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50166787 No.50166787 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50166811

Why does Bitcoin always do a small pump before everything is about to dump?

>> No.50166843

to b8 fomotards

>> No.50166847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50166851

Is this finally it?

>> No.50166869
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>> No.50166908

The begginning of it, crude will go back to $60, natgas to $3, AG commodities will lose 50% too. Good news for consumers, at least.

>> No.50166931
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Heh, the house of precious is collapsing.

>> No.50166940


>> No.50167003

Why are they dumping?

>> No.50167095

Recession fears, producers on all sectors at max capacity, higher rates and demand destruction.

>> No.50167143

>not your bank not your gold

>> No.50167216

HAPPENING: peter shit selling gold for bitcoin because "My own bank doesn't work"

>> No.50167231

come on cerny change the timelines

>> No.50167360

It’s called Deflation my boy, and it’s a result of Quantitative Tightening, you see? DUST, Treasuries, Dollars.

>> No.50167378

>Recession fears
but it makes no sense we are in the middle of a food and energy crisis

>> No.50167384

Deflationary collapse happening. Bond chads and cash chads will inherit the earth.

>> No.50167578

Corn is a hedge against inflation

>> No.50167800

remember all those people calling for a commodities based currency going forward in feb and march
it was stupid then and it is stupid now, once manufacturers and retail shelfing rolls over so do commodities

demand destruction happens to everything in the end, even if that means starvation
you have to remember that egyptian slumdwellers making 3 cents a day were propping up those grain prices

so the only question now is since inflation has peaked how long will the fed continue hiking

>> No.50167837

recessionbros, we won

>> No.50168577

>you have to remember that egyptian slumdwellers making 3 cents a day were propping up those grain prices
nah, the egyptian government is subsidizing food for the poor there and they can't just say >sorry time to starve, blame putin
because the poor would hang them on lamp posts

>> No.50168594


>> No.50168767

Commodities supercyclebros...

>> No.50168798


Deflation is correct but you got the cause wrong. Imagine analysing a system with an infinite number of variables and reducing everything down to what Powell is saying. It doesn't even make sense in theory and predictably yields very poor predictions.

>> No.50168832

liquidate over leveraged shorts

>> No.50168839
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>... ahem...

>> No.50169069

Usa is the largest consumer. Tighten money for these consumers. They consume less.

>> No.50169073

>because the poor would hang them on lamp posts
you havent been paying attention
the egyptian government took notes after the last riots and finally figured out that ruling the country from palaces located right within a 20 mil strong slumtown doesnt make for a good choice
they have build a new capital and are now building an even newer capital away from the filthy unwashed in the desert where they are safe
look up the youtube videos its insane what they are building
the subsidies will stop as egypt uses its money to pay for its construction costs and the poors will be left to riot and burn their own hovels to the ground

>> No.50169102

Stocks, they first pumped today then dumped after burgers opened

>> No.50169183

Money laundering

>> No.50169206

What does this mean? I have $120,000 in cash doing nothing.

>> No.50169241

>deflation due to lack of demand since no one can buy shit anyone
>industrial things implode
>new houses already down 25% this year in terms of construction
>energy and rent still inflates
this is based.

>> No.50169277

Gold is down less than 2%, while most other commodities are down 3 to 6%, including oil.

>> No.50169290

why are they dumping?

>> No.50169325

>higher rates and demand destruction
I knew that higher rates would only kill stocks
Also aren't commodities a good hedge against inflation/recession?

>> No.50169362

>so the only question now is since inflation has peaked how long will the fed continue hiking
How can you tell that inflation has peacked?

>> No.50169403

go to the market following site of your choice and look at the price of all industrial metals and most agri outputs
on top have that we are now in the bullwhip effect for retail: in short retail has stocked up all its shelves and cant sell it so their orders are plunging

again if you wait for the msm to tell you things you are hopelessly behind

>> No.50169418

The only thing that could "peak" inflation would be a recession so deep that the Fed will have to pivot and get back to easing practically overnight.

>> No.50169483

Fertilizer is still double what it was a year ago, oil is still over $100, diesel is still $5.73 which is $2+ more than this time last year. Rents are still very high. I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.50169538

I'm convinced this is the next thing.
Global financial collapse.
This will usher in NWO.

