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File: 223 KB, 747x1004, F1C23D40-4318-470F-9FFB-ACF9E5176963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50148998 No.50148998 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from this ?

>> No.50149907

Imagine having a presence on social media

>> No.50149930

>no social media presence
>here's your score anon: 0 (zero)

>> No.50149950

>What do you mean you have NO social media?

Humanity was a mistake

>> No.50149978

New York is now officially worse than new Jersey

>> No.50149985

>make fb account
>post good morning ser/live laugh love/not all those who wander are lost pics once a week for 3 years
>here's my social media history officer
>haha yeah i only use facebook i'm too old for those instagram things

>> No.50149989

more like imagine living in NY

>> No.50150541
File: 238 KB, 450x498, Built for BBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my social media history on facebook is 1 post in 4 years since I registered. I don't use twitter or other shit. Is that enough for a permit?

>> No.50150582
File: 435 KB, 498x514, 158652399_887979078412333_6307433303758163713_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more like imagine living in NY
It's full of 60 IQ violent niggers with 10-20 arrests on average. It's like hell on steroids.

>> No.50150605

schizos are always right

>> No.50150631

Bullshit rule will also be shut down by the supreme court, you cannot mandate that someone uses the internet/technology to exercise their second amendment rights. If I'm Amish I'm suddenly not allowed to have a concealed carry? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.50150686

they’re right though. the authorities should be able to vet peoples social media history to make sure they arent nutjobs. if someone doesnt have any social media they are nutjobs by default

>> No.50150877

Reminder that 4chan is social media

>> No.50150913


>> No.50151069

Liberals are such children it's unreal.
>you ruled against me!?
>I'll show how unhinged I can get in response no matter how detrimental it is to myself

>> No.50151105

I already have weapons, cope and seethe. The founding fathers codified second amendment so that citizens could kill the government niggers when the time comes.

>> No.50151124

They need to die.

>> No.50151178

So uh won't the NY Supreme Court rule this unconstitutional as well?

>> No.50151301

Imagine believing anything on social media.

>> No.50151305

We need a big rise in sea levels to wipe out Jew York.

>> No.50151313

No, they need containment and good parenting.

>> No.50151327

Just don't get the concealed carry permit.

>> No.50151365

Independent social media salesmen.

>> No.50151456

4chan may technically be social media but it is not social media for all intents and purposes.
4chan is a memefactory and containment/monitoring site.

>> No.50151460

>if someone doesnt have any social media they are nutjobs by default
Other way around faggot, if you’re content with your life you shouldn’t feel the need to post about it online for thumbs and hearts and whatever girly bullshit. Businesses have accounts to advertise and I think that’s a legitimate use, but for individuals it’s fugazi.

>> No.50151501

>4chan is a memefactory and containment/monitoring site.
So it's social media?

>> No.50151521

Idiotic, like saying all online communication is social media. Social media has specific defining characteristics that exclude 4chan.

>> No.50151544
File: 115 KB, 1116x1011, 1518243679052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no insta, no snap... sarge, this guy's a ghost. no way we can let this glock purchase go through

>> No.50151553

Who determines what is improper content? Are allowed to be republican? Trump supporter? Post boomer memes? Spicy and edgy memes?

>> No.50151570

>he doesn't have a normie social media profile to blend in
Oh no. Start now.

>> No.50151571

Oh nooo, now I can't keep 3d printing guns.
Oh wait, I don't care.

>> No.50151572
File: 12 KB, 320x245, missouri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Missourian
>constitutional carry, zero bullshit
>have 2nd amendment preservation act HB 85 https://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills211/sumpdf/HB0085T.pdf
fuck glowniggers. fuck jew york.

>> No.50151589

Sounds great except you live in Missouri

>> No.50151601

they have no intention of processing applications in a timely manner -- this is their strategy to circumvent the latest supreme court ruling. it doesn't matter what the criteria are.

