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50184854 No.50184854 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize the outcome and trajectory of the rest of your life is solely dependent upon whether or not we have another crypto bubble from 2023-2025

>> No.50184866

Yep... I almost made it last year too. I'm salty

>> No.50184876

>the probability of which is so high that sitting around and waiting for it seems like a boring life to live

>> No.50184879

kek, fuck this is true
i am banking pretty hard on another bull run
but i won't put too much of my net worth into it in case it never happens

>> No.50184882

I thought so too, but then I realized even if I make it, all I will get out of it is a house paid off, no worry about being homeless, and thats it. Every other problem in my life will still be there, because no amount of Crypto success will make the autism go away.

>> No.50184913

I should also mention something; I actually legitimately truly honestly believe there will NOT be a bull run in the next cycle (2024-2028) mostly because there's so many people who are waiting for it to make it, this kind of thing didn't exist in 2018 after the crash happened, it was 1% of people having the same thought process that most people today have, which makes me think if thats the case, then its just not gona happen so soon.

Next cycle will probably be a dormant cycle where nothing happens, and it is then, when the real flush out happens similar to 2018.

The only thing left to happen to Crypto is for a halving cycle to create no bullrun, and I think 2024-2028 4 year cycle will be the first time Crypto doesn't have a bull run

>> No.50184920

Then when it does happen you will complain about you could have made it if only you had gone all in.

>> No.50184980

>I should also mention something; I actually legitimately truly honestly believe there will NOT be a bull run in the next cycle (2024-2028) mostly because there's so many people who are waiting for it to make it, this kind of thing didn't exist in 2018 after the crash happened, it was 1% of people having the same thought process that most people today have, which makes me think if thats the case, then its just not gona happen so soon.

nope, everyone in 2018 knew the next halving would create a new one. this aint the first rodeo. but not every alt will reach ath.

>> No.50185004

>nope, everyone in 2018 knew the next halving would create a new one. this aint the first rodeo. but not every alt will reach ath.
No they did not. You're fucking talking shit cunt, you weren't around if you think that.

The MAJORITY of people in Crypto thought it was over for good.

Now the MAJORITY of people in Crypto think its just 18 months away and the next run gets underway and they can make it then, just like that, so easy bro!

Yeah, not gona happen. Not getting my hopes up. I fully expect to be bag-holding until 2030+

>> No.50185013

I only have 5% exposure to crypto.

>> No.50185236

Most boomers and normies are still very anti crypto. I think we will have another bullrun but it will be more utility based, most crypto are just tech companies.

>> No.50185246
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>> No.50185264

and by then 80% of the top 100 coins will be almost worthless

>> No.50185276

Is there a reason you need it to crash that hard first?

>> No.50185307

all or nothing

we MAKE IT or we DIE


>> No.50185309

SP500 dropping to 2700 . dxy to 120

>> No.50185318

Low IQ "TA"

>> No.50185328

By that logic btc "will go to .001 cents" because why not. You're a midwit without actual logic in your reasoning

>> No.50185340

>I can stop time
>everything moves in a straight line up or down
You are fucking retarded my dude the worst part is ur not joking. You genuinely believe this -2iq TA graph or whatever the fuck you wanna call this LMAO OH SHIT NIGGER WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

>> No.50185359

I went all in 2017, all in 2021, and I'm going all in 2025.
I will make it to eight figures and never work ever again.

>> No.50185363

not happening ever again, sorry
too many normies got burned this time around especially with NFTs

>> No.50185368

That's not how it works, retard

>> No.50185421
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>> No.50185816

not really because I will probably fail to sell again

>> No.50185935

worse... I'm betting on the XRP schizos being right. I don't like my chances.

>> No.50185976

exactly, i will
BUT, i am going pretty hard in, just nothing crazy.
i always said that the pain of missing a bull run is worse than the pain of everything going to zero, which is why i simply must logically make the gamble.
seeing everything pump and missing out entirely would make me suicidal

>> No.50186001

it's a good theory but i also disagree, we will see another bull run
the four year period is enough to shake out normies
and also the industry as a whole builds around bull runs. noticed how absolutely fucking nothing is launching now?
anything good will launch early 2024, you'd be a retard to launch a crypto project now
the whales, VCs, etc etc all invest around halving cycles and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.50186008

Did you even pay attention to everything that happened in the last few months? you are just like any fag who thinks memecoins like fucking qom are profitable

>> No.50186034

That's just silly. Honestly there's more to life than just money anyways. Of course I'm all in but I still get genuine value and I find fulfillment in work. It feels good to work, it feels good to accomplish things, it feels good to strive to be the best I can in all ways not just money. True fulfillment comes from growth and within yourself, don't cheat yourself with this. Or else you will end up getting rich and still feel empty inside.

