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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50170989 No.50170989 [Reply] [Original]

Alternatives to workin at mcdonalds/any fast food chain restaurant
No this isn’t a jab at you faggots I never did crypto I literally just want a part time job for a few months

>> No.50171131

do you look good in a skirt?

>> No.50171195

Have you tried something that doesn't rely on interacting with other people?

>> No.50171208

work at fedex FREIGHT or ups FREIGHT, not GROUND. FREIGHT is all sit down rider type forklift work. There is fucked up shit you might have to deal with, but its better than ground. Can expect 20 -30 an hour, depending on part time or fulltime and location.

>> No.50171211

do you have any notable skills?

>> No.50171254

if you are good with kids, then maybe you could a mascot at disney or some shit

>> No.50171311

if you doesnt add any notable skills list no one can guess it or do something usefull for you

>> No.50171363

Come get a job at a warehouse.
I see people bitch and complain about Amazon warehouses, but I've worked ones a lot worse.
You literally just stand there shuffling shit around all day.
I sell construction material & drive around a forklift all day

>> No.50171393

suck my dick for twenty dollars a pop, twice a day. Twenty extra if you rim my ass too. But don't look me in the eyes.

>> No.50171403
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there is a lot of things an unskilled worker could do currently, even if people say otherwise there is always something new to try/learn, what about delivery man or something?

>> No.50171447

no, not really
I don't really care desu
that doesn't exist around here
that could work idk
does any vehicle do for that?

>> No.50171448

got a recommendation for someone who got a nohire at UPS and won't work at fedex because family i dont like work at fed ex?

>> No.50171469
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you can allways work into callcenters you literally need 0 skills and even have scripts for this

>> No.50171476

Overnight security in an office building, there's barely any work involved and you're mainly spending your time on Internet/games.

>> No.50171507

If you get a job at a manufacturing warehouse, you will not regret it.
I had a lot of fun building wooden furniture & learned a lot of skills.
You'll be put on blast for the first month as a test to see if you can keep up. All the fatties would quit after 3 days. You'll gain muscles, just take care of your body.
I got a raise every couple of months (usually 50 cents a raise)
It's a very old-school job culture, you'll feel like you're back in the 50s (but with equipment that makes everything easier)
You'll be surrounded by hard working people & you'll learn good skills.

>> No.50171510

Got answering 6 different msj at once damn gut

>> No.50171520

this could be the dream job for many, I had a friend that worked as security guard for some towers and he would just take his portable dvd player and watch movies and series all day

>> No.50171539

this also get paid quite well, im actually working at a warehouse and we also do little metalwork, Fat cash even on 3rd world

>> No.50171548
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i live in the hood, i'd be getting assaulted if i had to deliver food to 60% black areas. my cousin got jumped by latino four hoodlums that were fucking with his car, and he was lucky there was a cop near by.

i mean people do it. it's an easy gig. but it doesn't change my own terror.

>> No.50171558

What do you do if someone actually tries to break in or whatever?

>> No.50171585

that shit never happens and if it does its probably a crackhead/drunk you can easily tase and beat the shit out off

>> No.50171602

Look for an entry level data entry position. You're bound to find a desk job of some sort. No dealing with customers. One of my first jobs was sending out invoices to clients for an A/C repair company. Was much better than the McDonalds job I had beforehand.

>> No.50171608

As a former private sec, you have the right to use non lethat violence, usually you carry a gun, but thats mostly your last resouce, standard use equipment varies, mostly common is pepper spray, stun guns police batons, thats if you work on a idk shopping mall or so.

>> No.50171613
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well like they say, if you actually want to try this this could get you fit in no time probably, but you also try doing it while at the same time trying StepN, you work in the warehouse and while you walk from here to there the whole day you get paid just for moving, some extra income is also great isn't it?

>> No.50171631
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>> No.50171672

I have friends that work/worked at that they say callcenters are hell on earth
won't I develop knee/back problems?
Yeah I considered that
how does that work?
yeah I don't think they will provide that equipment around here
will check that out later

>> No.50171719

>knee/back problems
It's called stretching, wearing knee pads & back brace.
The reason why blue collared people fuck up their bodies is because they're too 'manly' to wear protective gear
Don't be one of them.
Next time you drive by a construction site, look at how many of them aren't wearing protective gear other than hard hats and safety vests.

>> No.50171727

arbitrage shit
seek cheap shit around you
sell on ebay
easy peazy

>> No.50171740

I bet you have kneepads don't you faggot

>> No.50171745

deliver for amazon. if your a sperg its better than dealing with people and youre literally taling packages to people houses and some business stops. if you get a rural route its comfy af

>> No.50171785

And I also have 0 knee pain
Have fun spending 50k on getting a fake knee cap when you're 45

>> No.50171807

0% knee pain, 100% ass pain
verification not required