-maxing in soviet-union quality of life

I do not want to do this, but if this happens, life expectancy will fall. Only the super rich will be able to live like the current middle class. The rest of us (billions) will die under this regime.

>> No.50185633

Saudis and the rest of OPEC cartel don’t have much control left either, considering they’re pretty much out of spare capacity at this point much undermines their ability to control their share of the market.

Also OP is a retard as usual for oil threads. US has 3 Trillion tonnes of coal yet to be mined if there were a black k swan to occur in oil/gas supply. Of course demand in inelastic in some cases, coal can’t make certain petroleum-derived products like lube or quick-release gel caps, but it can still be used to generate baseload power for domestic use

>> No.50185650


Agreed. Coal might be a savior.

The Nazis used hydrolysis of coal during WWII to meet their energy and material needs.

>> No.50185920

>Synthetic fuels amount to that tiny sliver of a line on the top of this graph.
I would argue that tiny sliver is Ethanol which can be added to regular gasoline.

>> No.50185975

It's also fuels made out of garbage at dumps and in brazil. Of course all this stuff is fueled with oil energy so it's almost pointless.

>> No.50186003

>Oil will quickly and naturally be replaced when it becomes too expensive.


>> No.50186021

>We can switch to natural gas, biofuels, wind, solar, tidal, nuclear, and hydro

won't work. wind, solar and tidal are useless, nuclear and hydro we cant build without cheap oil, natural gas is peaking now too.

>> No.50186029

>US has 3 Trillion tonnes of coal yet to be mined

can't mine it without diesel fuel

>> No.50186047
File: 754 KB, 2060x1236, yellowcake-uranium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.50186075

fuck off with your fucking infomercial

>"we got permission(from ourselves) to share part of this with you, you have to pay for the real info"

>> No.50186092

>>blocks your path

cant mine and refine uranium without diesel.

cant build power stations without diesel and tnes of thousands of tons of concrete and steel. to make affordable concrete and steel you need coal. to mine coal you need diesel.

>> No.50186117

You can run a typical combustion engine on hydrogen with very little to no modification.

And you can make the hydrogen electrolytically with all the surplus energy from your nuclear reactor during off-peak hours

>> No.50186236

>You can run a typical combustion engine on hydrogen with very little to no modification.
>And you can make the hydrogen electrolytically with all the surplus energy from your nuclear reactor during off-peak hours

thats not how nuclear is used in the grid, there is no surplus. nuclear is used as baseload. its alway on and always used.

>> No.50186349
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I got a chart for you

>> No.50186382

>I got a chart for you
What would the integral of this chart tell us?

>> No.50186395

When did /biz/ get peak oil pilled? There was namefag on pol but he got permabanned everytime he started schizo posting. The first peak was the 2008 crash. Then shale came to the rescue. Then Saudis opened the taps to crush shale. Now Saudis are running low, which is why they are re-aligning geopolitically. Billions will starve to death. Most edible species of animals within reach of humans will be hunted to extinction because without oil, it is impossible to grow enough food to feed the global population. Namefag suggested burning as much extra diesel as you could to accelerate the downfall, but it's probably not necessary since we're well on our way to hell on earth. cheers

>> No.50186408

yes because it only supplies 10% of the grid.
If it supplied 90%, there'd be excess during off peak.

>> No.50186416

Nuclear waste is a thing. Don't you watch the Simpsons?

>> No.50186463

>yes because it only supplies 10% of the grid.
>If it supplied 90%, there'd be excess during off peak.

we cant build that many, it;'s unlikely we will complete any new ones.

they need refuelling every 2 years as well. we won't be able to get enough uranium.

>> No.50186486

>When did /biz/ get peak oil pilled?

i have been into peak oil stuff since 2002. most people dont understand that everything including things like coal and uranium mining depend on oil.

>> No.50186532

The stagnant west cant build many more. Countries with a young workforce and the political will can build many more though.

The amount of fuel needed depends on the reactor design. Current once-through open cycle light water reactors are pretty fuel hungry, but the new Gen 4, closed fuel cycle reactors could theoretically recycle and reprocess fuel for 90+ years. Probably closer to 30 in practice.

nuclear waste is negligible compared to the amount of energy recovered.
and like 99% of "nuclear waste" isnt high level radioisotope shit, its just mildy irradiated concrete/glass/PPE/containers etc.

>> No.50186567

>The stagnant west cant build many more. Countries with a young workforce and the political will can build many more though.

no we can't. we no longer have the surplus energy to build nuclear plants. also there are too many supply chain problems.

and then there's the fuel.

it's not going to happen because it can't.

>> No.50186596


>> No.50186757

based jancovici thread
how about turning coal into oil ? That's chemically reasonably simple.

>> No.50186775

Which one has more posts, oil is dead or crypto is dead?

>> No.50187057

oil produced, why?

>> No.50187095

so you think all energy is impossible without oil?

>> No.50187295

>oil produced, why?
Exactly. I would argue that the integral of the blue measurement is below the yellow projection. So I would argue that the graph neither confirms nor denies peak oil.

>> No.50187310

good observation

>> No.50187357
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 4c5f1730-aa3d-11ec-a929-f7d081639e9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that tiny sliver of a line on the top of this graph.
>I would argue that tiny sliver is Ethanol
ethanol is the lightest oil after all...

>> No.50187439

Fund mining in Venezuela

>> No.50187446

Venezuela has more reserves than everyone else combined... Nearly

>> No.50187509
File: 264 KB, 1094x792, 06191040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


According to Beijing Petroleum University the peak was 2018, and Russia also announced just four months ago that there would peak oil and it’s not coming back to to their former peaks.

It is discussed in the OP video. So the graph you posted is in principle correct.

What I need clarity on is the impact of the world economy growth on the shape of the right half of the bell curve. It is likely that the right half is much more steeper than the left half due to exceptional demand growth.

>> No.50187520

Never trust a Chinaman

>> No.50187530

Is the climate change bs low-key just because oil is running out in terms of affordability, and since plebs don't care about economics they have to manipulate them socially and fatally? If they told me go green because of peak oil I'd say sure. Makes sense.

>> No.50187535

>Venezuela has more reserves than everyone else combined... Nearly

No they don't. Tarsands are not oil.

>> No.50187539


What the chinese are saying is not that different from other westerners were saying e.g. Hubbert

>> No.50187540

If you cant see why peak oil predictions are a joke from looking at that chart then I cant help you.

>> No.50187561

You can make fuel out of CO2.

>> No.50187566


Not only climate change a means to scare plebs to being intelligent about oil, even COVID-19 quarantines have achieved the same effect.

>> No.50187567

I also dont trust Hubbert. What is the syllogism?

>> No.50187579

>so you think all energy is impossible without oil?

i think that's the case today, yes. oil is used everywhere in the economy either directly or indirectly.

everywhere you look it comes back to oil.

>> No.50187596

>If you cant see why peak oil predictions are a joke from looking at that chart then I cant help you.

Conventional oil did peak in 2005.

Then shale oil (fracking) ramped up.

Then the ultimate peak happened in 2018.

>> No.50187612

>You can make fuel out of CO2.

of course you can, just like you can extract gold from seawater.

its just that it takes far more energy than its worth to do so.

>> No.50187613


These type of fuels as a fraction of total energy sources in the world are still negligible to imaginary.

In the 1930s one barrel of oil was able to provide enough energy to drill 100 barrels of oil. Nowadays 1 barrel of oil can only provide enough energy to drill 2 barrels of oil.

Show some something like that using these new fuels. Show me 1 CO2 -> fuel converter creating enough energy to build 2 CO2 -> fuel converters, and I will consider this more seriously.

>> No.50187621

There’s no such thing as peak oil. They’re just not producing it because they want to kill you. Wells never run out

>> No.50187622
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The OP video also explains why there is only 2 to 3 years of shale oil left to be mined at 2019 production levels.

>> No.50187627

Peaked hey. Hubbert projected that global oil production Not on land, not in ocean not in no-shale. Oil Production. Who knows what other ways we will be able to boost oil production in future.

>> No.50187653

>Who knows what other ways we will be able to boost oil production in future.

so far we havent been able to produce more oil than we did globally in 2018, indeed production continues to decline.

we dont have time to sit around and wait for miracles because the economy is already in the process of collapse due to lack of oil.

>> No.50187674
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Theres plenty of oil. American is returning to oil fields that were thought dry 80 years ago.

>> No.50187695

>Wells never run out
hey retard, wells run dry all the time.