>> No.50186038
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Might as well bet on that. If pur current society keeps up we will either head into a long depression, a war or another bullrun. In two out of three situations here, the likelyhood of survival is going to be pretty slim with the next depression being an all out blood in the streets type of recession, a war is going to be nuclear, and the bullrun is going to be another artificial one propped up by the elites who do not want the world to burn down. The way I see it, only two things are goin to help you make it, one is madly investing into crypto that's going to get a bullrun after the elites once again move the inevitable end of the world recession forward, and the second is bullets that you are going to need if the elites allow the society to collapse. And I've stocked up on both.

>> No.50186336

yep, I'll rope if we dont get another one

>> No.50186366

nigga you werent here before 2021 and you know it. you dont know wtf youre talking about. sentiment at this time is nothing like 2018

>> No.50186377

If you haven't already had multiple trajectory-altering moments in your life, you haven't lived

>> No.50186452

I think that was his point

>> No.50186462

not gonna happen, get a job

>> No.50186720

Just $100/mo each in BTC and ETH. Maybe add in another token in there for fun. That's it. That's all you need to do. But you just have to be consistent.

I've seen the spread sheets. I've seen the returns. Just $100 each, each month. We WILL make it and we WILL be happy and I WILL be happy for you.

>> No.50186753

go all in pussy, make it big or kill yourself with the rest of us

>> No.50186813

100% OP.

Crypto is my only hope. If there is no new run 2024 or 2025 I will kill myself without doubt. Life is just not worth it when you're poor. I'm in lower six figure hell right now (was mid six figure last top) and I need money to escape the misery of living in a shithole badly. I just fucking hate my life right now. Absolute misery, the hatred of my current situation fuels my money grinding 7 days a week (even tho its absolute shit money) and dumping it all in crypto every month. I need to make it. It's all or nothing. Good luck to all you anons.

My biggest hope is eth hitting 10k next run, I could retire forever in a warm nice country but fuck, it feels less and less likely to me right now.

>> No.50186822
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>crypto bubble
Cool, you're still under the impression that this is a bubble.

>> No.50186829

>No they did not.
Yes, yes we did, you're the idiot.

>> No.50186848
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Bitcoin halving event is when the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions is cut in half.This event also cuts in half Bitcoin's inflation rate and the rate at which new bitcoins enter circulation.Previous halvings have correlated with intense boom and bust cycles that have ended with higher prices than prior to the event.

See you in 2024.

>> No.50186864

I could have become a billionaire this bullrun -_-
Making 100 million dollars was guaranteed from March 2020 to May 2021

>> No.50186868
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>too many normies got burned this time around
Paper retail hands putting in 50 bucks never moved market.
Im looking at coin base pro trade history and buy and sell orders are popping off.
Fuck off, idiot.
That's the point I'm trying to get across.

>> No.50186881
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>Honestly there's more to life than just money anyways.
Not really no.

>> No.50186892

>Two or three years is the max he can wait for investments to pay off.
I'm thinking like ten years minimum when I buy this stuff.

>> No.50186901

Or it just kills the project as mining becomes so difficult and intensive that the electricity spent mining them no longer covers the cost that each are sold at. Demand drops. Project dies.

>> No.50186921

i have too much to lose
net worth of around $1m, 32 years old. most of my shit is in real estate and vanguard.
by the end of 2023 i should have around $75k-$100k in crypto (assuming prices are similar) and once i 3-4x from there i will take out most of it (including taking profits on the way up), and i will retire.
if it all goes to zero it's another 3-4 years in the wage cage, no big deal

>> No.50186922


Sounds like the perfect time to buy some nfts will be in a couple years. They'll experience the bull market as they finally introduce some "utility" to them. You could gamble on a few now, but only a small handful will survive to the next run.

>> No.50186975

I've been in this market since 2016. I've just always been poor and could barely put anything in this. Now I buy 1k worth a month and thats more than 99% of people in my country are able to save. I do have a long time horizon but I can't continue to wage for 10 years to come. It's killing my soul completely.