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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 237 KB, 1200x956, 1200x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50168963 No.50168963 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that buying a house/land in middle America is always a bad investment.

>> No.50168987
File: 410 KB, 1200x792, Provincetown_MF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Midwestcels hate this so much? Are they afraid of salt water? Being able to walk places? Soul? These vapid consumers can't understand not having to drive 25 to Applebee's (the only thing for them to do)

>> No.50169059
File: 163 KB, 640x854, QnfsQuJqdCc4XuVLo2_00mI2joFDlu3siCx0XBzgWNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it that all the intellectuals and attractive women have fled to more desirable areas? The leftovers will defend their land/lifestyle nobody wants because it's all they know. It's sad really. There's "people" who actually find this souless landscape attractive. Reminder that money can't buy you a soul

>> No.50169300

We already had this thread who cares.

>> No.50169736

This should be a general

>> No.50171026
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>> No.50171220
File: 280 KB, 999x714, cosychurch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that looks nice. As a Brit I always found New England to be extremely cosy. The countryside/climate doesn't seem that radically different to my own but everything is just that much bigger because it's the US.

>> No.50171375

The temperature varies more but fall in the northeast is peak comfy

>> No.50171409
File: 326 KB, 975x1524, 1656953629248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's why they are known as flyover states.

>> No.50171425

Would love to know what filter was used to get that effect

>> No.50171768
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>> No.50172530

Think someone just rotoscoped the image. Want it hung in my house
Those are just poor people problems. We're not poor here anon

>> No.50172663
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>> No.50172678

this is honestly the most legitimate reason for living in one of those bug cities. earthquakes arent even a problem anymore, and fires only impact the more rural-ish type communities on mountainsides. of course for that money, id just move to one of the hawaiian islands

>> No.50172820
File: 654 KB, 800x405, san-francisco-poop-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50172850

The coasts aren't just cities

>> No.50172946

in modern times, yes they are. theyre either cities, protected parks/land in which no developments will ever occur, or old homestead communities filled with old/foreign money and expensive prostitutes. coastlines are very desirable. every coastline area that is allowed to be developed has already been developed and sold

>> No.50172980
File: 900 KB, 2200x1700, sd_poverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're not poor here anon

>> No.50173176

>Flyovercels think the coast of Maine is basically San Francisco
You're a retard who doesn't know anything, go it

>> No.50173337

Was talking about the thread but yeah rich people don't have those problems

>> No.50173557

we're talkin west coast, darling. east coast is nothing to brag about. west coast cities have much milder climates than east coast, and way better waves and wildlife.

>> No.50173668

>those poo streaks in the south
Why are southoid conservatives so fucking POOR? /biz/ keeps telling me everyone there is rich because of natural resourt n shiet.

>> No.50173679


>> No.50173724
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>> No.50173918

Goddam New Mexico is such an embarrassing shithole. It's a tragedy.

>> No.50174003

This probably is a dumb question--but is it possible to get a mortgage with a 51-percent down payment? And, if you do get such a mortgage, do you receive the title as well, or is the lender still able to exert some control over you (e. g., force you to buy flood insurance)?

>> No.50174391

Yes you can get a mortgage with as little as 3% down. 20% down is the standard.
Yes lender will require insurance and on rare occasions will require property upkeep.

>> No.50175064

But I want the title AND the mortgage. I want to be the OWNER, not a guy renting from the bank.
Maybe a better plan is to buy the house with cash, and then immediately get a home equity line of credit for 49 percent. Does an HELOC give the bank any control over my property?

>> No.50175543

Kinda funky how there is no data after covid and yet, they keep publishing newspapers about how companies are making record profits


the gov prob doesnt want russia and china to know that we are already in another great depression

>> No.50176557

If I'm a first time homebuyer, should I go with a conventional mortgage with a 20% downpayment or look at getting an FHA loan? I can afford 20% no problem.

>> No.50177462

Have you ever been north of San Francisco? What are you even saying?

>> No.50177474

Look up opportunity cost and time value of money. Only you can answer that questions.

>> No.50177477

That town is probably infested with niggers. Cope you troglodyte.

>> No.50177537

Why do you even need to buy a house? I am going to move into a tent next week. I don't really undertand why people need entire houses. Granted in the winter when it gets too cold I will have to rotate sleeping in my gf and others friends houses but aside from that it is a great way to not have to spend all your money on a house.

>> No.50177569
File: 1.84 MB, 3024x4032, 1653321500282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>house/land in middle america
Unless you're in a city.

>evergreen job market
>actually somewhat usable public transit
>always something to do, great place to live
>constantly seeing new development around you, whereas your average suburb will always be sterile and unchanging
The value prop for urban property is much higher. I'd be really worried about doing that in a suburb.

>> No.50177583

Tired of living in apartments, don't want to live in condos for similar reasons (and hidden HOA fees up the ass), and I want to own a dog or two and have a nice yard for them. Alternatively I was thinking maybe a trailer since I could just outright buy one

>> No.50177631

Fair. My aim is to eventually move up into a trailer. Only trouble with a trailer is making sure I have someone who will let me put it on their land. With a tent it is a lot simpler because I can pack it up and down in minutes and go wherever I feel like.

