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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50162869 No.50162869 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't boomers realise that millenials and zoomers wouldn't be so demotivated to work if they lived in a world that valued their existence?
For example, if we had an economic system that treated its youth with respect and gave them first dibs on housing, opportunities to be trained by the old guard, a healthy social environment and increased wages, the younger generation would be probably the most motivated out of all of them put together. The fact that some young people adopted a "hustle culture" in this current shitty environment shows that the youth wants to make a living for themselves and be successful but there are barriers in the way for them. The older generation did not have nearly as much desire for wealth creation as those born in the 1990s and upwards, they just landed into it haphazardly due to the post-war boom. Pisses me off to no end when I hear old fucks completely ignore this fact.

>> No.50162891

millennial: you're not youth, you're an old fuck that should have had a career 10 years ago at least.

I was born in 79 and between 2 "gens" and I can see through the bullshit of most of you.

there are no "gens" anyway; a zoomer can be more mature than you; grow up.

>> No.50162905

im 21

>> No.50162938

Boomers had far less respect from their elders than today because they were post-war babies who had it 100x easier due to not getting drafter. The idea that zoomers have it hard or low respect because they sit on a portable tv screen all day and work at jobs where they click a mouse is fair. No one has had it easier than zoomies. They just have worse economic outputs because politicians have fucked the entire country in the ass. No new housing developments, mass immigration, insane tax, gutting manufacturing and jobs, etc.

Also, you are not supposed to respect those who don't know shit about life. Newbies are meant to earn respect and respect elder, more wise people. Just because you know how to operate some gay app and grandpa Jim doesn't doesn't make you wiser about life than his 100 years of interacting with others and developing himself. The modern generation demands what they have not earned and blames others for what they are not handed. Weak attitude, and you see it ripple out in the culture where blacks are put on a pedestal because they are simply black.

>> No.50162969

I had 3 careers so far and they were all shit. Working fucking sucks. I now have enough money not to work and I never will because the world has no incentives to offer me, I'll just keep watching anime and playing games, apparently that's the best thing the world has for me.

>> No.50162982
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I view most people as human garbage that consumes resources. Does the lifetime minimum wage worker deserve the resources he consumes, the burden of cost he will impose in the Healthcare system in a lifetime for example? There are populous countries with median IQs in the 60s and 70s sitting on piles of raw materials that their limited minds cannot utilize. Do they deserve a fair share of their utility if wiser men extract them, and produce with them? Smarter men than me look down on you or I. You are not worth what you demand.

>> No.50162988

They do. They just don't care, because they are not willing to give even a little bit either their wealth of power.

>> No.50162997

it's not the "gen" that did it in any case. most people suffer from survivorship bias.

they see only the surviving boomers and have the delusion boomers didn't have betas.

>> No.50163026 [DELETED] 

"boomers this" "boomers that" fuck off. you all assholes suffer from survivorship bias. you see the few successful surviving boomers and have the delusion they didn't have failures and betas.

"gens" are a fucking meme. I know zoomers who are way more mature than most of you. you are whining because of your failure and you become agist on top.

it should be surprising from a domain that values racism too. bunch of depressed narcissistic fucks most of them. they don't want to face their own personal failures and they blame it all on "isms".

>> No.50163036

"boomers this" "boomers that" fuck off. you all assholes suffer from survivorship bias. you see the few successful surviving boomers and have the delusion they didn't have failures and betas.

"gens" are a fucking meme. I know zoomers who are way more mature than most of you. you are whining because of your failure and you become agist on top.

it shouldn't be surprising from a domain that values racism too. bunch of depressed narcissistic fucks most of them. they don't want to face their own personal failures and they blame it all on "isms".

>> No.50163044


>> No.50163058

Yes facing 0 economic hardship has hardened and made the boomers so wise and knowledgeable about how to deal with economic hardship. You say newbies need to earn respect but you forget it goes both ways, you aren't entitled to respect because you're old, you have to earn the newbies respect by showing that youre age has meaning and that you're knowledgeable or hardworking etc. Lucking into fortune by sitting on real estate you bought when minimum wages could get you a house after 2 years of work without a college degree doesn't make you respectable or an authority on the economy/work ethic. Though I agree these faggots are on their phones way too goddamn much.

