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50180928 No.50180928 [Reply] [Original]

How do I survive a recession?

>> No.50180941

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is A Recession Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.

>> No.50180969
File: 369 KB, 1760x1174, 16552706547639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foodmaxxing. stock up now on canned goods, dry beans, rice, etc. anything that lasts a long time. plan on trying to buy only minimal groceries for at least two years

>> No.50181158

Impressive. Very nice.

>> No.50181184

>gallons of Log Cabin syrup
>instead of just buying sugar and a bottle of maple extract

>> No.50181206

its kinda a prepper starter pic. that food would last 3 months for a single person.

>> No.50181220

Food and all other commodities typically crash during recessions

>> No.50181234

those big cans are retarded
you only eat 5% of it then the rest goes to waste
they are for industrial cafeterias

>> No.50181236

As always, the answer is puts on Canada

>> No.50181241

Scarcity mindset is the best way to stay poor.

>> No.50181245

Yup, look at the 2008 charts for AG commodities. That's where we're heading.

>> No.50181424

Recession is over now that oil demand is going down.

>> No.50182493

How fucking much do you eat you bloatlord? There has to be over 200kg of food in that pic

>> No.50182528

uhh WHY is oil going down? I thought there were shortages?

>> No.50183668

how do you factor in global fertilizer + upcoming food shortages though? also burger sanctions on oil shooting themselves in the foot. 2008 was housing this time it's different

>> No.50183720

Doesn't matter, fertilizer is cheap as fuck, and you can literally just poo on the fields as well. Something like 30-40% of the American food supply is just thrown out, right now. Food costs like nothing to produce. The worst that will happen is food becomes slightly more expensive and there are less options available.

>> No.50183903

You've given me much to think about. The dollar milkshake theory is annoying but seeming like the most possible outcome of this. Hodling cash seems like a bad idea with current inflation but I guess there's always shorting.

>> No.50184025
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Fertilizer is not cheap as fuck, it wasn't at the start of this year, and its more than quadrupled in America since February. And we're actually doing better than most there because we only import about half of what we use, and a lot of that actually just comes from Canada. Other Agricultural exporters like Brazil and India are about to be up shit creek though since they bought Ukrainian fertilizer that no longer exists, and Russia fertilizer that no maritime insurance underwriter is willing to touch. So unless India wants to provide sovereign indemnity to every single clearly Russian cargo and ask the US Navy not to do the needful in open waters, their prices are going up 10x. American agribusiness is certainly wasteful and unsustainable, but it currently feeds the world for free. But the global kumbaya trading days are over, and nations that can grow excess calories and provide the security to ship it are now even more powerful.

Impending global famine / shortages means that American farms have foreign customers that will pay a premium for their exports since the choice is find the money or die. We will see an overall slump in commodity prices in this recession just due to demand destruction. But in a gold rush, be the man selling shovels. During the lead up to global famine, be the man invested in productive agricultural land and associated industry (Try LAND and FPI reits for ag exposure).

>> No.50184047

It feels good to know filth like you have no reserves and will die in the first month of the coming famine.
You're probably a mutant too, no way someone with your mindset didn't inject itself willingly with the mutagen.

>> No.50184080

yeah but demand when everything stops pushes the price lower. Stagflation.

>> No.50184091

get as much out of your employment as you can right now. experience, contacts, field gear/equipment, laptops, keyboards, certifications/licenses...

>> No.50184092

Don't ever talk to me or my canadian preppers again.

>> No.50184102
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Yeah non Americans will be a little fucked, but their currency is not worth a lot of dollars anyways.
I do. I have chicken and stockpiles of grains. I am the ascetic bulker. I also know how to forage wild seaweed, animals, berries, mushrooms, and carrots for sustenance.
I just find food to be a poor investment based on past performances during recessions, but maybe this time is different.
>Hodling cash seems like a bad idea with current inflation but I guess there's always shorting.
Probably not as bad as you think. Buying cash right now is buying the dip. Anyways, there are better things to invest in like essential pharmaceuticals, food producers, and shorting Canada.

>> No.50184112

lmao India is not suffering one inch, their fertilizer deliveries are guaranteed and even at a small discount. The Russians and Indians are doing good business now and your US navy wouldn't dare to board an Indian ship, you're too scared it will only drive them closer and by extension closer to China. This is only affecting US vassals.

>> No.50184132

buy bitcoin

>> No.50184145

>Clif bars
>popcorn butter
what the fuck

>> No.50184812

its gonna be $1k
bitcoin is junk

>> No.50185986

Maybe he doesnt live alone chud

>> No.50187443

Start prepping. This is a recession driven by supply contraction meaning there may be less supply in the future.

>> No.50188149

Let's see Paul Allen's bunker

>> No.50188160
File: 15 KB, 400x321, AreYouSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was bad when oil prices were high and now it's bad that oil prices are going low. What's the right price for oil to be at for things to be OK?

>> No.50188183

Just buy hive and stack hbd

>> No.50188205

Yes. And thats why farmers go broke and cooperative farms start appearing and some farmers decide to bury their food rather than sell it. a la the Great Depression.

>> No.50188210

I like recessions. 08 was great. Nothing was crowded, you didn't need reservations. Anywhere you went like a shop or restaurant the employees focused on you and your needs. Everything was in stock and on sale. You didn't have to ever worry about something being sold out. Traveling was cheap. Fun times.

>> No.50188215

Damn. Ignore my last comment. Youre retarded.