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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50168282 No.50168282 [Reply] [Original]

>high inflation
>energy crisis
>currency crisis
>gold dives off a cliff

>> No.50168329

okay this is what I want to see.
xau down == ppl liquidating to dig themselves out of other holes.
keep going.

>> No.50168332

gold is a speculation not a hedge. it went up in anticipation of all these things. now it's here there's not much more to anticipate, because we're anticipating the fed killing everything by forcing a recession, and crashing all asset prices.

>> No.50168333

>he thought he could hedge his piggybank savings in the most manipulated market in history of mankind
welcome to the real world faggit, you will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.50168361

Still looks better than BTC this year retard

>> No.50168362

Wow an anon who actually understands margin calls in a highly leveraged environment

>> No.50168435

Reminder that Russia has $200B worth of gold that they're slowly selling off to fund their war and collapsing economy, so there's a shitload of downward pressure on it.

>> No.50168455

I hope the Fed continues to squeeze on rates until i can hear my landlord crying downstairs.
Come on daddy Powell, restore discipline.

>> No.50168493

Not true at all. This is a trader liquidity crunch, nothing to do with russian you cnn watching coombrain.

>> No.50168515

because Uganda will rug

>> No.50168529

that's all paid for by EUcucks in their gas and other commodity prices They are literally financing the invasion while virtue signalling into overdrive. Whatever slack there was got picked up by China and India. Westcucks seethe hard, but that's just about all they can do.

>> No.50168590

The prices at my dealer didn't drop at all. Only for silver a little but the premium is still absurd. How much faith can we have in paper PM trading?

>> No.50168808
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I can start buying again. If this keeps up I will definitely buy a sovereign by the weekend.
It's been a whole year.

>> No.50168971

PMs always dump at the start of a recession / market crash because paper traders get margin called on stocks and have to dump their leveraged contracts in all assets (including PMs). PMs will have a spectacular rise afterwards when people desperately seek a "safe" asset away from stocks in the coming months. Same exact business in 1980, 2010, and now.

>> No.50168996

>this year
nice cherry picking, retard

>> No.50169128

so this is NOW the best time to purchase gold?

>> No.50169142

it was, you just missed it

>> No.50169148

High IQ post

>> No.50169150

Brainlet here. Should I buy more gold or sell what I have?

>> No.50169153

it was? the price is lowering

>> No.50169163

>Putin selling his gold

Kys, retard

>> No.50169186

Don't forget the shit ton of gold the found in Uganda last week.

Feels good to know that there only Will be 21mill BTC

>> No.50169190

>speculating that maybe the government won't destroy the currency, but even if they do, a metal with a 5000-year history of saving the victims of inflation will be outperformed by hashes with zeroes in them, after the power grid goes down the following week

>> No.50169191

same with crypto & btc desu. same phenomena happened with covid crisis, first huge crash when market deleveraged, then long term moon.

>> No.50169198

Yeah until “miners” change the rules.

>> No.50169210
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how many times do i have to post it?

>> No.50169222

Gold is a disaster hedge. If you are a Chinese you cold have chosen to hold a portion of your wealth in gold instead of putting it all into the real estate bubble. If you are Russian you could have chosen to have some of your net worth into gold instead of having all of it in the Russian stock market and watch it go to zero. Phyiscal gold is a very succesful disaster hedge. Gold is not meant to outperform stocks and bonds, that's not the purpose.

>> No.50169370

>Gold is not meant to outperform stocks and bonds, that's not the purpose.
This is basically it. If you're buying gold it's because you're taking a very strong bearish position against everything else. Profitable business is a better asset than gold, except when business is in a serious decline.

>> No.50169392

nah, look at bitcoin

>> No.50169453

>Gold: up 40% over the last 4.5 years
>Bitcoin: down 5% over the last 4.5 years

How's that working out for you?

>> No.50169467

Goldbugs will have to face the truth: gold is a risk on asset and gets sold off in a recession.

>> No.50169525
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lmao /biz/ is full of 21 year olds

>> No.50169532

Crypto will not follow gold, sorry zoomie.

>> No.50169585

Recognized. Still going to stack though.

>> No.50169620

Can you explain the correlation to me like I'm an extreme fucking retard? I'm looking at it and I think I get it but I don't, exactly.

>> No.50169645

We’re going into another red part and red part is when gold goes up

>> No.50169725

No, silver is worse
>cherry picking
Gold underperforms on almost all time frames over the last 300 years

>> No.50169830

US 10-year yield went up so gold comes down
simple maffs
Looking at 1400 level for gold but it depends too heavily on inflation numbers to make a call

>> No.50169848

oof checked. when you see the housing sell-off that's when you know we're close.

>> No.50169947

Blatant lie but ok

>> No.50170018
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>> No.50170087

Thanks anon, my monkey brain just didn't make the exact connection.

>> No.50170121


>> No.50170182

White supremacy, transphobia, and climate change are the number one threats to our national security and therefor our economy. Until we take these threats seriously and stop them, the economy will continue to crash.

>> No.50170198

it's too manipulated

>> No.50170203

If silver didn't exist, yes. With silver it is only second worst.

>> No.50170219


>> No.50170220
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>> No.50170316

gold is plunging because dollar is getting (speculatorily) stronger, what's hard to grasp?

>> No.50170368

was gonna kms with the recession but found better ways to monetize my NFT assets with Artlink Network so yeah

>> No.50170406

You just hear something and don’t do any research. Tell me, what concentration of gold per ton are they claiming? Once you know this number, do you think this is at all possible in, or maybe do you think it’s overstated by 1000x?

>> No.50170552

It's kinda like infinite money printing gives you infinite power over prices of everything.
The US deepstate saved itself from inflation reporting. Anyways, shortages are next.

>> No.50171055

The two most needed commodities in the world are oil and the USD. Everything you describe is affecting the value of one of those relative to the other.

Gold does nothing except reassure midwits who somehow didn't hear about the Nixon shock. Unless there is a 'bullish catalyst' to motivate the midwits, there is no bull case for gold. It isn't critical enough for the economy to be a good inflation hedge, and it has lost its legal connection to the USD for some time now.

Given that we have checked all of the possible positive-catalyst boxes for gold, it's time for a retreat.

>> No.50171268
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Currently down 30% from all my gold, silver, and mining stocks

I trusted the plan

>> No.50171273

Governments are stocking up on gold. The USD is being threatened by a new BRIC currency agreement. OPEC blatantly laughs in our face, and will begin accepting Yuan for oil.

Russia is stockpiling gold by forcing countries to purchase rubles with gold, and purchasing oil wtih rubles.

USD is threatened by several sides right now, while countries all over the world are buying what gold they can afford. This isn't new, either.

>> No.50171295

No, silver is.

>> No.50171314

it's almost like... hear me out here nigger, gold is not sneeded.

>> No.50171391

You're right, gold will follow crypto

>> No.50173805

Retard alert.

>> No.50173850



>> No.50173926

People like the person you responded to should have their vocal cords cut out. Useless noise.

>> No.50174447

if you look at the price during the 2007 2008 crisis gold actually went down along with the rest of the markets then had a huge bull run

>> No.50174594

yea it might go full bvll mode 2023
until then get out of all coins and load up on AU/AG

>> No.50174788

Supply of gold just basically doubled

>> No.50175239


Arthur is bullish on gold in the same timeframes as BTC. $5000 next few years.