>> No.50163077

> 0 economic hardship
if you bought silver in the 1970s: you're still in the red

survivorship bias: the meme ("boomers suck!")

>> No.50163081

It's a fact that living conditions deteriorated greatly since then. Work doesn't have to suck, I actually liked my first job in late 00s when it wasn't "optimized" and "effective" and we actually had fun on the job. Now waging just feels like being an expendable slave, it doesn't have to suck but it does now. Do I spend the rest of my life as a slave just to afford a family (that I can lose whenever the lady feels like it) or do I quit, play vidya and frequent the ladies of the night? Easy choice

>> No.50163107

>more childish whining
>give me this, do that
>No YOU had it easy

Holy cope. Most boomers don't have property equity. I don't know a single one with more than one property. You're a retard who needs to go outside, and outside of the newssphere

>> No.50163108

you hit it right on the money. Fuck boomer

>> No.50163112

It depends on if you're american or british too; their empires' peaks were in the past; especially the british one. Most of these domains are only talking about these two countries in reality because they're english-speaking.

Silicon Valley - for example - had an influx of Indian labor; they took their jobs; no easy street anymore.

About half of Europe is better off now; it's not they were only poor; most of them had fucking dictatorships.

>> No.50163116

You missed the point, you retarded fuck

>> No.50163127

Boomers are fucking retarded and senile. You are a cocksucker that defends your master's cock. Man up, bitch. Stop idolizing sociopaths.

>> No.50163139

>You missed the point
at the very least, this "issue" is mainly a american-boomers issue (maybe also british).

most of the rest of the world enjoys the internet era.

you're mainly bitter because you're not longer raping economically most of the world as you used to be doing; you're only raping it a little bit; poor you.

>> No.50163144

Finally based

>> No.50163163

You need to educate yourself on stats, you stupid fuck
Then having it easier isn't an opinion. It is an objective empirical fact. Just to educate your dunbass a little, when boomers had a median age of 35, they owned 21% of all the nation's wealth. Millennials of the same median age? 3%
LMFAO sure, bitch. It was "about equal". Kek!
Last I checked they owned 57% of all the nation's wealth (pre covid). They also had lower barrier to entries for middle class jobs (they didn't need college nor 3-5yrs experience for entry level jobs).
You're an idiot

>> No.50163181

Greentexting things I never claimed doesn't refute my points, it just proves you're retarded and I'm right, try reading the post to search for counterpoints you illiterate brainlet. I guess you're one of the guys who never went to college considering your reading comprehension is this abysmal.
You not knowing a single boomer who made money off real estate is anecdotal, and I can refute it anecdotally because I know a fuckton of boomers who have 10+million from buying one building inner city and just holding it. Youre retarded and have no connections faggot, so your anecdote about rich boomers makes perfect sense, you've probably never talked to anyone with a net worth over 200k and you yourself are probably worth even less than that. Try working a real job (I'm in finance) then talk to me about the economy, and yes I read the news, am I supposed to feel less intelligent for remaining informed? This doesnt look good for any case you were trying to make

>> No.50163186

Yes because, as I said, politicians and merchants gutted the country. They have laid no new frameworks for development. Your 'stats' only show that equity and financial security have gone down. Yet boomers had to suffer through technological innovation. So zoomers have it easier, but as I already said, they just have less financial opportunities. And that's not due to 'boomers' as a class, it's due to political and mercantile classes. But you're retarded and lumping together disparate interest groups because you can't think beyond simple demographics.

>> No.50163188

I have literally never seen any societal improvements the whole time I’ve been alive. It’s just been continual decline. Millennial.

>> No.50163192

> 21% of all the nation's wealth.
I bet there's something fishy here. Millennial redditros are probably cooking the numbers in obvious ways if you know how to look.

E.g. I bet they completely discard from that statistic all the companies that do not exist anymore and were owned by pre-boomers.