>> No.50187704

>Theres plenty of oil

there will always be plenty of oil in the ground, thats not the issue and never has been.

the problem is getting it out in the kind of quantities the economy needs without expending too much energy and resources doing so.

all the good oil fields are long gone.

>> No.50187721
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We have no trouble ramping up oil production. Its a false scarcity to make you pay more.

>> No.50187743

Millitary is dumping big bucks into c02 fuel reactors. They will use electricity from nuclear generators to make fuel onsite wherever its needed. Logisticless fuel is a dream millitary tech.

>> No.50187759

>what is dynamite and man power

>> No.50187766

>We have no trouble ramping up oil production. Its a false scarcity to make you pay more.

but we do. we can't get past the 2018 peak.

>> No.50187795

much easier to just make hydrogen but i guess that'd be too dangerous in some military applications

>> No.50187806

>what is dynamite and man power

dynamite is made using fossil fuels.

even man power depends on fossil fuels. the food you and i eat comes from crops grown with fertiliser made from natural gas and farmed and delivered with diesel.

60% of the nitrogen in your body comes from nitrate fertiliser made from natural gas.

>> No.50187809

you are a fucking retard, literally the dumbest gorila nigger i have ever met .You expect all that shit to magically be pulled out your ass? just magically have enough wind sail vessels to replace anywhere near current consumption


>> No.50187813
File: 103 KB, 964x868, sdffg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know what happened in 2020 right? Oil went to 0 dollar a barrel cause no one wanted it.

The US produces oil at a cost of $13 per barrel. Saudi Arabia at $5 a barrel.

Just think how much money they are making right now,

>> No.50187820

>Millitary is dumping big bucks into c02 fuel reactors. They will use electricity from nuclear generators to make fuel onsite wherever its needed. Logisticless fuel is a dream millitary tech.

show me one of these imaginary nuclear generators.

>> No.50187837

>you are a fucking retard, literally the dumbest gorila nigger i have ever met .You expect all that shit to magically be pulled out your ass? just magically have enough wind sail vessels to replace anywhere near current consumption

when anyone starts a sentence on this topic with 'just' i know not to read further and that the person is a moron.

>> No.50187843

you don't have anything plastic and will never need it again? plastic is made from oil.

>> No.50187846

kek. do you think manpower is free? not even economically, but from an energy perspective. men need food to eat. food is grown on a massive scale with oil. think about it from an energy perspective: men are far more inefficient than diesel heavy machinery.

>> No.50187855

>You do know what happened in 2020 right? Oil went to 0 dollar a barrel cause no one wanted it.

thats right but what does that have to do with the normal functioning of the fossil fuel based economy?

>> No.50187858


> Just think how much money they are making right now,

They burned through their capital until 2019. They want to reduce production now because they are running out of oil, and they's rather make money from whatever little oil remains after peak oil of 2018.

>> No.50187872
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Massive oversupply
>massive oversupply

>> No.50187883
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Increase your brightness bro I can't read shit on that picture

>> No.50187887

now this is how i know uranium is still cheap. completely retarded ideas about it all over biz.

>> No.50187894
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>> No.50187898

>Massive oversupply
>>massive oversupply

there was a massive oversupply because the government shut down the economy. and?

>> No.50187904

How do you go from 20 known to

>300? Sure why not

>> No.50187916

>now this is how i know uranium is still cheap. completely retarded ideas about it all over biz.

it doesnt really matter if uranium is cheap. its unusable without massive complexity, expenditure and resource use.

>> No.50187919

>greenturds made humanity abandon nuclear future in favor of more coal
It's not even funny, it's a tragedy what has been done to the world by the green cultists

>> No.50187921

US has plenty of oil.

>> No.50187924

Its pointless for your argumentative scenario being ZERO available deisel because when that occurs its too late and we will have other issues.

>> No.50187930

yes. because the world's leaders either don't understand economics or they deliberately mislead themselves and others about economics, they put forth the idea that it will get so expensive it prices out the middle class, the vast majority of energy users today.
we are unlikely to see peak oil in our lifetimes, but even if we do, being unable to raise yearly production ever again does not stop there still being very high yearly production. and as it gently slides towards zero, it lights a fire under society to have a working alternative for energy. and that alternative is going to be fission. uranium-fueled nuclear power.

>> No.50187931

Nice, also it's clear that the solution is right there: more nuclear power. We were meant to build a nuclear world, it's our destiny

>> No.50187934

>It's not even funny, it's a tragedy what has been done to the world by the green cultists

there is no nuclear future. nuclear power is a luxury made possible by the oil economy. it will be impossible to build new power stations or mine and refine uranium in the future.

>> No.50187940

>dynamite is made using fossil fuels
Then we go back to Black powder
>even the food you and I eat
The we go back to composting. We’ve existed without oil before, it’s not the end of the world if it goes away, which it won’t. However If we drastically reduce the need for oil for transportation we can cut these so called ‘supply issues’ to negligible numbers, which is an entirely false problem to begin with. You’re way too bearish, the world is a truly massive place, there are absolutely undiscovered fields yet to be utilized. The only thing stopping us is lack of motivated labor and the green movement, both of which will resolve themselves when the lights start going out.

>> No.50187942


Coal to oil transition took 60 years.
Biomass to coal transition took 50 years.

To date humans have never switched from one source of energy to another source in less than 50 years.

Also the next dominant form of energy source must be at least 1/3rd as prevalent as oil in the next 25 years if it has to replace oil dominance.

All of this is cited and explained in the OP video.

>> No.50187946

Everyone has plenty of oil but none of it is cheap anymore

>> No.50187948

shale supplies are massive, and the price will rise to make production there economic. easily 30-50 more years to the peak.

>> No.50187969

>Its pointless for your argumentative scenario being ZERO available deisel because when that occurs its too late and we will have other issues.

we already have issues with diesel shortages.

as i said, the collapse is already underway. we dont have time to sit around waiting for miracles.

every year that goes by now the economy shrinks and our ability to launch big projects of any kind diminishes.

>> No.50187975

... and what do oil producers do, after 2018, when the Government shuts down the economy and no one uses oil?

>> No.50187985

Yeah... i bet you would do a better calculation cause your a special boy.

>> No.50187992

>>dynamite is made using fossil fuels
>Then we go back to Black powder

sure, and the economy will be the size it was when thats what we used. most people will die due to food shortages but the survivors will live like people did in around 1700 if they are lucky.

>> No.50188000

> We’ve existed without oil before, it’s not the end of the world if it goes away, which it won’t.
kek. literally billions of people would die without oil. here's a big hint:
>Nearly 50% of the nitrogen found in human tissues originated from the Haber–Bosch process.[57] Thus, the Haber process serves as the "detonator of the population explosion", enabling the global population to increase from 1.6 billion in 1900 to 7.7 billion by November 2018.[58]

>> No.50188006

>shale supplies are massive, and the price will rise to make production there economic. easily 30-50 more years to the peak.

no chance. all the good shale prospects have been drilled. shale is already over.

>> No.50188007

They start shooting politicians. They have in the past

>> No.50188018

>.. and what do oil producers do, after 2018, when the Government shuts down the economy and no one uses oil?

i dont understand this comment. i didnt say there was no oil after 2018. i said that was the peak of production.

>> No.50188019

>200 more reserves
>trust the plan

>> No.50188035


>> No.50188059

ah now i know for sure this is just some retarded fucking doomer shit
>watch the video
not giving your faggot buddy the views, guaranteed unqualified to even talk about this

>> No.50188061

The US oil is cheap, it's free. You're just not allowed to harvest it at this time.

>> No.50188086

a civilization with layer after layer of production dependency can't easily change course. it wouldn't be the death of 6 billion people and a return to normalcy less 100-200 years of technological advancement. it would be a borderline extinction event as we struggle to survive and regain lost knowledge as it applies to the individual. it would be a trial by fire, how an everyday person can survive without oil, in a time where he can no longer rely on goods manufactured and procured by means of oil: transportation, medicine, heating/cooling, food, shelter, etc.

>> No.50188087

>ah now i know for sure this is just some retarded fucking doomer shit

because you're a typical retard who doesnt understand energy and the importance of oil.

dont worry, you're about to get some hard lessons in precisely that topic.

>> No.50188107

>boats (especially sailboats) instead
nigger, do you live in fantasy land or something?

>> No.50188111

>The US oil is cheap, it's free. You're just not allowed to harvest it at this time.

its far from free, it requires major expenditure of oil itself and many other resources to get it.

>> No.50188159

Everyone laughs at those fucking naked niggers in the woods but they'll be the only ones left.

