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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50169997 No.50169997 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50170028

No it just means that the USD is skyrocketing in value.

>> No.50170029

iirc gold dipped right before taking off a decade ago

>> No.50170042

More proof inflation peaked. Up only from here LFG

>> No.50170058

nobody needs oil or gold you retard. in the coming global depression people will want one thing: U.S. dollars

>> No.50170074


>> No.50170088

imagine being bullish on the price of oil

>literally every european wants off it ASAP
>rest of world is going into a recession as well

>> No.50170102

>i eat dollar

>> No.50170137

it is
everything else is worthless in a deleveraging event
usa is the only country with real rates approaching zero

>> No.50170163

Don't get too excited. Gas prices will still rise due to price gouging.

>> No.50170245

you need oil to grow food

>> No.50170252

it means the commodities and securities markets are about to implode
we will have a recession with a strong dollar, ironically

>> No.50170322

By the way, this is CNBC's article on the subject:


Basically, their thesis is that investors "suddenly" realize that a recession is possible and therefore the price of oil needs to drop by more than 10%. Anyone else smell bullshit?

>> No.50170344

>literally every european wants off it ASAP

do you imagine we can run any kind of economy without oil?

>> No.50170425

This, and Repubs voted against penalties for price gouging

>> No.50170468

This is exactly what happens when a recession approaches. Commodity futures tank because people start cutting back. Stock in anything consumer related tanks for the same reason. Oil/energy is actually a bit resistant to this because of inelastic demand around it, but a consumption drop of 10% is very realistic and markets are pricing this in.

>> No.50170498

Based Kikerinos thinking about my living standards

>> No.50170528

Hahahaha, what!? You need sun and water to grow food

>> No.50170618

Uranium + lithium is all you need.

>> No.50170695

the only currency worth holding right now is the USD. wagmi

>> No.50170731

>This is exactly what happens when a recession approaches
Lol, no. Oil prices don't suddenly drop >10% over a couple of hours without an external trigger.

>> No.50170750 [DELETED] 

Seems /biz/ came prepared for me today, when I asked, is there any gem or investment worth it ATM, I got this.....After careful analysis, the best choice for long term investment is _SYS_ combined best all features of bitcoin and EVM smart contract and adopted Zkrollups optimis As the most promising scalability solution.

>> No.50170788

Futures are a derivative of the underlying commodity you double nigger. They do whatever investors feel like and can swing violently during uncertain times.

>> No.50170830

>Futures are a derivative of the underlying commodity
Get a load of this super genius.

>> No.50170841

>i eat gold

>> No.50170876 [DELETED] 

I guess this is the confirmation I have been waiting for on holding on to _SYS_. Guess I have a favorite altcoin already. Sy.scoin represents the gold standard. The platform allows deployment of smart contracts, which gives businesses access to e-commerce blockchain solutions. BTW, _SYS_ is the result of Bitcoin PoW security + Ethereum flexibility + Economies of Scale.

>> No.50170891

@elon please do something about pajeetbots

>> No.50170926

No you don't, tard.

>> No.50170940


Oil coming down signals the end of inflation-based recession fears.

>> No.50170943
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I hate democrats so much.

>> No.50170946 [DELETED] 

And the time to make the switch is here. I'm buying promising gems like ALGO, DOT, and
_SYS_. These gems are good buy for me, with increasing ecosystem activities, I'd bet on them to make top 5 of the week.

>> No.50170948

try plowing a field without a diesel gulping tractor
try growing without fertilizers most which comes from nat-gas

>anon I ...

>> No.50170962

Finally, clear signs that inflation is going down.

>> No.50170980

>try plowing a field
Former Canadian, native American here.
I have, it's difficult but whatever, you don't need oil to grow food.

>> No.50171000

>try growing without fertilizers
Horse shit, cow shit, bones literally anything made naturally like compost.
Such a retard, no you don't need chemical fertilizer.

>> No.50171050

Fucking idiot. refineries are running at 95% capacity and can barely keep up. No new refineries are allowed to be built so when one blows up gas price will go even higher. And then you can cry harder.

>> No.50171074

*clears throat*
>maybe that's the compost and bones you where talking about...

>> No.50171106

literally is, look at the euro

>> No.50171107

oil chart looks very similar to the btc chart when it double topped at $69,000

>> No.50171108

Satirical poster?

>> No.50171118

It's a fake out. and the price of gas wont drop one penny. It's called desperation.

>> No.50171140

wtf I thought the fed is printing as crazy?

