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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50175121 No.50175121 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50175172


>> No.50175213

Stack USD

>> No.50175217


>> No.50175237

USD also rugging loses 10% of its value per year and accelerating

>> No.50175255

Work and live frugally while DCAing.

>> No.50175270

you are supposed to own nothing
and be happy :^) :^)

>> No.50175280

start eating bugs and living in pods

>> No.50175283

That means society is collapsing. Buy ammo and canned goods.

>> No.50175362

ammo is a ripoff right now

>> No.50175379

Buy the guaccamole. If you aren't buying at times like these then you are never going to make it.

>> No.50175598

Save up cash because after all of the interest rate hikes and the economy takes a poo for a while, they will lower them again to (stimulate things) and there might be some good programs to leverage if you have the capital.

>> No.50175648

I'm just buying $250 of stocks every 2 weeks
its like a sale. And I'm guaranteed to buy the dip because I'm buying small amounts frequently.

>> No.50175652
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>> No.50175676

never vote democrat again

>> No.50175706

no one did

>> No.50175710

Short, you idiot

>> No.50175757

Buy the dip faggot

>> No.50175775

Yeah and then flip flop when president Desantis ' invasion of Venezuela gets bungled

>> No.50175790

id like to learn more about your economic theories, ser

>> No.50175798

Own nothing and be happy

>> No.50175838

stack USD mate, it's going up while everything else is dying. USD is the only currency that matters in this world

>> No.50175940

I will never hold jewish toilet paper

>> No.50175998


>> No.50176070

Stack tractor implements.

>> No.50176091

thats still better than everything else

>> No.50176161

there are no currencies that matter in the world because there are no more currencies backed by metal.

>> No.50176179

>btc is rugging
>lets replace a worthless currency with another worthless currency

>> No.50176198

Stay strong. This is all for the war against Russia that our government wants to conduct.

>> No.50177604

If everything is rugging then nothing is (value is all relative). If certain things aren't rugging then buy those things.

>> No.50177659

Open shorts

>> No.50177763

>just lose money as everything crashes bro
This is the only correct answer.

>> No.50177771

Gold and dollars are holding up pretty well

>> No.50177802
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>> No.50177820

When do you sell your USD though?

>> No.50177928
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Get a work from home gig, go to 3rd world country to take advantage of exchange rates. Live like a king.

>> No.50180259

Get a job as a web3 developer, Only a few are Hiring now though
>The bear has come up us

>> No.50180286

turn off your phone/pc and come back in a year or two

>> No.50180294


>> No.50180358

Utrust is still hiring though
The worst option right now, BTC is still heading to 13K

>> No.50180461

buy more?

>> No.50180521


>> No.50180546

id rather get rugged 10% versus 80% in derivatives lol

>> No.50180550

Just wait for the china war. We'll REALLY own nothing and be happy

>> No.50180640

MATIC is still in the green lmao

>> No.50181351
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Not SIGA though

>> No.50181455

Go to work or own nothing. Easiest thing though is just keep holding crypto. That will always make being homeless feel better.

>> No.50181985

Like a lot of people said, BUY, tis the best time to do so.

consider the crypto project script.tv for example. They are going to launch soon and things are looking bright for them, even in these dark and trialing times.

One of their strongpoints is that in film industry, The lack of transparency and red tape has frustrated users and content partners for decades within the media industry.

however, they have a solution that would solve this, their smart contracts can be adapted by Script.TV content creators to distribute royalties fairly, transparently and without reliance on costly intermediaries.

if you're interested, simply google script.tv

>> No.50182035

everything is rugging while matic is pumping lmao. this is another proof that polygon is on another level, and how its outperforming the "top" altcoins in the market

>> No.50182038


>> No.50182092


>> No.50182106

USD is bouncing back now. Buy low sell high.

>> No.50182141

Buy more.

>> No.50182160

Get NFTs dickhead. Thats the one thing you did not mention.After opensea , axl will be my next choice just because of an upcoming NFT collection there.

>> No.50182433

Are you retarded? Cash isn't stacked to sell eventually. Its stacked to buy at a later date. Now is not the time to buy. Its the time to sell. As such its the time to stack cash.

>> No.50182483

Investing in stables and launchpads such as axl , Nfts etc would not be a bad idea right now

>> No.50182674

I've heard of ayrton sennas fi car nft collection coming on axl very soon. This is one NFT that i have to have.

>> No.50182712

Apeing into egld,ride,bnb,sylo,axl etc would make me substantial profits . It'll all be green when the market recovers.

>> No.50182929
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sounds like you didn't get the memo

>> No.50183135

Short it you fucking google.

>> No.50183185

ammo wont be a ripoff when a pack of jamals is at your door and cops are busy protecting their families

>> No.50183219


>> No.50183766


>> No.50183961
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buy the dipperinos and keep waging.

>> No.50184360

eat ze bugs slave

>> No.50184422

>per year
Oh boy just invoost. Boy the dips goy.
Hold cash until it settles out and buy back in.

>> No.50185597

turn to God

>> No.50185726
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>> No.50185800

porsches are a pretty good deal rn unironically.
everyone is dumping their toys in fear of a recession.

>> No.50185946

Man, I really want a manual GT3 touring as a daily

>> No.50185977


>> No.50185983

I need a patch like this one.

>> No.50186006

it is by design, nobody was working and they had to get some slaves back to the cagie.
it did work for me since i'm 2 months into the cagie again working for 6 € per hour!
Currently at home coz i had a micro heart attack due to moving really heavy stuff in the hottest sunny enviroment when i was supposed to do some pc work instead.
You got to love those wonderfull boomers! dont you love them? theyr so awesome

>> No.50186016

>it is by design, nobody was working and they had to get some slaves back to the cagie.
All they had to do was reduce government benefits.

>> No.50186071

no bro, u cant touch welfare, if so how people like sri lankers or indians or nigerians will get theyr loot? what will they bring back to ther country? NOTHNG?? what do you thnk will the village shaman do if they dont send the check every month?

>> No.50186095

Even here in Euroland there are constant calls to activate the non-working leeches.
The demand for workers is extremely high.

>> No.50186885

work and save, just like every other time in history

>> No.50186989

That's the plan. Still taking part in events like the Subsquid's ambassador program might help to build credibility for the next cycle too.

>> No.50187973

>(((psychologists))) say a goy life doesn't have to be happy or meaningful
Fify WEF

>> No.50188004

>had a micro heart attack due to moving really heavy stuff in the hottest sunny enviroment
You got vaxxed didn't you?