>> No.50188193

>Everyone laughs at those fucking naked niggers in the woods but they'll be the only ones left.

pretty much the only humans who live sustainably.

even organic agriculture isnt actually sustainable. sooner or later the land is exhausted and must be taken out of production for decades.

>> No.50188213

Sorry but we can't calculate the price at this time. Since it's not legally available for the market. But all sources say free.

>> No.50188226
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yeah those lost tribes in the amazon and north sentinel island are some of the hardest motherfuckers on this earth.

>> No.50188241

>Sorry but we can't calculate the price at this time. Since it's not legally available for the market. But all sources say free.

i dont quite get your point, are you trying to say oil isnt being produced in america?

>> No.50188248

Oil will not go anywhere. You’re acting like it’s just going to stop coming out of the ground. The problems we face stem from fiscal mismanagement and unmotivated labor supply. When the lights start going out and the people beg for us to go back, we absolutely will. We will drill anywhere we can for cheap oil, treaties be damned, Americans will overlook crimes against humanity for cheap gas.

>> No.50188274

>Oil will not go anywhere. You’re acting like it’s just going to stop coming out of the ground

i didnt say that, i said production peaked in 2018.

the less oil we have, the less of an economy we have and the less things are possible.

in particular food production is going to fall.

the end result will be the deaths of all the people who only exist because of the extra food provided by fossil fuels.

i estimate at least 7 billion people out of a current population of 8 billion will die.

>> No.50188287
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>provide enough energy to drill 100 barrels of oil. Nowadays 1 barrel of oil can only provide enough energy to drill 2 barrels of oil.
How do they measure this? Because oil drilling is so efficient now I fail to see how you spend that much oil. A rig can finish a shale well is 7 days and have a million barrels out by another week later.
>far we havent been able to produce more oil than we did globally in 2018, indeed production continues to decline.
This is a stupid metric though. You had a massive pandemic that shut down economies and then you have a shortage of parts to get rigs going. Those are two back swan events. Both can be fixed in time and oil production climbs again.
>shale is already over.
Shale isn't over, massive drilling is over. Investors are tired of funding wells at a loss so companies are all sort of agreeing to scale back massive drilling. There is still a ton of shale in texas and nd and more coming up in Wyoming but companies aren't going nuts anymore. The boom part is over but not the actual reserves.

>> No.50188288

> You’re acting like it’s just going to stop coming out of the ground.

kek. it's not an endless resource. oil is regenerated but if you drain it faster then it's regenerated you WILL run out. and there's also no guarantee that the natural replenishment of oil will yield an untapped supply that is easily accessible. you'll have to drill deeper every time. or you'll have to cope with harvesting less than ideal oilfields (shale oil, bituminous sands, etc.)

>> No.50188289

>We will drill anywhere we can for cheap oil,

but that's the problem, there is no more cheap oil.

>> No.50188311

keep voting democrat and biden, they are doing this on purpose

>> No.50188317

There is sort of. Texas is cheap to drill. But companies are tired of the losses and poor prices. So they're all agreeing to go slower and steadier. If they all went nuts again they could get several hundred more rigs in texas and prices could come down but that's burning the candle from both ends.

>> No.50188321

>Shale isn't over, massive drilling is over. Investors are tired of funding wells at a loss so companies are all sort of agreeing to scale back massive drilling. There is still a ton of shale in texas and nd and more coming up in Wyoming but companies aren't going nuts anymore. The boom part is over but not the actual reserves.
The amount of oil you get from a well without constantly drilling falls off a cliff after the first year, also explained in the video. Without massive nonstop drilling investment production will plummet.

>> No.50188325

>Shale isn't over, massive drilling is over. Investors are tired of funding wells at a loss so companies are all sort of agreeing to scale back massive drilling.

but we need massive drilling to keep up with the very steep well production decline rate.

all the good prospects have been drilled. the high oil price changes that to an extent but now there are a lot of supply chain problems affecting the shale oil industry.

in particular there are steel pipe and fracking sand shortages.

>> No.50188335
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> How do they measure this?

I am not sure how it measured, but it is common knowledge cited in many sources.

>> No.50188339

>There is sort of. Texas is cheap to drill

its not cheap to drill if you lose money on the well.

>> No.50188349

there's no supply problem, did you read the point of the thread?

>> No.50188354
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Notice how little electricity is used in transportation in USA.

>> No.50188361

>This is a stupid metric though. You had a massive pandemic that shut down economies and then you have a shortage of parts to get rigs going.

there was no pandemic and the shortage of parts today is exactly what we would expect when the fossil fuel economy starts to break down due to energy shortages.

>> No.50188365

Fucking retard ecofaggot. You're a yuropoor arent you?

>> No.50188376

>there's no supply problem, did you read the point of the thread?

there is a supply problem. we dont have enough cheap oil. in particular we have a shortage of oil suitable for making diesel fuel.

>> No.50188386

>all the good prospects have been drilled
Not at all. Texas is nowhere near done. Companies dropped rigs.
Yes you need to keep drilling for shale production but companies didn't. They dropped rigs because of covid and then can't find parts to get them going again. So the high prices we have are logistics issues, not oil/engineer/geology issues. They can all be remedied in time. Not including the massive supplies of Guyana coming on by 2025.

>> No.50188397

>but it is common knowledge cited in many sources.
Yeah thats my point though. Common knowledge that is continuously repeated by people without providing a source. It's most likely a bullshit calculation by environmentalists.
They're not losing money on it at any price over $50 to be generous even. Probably lower. I think hess is profitable at 30 in nd.

>> No.50188410

>pandemic and the shortage of parts today is exactly what we would expect when the fossil fuel economy starts
Bro they locked down the economy. Oil futures went negative. I'm not interested in debating if covid is real or not. And the parts all come from China which was lcokdowned. So how would they get steel casing when China won't run factories? None of this is energy related it political related.

>> No.50188414

>>all the good prospects have been drilled
>Not at all. Texas is nowhere near done. Companies dropped rigs.

all the good shale prospects were drilled years ago. thats where companies start drilling, the best places.

>> No.50188417


I agree environmentalists are polluting the message, and poisoning the truth, making it harder to know what is going on.

I do not care about the environment when it comes to this. I just want cheap abundant energy.

>> No.50188422


>> No.50188425

>So the high prices we have are logistics issues, not oil/engineer/geology issues. They can all be remedied in time.

we dont have time and all the issues are caused by enerrgy shortages. it will only get worse.

>> No.50188427
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may be this is why there arent trillions of aliens flying around the universe. most of them just died because they only live in a world with cheap energy used to deliver GrubHub/UberEats

>> No.50188434

>muh politics transcend the physical world
culture war niggerbrains, many such cases!

>> No.50188467

>all the good shale prospects were drilled years ago. thats where
Yes I get what you are saying but the good part vs peripheral parts of a basin don't have much difference in shale. Mckenzie County in nd is just as good as other parts of the nd basin.
>issues are caused by enerrgy shortages. it will only get
No it isn't. Chinese factories are capable of running right now. The political leaders are focused on covid. If they get factories going again the steel is ready to be made. There is no lack of energy there.

>> No.50188474

You're accusing me of exactly what your side is doing. It's so obvious you're wrong it's pathetic. I want to cry. This has nothing to do with politics. This has to do with the president and the administration purposely shutting down oil production. Russia was just a monkey wrench. But they were agitating so much, and the sanctions were self-inflicted you can blame that on them too. Idk how you could ever vote democrat if you care about inflation and energy prices. It's not politics to say that. It's literally the physical world, as you say. I'm starting to question the mental state of democrats.

>> No.50188475

>They're not losing money on it at any price over $50 to be generous even
I highly question this statistic, lower numbers are even more unlikely, given that for a decade shale oil drillers were hemorrhaging money despite oil prices on average being well above $50. I can understand closing wells during covid but the debt load was present well before that.

>> No.50188482

>None of this is energy related it political related.

its absolutely energy related as were the lockdowns and continuing lockdowns in China.

what you think of as 'politics' always has energy/resource reasons behind it.

one major problem we have is that China is having problems with coal production.

Chinese coal is what fuels the factories in China that make just about everything. at some point China is going to stop exporting anything to the USA.

you can say oh we'll just bring the factories back, but you wont be able to power all those industries.

>> No.50188484

>The political leaders are focused on covid

You mean political leaders are using COVID-19 quarantines to force people to use less energy before WWIII or the oil-wars.

>> No.50188499

>Yes I get what you are saying but the good part vs peripheral parts of a basin don't have much difference in shale.

it makes a major difference where you drill, i dont know how you could think otherwise.

