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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50174674 No.50174674 [Reply] [Original]

Trustless apy beats centralized apy.

>> No.50174695

Face it. It's over

>> No.50174756

down more than 90% from ath
this was hailed as the one coin that would make it
they even said it would flip BTC
now look at you
and good luck on that Pulsechain vaporware sacrifice. you will most likely never see that money ever again

>> No.50174796

Trustless APY in internet funny money that's down over 90% from ATH. Richard says Hex goes in cycles but there's more Hex around each cycle

>> No.50174806

Everyone was told "no expectations" it's the perfect crime

>> No.50174809

Pulsechain sacrifice bought RH that horrible wardrobe.

>> No.50175001

finally, after so many years. But stop, wen zero?
>down more than 90% from ath
so did amazon, btc and eth.
>this was hailed as the one coin that would make it
We outperformed bitcoin
>they even said it would flip BTC
You could've bought btc in 2017 at 20k. You can also buy btc right now at 20k.
Zero gains in 5 years.
>now look at you
No inflationbugs, no critical vulnerabilities, no pow scam, no delusion, no high liquidity which prevents the price to go up massively, btc mining isn't lucrative when the price goes down, no miners dumping on you cause the avg staking lenght in hex is at 6.6 years, no exchange listing yet, just 96k stakers, just 2.5 years old, more and more people want to know about hex, soon to be duplicated on pulsechain, still up hundreds of X's since launch.
>and good luck on that Pulsechain
$1.6b sacrificed, over 50k members in pulsex tg, over 60k members in the pulsechain tg.
>vaporware sacrifice
haha he didn't even sacd
>you will most likely never see that money ever again
hex is traded on uniswap, a decentralized exchange. what are you talking about.

>> No.50175520


Pulsechain TG has lost over 1000 fucking members in the last week. Pulsechain is a dead project. Richard alienated himself from everyone else in crypto by acting like a complete fucking tranny faggot hence he couldn't get any devs to work for him capable of actually building something as enormous as what pulse could have been. You niggers will continue to cope with your delusions of it launching "once it's done cuz softwarez are hard gaiz" but it never will because jeets can't code and richard obviously doesn't even give a fuck at this point. It's over.

>> No.50175558

>Pulsechain TG has lost over 1000 fucking members in the last week.
There's nothing to talk about except indians asking if they can still sacrifice and getting messaged by tech support scams. TG in general is fucking trash.

>> No.50175666
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>You niggers will continue to cope
We? Or you retards, that own ZERO hex and sacrificed ZERO dollars for pulsechain. Why do you care if you're not even holding any of those? I guess you're just coping.

>> No.50175714


I have hex. I sacced for everything. Nice try faggot.

>> No.50175834
File: 1.47 MB, 1555x4000, REX_rise_from_the_fiery_ashes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

along comes a new challenger

>> No.50176079

>down more than 90% from ath
So far it's the same performance as ETH had 3 years into the project, but better as HEX pumped more in a shorter time frame and dumped less.
>this was hailed as the one coin that would make it
Because it is, although not if you buy the top of an S curve, just to sell at the bottom a few months later.
>they even said it would flip BTC
It will, as will Ethereum and maybe even some other alts. Anyone who is not a complete retard should be able to understand that flipping BTC takes time and more than one or two cycles to be realized. No amount of game theory or mechanics can counteract the fact that people want to sell when they see enough of a profit. HEX, just like the rest of crypto, oscillates up and down as it goes through such cycles, only it does it faster and through its staking model, gives better and actually concrete incentives compared to other projects who mostly have to rely on selling the idea of their future V2's (such as ETH) or staking (such as LINK), or yield built on fragile foundations and mechanics that can be exploited causing you to lose everything (Luna, Celsius).
>now look at you
Idk about the 50 cent top buyers, but I'm good. Took some profits and added a bit more to my stack at these levels, and in the meantime I'm laddered out over the next 10 years.
>and good luck on that Pulsechain vaporware sacrifice.
Thanks. Feels good knowing that I locked in my rates for Pulse, especially after seeing that PulseX got twice the amount of money poured into it. Considering it doubled for PulseX, and there's a lot more time that will pass from the last sacrifice to the Pulse launch, I'm pretty sure there will be an even bigger influx of new money when we get mainnet.