>> No.50171146

>refiners are not enjoying record profits

>> No.50171190

>noooooooooo but oil is supposed to go up
I swear to god you dumb toddlers playing in markets you don't understand deserve to rope. keep buying your commodities and misunderstanding what you're even trading.

>> No.50171227
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imagine holding internet money instead of cash
shut up cock, should have cashed out when you had the opportunity to

>> No.50171241 [DELETED] 

Guess the time is now to intensify efforts on building my altcoin portfolio more as I've already added more to my bags of DOT, DCR & _SYS_, which is currently my largest alts bag. If there's any perfect time for accumulation, it is now or never!

>> No.50171245

gas prices already dropping

>> No.50171296
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>assuming I even bother with ponzi schemes

>> No.50171309

Oil has numerous use cases, just saying. The price of oil is all about supply, the demand will always be there.

Maybe the goal is to kill as many useless people (those in the cities) as possible ? Stop feeding them and they die in two weeks.

>> No.50171328

nations are choosing dollar over their own currency

>> No.50171399

>The price of oil is all about supply, the demand will always be there.
This guy gets it.

>> No.50171487


Imagine complaining of 5 dollars a gallon, which equals 1.3 dollars a liter.

Meanwhile in most of Europe we have lower salaries and paying more than 2€ a liter.

Try driving smaller engine cars

>> No.50171524

>no one will need the fuel that enables industry
What the fuck are you even saying? Is US dollar some sort of magical entity?

>> No.50171529
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When the titanic was sinking those that were in the part that went into the air were not sinking but gaining attitude.

Also those on escape boats close to the sinking were taken by the empty air bubbles in the sinking ship.

>> No.50171905

currency wars, petrodollar vs petroruble
saudis flexing
US/EU bluffing
JPY imploding quietly
Chinamen rubbing hands together and grinning

>> No.50171907

>Basically, their thesis is that investors "suddenly" realize that a recession is possible
Yet ARKK is up 5% kek

>> No.50171960


>> No.50172068

>Chinamen rubbing hands together and grinning
The ones having bank runs, heatwave/floods, and a lack of food while larping as fighting an unknown enemy by daily forming lines? What fucking world are you in?

>> No.50172124

how do I power my car and heat my home with USD?

>> No.50172166

You're the faggot that doesn't understand the historic supply constraints in the commodities market.

You're the faggot that lives in the modern, digitized, and fake world of numbers on a screen thats had fourty years of low interest rates and easy money and thinks that world somehow makes sense.

>> No.50172169
File: 41 KB, 592x410, buy_the_dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself, is it more likely that DXY tops this week, given that it's putting in a 20 year high? Smart money is buying this dip.

>> No.50172267

>Spend billions/yr to constantly rebuild and maintain gigantic refinery. Cant build any more capacity cause environmental regulations dictate oil must be phased out.
well shit
>Retarded Soros glow op goes nuclear, Russia gets pissed, says "fuck you faggots Ukraine is ours now". Cheap, heavy Russian crude feed stocks are sanctioned and You have to get heavy crude elsewhere or completely re-tool your operation for different feedstock.
Oh fuck
>get shit from retarded commies who don't even realize they require your product to maintain their retarded fantasy of equality and justice. And that the same people who funded BLM are funding the genocide of Ukranian citizens via a hopeless proxy war.
this is you

>> No.50172296


>> No.50172347

>You're the faggot that lives in the modern, digitized, and fake world of numbers on a screen
kek, holy shit. Unless you're taking physical delivery, so are you fucking enormous child.

stay poor.

>> No.50172379

what air bubbles?

>> No.50172407

I cant wait for you to find out what happens next.

>> No.50172424

Oil? who talkin about oil? Bitch you cookin?

>> No.50172425

Yikes. You're not going to shoot up an elementary school, I hope.

>> No.50172447

Nationalized electricity.

>> No.50172477

Someone please tell me what is happening with oil.

>> No.50172719

the density of decreases if there's more air in the water (logic). So when the massive ship sank it, a lot of water was sipping out of the ship, plus the sinking itself dragged a lot of air down in the water.

The same phenomenon might explain why ships mysteriously sink in the Bermuda triangle. Might have to do with methane bubble sipping out from the bottom of the sea reducing buoyancy

>> No.50173157

>sipping out

>> No.50173191

Yeah I wrote like a complete turd, but you get the point.

>> No.50173582

there will always be a demand, but I think we're at peak demand right now. Alternatives are getting better I think its for the best really if oil is no longer used for personal transportation or to make cheap plastic.

It'll still be important for commercial transportation but electric is better for personal trasport. inb4 truck bros swarm on me defending their 50000 dollar milk runners.