>> No.50188508

>your side
i'm not on anyone's side, culture war niggerbrain. i don't vote. i don't participate in politics. i don't participate in society beyond paying taxes under threat of imprisonment or death.

>> No.50188519

>one major problem we have is that China is having problems with coal production.
Yeah because they picked a fight with Australia and refused to buy their coal. A political thing. Aussies have the coal sitting there but a political solution prohibits it. It's not a lack of energy supplies.
Part of the cost is infrastructure building. Displace profit to get your pipelines in and everything. But yeah I agree it could be more complicated then that.

>> No.50188525

It's not politics to analyze what's going on. We have plenty of oil. It's being kept deliberately from us by ecofascists.

>> No.50188526

>This has to do with the president and the administration purposely shutting down oil production.

they havent shut down oil production, thats just a lie promoted by places like Fox News and believed by retards.

>> No.50188535


Do these ecofascists exist in Russia and CHina too because they too declared peak oil.

>> No.50188536

>it makes a major difference where you drill, i dont
Not enough to make it unprofitable. Hess has never had prime claims in Bakken and they're at a 200k barrel a day cash flow now. The higher thermal matured places in the deeper part of the basin will yield more for same effort but not enough that everyone shuts up shop.

>> No.50188540

There's no lie about how badly they shut down the oil production in the US. There's like 5-10 examples from Jan. 2021 to today. You're the liar. The idiots are the ones who believe you. I would pay money to bet you're a DNC employee.

>> No.50188554

>Yeah because they picked a fight with Australia and refused to buy their coal. A political thing

the Australian coal was used for steel making not energy production.

the reason it was refused was because the qualityg was too low.

>> No.50188560

They do, it's just they aren't in charge of all aspects of the government and institutions. You don't declare "peak oil." You're such a brainlet. Peak oil has been declared for decades. Even if we are at peak oil, we should still increase production as much as possible to transition. Even if your fantasy is true the choices don't make sense. Have some fucking common sense wow.

>> No.50188561
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go back to your culture war hugbox

>> No.50188564

>There's no lie about how badly they shut down the oil production in the US

they havent shut down oil production you mong. the US continues to produce and drill for oil.

>> No.50188586

>Even if we are at peak oil, we should still increase production as much as possible to transition

great idea, the problem is we can't.

>> No.50188600

You're participating here.

>> No.50188621

You democrat shills are pathetic. Worst of the worst.

>> No.50188622
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>> No.50188630

Yes there is. We have an entire continent that is mostly inhabited and undrilled. The mad dash for the Antarctica oil boom will cause WW3.

>> No.50188632

Brilliant. Now let's fill every flyover state with windmills so we can meet 5% fuel demand

>> No.50188636

You know just as well as I do what can be done to increase production. The point of this thread is to fud that, and I have won by derailing that effort completely, absolutely, and decisively. Shills do not redeem paycheck or pension.

>> No.50188639

>You democrat shills are pathetic. Worst of the worst.

I'm not even American you spastic, I'm just pointing out that oil production in America has not been shut down contrary to your mistaken belief.

>> No.50188656

>Yes there is. We have an entire continent that is mostly inhabited and undrilled. The mad dash for the Antarctica oil boom will cause WW3.

there is no evidence there is any exploitable oil in Antarctica

>> No.50188662

>dash for the Antarctica oil boom will cause WW3.
You only need Guyana desu but I for one do look forward to Antarctica being ice free. Bet there is a ton of neat stuff to find there.

>> No.50188671

>retarded snowflake thinks reality conforms to his feelings
>i think peak oil has not occurred, contrary to empirical evidence, therefore it has not occurred

>> No.50188682

>there is no evidence there is any exploitable oil in Antarctica
Probably is though. A landmass that large that used to have fauna on it. High chance there is a ton of oil there.

>> No.50188710
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This piece of Russian text:

Poccия вpяд ли cмoжeт пoвтopить нeфтянoй peкopд 2019 гoдa


Russia is unlikely to repeat the oil record of 2019

Source: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4763122

These aren't ecofascists in Russia. Putin already got rid Soros funded ecofascists long ago.

>> No.50188775

It's been shut down.

>> No.50188813

There's no empirical evidence for such a claim.
I have to address your point because it's nuanced. You aren't just trolling like the other shills. But the bottom line is we are not at peak oil, regardless of what anyone says. Peak oil is a meaningless term as well. Peak oil will be when there is nothing left to drill to increase production. We are not there. We could be close. But even if we are close, that isn't an excuse to stop drilling and looking to drill. Which is what is happening right now.

>> No.50188842


>that isn't an excuse to stop drilling and looking to drill

If we are past the peak or near it, companies will naturally stop drilling and looking to drill, let the prices inflate, and use that to make a last ditch attempt to profit for a few more decades, until drilling becomes unprofitable.

>> No.50188850

Additionally, the reason for stopping to drill and survey in the US: oil, coal, shale, natural gas, has nothing to do with the meaningless term, "peak oil." It has everything to do with cutting carbon emissions and greenhouse emissions, which I coined as the ecofascist lobby, which was met with much chagrin, but it's true.

>> No.50188908

I simply do not believe your narrative. The current "leader" of the US made it abundantly clear they wanted to increase oil prices. They do this to elicit an economic shift to electric vehicles. Only problem is no one has the money for EVs and everyone who does, doesn't want them. There's no economic incentive. There's no sustainable desirable path. Also the events abroad exacerbated the problem and turned it into an uncontrollable, unmitigated, disaster. I can't see how the democrats win without massive voter fraud. Sorry.

>> No.50188958
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I don't care about the environment. Fuck the ecofascists.

We are looking for a fundamental free market explanation for why oil prices are high.

And it goes beyond just a bullwhip effect due to COVID-19.

My argument is that many non-globohomo countries like Russia and China have already admited they are past peak oil. They know even USA finds it expensive to drill. 1 unit of shale oil only gives enough energy to drill 2 units of shale oil. 1 unit of venezuelan tar sands oil only gives enough energy to drill 2.5 units of tar sands oil.

Back in 1930 during the last depression, 1 unit of oil was able to drill 100 units of oil. Gone are those days of efficiency.

That is why we can't blame companies for not burning even more of their capital to drill more.

>> No.50188971

>the average American adult ate 1,996 pounds of food per year
Lmao you really are fat fucks. I eat less than half of that

>> No.50188987

What is peak oil?
>Peak oil refers to the hypothetical point at which global crude oil production will hit its maximum rate
You can only really make that call in retrospect. Shit doesn't fucking matter at all. What matters is finding alternatives. We should have been on nuclear 20 years ago.

>> No.50189001

>Peak oil will be when there is nothing left to drill to increase production.

what? no, that's not peak oil. there will always be oil in the ground, thats not the point and never has been the point.

peak oil is peak production of oil.

>> No.50189015

what's the point of this thread?

>> No.50189018


>> No.50189029

>Additionally, the reason for stopping to drill and survey in the US: oil, coal, shale, natural gas, has nothing to do with the meaningless term, "peak oil." It has everything to do with cutting carbon emissions and greenhouse emissions

no it doesnt. the US has been thoroughly explored and drilled for well over 100 years.

this 'eco-fanatics are shutting everything down' idea is what is fed to you by Fox News because its more palatable than the reality of just running out of resources.

>> No.50189036

There is no free market explanation for why oil prices are high. It absolutely has to do with purposeful government interference. And I agree the topic has become politicized. But that's the reality. Making energy expensive is a dumb move. It causes inflation. It causes problems. It slows the economy. And it's basically a pointless endeavor.

>> No.50189052

>I simply do not believe your narrative. The current "leader" of the US made it abundantly clear they wanted to increase oil prices. They do this to elicit an economic shift to electric vehicles.

an economic shift to electric vehicles is impossible but the government pretends it is to avoid unrest.

>> No.50189070

>There is no free market explanation for why oil prices are high. It absolutely has to do with purposeful government interference.

no it doesnt. oil is expensive because people want oil and there isnt enough.

>> No.50189102

>What matters is finding alternatives. We should have been on nuclear 20 years ago.

impossible. too difficult to build the power stations and not enough uranium.

also electricity cant really substitute for fossil fuels.

>> No.50189104


There was enough oil, then governments worldwide mandated a shutdown of 30% of the economy, and then suddenly oil drilled down to $0 a barrel and tons of producers got fucked, and then suddenly the government said "ok open back up" and demand picked right up but supply had gotten shot. That's what happened. No "free market" to it.

>> No.50189136
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Then how do you explain this:

Source: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4763122

In 2019 before COVID-19, Russians have already accepted they are unlikely to be able to repeat the record oil production of 2019.