>> No.50163203

Finance isn't a real job, and you clearly have a poor grasp of the issue. My anecdotal point illustrates a tautological point: boomers as a group are not property developers. Most, and you can find the research to support it, most own one property. You are angry at developers as a group and are too retarded to think beyond that. Also, you claiming you work in finance as a feather in your cap while being on biz is hilarious.

>> No.50163226

Also millennial redditors discount another fact. Boomers will literally die withing 10 to 20 years and all that will be inherited by millenials and x. They were dying about 10-15 years earlier up to the 1980s.

>> No.50163228

"The Gens" is the latest JEWISH PLOT to divide and conquer. I'm fucking serious.

>> No.50163250

Wrong. Boomers are just as guilty.
Nope. Google it.

>> No.50163253

And another thing since I work to some extend with the inheritance business. You won't have to wait for all the boomers to die. Most of them hit ~75 and just transfer all their wealth to their kids (or keep it only in name in case they put them in a hope but they already have lost actual control).

Half of them have already done that.

In 10 years boomers are practically gone.

>> No.50163256

>he thinks boomers will pass on inheritance instead of blow off all the money

>> No.50163261

*put them in a home

>> No.50163273

You're missing the point entirely even if your inheritance meme were true. At the SAME spots in life boomers had it easier. Simple as. Lower barrier to entries. Higher buying power. Booming economy. Generations after them inherited shit and it has only been a macro downtrend ever since in terms of buying power. Wages have not kept up with inflation.

>> No.50163274

>t. brain-damaged

>> No.50163280

1) not everyone is a cunt, 2) the richest people don't even have time to spend everything, and 3) most of them die by surprise anyway.

>> No.50163297

Just give it ~10 years is all I'm saying. Most boomers are literally turning senile as we speak. By ~2027 most of them would be able to control their wealth only in name via their lawyer and kids.

We still hear opinions from relic like Buffet.

He has like 1-2 years left max.

>> No.50163309

holy shit you are a legit retarded boomer simp

>> No.50163343
File: 163 KB, 2300x2227, boomer wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their wealth
The wealth is gone. It got sent to Africa, frittered away on useless RVs and vacations, or is already destined to go in the pockets of the medical/pharma industry.
Pic related is what everyone is trying to explain to you. You're not only clueless about reality, but also telling is that the Millennial wealth line will magically go vertical one day, and that the lines following it will also magically go vertical.
Even if it does, there's one thing we can't get back: time. Many Millennials put off having a family, and now it's too late. Money can't mend a fundamentally broken society and multiple generations worth of missed opportunities. The damage has already been done.

>> No.50163358

>just give it 10 years
>25 to 35 are your most productive years
12 posts by this ID

>> No.50163454

> they owned 21%
I think that's a "socially exaggerated" number. Boomers were the kids of the people who fought the last World War. The structure of wealth has remained the same to a large extend since the.
The same will happen in the future.
Why would the X gen or the Millennial gen give everything they have to the Zoomers before they turn 70?

>> No.50163500

>Boomers will literally die withing 10 to 20 years and all that will be inherited by
Chinese collecting their debts

>> No.50163687 [DELETED] 

You show a graph that shows 60 year olds have a lot of the wealth. You want that wealth. You claim you will never get the wealth.
I don't get it; isn't there inheritance; won't the boomers literally die or turn senile?

Regarding them having more time: it's probably a symptom of the world wars but also the civilization shift of that era. The whole structure of the world economy changed up to the 70s and it has not changed that drastically since. They also die much older now (60 was closer norm up to the 1980s; now it's like 80; that's almost an entire generation of more life).

There's no much time left to them anyway; the oldest boomers start leaving now; the youngest have some years left but most of them are gone before ~2030.

>> No.50163699

You show a graph that shows 65 year olds have most of the wealth. You want that wealth. You claim you will never get the wealth.
I don't get it; isn't there inheritance; won't the boomers literally die or turn senile?

Regarding them having more time: it's probably a symptom of the world wars but also the civilization shift of that era. The whole structure of the world economy changed up to the 70s and it has not changed that drastically since. They also die much older now (60 was closer to the norm up to the 1980s; now it's like 80; that's almost an entire generation of more life).

