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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50182819 No.50182819 [Reply] [Original]

Celsius keeps paying off their margin loan and lowering their liquidation price. Don't know if this is good news or bad news.

>> No.50182848

How is such small amounts dropping their liquidation price ?

Something tells me this ain’t gona be prettuv

>> No.50182855

it's good news, that's why folks should keep buying CEL to help the platform! We're all in this together, and crypto will get back on its feet!

>> No.50182856

it means bottom is now $2,722.06

>> No.50182859

Based retard

>> No.50182869

Jewish hands typed this post.

>> No.50182876
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liquidation price has been cut in half from earlier today. seems like they might actually pay it all off

>> No.50182878

this, plus when they announce that customers are getting some money back, there will be a stampede of funds flowing into a now-veteran funds manager

>> No.50182921

It’s good news for retards that have money on Celsius

It’s terrible news for Chainlink because they are winning and back to shorting the shit out of link token.

Imagine being a linkie for the past two years lmao. You’ve been robbed right in front of you.

>> No.50182934

When the facts change start changing your opinion.

1. CelsiusNetwork
was not a rug pull
2. Market meltdown, everyone took a bail out. Celsius still standing strong and getting healthier
3. Community is united and will fight institutions to the death

>> No.50182952

To add to this, they are already back shorting link. Ever wondered why the price action has been pretty bad the past couple of days?

>> No.50182955
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>It’s terrible news for Chainlink
well that goes without saying
>Imagine being a linkie for the past two years lmao
i can't imagine anything so terrible

>> No.50183082
File: 24 KB, 360x352, EBF2C6F8-A71B-4B85-AF93-4632C98D307A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-it’s good because I get to accumulate cheap linkies even though I’ve been accumulating for the past five years and no longer liquid…

>> No.50183096

Celsius's objective is to look like it has solid equity on its balance sheet in a public way to lure in more capital, but there's a good chance they lose it all anyways to secured lenders.

>> No.50183118
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i didn't know *the* Simon Dixon was involved in bailing Celsius out. Well that changes everything. Celsius is saved

>> No.50183149

Lurk more

>> No.50183165

>withdrawls around the corner

>> No.50183212

>l-lurk more
Cope linkie

>> No.50183240

you're an idiot if you think this is good news for anyone holding money in celsius

>> No.50183259

But chainlink is beyond fucked for sure

>> No.50183272
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no money sorry ;_;

>> No.50183280
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>Not insolvent, just illiquid

>> No.50183299

Say it a few more times maybe it will come true

>> No.50183312

Yeah bro
Short squeeze is coming. Two more weeks!

>> No.50183338
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you just need to believe more! miracles can only happen if you believe in them!

>> No.50183356

>keep holding the bag just a little longer, suckers!

>> No.50183376

Wait didn't FTX walk away from deal to buy Celsius given a $2 billion hole in finances?

Why are inCEL shills trying to pretend as if not Celsius isn't fucked?

>> No.50183395
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the good news around Celsius just keeps coming. things are really looking up

>> No.50183413
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seems like a solid upgrade great work Celsius team

>> No.50183451

Wile E Coyote physics
if they don't look down, they won't crash

>> No.50183472

That was earlier today? And then later on they just scrounged up another 40M to throw at it? This is weird

>> No.50183505
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looks like it was yesterday actually. maybe it turned up when they searched the couch cushions

>> No.50183520

The pain is over bros

>> No.50183534

>t. doesn't know the difference

>> No.50183583
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that'll teach SBF. He'll think twice before trying any of his jewish tricks from now on

>> No.50183631

they are both jews

>> No.50183680

oh. i don't know who's jewing who anymore

>> No.50183701

It's jews jewing jews out there

>> No.50183765

everyone is jews now, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.50183798

Nexo is insolvent

>> No.50183839
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your funds are very important to us. please remain on the line and the next available call center rep in bangalore will take your call

>> No.50183900

My linky stays stinky, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.50183972

>already back shorting link
source: trust me bro

>> No.50184075

Why do you think link stopped pumping you stupid faggot?
Coping linkies
Good luck with your short squeeze!

>> No.50184097

Because BTC stopped dumping you ignorant faggot. Now show me the data (OI,CVD) that responds to a big short being opened on the graph. C'mon, Anon, you do have actual evidence for your schizo posting, right?

>> No.50184186
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>it means bottom is now $2,722.06
That 3k CME gap is gonna get filled in'it?

>> No.50184251

Top Kek Jew....I'm not bailing you out you greedy jew fuck.

>> No.50184278
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does anyone know where they are getting all of this money from? surely its not all coming from this supposed LINK short

>> No.50184305

They're toast.
Just announced

>> No.50184791

>link fag
at least if you want to be a clown who invests you could do it with something more profitable, even with vinu you could get something better

>> No.50184884

lol they have deals settled, the owner did not pay anything, he is signing stupid deals with big pockets. He actually thinks he will run this shit after the fact also.

>> No.50184898

2000s kids are horribly dumb.

>> No.50184909

Just eat a hollow point, My God all these fucking lemmings inside a digital cult.

>> No.50185432

Celsius is so healthy the CEO tried to flee for Israel. They're definitely not bailing out invested VCs and exchanges with the last crumbs of assets and user deposits before the final rugpull. Buy and hodl their token marines!

>> No.50185518

They sold 36k ETH to get this money and sold mos of their customer owned altcoin in the process of saving their BTC.
They should change the display in their app to reflect this reality and reduce the altcoin ownerships to 20%
Celsius is a BTC maximalist shorting the altcoin market and they are going to have even more losses from this trading degeneracy.

>> No.50185530

seems good for bitcoin

>> No.50185547
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Imagine buying the token of the company that screwed you over by freezing your withdrawals.
I swear these are the same people that bought LUNC to help terra

>> No.50185841
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jewish claws*

>> No.50185852
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>> No.50185871

>Don't know if this is good news or bad news.
anon they're paying off debt to a bank presumably. That means Celsius has less cash on hand. That means if they go bankrupt and shut down, everyone who still has crypto on there will get paid out less, because the pool of money to distribute is shrinking.

This is only good if Celsius doesn't go under, which is very unlikely.

>> No.50185877
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I imagine if you're ever able to withdraw it might look something like the Voyager situation. You're not getting 100% of what you put in back, you need to make that peace with yourself now.

>> No.50185962

Btc is not going to 2k, screenshot this if you want.

>> No.50185993

Yeah it's going to near zero

>> No.50186123

0$ lets goooooooooo