>> No.50189196
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Then how do I explain some random Russian article snippet from 2019? Are you unironically regurgitating boomer fearmongering on "peak oil" like it's 1997? Gas was $2.50 a gallon and things were humming fine. The US had just achieved energy independence for the first time with its own domestic production helping.

>> No.50189247

what about gas for fertilizers
>no topsoil
>gas runs out cant make fertilizers
>everyone starves
worlds cooked

>> No.50189281

>You know just as well as I do what can be done to increase production.

again, we can't. if it were possible, it would be happening.

>> No.50189306
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In 1997 the peak oil prediction seemed to fail because we invented shale oil mining.

Although 1 unit of shale oil only could mine 2 units of shale oil, we let it happen because there was cheaper alternative.

Now we are fucked because even shale oil mining has peaked long before COVID-19.

This time the boy-who-cried-wolf in 1997 is right. The wolf is here.

>> No.50189307

Are you paid by the post?
Damage control. Narrative shifting. Blame game.

>> No.50189310

>There was enough oil, then governments worldwide mandated a shutdown of 30% of the economy,

alternatively the shutdown happened because governments realised there was about to be a serious energy shortage.

>> No.50189320
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Why don’t we just mine for oil in space?

>> No.50189337

u trollin or?

>> No.50189338


We can start by drilling Antarctica, but I am betting it will be very uneconomical.

I am betting 1 unit of Antarctic oil won't even be able to mine another 1 unit of Antarctic oil.

>> No.50189343

>Now we are fucked because even shale oil mining has peaked long before COVID-19.

it isnt mining.

you're mixing up something called kerogen (also known as oil shale) with fracking (drilling in oil shale source rocks).

basically you have no idea what you're talking about and should probably stop posting until you do.

>> No.50189344
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>world oil production screeches to a halt because of unprecedented state intervention

>> No.50189363


Alternatively you're an /x/ tier retard that probably shouldn't be sharing their opinion

>> No.50189366

>world oil production screeches to a halt because of unprecedented state intervention

which came first, the enerrgy shortage or the lockdowns?

i think the lockdowns were a response to it not a cause.

>> No.50189372
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State intervention in USA might be self-defeating because USA can print USD.

But non-globohomo countries cannot regulate themselves to oblivion like USA does.

>> No.50189387

What you going on about fren? I’m sure there’s an asteroid with more oil than there is on earth combined.

>> No.50189397

>Alternatively you're an /x/ tier retard that probably shouldn't be sharing their opinion

do you believe it was reasonable to put citizens under house arrest and close their businesses to protect them from something less lethal than flu?

>> No.50189401

At least glurmmf isn't president. Even if we all die it's worth it

>> No.50189408


Sorry for not using the technical jargon. I am just a trader trying to make money off of this.

>> No.50189414


It was the lockdowns, and I know because I trade oil routinely you moron

>> No.50189430


Does it really matter who is president or which party has the upper hand when oil prices are this high?

But yes I am secretly glad Trump and Republicans aren't to blame for this.

>> No.50189447

u have to be trolling

>> No.50189466

>It was the lockdowns, and I know because I trade oil routinely you moron

that doesnt mean you know anything, retard. especially since you post here.

>> No.50189494


Yeah the fact that I look at barrel price and production every day means I don't know anything, it's you and your stupid fucking Russian articles and your gut feeling

>> No.50189509


Russian articles are mine btw.

>> No.50189517

Slapin idea. Fr fr no cap less harness the energy from dem space aesteroids they be dripin in that black gold that shit is bussin fr

>> No.50189521

>Yeah the fact that I look at barrel price and production every day means I don't know anything, it's you and your stupid fucking Russian articles and your gut feeling

why would looking at the oil price mean you know anything about the broader picture?

you know nothing i don't know. zero.

>> No.50189549

How much can we talk about crypto bear market? Gotta do something else every so often.
>enerrgy shortage or the lockdowns?
Clearly lockdowns dude. Oil was dirt cheap before covid and there was no reason to even invest in oil because it had no profitable future due to supply gut. Storages were full and trump loaded up the strategic reserve it was so easy. Boats were sitting offshore making money and getting paid just to collect oil at terminals becasue they couldn't ditch it fast enough. You are trying to make a conspiracy here but there Is no evidence for it.

>> No.50189576

>Clearly lockdowns dude. Oil was dirt cheap before covid and there was no reason to even invest in oil because it had no profitable future due to supply gut.

i think the economy was about to collapse and the lockdowns were a way of buying time.

i do not for a second believe it was about anyone's health or that the government cares about my health in any way.

>> No.50189577

>charging stations every 100-200 miles.
You do know that 65% of electricity generation in the US comes from fossil fuels right?

>> No.50189599
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>the broader picture

What, like oil production hitting new highs right before getting shot in the gut by a global shutdown?

>> No.50189635

>What, like oil production hitting new highs right before getting shot in the gut by a global shutdown?

its much more complicated than just 'oil production'.

i bet you don't even know what the main problem is with shale oil produced from fracking.

>> No.50189663

>do not for a second believe it was about anyone's health or that the government cares about my health in any way.
Them orchestrating a lockdown makes them seem smarter than they actually are. These are boomers who can't run a computer or send an email. Theyre not competent. They saw an opportunity to make trump fall apart and took it.
Not hust that but need the charging to be faster. I'm not stopping for 30-60 minutes to sit there whwn I need to drive across the country for a job.

>> No.50189669


Deflection, your honor. Obfuscation to boot. The funny thing is oil prices will recalibrate over the course of this year (like they're currently doing now), get back to something reasonable and you will stop talking and disappear and pretend you never made these posts. Just like all fag alarmists who bleat on about "climate change" or "peak oil" or "global cooling" or "the ozone hole" or whatever else, you just want attention and to be right when the world ends.

>> No.50189680


If this graph is true, why can't the production just ramp up because it has been long since the first world or USA had a lockdown.

The 2020 oil price crash is ancient news. Why can't companies just ramp up 'oil production'?

Hint: they can't no matter how much Biden wants them to.

>> No.50189710

>Them orchestrating a lockdown makes them seem smarter than they actually are. These are boomers who can't run a computer or send an email. Theyre not competent. They saw an opportunity to make trump fall apart and took it.

the idea of lockdowns was already out there. they jumped on the idea to avoid a collapse.

>> No.50189712

>fag alarmists who bleat on about "climate change" or "peak oil" or "global cooling" or "the ozone hole" or whatever else, you just want attention and to be right when the world ends.
This. A lot of the alarmists fundamentally misinterpret the danger and go off into some schizo ramble. Then they act all surprised "le clownworld" when it doesn't happen. There aren't really any human ending events except a second k-pg impact event. Nothing else is that serious. It's just something that has to be dealt with but will be in time.

>> No.50189716

Die in a lithium fire

>> No.50189721


> The funny thing is oil prices will recalibrate over the course of this year

Prices will calibrate for sure, but there won't be any oil available at the calibrated price.

>> No.50189722

I'll check out your video OP but I don't really believe this part.
We've already seen that when gas prices start to get high, the green-in-name-only people (like Biden) backpaddle. If Trump or someone like him were to come into power and cut all the red tape, we'd have an abundance of energy. When people realize how dependent they actually are on cheap energy, and how much it hurts not to have it, they'll change their political leanings.

>The Green River Formation, which covers parts of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, has the largest known oil shale deposits in the world, holding from 1.5 to 1.8 trillion barrels of oil. Of that, roughly 800 billion barrels are recoverable—more than triple Saudi Arabia's proven oil reserves. Present U.S. demand for petroleum products is about 20 million barrels per day, so 800 billion barrels would last for more than 400 years if oil shale could be used to meet a quarter of that demand.

>> No.50189728


Because it isn't a car you turn off and on. In 2020 thousands of people were laid off, plants and facilities were closed, companies budgeted in major shortfalls and cuts. Entire organizations had to scale back. They don't just turn right back on. This is what people mean by state intervention fucking an economy up.

You probably don't even remember but oil was sitting at sub zero a barrel and people had to pay others to take it. It was absolutely absurd.

>> No.50189737

>they can't no matter how much Biden wants them to.
Because they can't get steel casing and all the oil workers left town.

>> No.50189740

>Deflection, your honor. Obfuscation to boot. The funny thing is oil prices will recalibrate over the course of this year (like they're currently doing now),

of course they will, its called demand destruction.

now again, tell me the main problem with shale oil produced by fracking.

and tell me the year global oil production peaked.

>> No.50189741

You're neglecting reality and the recent past.

>> No.50189762


How many years do you think it will take to turn everything back on?