>> No.50151672

This cunt knows full well it's unconstitutional but she also knows it'll be a long time before it gets struck down and in her mind hopefully the court will have changed to where it won't get struck down.

Not that there's good politicians anywhere in this country but shit like this is why I left NY and am never going back for the rest of my life.

>> No.50151697


What’s so great about living in Jew York schlomo?

>> No.50151714
File: 752 KB, 422x392, CLANKCLANKCLANK yuuri chito.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay away from stl and kc and you're comfy.

>> No.50151748

Are you seriously pretending only democrats do this?

>> No.50151752

Read the decision. Only Thomas and Alito are rock solid. Any two of Roberts, Amy, Frat Boy and Gorshit could flip on the next 2a case.

>> No.50151783

>Not that there's good politicians anywhere in this country

Read again retard nigger.

>> No.50151788

Yes. I am.
It's the particular way they rebel. Hillbillies and the like will rebel by doing what the fuck they want and if it gives them a coronary so be it.
Liberals "rebel" by shackling themselves and doing to themselves more than was already being done to them.

>> No.50151791

Unironically based. The worst thing about social media is the nyc faggots that can’t contain their faggotry. Maybe this will reign them in

>> No.50151819

To be more illustrative.
Liberals and Democrats rebel by wearing the mask even when they don't have to anymore.

>> No.50151829

I can't believe 4chan is pro-nigger now

>> No.50151836

Buy up all guns and ammo now for exponential black market gains.

>> No.50151842

>I will call this black man racial slurs because he's not doing what I want him to do
Exactly the kind of behavior I expect from American Democrats.

>> No.50151888
File: 494 KB, 1447x2046, ahem nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50151891

>I don’t call niggers niggers
Exactly the kind of behavior I expect from American Ledditors. Kill yourself kike.

>> No.50152007

Yes, I am pro-Biden and I hate niggers. What are you going to do about it, MIGAturd?

>> No.50152034

Always has been.
It’s never the better person/thing seething about the worst person. All the seething about NJ is cope from inferior NYers.

>> No.50152042

offer a hit on the ny governor's stupid head for lots of $

>> No.50152094

>not understanding the difference between blacks and niggers

>> No.50152101

You don’t have to comply with unconstitutional laws, literally just conceal carry if you so wish wherever you are. And if someone tries to arrest you for exercising your rights, well, that’s exactly what the 2nd is there for.

>> No.50152120

American politics is so childish I swear.

>> No.50152133

How about just not being a psychopath and not caring a gun? Ever think about that, dumb Yanks.

>> No.50152152

You know who else can create 3 years of social media history? Glowies.

One of the reasons glowies sleep with FAGMAN is so that can fake social media histories which they use as a pretext for creating legitimate harmless normie expat status while working in other countries to spy on them.

>> No.50152169
File: 256 KB, 480x1066, 1621898135683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be more civil if republicans stopped existing. They're all pro-Israel cucks and reddit rapefugees that need to be bullied relentlessly until this site is pure

>> No.50152181

>thinking there is a difference
You’re a kike or cuck

>> No.50152208

Democrats have been the jewish party since the 50’s. Both parties need to be vaporized. Don’t be such a fucking retard. Anyone from any party that supports Israel or any kike needs to be hanged.

>> No.50152233

We are all very impressed by your edge.

>> No.50152240

>can't understand the connection and separation between groups and individuals
Exceptions exist in everything and denying them is simply closing your eyes to reality.

>> No.50152241

>Implying the two parties aren't different shades of shit
Divide and conquer.

>> No.50152349

>1 nigger doesn’t act like the other niggers so you can’t call him nigger
How fucking new are you lmao

>> No.50152357

>How to profit from this ?
Sell aged Social Media Accounts.

>> No.50152399

Warosu screenshots to get a CCL? Get out of here.

>> No.50152441

Daily reminder that NY is more than just NYC.

Upstate secession now.

Fuck the unelected governor and the tranny mulatto city faggots