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5016765 No.5016765 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is all over social media at this point. Even the popular social media stars are talking about it in some way.

Every fibre of my being is telling me to sell soon. We can't have this much normie money flooding in at one time. Everyone is looking at the charts and getting blinded by easy riches. Am I wrong? What do you guys think about this?

t. Brainlet with no experience in trading before crypto

>> No.5016801

Something something supply and demand. As long as new normies come along and buy in on promises of easy riches it will never fail. BTC all the way.

>> No.5016865

i think the problem is more complex than most people see. There will be large sums of money moving in internationally because the world hates USD and one of these crypto's might get used to springboard a new reserve currency. It's risky, so if you have too much skin in the game, i'd recommend taking some profits, but otherwise, it's really unclear. LTC, XRP, DGB, ETN if you want to go full madman.

>> No.5016875

the same thing happened 2 years ago (not at this scale of course) bitcoin was all over social media and it blew up, then it went down, and then it went to the moon. the cycle will repeat itself and it will happen again.

>> No.5016876

fuck the social media bull shit
faggot celebrities shilling crypto stinks of psy-op

>> No.5016936
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>> No.5016947

take the tip or leave it.

>> No.5016953

NEVER DUMP! The world is bigger than America. The people who will adopt/use bitcoin will be the developing nations and they will pool all their black market money into it because their banks and government are corrupt as fuck.

>> No.5017033
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I think this whole thing is going to blow soon we are in desperate need of a correction. Until then i'll keep my money on tether (hope tether doesn't fuck me over)

>> No.5017062

just change your Tether for Dai when it releases on the 17th

>> No.5017101


They won't though. Face it. You knew about it for years before you finally bought in. Once this shit sees a 20% drop with all eyes on it, normies are going to start to get scared. Any in the game will panic sell or throw everything into the easy to acquire alts, and any about to jump in are going to stand back and wait.

Its over. If you have to pray the normies save you, its over.

>> No.5017108

Monero is much better for black market money.

>> No.5017234

more money in the game means everything goes uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

>> No.5017292


You forget a key point. Normies can't take huge downturns, they'll get scared off. And around Christmas time, guaranteed a shitload of normies are about to cash out. If they think its slowing down expect the rest of this week to see more money pulled out of it.

Normies won't save you. They're going to collapse this house of cards.

>> No.5017348

Half the people on here cant even figure out how to cash out let alone normies. Most will end up riding out a crash cause they cant figure out how to cash out in time or wont even know until its one upturn again. Dont fear the normies, use them to your advantage.

>> No.5017356

nothing will happen bro.

people that go into crypto right now are not risktakers, they just want their 2x and go home. they invest a few thousands at best.

most people will rather invest in some boomer fund that gives shitty yields, i know its hard to digest but most people are extremely risk adverse when it comes to investing

>> No.5017373
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>> No.5017381

>We can't have this much normie money flooding in at one time
Says who? More money in circulation = good.

>> No.5017402

Normies at my office getting into crypto are all young men.

They’re risk takers and holders

>> No.5017414

This. They will lose most of their coins and the ones they don't lose will sit on an exchange somewhere until the next news cycle when they remember they had coins

>> No.5017512

Should i buy in when the crash comes? How low do you think it'll drop to when it comes around?

>> No.5017536

if you can somehow prove to us that even .05% of the worlds population owns any crypto at all yet, you might have a point.

but you cant, and you dont

>> No.5017543

thanks for the tip man

I lightly skimmed the white paper but still not exactly sure how they accomplish stability. any idea? I will probably need to spend some time tomorrow digesting this

>> No.5017546
File: 37 KB, 385x385, E93D513B-E0BF-4AC9-8905-CF5A6995E62E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s over
apparently you are new to this then faggot. you obviously weren’t around for 2012/13. The climb and dumb happened much faster than this. The MC for BTC and crypto now is massive with stronger positive sentiment in the market. it isn’t over and it won’t dump. Get over yourself for not buying more BTC sooner

>> No.5017591

Ask my mom what she knows about Bitcoin
>What's Bitcoin?
Ask my dad what she knows about Bitcoin
>All I know is it's really volatile and it made a bunch of money but then it all crashed

Plenty of people still have no idea.

>> No.5018314
File: 12 KB, 480x480, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more money that pours in the more the value rises over time
>even if it crashes greater than 50%, normies will buy it because they know it's value thus it might never even drop more than 20% based on last high unless AI/ML/Algos/Aliens can break SHA-256

>> No.5018387

Women at my office are starting to say they want to buy to catch some quick profit. They couldn't tell you how a blockchain works. Shit, I even heard a couple of girls at the gym talking about it. The end is nigh fellas.

>> No.5018400

The problem is that this thing regularly crashes 40%-60% or more and then fully recovers. Have we EVER seen a bubble like that before?

>> No.5018401

Holy shit must bank be pissed now.
All the money that would usually sit in the accounts in getting transfered to crypto

>> No.5018417
File: 190 KB, 1280x1023, b68129f6-b072-49c5-b180-5ba7cb47e635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of image you will find rested to bitcoin on normienet

They are all festering with fomo, there's nothing to worry about for now. Let's see what 2018 brings

>> No.5018419
File: 2 KB, 391x55, norm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we find a better term than this, its ridiculous

>> No.5018424

It's great for everyone until something major goes wrong to tip over the first domino like an exchange getting hacked, a severe correction, vitalik bothering children and everything will come crashing down, thing is nothing bad is guaranteed to happen so this mania could continue for months/years

>> No.5018465

lots of people talking, how many buying?
>What happens when it drops >50% and everyone wants to get in wanting that 50% gain