Say it is 2 years after 2020. Will you give up your theory when 2023 comes?

>> No.50189765

>but there won't be any oil available at the calibrated price.
There is so much oil out there dude. Guyana is bringing oil to market soon, and texas is picking up rigs there now. And paying a ton to find workers too. Pa and Wyoming both have a ton of stuff, and Colorado has plenty too.

>> No.50189768

>Hint: they can't no matter how much Biden wants them to.
He didn't want them to at all until his political party became endangered in the midterms. They are not going to regardless because it would cost too much money, why spend money to lower the price of oil? So they can rack up tons of debt again? Not going to happen.

>> No.50189785

>Because they can't get steel casing and all the oil workers left town.

they cant get steel casing because its produced in China and China is having energy shortages.

China is having energy shortages because not enough coal is being produced.

not enough coal is being produced because coal production requires a lot of oil products and oil production peaked in 2018.

>> No.50189788

This would have never happened under Trump. We would be energy independent, probably no foreign wars, and a booming economy. Additionally the quality of life would be better, and the national mood would be positive and forward looking. This is a disaster.

>> No.50189807
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>Hydrogen powered vehicles
Not sure I want to be on the road with the idiots in my area driving hydrogen powered vehicles.

>> No.50189813

>Pa and Wyoming both have a ton of stuff, and Colorado has plenty too.

plenty of what? trash oil that costs millions to drill and produces 100 barrels a day per well?

>> No.50189827

Oil is expensive because the current administration purposefully made it so. Congratulations.

>> No.50189828


> 800 billion barrels are recoverable

1 unit of shale oil can only be used extract 2 units of shale oil.

So out of 800 billion barrels half of that will go towards extracting the shale oil itself.

The remaining 400 billion barrels is nothing. The world burns through 100 million barrels per day. So 400 billion barrels buys us 10 years of oil.

>> No.50189829

I really want to know what the actual eroi is on wind and solar. I'm guessing it's close to break even. Total fucking meme if you ask me, but I'd love to see some real actual data on it that hasn't been massaged by people with an agenda. For example I have yet to see anyone account for all the fossil fuels used to dismantle, transport and bury the turbine blades when they reach the end of their life after 7 years.

>> No.50189850

>You can run a typical combustion engine on hydrogen with very little to no modification.

of courese you can you mong, thats not the issue.

cheap energy is the issue, or rather the increasing lack of it.

there is no surplus energy from nuclerar reactors, where do you get your delusion that there is?

>> No.50189868


Yes under Trump we could have gotten about 20 more years of low prices.

>> No.50189878

>Ctrl F "abiogenic"
>0 results
holy fucking dumbcunts lmfao

>> No.50189885

>1 unit of shale oil can only be used extract 2 units of shale oil.

its not quite that bad, its more like 1 unit makes between 5 and 10 units.

there would be no production at all if it was 1 unit makes 2.

>> No.50189891



>> No.50189910

>40 posts by this ID

yeah someone here has a large oil short position and is now shilling FUD to pump his bags

>> No.50189919

>plenty of what? trash oil that costs millions to drill and produces 100 barrels a day per well?
Shale oil and gas retard.
>unit of shale oil can only be used extract 2 units of shale
Fake and gay. Oil was so low prior to covid bevasue it was so easy to produce.
You keep trying to reduce everything to some energy shortage. It's a schizo theory that isn't real. There is coal and oil everywhere and the political situation is preventing it from being accessed.

>> No.50189929

>I really want to know what the actual eroi is on wind and solar. I'm guessing it's close to break even. Total fucking meme if you ask me, but I'd love to see some real actual data on it that hasn't been massaged by people with an agenda.

the problem is they are useless without a backup energy source, usually gas.

intermittent electricity is as good as useless for many purposes such as hospitals, manufacturing or running a refrigerator.

>> No.50189928


1 unit of shale oil can only be used extract 2 units of shale oil.

See pic here >>50188958

>> No.50189946

>1 unit of shale oil can only be used extract 2 units of shale oil.

again, youre mixing up kerogen with tight oil.

please learn about this complex topic.

>> No.50189962

>plenty of what? trash oil that costs millions to drill and produces 100 barrels a day per well?
>Shale oil and gas retard.

yep, thats trash oil as i described.

>> No.50189979


>> No.50189987

>You keep trying to reduce everything to some energy shortage. It's a schizo theory that isn't real. There is coal and oil everywhere and the political situation is preventing it from being accessed.

everything is about energy including what you imagine to be 'politics'.

>> No.50189991

yawn u can make petrol out of coal.
We shitloads of that

its called the Coal liquefaction process, INVENTED BY zee German of corse in ww2

>> No.50190009


Already mentioned here >>50185650

by OP.

>> No.50190026

>yawn u can make petrol out of coal.
>We shitloads of that

Jesus Christ. So many fuckwits, so little time.

its far too energy expensive to do that and we need the coal for other purposes anyway.

>> No.50190087

nah mate zz germans ran thier war machine on, just stick a nuke reactor next to is and off you go.

>> No.50190100

Well yeah you still need like 60% baseload power or something like that. If we ever get cheap batteries for electric vehicles they can be used to absorb surplus power and also even give some back during demand. For example you leave your car plugged in overnight and it charges off surplus wind energy produced at night, drive to work the next day, and when you get home and plug it in again it powers your home air conditioner for about an hour before recharging again overnight. So "smart grids' and electric vehicles can improve green energy efficiency.

>> No.50190131

that's just how he makes income on videos that instantly get demonetized on youtube. and this seems to be a rip from the full video rather than the youtube half video. anyway, peak prosperity is based

>> No.50190136

chainlink sucks anyway

>> No.50190193

>If we ever get cheap batteries for electric vehicles they can be used to absorb surplus power and also even give some back during demand

we wont and that doesnt work. it would just wear out the batteries of electric car owners faster, and the batteries are very expensive.

its impossible to build even a fraction of the electric vehicles and batteries we would need anyway, not enough resources to do so.

the electric future is a lie told by governments to prevent civil disorder.

>> No.50190254

We would need a breakthrough in battery technology. I hear about breakthroughs; universities demonstrate revolutionary solid state batteries and such, but none of it has come to market so it could all be a lie.
Yeah I don't know if it will happen, without a revolution in battery technology I agree it's not feasible.

>> No.50190299

>We would need a breakthrough in battery technology. I

its all bollocks and it wont happen. batteries dont even solve the problem, they dont produce energy.

what we need is energy sources to replace fossil fuels, and none exist.

>> No.50190334

have you people not watched his crash course before? saw it years ago and it's fucked me up ever since. our only hope is fusion and even then batteries need to improve dramatically and the growing pains are going to be insane. we're going to lose billions of people by 2050

>> No.50190477

based but will kill grandma
sorry grandma

>> No.50190717

>Civilization will exist as a bunch of isolated fortresses running on renewables in an ocean of barbarian tribes.

and gradually the lights will go out as the solar panels, wind turbines and LED bulbs wear out and can't be replaced.

>> No.50190985

The ozone hole only got fixed because people rightfully panicked and quickly passed regulations to stop the pollution damaging it. Thirty years later and retards like you think it was all alarmism.

>> No.50191072

i just oiled your mom last night so im not sure your theory holds up

>> No.50191098

tech thats released is only allowed by certain jews, you must have been born yesterday i guess

>> No.50191107


The ozone hole was never an issue, it was a way for environmental groups to scare you/get donations and for governments to assume more economic power. I'm sure you think a few new laws "fixed" an allegedly structural issue that was being caused by the entire world.

>> No.50191132


They came up with a better scam now, "global warming" or the latest, less falsifiable "climate change." Now any and all weather phenomena are grounds to get more money from you and restrict private enterprise more.

>> No.50191292


"Everything I can see says that world leaders are not able to face the possibility that the world is already running seriously short of oil and coal. Future supplies are likely to be much lower, and much more expensive, if they are available at all. Other energy types (including natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind and solar) are simply add-ons to a system built using coal and oil.

Current world leaders do not realize that the energy situation is very much like the water level in Lake Mead. Looking at it from the top, there still seems to be water there but, in fact, the required depth is lacking. Water for watering crops will soon be exhausted. The world’s energy supply is not a whole lot different. The supposedly proven reserves do not tell us anything at all. It is the amount of fossil fuels that can be affordably extracted that is important. We have already exceeded the amount that can be affordably extracted. If central banks cut back future energy supplies using higher interest rates, we can expect to encounter major problems going forward."

