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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50166246 No.50166246 [Reply] [Original]

what is happening to euro my bastards
and why

>> No.50166278


>> No.50166296

only non burgers give opinion please

>> No.50166302


>> No.50166307


>> No.50166320

European here but I keep being told Trump could somehow have fixed everything because he pointed out Germany gets a lot of gas from Russia.

>> No.50166348

Not a burger, EU is a centralist welfare paradise run by bureaucrats and paid by CB printing.

>> No.50166366
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t. europoor

>> No.50166387
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Opinions from Polish people is also invalid
if only he had two more weeks, that would have solved everything

>> No.50166389


The pain is real but I'm happy to take it on as long as we're on the right side of history.

>> No.50166420

I'm not in the EU, but the welfare things isn't as bad as I've heard (in most countries), I only have a problem with NEETbucks

>> No.50166429
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>> No.50166667

>welfare isn't as bad as I've heard
I talk about italy i don't know about other states; retired people linving on 600 euro/m while if you work in the managerial sectors in PA you can change your last paycheck and it will be your retirement paycheck for the rest of your life.
Free healthcare, i had a tumor and was forced to the private sector because "the list is full, you have to wait". They called me after 2 years ...

>> No.50166776

so close
yeah, the healthcare sucks ass as far as public sector goes, but it keeps the private sector prices competitive thankfully

>> No.50166928

ECB was afraid to raise interest rates because it would pop local real-estate bubble and most politicans/rich depend on it.

>> No.50166933
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>runs negative rates in the face of spiralling inflation

Europe has adopted Erdoganomics.

>> No.50167272

hmmm, i see, that actually explains a lot

>> No.50169124

It just keeps going down

>> No.50170154

Socialism and juda
t. Europoor

>> No.50170230

The Euro lost 20% vs the USD in just one year.
The EU is fucking done.
Now it is only a waiting game until winter, that's when life will get truly difficult.

>> No.50170297
File: 23 KB, 685x236, image_2022-07-05_164652222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its is become SUPERPOEWR MODE

>> No.50170349
File: 27 KB, 740x332, image_2022-07-05_164823786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blody fucking 0.11 fucking hell.... bastard
i tell you this now EOY for USD 1:1 GPB:USD via INR (INDIA RUPEE) I TELL YOU THIS THIS THIS MORNING NO??? fucking

>> No.50170388
File: 13 KB, 386x208, image_2022-07-05_165059086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops 5D

>> No.50170439

fucking fucking hell

>> No.50170441


>> No.50170719
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>going on holiday to Europe in 1 month
time to live like a god

>> No.50170800

The EU should have not expanded eastwards or southwards. It should have stayed a union of France, Germany, the UK, Benelux, maybe the Nordic states. It should have been more like NAFTA and less of a political project.

>> No.50170812

Putin did this. He's the most powerful man in the world right now.

>> No.50170944

EU is only a minor part of the problem. Major problem is the currency union between North and South. Ukraine war and gas stop is only the catalyst that triggered the crash. The situation was shot even before that.