>> No.50169611

Finally, I was looking for a purchase. If its on sale it is even better.

>> No.50169777

Corn still proving to be the best asset. Everyone should own ohio corn futures

>> No.50169815
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Look again.

>> No.50170025

Its ogre

>> No.50170059


>> No.50170108

It means you are winning right now.

>> No.50170138

>Also aren't commodities a good hedge against inflation/recession?
Only in the sense that a ton of copper or whatever can't become insolvent and get delisted. The value of industrial commodities still decreases when industry is eating shit.

>> No.50170150


>> No.50170530

those are all the results of the russia sanctions
yes europe is fucked on gas, but even in fertilizer we have seen massive demand destruction and up x from a year ago doesnt matter
like i said wait for jim cramer to tell you inflation is peaked and see how mc's have moved since

>> No.50170564

doesnt know that the london metal exchange did exactly this and reverted profitable trades jsut to make a chinese state firm whole again at the behest of the ccp

>> No.50171323

Show me the value of BTC ETH and other altcoins like DOT BNB ATOM SCRT and ADA. Oh damn, so my US Basedbeans lost $48.50? I'm crying

>> No.50171350

Literally just to wipe out any retail who have 100x leveraged shorts.
None of us are supposed to make it.

>> No.50171355

And who's at loss then?

>> No.50171390


the painful birth of a Monero user

>> No.50171586

what do you expect now? Stay in cash and slurp tech stocks or commodities?

>> No.50171670

The market is getting it wrong. Most of these commodities should be getting more expensive due to shortages, with the easy oil already pumped, easy ores already mined and so on. The moment the Fed pivots, it will dawn upon the investment community that they never fixed inflation, then money is going flood back in.

>> No.50171822

slurp cryptos, dont touch commodities and wait out on tech stocks
we have seen a repricing on value for most tech, but now the other shoe will drop and that is earnings being repriced
with a recession obviously consumer spending on luxuries goes down so companies will revise earnings down and with it stock price
always remember P/E has two components
this is btw conventional recessionary moves, nothing controversial just like it happened in 2008
so wait for autumn to slurp tech
but the interesting part is in cryptos, they don't have earnings and thus the only negative side to their valuation the price reset due to fed policies is already done
the gamble here is that this means btc will decouple from the nasdaq here and outperform the market, nothing is sure but it makes sense on a theoretical level
and even if you are wrong these prices are still pretty good to slurp

in any case commodities will dump hard as demand ceases, only oil and gas in especially europe will be a bitch but i don't think an average pleb investor can profit of that as there is no clear thing (you) can buy

>> No.50171844


>> No.50171852

>And who's at loss then?
the investors who made a profitable investment and saw that money simply stolen from them
but muh market muh regs, doesn't matter centralised entity can do as it pleases with the market, look at celcius and nexo being insolvent
this is why we need tokenized assets in a decentral way

>> No.50172896

oh god, im all-in on orange juice and porkbelly

>> No.50173416
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When are you going to learn

>> No.50173494

This is retarded advice ad should be ignored. This poster is less than thirty years old and plays video games and masturbates. He thinks crypto will make him rich.

Stop prescribing investment advice. You know nothing.

>> No.50173522

>can’t capitalize
>has retarded investment advice
Every time.

>> No.50173661

NRGD is above 100. did a 17%+
But in the end the only rule consists
nothing ever happens

>> No.50173814

watch and learn
screencap for future amusement, right or wrong i will stick to the call i made here
whats your take so we can know the criteria for claiming victory here
protip letter capitalisations arent investment criteria

>> No.50173831


>commodities go down when the DXY has a 2std up day

Whoa dude!!!!!

>> No.50173846

>easy oil pumped
>easy ores mined
r e t a r d

>> No.50173952

things propagate like waves. it takes time for the market to adjust to reality, if you wait for all indicators to go green you'll be entering the market long after the bottom.

>> No.50173997

>has no debt
lol wut?

>> No.50174130

Le -0.03%, aaaaaaaaaaaah I am crazy

>> No.50174156

>The market is getting it wrong

>> No.50174592

Now leverage that to 5000 which is what futures market is about.