>> No.50191474

>They came up with a better scam now, "global warming" or the latest, less falsifiable "climate change."

global warming is real, its just that there's nothing we can do about it other than stop using fossil fuels.

if we stop using fossil fuels, most of us will die.

>> No.50191518

So in terms of investing.. it's over? The last 70 years of bull market are going into reverse?

>> No.50191562

Plastic is for faggots to make dildos out of.

>> No.50191796

>So in terms of investing.. it's over? The last 70 years of bull market are going into reverse?

correct. most assets will be worthless. for example a large suburban home will be useless without cheap energy.

>> No.50191812

What if you stick solar panels on it, or a wind turbine?

>> No.50191980

There is only two countries that made these work on a large scale, which are Denmark and China.

>> No.50191992

Based department?

>> No.50192063

So the best investment is actual physical goods that required a lot of energy to produce, and which help meet basic human needs?

>> No.50192105

>So the best investment is actual physical goods that required a lot of energy to produce, and which help meet basic human needs?

depends if the goods need energy to operate or not. i would stay away from anything that needs electricity or fuel.

>> No.50192119


All we gotta do is spray dust particles into the atmosphere to block the sun.

What could go wrong?????????

>> No.50192248

>I do not want to do this, but if this happens, life expectancy will fall.
The vast majority of healthcare doesn't require high energy use. People can live extremely long as long as they just convert to healthy live styles with early intervention from general physicians. See Cuba. Humanity need not CONSOOM so much

>> No.50192300

>Dude the world is going to end

Anyone who says this is giving you the worst investment advice possible, just remember that. They'd have you holding a shiny rock for your entire life at a -2% total ROI while Jews are getting rich off of all manner of investments and tricks.

>> No.50192362

So a set of hand tools and hand farming tools as a base investment, makes sense.
What I don't quite get from the video is how Chris sees the decline exactly. Do we kind of gradually decline with less and less products and services being available and the standard of living constantly declining, or does global industry basically collapse at some point?
If the latter, then.. when? And if the latter, then it seems like it's going to be completely apocalyptic with cities being future mass graves.

>> No.50192464

There’s a book called “Limits to Growth” which argues that if things go on without changing, civilization collapses in 2040 as we’ll exhaust multiple resources (oil, chromium, aluminum, etc.) by then. In that case, billions will die.

The alternative is transitioning the economy away from a growth mindset and towards a sustainable mindset. Inside of profit and growth the aim becomes providing for the needs and wants of the people.

>inb4 “that’s communism!”
The Nazis had the same endgame. The only people too retarded to see infinite growth is impossible are the liberals.

>> No.50192497

Fracking gives us access to the other 80% of oil that's trapped on this misbegotten rock, and it also generally frees up enough natural gas to self-power the industry with excess to sell. What we're experiencing now is the bear trap for oil. You will cope by saying (accurately) that shale's EROI is lower than conventional wells. However, this is cope because peak oil is about resource depletion at any cost, not resource depletion at specific economic inflections.

>> No.50192509

Yeah, but the jackasses in charge want people to go back to work instead of staying at home, conserving scarce resources and putting less wear and tear on the roads.

>> No.50192589

We have over 50 years worth sitting in Alberta still.

>> No.50192632

I agree, it’s retarded. But getting people to agree with climate lockdowns or resource conservation lockdowns is basically impossible. If it happens, it’ll have to be a bottom up thing.

>> No.50192636


The best you can do is probably 10 years

>> No.50192720

If we're past peak oil, is it not too late?
I know Limits of Growth came from the Club of Rome, which is one of these cancerous elite think tanks. I don't disagree with the premise of course, but the elites are using whatever is happening to try to force a kind of new-feudalism with a Chinese style social credit system. This is pure and utter cancer. Instead of allowing people to know the truth and to try to adapt, they're robbing us of the ability to adapt by forcing us into a 1984 style tyranny.

>> No.50192766

>So a set of hand tools and hand farming tools as a base investment, makes sense.

yes absolutely and practice the associated skills.

>> No.50192802

Now times that by how many people live in your city, retarded faggot fuck.

>> No.50192826

My grandmother is already dead so whomp whomp.
Bring on the race war.

>> No.50192840

>However, this is cope because peak oil is about resource depletion at any cost, not resource depletion at specific economic inflections.

no, you're incorrect.

its always been the case and known for many decades that even in the best oilfields, two thirds of the oil stays in the ground due to lack of capillary pressure.

>> No.50192861

Still not a lot compared to the oil reserves and oil production past peak oil.

>> No.50192887

Where will you farm when society is tearing itself apart and desperate people scour the countryside for anything they can feed their starving kids?

>> No.50192893

>without oil, it is impossible to grow enough food to feed the global population.
Just eat humans, lmao.

>> No.50192910
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>> No.50192913

>Where will you farm when society is tearing itself apart and desperate people scour the countryside for anything they can feed their starving kids?

oh he'll probably die like everyone else killed by raiders, i was just trying to be positive

>> No.50192951

I think if things go the way they are projected to, the elite are doomed. Complex society itself is doomed, and that includes even China. In this future, we see total collapse for a few centuries and then out of the ashes will emerge civilizations which have a pre-industrial level of tech.

But I don’t think peak oil is necessary the end. Peak oil is not “no oil” and there will be enough of it to supply our manufacturing/chemical needs for some time, enough for a transition period. What needs to happen is this.

1. Population needs to drop. The aim should be for a global fertility rate of <1.5. Promote family planning, feminism and contraception, especially in Africa.
2. Strict reduction of consumption in the industrialized parts of the world, especially the West.
3. Investment into recycling technologies, mining of landfills, ocean water, etc. The need is to make civilization as sustainable as possible in terms of metals, chemicals, etc, with the end goal of a close system with respect to these things.
4. Buildup of long term power solutions like solar and wind. Look into stuff like thorium reactors as well. If civilization is less energy intensive, these things can supply civilization.

It’s possible in theory. In practice is a different matter.

>> No.50193076

Okay, how's this?
>stock up on 2 years + worth of non-perishable food/water, tools, seeds etc
>hide and wait for the masses to starve
>re-emerge and start producing food
Rate my plan

>Population needs to drop.
I wonder if the experimental injections are related to this..
> Strict reduction of consumption
Everything from the last few years can be framed in terms of demand destruction
>3., 4.
I don't think those are going to happen in a collapse scenario.

I get the impression that we're playing history's biggest game of musical chairs.

>> No.50193168

>. Investment into recycling technologies, mining of landfills, ocean water, etc. The need is to make civilization as sustainable as possible in terms of metals, chemicals, etc, with the end goal of a close system with respect to these things.

doesnt work. most things cant be recycled without using more energy than it took to originally make them.

>> No.50193186

> I don't think those are going to happen in a collapse scenario.
The whole point is to avoid a collapse scenario. We can all have good lives with many modern luxuries and more, but it won’t be done with our current approach to ecology.

>> No.50193194

>Okay, how's this?
>>stock up on 2 years + worth of non-perishable food/water, tools, seeds etc
>>hide and wait for the masses to starve
>>re-emerge and start producing food
>Rate my plan

good plan except hiding is pretty much impossible.

>> No.50193245

The point with that is to conserve resources, not energy. We are running out of multiple things, and I think investing energy in recouping nonrenewable resources is a good idea.

>> No.50193274

And you think it's going to work with their
>you'll own nothing and you'll be happy
approach? They're making themselves out to be Bond villains who MUST be resisted at all costs or they'll take everything you have.
Their efforts, noble or not, are a recipe for collapse based on politics rather than resource constraints (oddly, it almost seems like they want this). You don't just tear up every single social contract and expect people to become, apparently, slaves without chaos.

Guess that's why underground bunkers are so popular these days

>> No.50193285

>The point with that is to conserve resources, not energy.

we won't have energy to spare.

>> No.50193315

>if we stop using fossil fuels, most of us will die.

...are just fucking bullshit and I'm proof. What we have are grown-ass fat fucking adults ACTING like it is the end of the world if they should have to walk a mile

>> No.50193371

>...are just fucking bullshit and I'm proof. What we have are grown-ass fat fucking adults ACTING like it is the end of the world if they should have to walk a mile

not much point in you commenting if you havent got the slightest idea about the topic.

>> No.50193424

The personal breakdown of energy use for a typical person is

40% your car
40% your house
20% consumption choices

So, where do you cut? the flat, global target is -90%. Is it possible? Yes.

>Ride a bike: -40%
>Go veg: -15%

That leaves -35%, so how do you reduce your home energy use by 87%? That might be the hardest because developers don't give af about efficiency and they want to sell you 250% more house than you actually need, ie "single family home"

You increase the R-value of the insulation. You lower the thermostat. You eliminate parasitic electrical loads. You switch off natural gas appliances and air conditioning. You stop "mowing the lawn". None of this stuff is necessary.

