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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, XLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5017616 No.5017616 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5017631

if this doesn't go anywhere by EOY, i'm selling. regret not selling at 1400

>> No.5017643

guess everybody bought the rumor

>> No.5017644


>> No.5018268

weak handed fags

>> No.5018359

Its still on an uptrend though. I sold at 1340 but thinkign about getting in again

>> No.5018413

I bought at 410 sat. I bought at 650 sat. I bought at 800 sat.

You can't tell me the coming of 30 west european banks is priced in. That's complete bull.

>> No.5018512

with the exception of LTC all these coins which 'mooned' lately have dropped back to about where they were. I don't have time to sit and watch this bullshit - XLM just slowly gains everyday

>> No.5018518

can someone explain what happens when the historical downtrend line and the historical uptrend line look like the are about to converge? what usually happens in that scenario as it looks like XLM is going to get to that point in the next couple hours. is it a crapshoot over whether it goes up or down from there?

>> No.5018572

If its a symmetrical triangle it could go either way. Anyway XLM has been called by a lot of crypto groupa recently, imo its going up

>> No.5018623

it seems pretty symmetrical if drawing from lines originating a week ago...and i would tend to agree with it going up. this has got no bad news behind it. it has to go up. i'm gonna hold. i only have 3000, but it'll have to do.

>> No.5018703

Agreed. They also have some announcements coming out soon so the fomo will start to set in. We probably won't see a moon but a continued gradual increase.

>> No.5018737

im giving this coin 3 days to moon, if not then im dumping it. ive been patient. all this news of parterships with visa and satochipay, and dozens of banks. i expected more from this coin, honestly. its been a real let down

>> No.5018740

definitely in the short term, if TA charts mean a shit, it looks like it might hit up to a high point barrier of 1000 on 12/14

>> No.5018807

It's not a short term hold desu. IBM was talking Q1 for early adopting banks. And later banks are talking about using their platform Q2.

>> No.5019010

>im giving this coin 3 days to moon

nice. I'm giving this coin 3 months to moon. then 3 years until I can retire off it

>> No.5019072

moon moon moon

>> No.5019959

It's one of the only safe holds on the current market. Anything else could crash and never return. This is just guaranteed to go up, even if it doesn't moon yet. You probably could make more money daytrading other coins and buyibg xlm when it starts to moon.

>> No.5020144

>DRRR im givin it three days
>DERP everything revolves around me

Go back to your facebook group you little bitch

>> No.5020162

Gained 10% for last 3 days and is completely under bot manipulation and accumolating.

Anon we can moon any moment..