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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50175076 No.50175076 [Reply] [Original]

The WEF is an international lobbying firm comprised of 1,000 or so member companies. It is based in Switzerland and staffed by predominantly Europeans. It is a vehicle to promote the interests of multi-national megacorps. To become a member, a company must turn over a minimum of $5 BILLION USD every year. In total, their member companies control approximately $5 trillion in assets.

The cumulative liquid ad spend for the member companies goes into the hundreds of millions to billions range. What this means is that if they want to astroturf a trend, person, or idea: they absolutely have the means to do it.

Being an unelected, totally unaccountable global group, they're able to skirt laws of their host countries. They've been referred to as a terrorist organization by experts and citizens of countries all across the globe.

It's time we stand united against terrorist organizations like the WEF that wish to subvert and destabilize our countries. Everyone can play their role by voicing their concerns to their elected representatives, boycotting, sanctioning and divesting from member companies, and applying social and electoral pressure to all their "young leaders" and affiliates.

The "far-right" and "white supremacist domestic terrorists" hoaxes are inventions and products of the WEF. COVID and all the responses to it were a WEF creation. The explosion of in-your-face homosexuality and degeneracy is a WEF creation. The effective poisoning of our food, water, and minds is a product of the WEF.

For extra seethe, sign this petition and have your "automated internet friends" sign it too and let's remind them who is in charge.


>> No.50175099
File: 207 KB, 826x767, 1605657814002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this doesn't make you want to short Chainlink into oblivion, I don't know what will.

>> No.50175175
File: 77 KB, 1170x1478, 1649976919252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies are to retarted to understand OPs post. They also never sold after pic related.