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File: 346 KB, 1434x955, 1434_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy82ZWMyMWYwYWJhY2IwMTdlYWJiNGY5MTI2MzA4N2JlYS5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50146238 No.50146238 [Reply] [Original]

1.) I get a bitcoin wallet. That's a piece of software I just download and install on my PC.
2.) I go to a bitcoin "money mashine", put cash into the machine, enter the adress of my wallet and the bitcoin gets send there.
3.) Now I can send my bitcoins to any person (or company) in the world that has a wallet.

Just to clarify: I've never handled crypto before and know next to nothing about it. But now... uhm... life circumstances have made it necessary for me to make a payment which shouldn't go through my bank and which i don't want associated with my real name. Is what I mentioned above a proper way to do it? Or are there better, not too complicated ways? My focus is on privacy. Thx

P.S: I don't mean to do anything illegal. But privacy is paramount here.

>> No.50146270
File: 119 KB, 337x458, E32BF4C4-3817-4828-874D-D71E2F83AD23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re getting into the cryptography space with the framework of it being remotely related to criminal activity you don’t NEED it.

>> No.50146278

Why the hell is the filename a link to the image?

>> No.50146304

I'm sorry, what?

No idea. Computers, haha.

>> No.50146341

use monero, bitcoin is traceable and bitcoin atms are under cameras + youre buying at a premium for no real reason, its also limited to like 1k

>> No.50146369

>1.) I get a bitcoin wallet. That's a piece of software I just download and install on my PC.
>2.) I go to a bitcoin "money mashine", put cash into the machine, enter the adress of my wallet and the bitcoin gets send there.
>3.) Now I can send my bitcoins to any person (or company) in the world that has a wallet.

you need to use a bitcoin mixer as well before sending it anywhere, a friend told me

>> No.50146378

if someone really wanted to, they could trace your purchase to the atm and figure out you bought the dragon dildo or whatever. not random ordinary people though. your credit card and identity information wouldn't be on-chain, the atm and credit card company would just have a record of your btc purchase

>> No.50146402

lol, lmao even.
BTC is a giant open source ledger and OP needs it for 'something private'.

>> No.50146442

yeah but normgroids wouldn't be able to trace it back. only a dedicated snoop would figure it out, unless the purchase itself involves giving his identity information to the vendor

>> No.50146461

The company only accepts BTC afaik, so I guess I'm stuck with it.

That's a helpful response, thanks.

>if someone really wanted to, they could trace your purchase to the atm
I'm not sure I should care about that? The ATM doesn't know my name after all?

>> No.50146479

Also what do you mean by "premium"? Is Bitcoin at an ATM more expensive then at an exchange?

>> No.50146512

Yes by a lot

>> No.50146570

there's technically only 1 bitcoin in existence, it's just subdivided into smaller units or pieces. whenever a "piece" gets broken off and moved around, the line of succession gets tracked as it gets further subdivided. this means that the exact piece of bitcoin you use to buy a dragon dildo can be traced back to the atm where you bought it and the exact time at which you bought it, which would make identifying you a trivial task if someone tried hard enough. if it's really just dragon dildos you're buying then no one will care except for your personal glowfriend who will want to blackmail you about it later

>> No.50146580

Based and glow nigger pilled

>> No.50146601

Honestly might be better to buy a prepaid card with cash somewhere, then use that to buy btc from some wallet software.

>> No.50147443

this. whatever op does it has to have cash involved to break the connection between you and the bitcoin purchase. there is no other way.