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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5017694 No.5017694 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly impressed how this coin manages to be red every single day

>> No.5017725

same here senpai, contemplating selling for wabi

>> No.5017753

just sold it for req. didn't have a lot in there anyways.

>> No.5017789

Can’t desu. The minute we sell this bag will be $3

>> No.5018186
File: 49 KB, 1790x1640, 1508158920259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the mountain jews

>> No.5018226


Almost like buying tokens that are many months away from having a working product used by customers is a bad idea....

>> No.5018248

It's a dividend coin that will only pay out once a year, so Q4 2018. That's fucking forever in crypto. Why bother when I could be earning WTC or VEN / VET rewards through their masternodes in the same period?

>> No.5018263

desu no one ever put it that way to me
Who knew investing in any crypto project was a bad idea

>> No.5018295

Well you trusted the sneaky swiss and who's to blame for that? For real though, the team doesn't get that hype is everything, the announcement from two weeks ago or whenever it was when it dropped was so fucking dry and full of "hype is bad" sentiment. Too fucking quadratisch for this game

>> No.5018354


Not all crypto projects don't have a working product and paying customers. But why people buy tokens that are just a whitepaper and promise I have no idea

>> No.5018415

I sold when I understood how the crypto pajeets would rather have customers of a company have to buy bitcoins then tokens on a shady exchange rather then fiat then the company use the dividend system which is the best the financial world has created.

Even wabi who doesn't even ask their customers to use the token but say they can and get some minor discount has a higher marketcap.

I'll buy Q4 2018 like everyone else I guess, I really hope it dumps hard after that before the team get their tokens, fuck them.

The fun part is that walton masternodes won't give anything before october 2019 when they start running the project.

>> No.5018808

Do I sell now, or wait for it to pump slightly back to $2? I think this is one of the best projects in crypto, but it's not happening. Maybe they will realise this for the December announcement and create a bit of hype. Fuck. I really believed this would be good.