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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50162277 No.50162277 [Reply] [Original]

Amazing how much censorship Kenshi is going through on this board. Jannies won’t even allow the threads to be archived because they are so shook that a Chainlink competitor with this much merit is being shilled here. Keep crying Zach we aren’t going anywhere.

>> No.50162290
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Wakey wakey linkies

>> No.50162296
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>noooooooo you can’t buy the superior oracle ITS AN IRANIAN SCAM

>> No.50162304
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>> No.50162314
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>> No.50162327
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>> No.50162331

100 benjaminerinos worth of kenshi reporting. Now what?

>> No.50162340
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Now you can sit back and watch Rome (shitlink) burn

>> No.50162356
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>> No.50162371
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>> No.50162378
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>and they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.50162401
File: 553 KB, 960x1792, 305E0AC6-E7FA-4B88-A1C5-E353918FD53A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another victim of CLG’s shilling of risky lending platforms

>> No.50162429
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>> No.50162445

The threads are being deleted to protect new investors. - Zach

>> No.50162449
File: 400 KB, 1079x1454, 74094F38-A5A1-4571-81A8-2FC8D38A9A01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenshi has the best up only chart in crypto RIGHT NOW. You Klinkers have worst chart easily. Down what now? 92%? Major yikes.

>> No.50162466

kek looks like zach is too drunk from stealing his parents alcohol to spam this thread like he does the other ones. Jokes aside this is going to be a major thorn in the side of chainlink. Its not shitty like band, api3 or witnet and the fact that zach cucked out on twitter really demonstrates what trouble the link team is in.

>> No.50162476

This is like the 5th chainlink killer. Fuck off OP. Try this shit somewhere else. This is a LINK board.

>> No.50162517

avax dethroned eth just like kenshi will dethrone link. You made fun avax for being brown turks and some of you are doing the same with the kenshi team even though they are swiss. The barbarians are at the gates. Are you listening? They came for eth and they are coming for link. Again are you listening?

>> No.50162562

There simply wasn’t enough funding to meet the buffer requirements

What is so hard to understand about it

>if you don’t meet the requirements it will not function
>*doesn’t meet requirements*
>*doesn’t function*

>> No.50162579
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>pointless twitter bullshit
Absolute cringe

>> No.50162587

Talking about price action is immature. - Zach

>> No.50162591

literally spinning the facts like a liberal I can tell you are scared. Chainlink underfunded their VRF many times thats what lead to the luna oracle debacle.

>> No.50162598

I concur with the buffer requirements. I require many men as a buffer between myself and women - Zach.

>> No.50162600


Checked. Wow I can't believe it was this easy to absolutely smash CLG's dumb ass. It really goes to show you can't trust the 2017 tokens anymore, new tech and new devs are going to wash away the boomers. 5 years is like 50 years in crypto time. This is why I love this space, you never know what's going to happen.

>> No.50162626

hi zach

>> No.50162627
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Is this the next level of jeet shilling?
Not even bothering to change IPs and endless jeet schizo reverse psychology rants to get you to buy?

>> No.50162649

These guys have been coming for our throats for weeks and it is getting on my nerves. - Zach

>> No.50162650

go to bed zachary the adults are speaking

>> No.50162681
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>> No.50162817

Cry more linkie bitch

>> No.50162878
File: 814 KB, 380x307, 030E75F1-0FBE-4FBB-9846-A586E0A0C1D6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its not shitty like band, api3 or witnet

>> No.50162908

>read the docs

>> No.50162966
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>hey guys we got in an argument with a manchild brainlet who runs donation scams for his friends when they all have their wallets "hacked" in a short span of time, and has always been universally despised by linkies on here
>this is an EPIC WIN for our shitcoin
why are you this retarded? you don't actually drink from the Ganges do you?

>> No.50163027

what language do you speak at home?

>> No.50163042

Literally who

>> No.50163114

You are so retarded and don't even know it

>> No.50163119

>really demonstrates what trouble the link team is in.
For me, it's Mashinsky. Sergey sold out your dream, /ourdream/ really, because he trusted an OBVIOUS fraud with a hooker. Many such cases, sadly. Unfortunately Labs is ran by a thoroughly unremarkable team.

>> No.50163208

I am actually becoming a fan of $KENSHI the more I read the docs - Zach

>> No.50163233

hi zach

>> No.50163240

Nazi mods

>> No.50163289

Zach posting is my new favorite meme

>> No.50163378

Chainlink is blockchain agnostic and Kenshi is only on bsc and avax lol

>> No.50163445

I'm hearing that KENSHI has a working product and multiple customers within a year of launch, very impressive for a Swiss team. Imagine the progress if they were led by a 300lb Russian.

>> No.50163557

First of all you can’t be black and claim to be “Swiss.” Secondly, Sergey’s weight has nothing to do with the performance of the coin and what products other than being a VRF oracle do they intend to launch? Seems like it’s just a copy paste of link.

>> No.50163573


Nah it's newer tech. That comes with its own unique advantages/problems but it's a solid bet at a 1M marketcap w/ reflections. Sell tax keeping people from jeeting too.

>> No.50163729

Check the maker's linkedin. He has founded multiple failed start ups that don't even have working sites anymore. Obvious grifter/scammer especially with all the jeetcoin tokenomics.

>>50163573 is right though it is basically a sure thing at this mcap.

