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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50181180 No.50181180 [Reply] [Original]

>*drops the price of oil and solves the energy crisis*

>> No.50181195


>> No.50181209

It's really weird when bots post on /biz/

>> No.50181214
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>> No.50181224

Kek is with us Biden bros

>> No.50181233
File: 284 KB, 545x530, 423678342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, Joe Biden has his flaws.

He is not exciting or controversial. He doesn't bluster and yell and make a scene like his asshead predecessor. He doesn't throw around threats or thump his chest or talk at people in his party without listening.

Your President is a calm, reasonable man who continues to slowly restore sanity to a divided country and disrupted world.

I feel pretty gosh danged safe and thankful every day since he was sworn in. Millions of people had nightly panic attacks during the Trump nightmare and we have all been able to sleep again.

>> No.50181246

>consumer cost of gasoline still way up

>> No.50181268

kek bros wagmi

>> No.50181279
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>> No.50181298

this but unironically

>> No.50181346

Shameless self check
Holy digits

>> No.50181403

>>*drops the price of oil and solves the energy crisis*
Guaranteed responses.

Unless you spend a lot of time on /biz/, I'm sure you're aware that resident Depends doesn't set the pirce of oil.

nO mOrE mEaN tWeEtS

>> No.50181456

biden's a nigger but not as niggardly as trump was

>> No.50181819

I don't know, seems like the murder by nigger rate has gone up, I don't really feel that safe.

>> No.50181871

Not nearly as much as it increased in 2020 under trump

>> No.50181971

You LITERALLY did NOT get repeating digits. Go back to Ledit, now!

>> No.50181987

only after everyone and their mom was screaming about gas prices

>> No.50182032
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>> No.50182065

Wow Donald Trump looks different in that picture.

>> No.50182079

JANNIES! Clean it up!

>> No.50182104
File: 1.38 MB, 288x593, D3AA3E61-C324-448D-A8D1-C12BB21F4729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You LITERALLY did NOT get repeating digits. Go back to Ledit, now!
Checked and nice sperg out

>> No.50182139


>> No.50183064


>> No.50183107

Remember when this fuck had a blood vessel pop in his fucking eyeball live on that CNN town hall?
Fucking hell, still amazes me that he's president.

>> No.50183121
File: 20 KB, 471x654, I (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the FAQ, newfag.

>> No.50183425


>> No.50184511


>> No.50185412

>leads the usa into recession instead of simply drilling for more oil

>> No.50185434

Where am i

>> No.50185457

I work in oil and refineries are producing less and less each day in order to extort higher prices for less product. Competition no longer exists in refined products, while the price per barrel of crude drops, your cost of gas at the fuel station and other petroleum products is going to increase.

Also, for anyone wondering, invest in the natural gas dip. Shit is going to be wild in September/October the way things are looking.

>> No.50185471

>still $100

>> No.50185554


That old fuck couldn’t lead ants to a picnic. I spit on him and his administration.

>> No.50185656

check these 8s instead

>> No.50185958

Holy digits