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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 200x200, ATOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50184175 No.50184175 [Reply] [Original]

Good long term hold this one

>> No.50184188

0 reasons to hold, entirely speculative, no revenue, no profits

>> No.50184264

Yeah I got rid of it on my last consolidation

>> No.50184328
File: 61 KB, 570x653, 1657076007780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like ATOM too

>> No.50184601


eth killer

>> No.50185181

>vague fud can be said about any coin
>imagine being this ngmi

>> No.50185375

Just hodl for 21 days bro!!
I'm selling my atom. Sorry

>> No.50186611


>> No.50186619

This is the best fud they can come up with lmao

>> No.50186627

Also DELET this, fuck /biz/ jeets don't deserve to know about it

>> No.50186645

I just hope the juno team can get their shit together. They've been doing good with all the integrations lately, but wolf needs to fuck off.

>> No.50186859

Why would he need to fuck off?

It only matters the chain is successful and devs will flock making a cult around him, as long as his pushing the project forward (he is).

Shady guys as Jack Zampolin and Jalena go around smiling and backstabbing behind close doors, and he's been able to identify it, only thing is they want special treatment and clout on twitter which they think validate their schemes.

Real support is done onchain.

I do think there is an inmaterial prize for capturing the mometum of permissionless smartcontracts on the cosmos hub using cosmwasm, and Juno might not be the only contendor for long.

If another project can do things better than Juno, and Wolf is so bad, people will flock to it. Wolf cannot be ousted, he's got majority of the governance votes, so it either works, ppl learn to get along or Juno needs to fail. There is no Juno without wolf.

Unless someone fork the whole chain without him and invite the whole team, or the majority, and he is left alone....

>> No.50186873

unironically the token not needed

>> No.50187015

Cope. Yellow nigger.

>> No.50187086
File: 256 KB, 1079x1536, based slurper .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Imagine not slurping sub $6.00.
Kek have fun getting rekt with Juno, nigger.

>> No.50187645

>Unbonding period is, uh....LE BAD!
Nice Reddit spacing. Everyone with a triple digit IQ can see Jewnose is fucked because the devs are incompetent and Wolfnigger and his cronies are raving about how proud they are they turned it into a Commie chain. You unironically said it yourself, the chain is better off being forked minus the retarded malicious gov proposals with better devs.

>> No.50187665

Everytime I hear about this Wolf guy it always is connected to a scam , fuck that guy.

>> No.50187755

Zero arguments. Try again not writing like a retarded uneducated nigger

>> No.50188105
File: 348 KB, 675x742, We stopped the whale from ruining the chain!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50189172
File: 199 KB, 468x838, 2EDB154D-0F51-4810-B98C-986887C3337D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure, unadulterated linknigger cope. The link death spiral will continue irregardless of your pathetic shilling. The only question remaining nigger is at what price will you rope: will it be at $5.00, $2.50, $1.25 or $0.625?

>> No.50191045
File: 1 KB, 34x38, Screenshot 2022-07-06 09.55.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, /biz/ doesn't deserve to know about the best projects in the cosmos, been making so much passive income from being a very early airdrop staker, pic related. There's also another project on the horizon that's earning me BTC in the cosmos ecosystem for staking a BTC bridge coin. /biz/ doesn't deserve to know

>> No.50191103
File: 1 KB, 58x61, Screenshot 2022-07-06 10.02.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ doesn't deserve to know

>> No.50191109

Its not vague. I hold ATOM but the truth is that without cross-chain accounts and inter-chain security the token doesn't really provide a service to the ecosystem. Even then ATOM would need to be the solution picked by the other chains, there is no guarantee of that. Honestly the price of ATOM is held up by loyalty, of both users and developers across the whole interchain. Which is the hopium that keeps me holding.

>> No.50191211

>they turned it into a Commie chain
What private property was taken? Because you don't a human right to someone else's money for free btw. If someone gives you some of their money for free under certain conditions and you choose violate those conditions then you risk getting that free money being taken back. Autistic whalesimps are the worst. The guy made off with a free 11 million dollars without spending a single dime.
The only mistake Juno made was not completely halting the chain by the time he was discovered and rolling everything back as it was proposed in Prop 4, then blacklisting all his wallets except one before redistributing the airdrop.

>> No.50193672
File: 449 KB, 1792x2276, A6804251-3E98-4078-9C87-FA79967EB7B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your butchering of the English language gives you away, insectoid.

>> No.50193873
File: 22 KB, 829x297, Clipboard01wad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hodl Atom and Evmos you are winning this entire week.

>> No.50194001
File: 98 KB, 804x933, 1619798231038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i will keep shorting some vinu and getting my weekly 20%, way more profitable than waiting years for a 2x

>> No.50194432
File: 2.61 MB, 1152x1384, dallemini_2022-6-27_15-42-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evmos is literally my largest bag now because of it's fucking incredible stability when dropping and strong ramping of speculation. I spent a year as a poorboi in 2021 accumulating atom and evmos shot ahead kek.

>> No.50194613

Same here. My Evmos bag is 3 times bigger then anything else. I should have just stacked more Atom, but I picked up some Osmo and Juno

>> No.50194642

wait until >>50191103 is IBC enabled and hits the market, you better be staking their airdrop just like you're doing with evmos. Literally on the path to early retirement. Osmosis is now providing liquid stake for evmos/osmo pool, not worth joining yet as evmos apy is still ridiculous. Now I need to stfu so I can acoomulate moar

>> No.50194731

I'm currently getting about 40 sats a day from Nom. That's 3 dollars a year at current prices. Early retirement here I come.

>> No.50194772
File: 144 KB, 1260x709, c ø s m o s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who told everyone to stake c ø s m o s last year btw if you remember my meme filename, you're welcome. Claim your airdrops, don't spill the secret to /biz/ too hard, all they did was shit talk my c ø s m o s threads. Those who staked and claimed the airdrops, it's been nice after a long run of shitdrops, no? I was early in osmo too. Keep your eyes on the horizon

>> No.50194798

I'm over 10x from restaking, thankfully I had enough to make daily staking worth it, probably not 2x though.

>> No.50194828

the bridge just opened yesterday with a 20% fee to discourage use until the system is ironed out. The TVL is only 11k right now, wait until it hits the market and then IBC enabled. Once the bridge fee is reduced and real volume enters the market, it'll be good.

>> No.50195457

Good to know, thanks