>> No.50163758

you can absolutely be black and be swiss its just a nationality, no different than someone being an african american or black german

>> No.50163816

>tfw if it gets 1% of links marketcap it will 30x from here

>> No.50163874

They had enough to fulfill one or maybe a few request (2 Link lmao), but Kenshi wanted a subscription for long-term deliveries.
They should've funded for that at the beginning.

It's like subscribing to a year's worth of daily newspapers, but only paying for the first two days even though that's not an option.

>> No.50163964

Nice try Zach

>> No.50163971

Imagine being retarded enough to back a team who thinks the most effective form of marketing is to explain why their competition is inferior rather than promote why their product is superior

>> No.50163999

Nice dubs. This shit looks based as fuck and its at such a low marketcap. What gives?

>> No.50164005

winning is winning. they literally called out chainlink with facts and chainlinks twink cheerleader couldnt dispel the fud. id have my finger on the sell button if i were you.

>> No.50164010


Stop bullying Link please. Its not funny, its not cool.

>> No.50164012

Imagine being teabagged by a team of literal who

>> No.50164024

Wow nice trips. Does KEK will me to buy a sui stack?

Seethe and dilate link baggy

>> No.50164027

2M cap shitcoin with 6 digits volume. Is this some kind of joke?

>> No.50164093

why is a twitter thread being spammed here with four or five threads of its own? its desperate.

>> No.50164100

Humble beginning for the next oracle project in the space.

>> No.50164119

Damn /biz/ bro nice digits. We're all gonna make it

>> No.50164133

80% sell tax.

>> No.50164178
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They wanted 3000 random numbers, but only had 2 Link in funding lmao

>> No.50164184
File: 775 KB, 1170x778, E416BD51-0DD7-4267-B21D-205908724618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

700k weekly dumps in bullrun

>> No.50164192

Which is less than like half the top 20 dumped around the same time.

>> No.50164222

OP eternally BTFO.
Watch as he now gets a paid jannie to delete this thread and make a new one

>> No.50164239

amazing how much shite you post after you sell your $10 stack
get a job

>> No.50164278

seems pretty based, taxcuck

>> No.50164413

Not a fucking excuse.
Also, its not 80% tax on sell.
Its 50% on first day if you sell, but it gradually goes to 5% ( 2.5% holders, 2.5% tresury)

>> No.50164423

>Not a fucking excuse.
Except of course it is.
Some of the absolute biggest gainers in all of crypto for that time period dumped WAY more than Sergey, like Solana.
It's a direct rebuttal.

>> No.50164551

Bruv just stop shilling in biz. I'm an early investor of Kenshi (definitely earlier than you, whoever you are). The team already asked the people in tg to stop this nonsense attack-type shilling. This has no point and we don't want the people in here investing in Kenshi. Just stop.

>> No.50164567

We didn’t see anything out of it, no statement, not a word for holders, but of course Sergey closed group can Short link into oblivion, and we just Take the dumps, shorts and hope for the best.
This behaviour is fucking outrageous
and before you tell me that we’re not Entitled to know anything, why are we entitled to Take the dumps, me , you or the retail without explanation for the “greater good”? Im a linkie as well, but im kinda feed up having the back of this fat fuck which only sabotaged the retail.
We just parle friendly so don’t take any offense in my tone Im using.

>> No.50164618
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>We didn’t see anything out of it

>> No.50164661

>We didn’t see anything out of it
Lol yeah unlike Solana holders who saw numerous systemic chain failures.

>> No.50164728

To be fair, Solana is offering many new technologies the likes of which we haven't seen before in other blockchains (just give the whitepaper a read. It's really a gem to an engineer like me.)

The same technological advantages that give us very low costs in Solana, make it lucrative for NFT spam bots. The failures you mention have all been because of these attacks from bots (The last one I remember was because there were 4 million tx requests in 1 second! Any chain would break at this rate!)

>> No.50164894
File: 361 KB, 2388x1076, CB3D090B-50A3-4EE3-B687-54527119A9D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how the Swiss government will feel about this

>> No.50164903

Same way the American gov will feel when you get reported for terrorism

>> No.50164934
File: 123 KB, 2388x562, AB46289F-FDE8-4A78-AF4E-5CC7A814AA76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not american

>> No.50165002

Linkies being scared enough of Kenshi to snitch to the government seems bullish frfr no cap

>> No.50165015

still 90% down and going lower LOL there is not a way to validate those numbers because if it was true the price would reflect the supposed value just like how btc is worth more than gold because it is more valuable RETARD

>> No.50165017

Infographics that explain were the 700k dumps Per month you have?

>> No.50165024

Per week go*

>> No.50165191

More like annoyed with the jeet shilling, jeet logo, jeet tokenomics, and jeet team pretending to be swiss

>> No.50165202

talking like Yoda why are you, jeet?
oh, thanks, that fixed everything

>> No.50165257
File: 430 KB, 1170x1182, 93CF7B24-2888-4193-B0F1-8BAB9DBEE0A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck. My point still stands newfag
You re not refuting what i said, like all the replies above because you can’t.

>> No.50165284

kek this kenshi thing is probably a shitcoin but holy shit what an abolute washed up faggot little girl bagholder CLG is delete the fucking account imagine holding chainlink for the past 3 years and not only not committing suicide but actually making it a part of your public identity

>> No.50165324

Brutal. I dont think he will recover from this. OP is hammering his reputation with these daily threads and its clearly getting to his little gay circle. It will be really funny to see if it spreads to twitter and he tries to defend himself

>> No.50165326
File: 285 KB, 876x1706, amazon stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it was true the price would reflect the supposed value
lel that's not how speculation works.
Pic very related.