There's no much time left to them anyway; the oldest boomers start leaving now; the youngest have some years left but most of them are gone before ~2030.

>> No.50163713

This is copium. Google is your friend. That stat shows how boomers and millennials performed at the SAME spot in life. Stop trying to do mental gymnastics to cope with that.

>> No.50163718

So basically.... day of the pillow.

>> No.50163741

I talked about that here >>50163699. The parents of the boomers were a completely different world. At the very least they were dying at ~60 so if that hadn't changed: the boomers now would had been already dead and all their wealth would have gone the the X and Y.

>> No.50163776
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They actually do get it when they see someone busting their ass getting fucked constantly and then just getting back up. Then they activate the boomerwaffen inside.

>> No.50163814
File: 109 KB, 499x473, 1656466967275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>increased wages

I'd rather have lower prices.

Fuck your love for inflation OP. You brainwashed fool.

You are a crybaby weakling. Crawl back into your studio apartment where you belong and disconnect the internet for a week. That's the world after Boomers and Gen-X die off..You won't even make it a day. Packs of wild Millennials and Zoomers will literally eat you alive.

>> No.50164342

>Finance isnt a real job
Ask me how I know you're a poorfag. I guess the USD I make and the prop I trade is all fake too? Real to you probably just means blue collar. Sorry but youre the bottom of the barrel brother, I could get any number of Hispanics to do your 'real' job better than you, and for cheaper.
You assume I'm 'angry' but I only stated a fact, that the economy was much easier on boomers that it is on zoomers, and that there are many boomers who lucked out on real estate they managed to afford on 'real' jobs as you say, which is essentially braindead uneducated manual labor that robots will be doing within 20 years. You wouldn't deny this if you knew anything about economics. You're in denial because your ego is at stake, I understand, but you need to face reality.
Also developers don't drive housing prices you fucking retard, ever heard of supply and demand? Why would I ever be 'angry' at developers? Where did I ever state that? I never even stated boomers drove prices up either, just that many of them profited from the rising prices, all while spouting about hard work when they've never worked hard in their lives, and fail to understand that in our current economy hard work can only get you so far compared to when they were working age. Learn to read before spouting retarded nonsense. trying to put words in my mouth just makes you look more retarded.

>> No.50164420

it makes no sense to give young people first dibs on anything

they have yet to contribute

>> No.50164484

>has to compete in a global job market with little to no experience

>> No.50164550


yes and that doesnt exactly put you into a leveraged position where you can make demands

>> No.50164841

>Do they deserve a fair share of their utility if wiser men extract them, and produce with them? Smarter men than me look down on you or I. You are not worth what you demand.
I hate midwits like you
If you even just possesed a modicum of intteligence you'd know that competentcy is not some genetic trait
Aurelian, RESTITUTOR ORBIS, was the son of simple sheep herders who was only capable to rise to the top because the failings of the empire in the third century created an unprecedented opportunity to rise trough the ranks if you were capable

Society is at it's strongest when we allow the competent to flourish regardless of status or class and use their abilities for the greater good

>> No.50165288

>dont give young ppl first dibs on economic prosperity
>young people dont have kids because they cant afford a house or a decent job to keep a family and your population ages out and dies
sounds good bro

>> No.50165445


citizens control nothing
it was all the puppeteering jews

>> No.50165521

>Why don't boomers realise
defining everything in terms of made-up generational conflict
ngmy sageshill

>> No.50165533
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>I'd rather have low prices

>> No.50165558

gramps, its time to take your pills, the afternoon nap at care home starts in 15 minutes.

>> No.50165560


Are you sure because the wealthy elite are sure making a fuckload of demands and pissing their pants when it doesn't come to fruition because motivation is at an all time low

>> No.50165566

I'm an engineer and I've been a neet for a year. I'm so unmotivated with the current system it's unreal. I'm thinking of pulling off a Ted Kaczynski

>> No.50165670

The boomers let them do it without opposition though.