>> No.50177690

Yeah the only thing about trailers for me is dealing with them in the winter. I live in New England and we can have bad winters up here sometimes. Also my dad owns a trailer and some of the people at campgrounds are offputting. It's like going to high school all over again with the drama and you honestly don't have a ton of privacy unless you live in a secluded lot. I don't know lots of open questions with trailers for me personally but it'd be my second option. I just want a house with a lot of privacy with hopefully decent neighbors

>> No.50177718

No one lives in that fucking pitstop off the PA turnpike jesus christ

>> No.50178002

am I fucked for thinking this actually looks comfy?

>> No.50178156

Why does the leftoid always post this? Like we are supposed to recoil in horror at a selection of food and services conveniently located near a highway? Is this what zero pussy does to you?

>> No.50178351

>an oasis of food, fuel, and shelter in the countryside
What's the problem again?

>> No.50179076
File: 572 KB, 2272x1098, Breezewood,_Pennsylvania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This is the Midwests "culture". Or lack thereof in flyover states

>> No.50179213
File: 1.71 MB, 4800x2914, 190606095540-06-la-homelessness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm this must be the West coast "culture" I've heard so much about then

>> No.50179341

damn im from nj and i have seen burger punk spots like this. not that dramatic. but they do exist. but it's always the best when you're a passenger and your parents are driving home at dusk/night time.

>> No.50179410
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, Drone footage of vacant spaces in Northern New Jersey 0-7 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty kino

>> No.50179458

People shit on NJ but the pine barrens are nice to drive through

>> No.50179513

nj does have a lot of nice spots ngl. europoors scream about how freaky the suburbs are. but it looks fine. also there's a shitload of national parks here

>> No.50179582

>earthquakes arent even a problem anymore
They'll always be a problem. 2023, 2064, 2146, whenever it happens, a big earthquake will reduce all the liberal decay to rubble

>> No.50179588

There's an entire forest in the background?
Looks comfy, trip into town to get everything then gfto back to nature.
I have to drive hours from the city to get away.

>> No.50179601

>90ish photo
man i want to go back. just chilling with my friends outside my house by the tree we had i the front yard with my buddies playing pokemon on our gameboys.
lefty pol will never understand the comfyness of living in a small town with neighbors you know, no sounds of police cars or police helicopters overhead, no traffic, no smog, no pollution, no culture enrichment muggings / rapings / getting shot, no drag queen story time or drag queen shows, its just peaceful. yeah you don't have have the latest and greatest globalhomo products to consume readily available or the latest fad in fast food, but you have a comfy life. little stress. no big builders blocking the view. nature isn't destroyed and paved in concrete. its not always about the money. at least when i was growing up.

>> No.50179707

>Are they afraid of salt water?
The Cali surf culture is hilarious to me. Your water is like 13° in summer. Respect to the people that go out (probably 1% of the population) but the rest are poser retards.

>> No.50179906

driving to applebees was considered a treat for special occasions, not a daily or even weekly thing. we mostly ate at home with home cook meals because our moms were mothers. i didn't grow up with plastic water bottles, nor did i grow up eating premade food or processed meats. it was nice having a real mom.

>> No.50179991

That's east coast

>> No.50180001

>applebees was considered a treat
That's depressing that you had to live like that anon

>> No.50180207

West coast is 15 degrees (celcius) right now. It's 19 degrees where I live rn, in the middle of winter.

>> No.50180247

Pretty stunning you're this stupid given you spent the entire thread trying to pretend to be superior to everyone.

>> No.50180645

That picture is of the east coast I'm correct

>> No.50180690

But you're replying to a picture of the east coast?

>> No.50180776
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1635514655676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f 'reit'
>no results

>> No.50180899

It's an absolute dump around there. Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me. Fuck filthy cities.

>> No.50181065

Dude it's comfy. It reminds me of childhood road trips with my family driving through PA, upstate NY, etc.

>> No.50181190

How about buying virtual lands? in sports metaverse, it is considered to be a big deal and based investment

>> No.50181402

yeah the midwest sucks do not come here :)

>> No.50181415

Not true. Only if the house is in a black area. Avoid the Mississippi river and you're probably fine

>> No.50181598

You're gonna make it anon if you get in soon enough

>> No.50181620

You're property is cheap because life there isn't one worth living

>> No.50181863
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>> No.50182416

No matter where hot markets belong there will always be cool markets that remain.

>> No.50182467

actual gay city

>> No.50182592

Tell your city folk to stay away from Oklahoma. We literally don't want your kind. Talk more shit about us and glorify Texas. Please, don't come here and stop coming here. Our state is blood red and it's going to stay that way. Fuck off.

>> No.50182830

Lol you guys just Cuck to the reservations

>> No.50183059

You don't realize that the feds have less power here because of this.

>> No.50183205
File: 377 KB, 451x600, DSC0157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that a quarter mile away are beautiful homes on quite, peaceful streets.

>> No.50183271
File: 3.25 MB, 1918x959, Screenshot from 2022-07-05 20-39-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I've never lived in New Jersey, I've driven through it a million times. The only part of the state that's a real shithole is the outskirts of NYC (which, to be fair, is one of the most depressing places I've ever been). Once you get 30 minutes beyond that, it's just like any other state in the mid-Atlantic. Very "small town Americana" for most of it, for me that's what "real" America is more than anything in the midwest.
Pic related is one of the novel drives that I like in NJ, crossing the Delaware River into PA along 202.