>at this point morons start talking about other people and how they won't comply with the necessary sacrifices because of their special case (Fat, can't walk) or (congenitally unable to digest anything but red meat) or (whatever)

Yes you can, you Fat, IBS-suffering lardass. It might hurt a little bit, you might cry, but you will get through it though.

So what happens in reality? You don't want to do any of these things, so...

>The car simply becomes an unusable liability
>The costs of the energy you use skyrocket in the home
>The subsidized price of everything is pressured until those controls break
>You go literally broke.

I'm already living in the future at the target level: its a nothing burger, and in actuality, a much better life. I know because I've been living at this level for over a decade.

>you havent got the slightest idea

Bitch I ain't playing witch you

>> No.50193486

>The personal breakdown of energy use for a typical person is
>40% your car
>40% your house
>20% consumption choices
>So, where do you cut? the flat, global target is -90%. Is it possible? Yes.

there isnt really any point trrying to make cuts or ration oneself on a personal level.

if you dont use the energy, your neighbour will.

>> No.50193510

The food you eat is produced with fertilizers, and much of that comes from industrial processes which rely on hydrocarbons. Same with medication. It’s not as simple as “just walk bro”.

>> No.50193527

>The food you eat is produced with fertilizers, and much of that comes from industrial processes which rely on hydrocarbons. Same with medication. It’s not as simple as “just walk bro”.

he doesnt understand, he thinks its just a case of tighten our belts.

>> No.50193535

people can be forced to abide by the rules in order to keep oil for more important things
do you think the "you own nothing" propaganda just sprang out of thin air? Or that the people in charge didnt invest a lot in tech + drones to keep the plebs in line once the belt needs to be tightened?
You're playing checkers when they're playing chess sorry

>> No.50193587

>I'm already living in the future at the target level
And how are you doing that? Some kind of mostly self-sufficient homestead?
You think these kinds of reductions are even possible for people in cities?

>> No.50193608

Maybe it'll work if we all eat bugs?

>> No.50193632

>Instead of allowing people to know the truth and to try to adapt, they're robbing us of the ability to adapt by forcing us into a 1984 style tyranny.
there is no knowing the truth and trying to adapt for huge segments of the population. we all know this. hell, i've been familiar with these concepts for years and i still am frozen with fear and indecision on how to proceed for me and my family

>> No.50193732
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The basic problem with Chris Martenson is he's a dumb fuck Conspira-tard and a self-promoter.

Peak Oil is real; many of the statistics are real, but his conclusions are pure projection.

There is a lot of appeal to the notion that the zoomer future is already written, and written off. Because then, no one has to do anything! This is very appealing to a lot of people.

My own predictions are as good as Chris's:

>Ya, da gubbmints won't help things and we will tilt into cyclical global depressions (as opposed to cyclical recessions)
>Ya, fossil fuel prices go up
>Boomers WILL die off

These things will destroy demand. But Zoomers will NOT roll over and die. Unlike Boomers all they really require is a bit of food and water and an actual lifestyle.

It comes down to this, there are two kinds of people: people who are going to keep living, and people who are going to keep living after going broke

>If you don't know which one you are, lol at you you dumb fuck

>> No.50193742

>Or that the people in charge didnt invest a lot in tech + drones to keep the plebs in line once the belt needs to be tightened?

all that kind of nonsense willl fall apart too when the electricity starts to go off.

i wouldnt worry about 'the elite'. they wont be in control of anything any more.

>> No.50193749

>hell, i've been familiar with these concepts for years and i still am frozen with fear and indecision on how to proceed for me and my family
Yes, but now we have to deal with growing government tyranny on top of everything else.

I'm not sure there is a good strategy unless you have a lot of money to buy good and isolated land + all the materials, supplies and tools you need.
Even then.. what, you just live out your lives in isolation as the world burns? Your kids grow old alone on some little, hidden plot of land?
If only it was easier to find groups of like-minded people that could easily form communities. But you can't bind people together very well based on fear.

>> No.50193763

>Unlike Boomers all they really require is a bit of food and water and an actual lifestyle.

which they wont have.

>> No.50193783
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Elon is going to start talking about SpaceX project to put a sun shade in helio-synchronous orbit

We're saved, the end, you're welcome, you giant planet of faggots

>> No.50193820

Living in the pod and eating the bugs is the only way to maintain our current society and power structures. But do we really want to maintain our current power structures? Schwab, corporations and the WEF certainly do. But I don’t think most people do. We should think differently.

>> No.50193847

How is enough food produced to feed everyone without oil? Even if you grown your own food in your garden, you still need to buy fertilizer eventually, even if you compost.

>> No.50193851

>Living in the pod and eating the bugs is the only way to maintain our current society and power structures

it isnt. there will be nowhere near enough resources for that.

>> No.50193885

But with dwindling resources, cooperation will give way to fractal balkanization where everyone scrambles to secure their own existence.
How do you create an incentivization structure that gets people to work together in this new world? Is it even possible?

>> No.50193886

the electricity wont go off for at least 100 years in the direst projections. Keep your schizo babble straight and watch the video

>> No.50193929

>the electricity wont go off for at least 100 years in the direst projections

its going off already in many countries. and it will here soon, probably this winter we will see power cuts in europe.

>> No.50193968
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So will oil moon or crash, which is it?

>> No.50193974

It’s the big question. We still have internet and technology right now, so taking advantage of global communication is the only way. Prepper communities where people help each other despite it being of no value to themselves are a precursor to this. We just need to get something going where instead of planning to isolate and weather the storm, we plan to prevent it.

>> No.50194086

>where people help each other despite it being of no value to themselves
Communism tried this and it didnt work because its hard to motivate people to work for the "common" good

>> No.50194228
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the lifestyle they have will actually be amazing. If you think about it for more than 5 minutes, you'll realize that subtracting the disinter-mediating factors of contemporary "lifestyles" means greater complexity of local relationships and interactions, and greater inherent meaning in those relationships as distances, in other words, the world beyond social media, phones, and cars, and all the disconnections of impersonal flows of capital goods and services.

Right now all that shit is contained within the conventional model of commerce, and dominated by corporations extracting rent from these processes. What will happen is that profit eroded until it is unviable and the economic system will reorganize around new imperatives.

Zoomers are viewed as passive objects, as 'consumers' as it were, which is a mistake: past behaviors under prior conditions, projected forward by assumptions... Predicting the future is easy in those terms.

>How is enough food produced to feed everyone without oil?
Never was enough, nigga, something like 1/2 a billion people are going to spend all day, like every day, looking for food and water, TODAY.

>Even if you grown your own food in your garden, you still need to buy fertilizer eventually, even if you compost.
Amateurs will never grow meaningful amounts of calories without instruction but it is possible. The problem is most "gardeners" have no idea what they are doing. It doesn't matter, 'gardening' anywhere and everywhere is not a serious thing, it is a hobby for stupid people and kind of the best outlet to contain the damage they will do to the earth. Let them all spread wood chips over plastic sheets, build a lumber pile of planter boxes, hang string, and learn nothing and make no effective calories. A yard is not a place for anything but a dumb old boomer to waste the remaining years of their lives, and for stupid zoomers copying the dying boomers, to think planting a tomato in a car tire is a good idea.

>> No.50194291

yep. shut down the networks and analog ones flourish. remember power outages?

>> No.50194329

>The basic problem with Chris Martenson is he's a dumb fuck Conspira-tard and a self-promoter.
wrong. he pushes people towards his site but he himself is rarely the focus of everything aside from some credentialism that he has to drop for retards that want to know what, if any, authority he is speaking from. he espouses being prepared, not rolling over and dying

>> No.50194502

you dont seem to actually understand any of this.

people will starve, people will die of disease and violence. its not going to be fun or rewarding.

>> No.50194596

Zoomers are utterly screwed. The generation will will reap the “benefits” of living in pre-industrial society haven’t been born yet. Everyone who is alive rn has every motive to fix the system and work towards a *good* post-growth future while we can.

>> No.50194675

Yeah, why dont we put Nuclear plants in the middle of the desert, far from anyone and just make the synthetic fuel there and then transport it over land in pipelines to our population hubs.

>> No.50194712

>Yeah, why dont we put Nuclear plants in the middle of the desert, far from anyone and just make the synthetic fuel there and then transport it over land in pipelines to our population hubs.

we wont be able to build them. but even if we could, they need a lot of water.