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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 135 KB, 1066x575, rbhousedown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50144972 No.50144972 [Reply] [Original]

>just baghold a house for decades bro

>> No.50145020

This isn’t a bearish chart
You zoomers expect 2010 bitcoin gains on every investment or it’s bussin or whatever stupid shit you use now
Buying a house lets you save on rent and control your living situation
It’s not just about price increase
I don’t even own a home and I think you’re retarded

>> No.50145835

t. Bagholder

>> No.50145850

yes yes
nothing is ever bearish when it comes to houses cuz reasons
can't wait till they dump 80% from here
homies deserve it and then some

>> No.50145867
File: 39 KB, 709x765, Shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese Zoomers born into their grandads 100 year mortage bagging until 20XX

>> No.50145936

>real prices
As in adjusted for inflation? I don't believe this chart

>> No.50145975

In Ireland housing has recovered to 2008 levels in € value, so it beat holding cash which is all most people care about. "Real value" is just there to make the chart look as bearish as possible. Do they print stories about the stock market in "real value"? No.

>> No.50145987

House is not an investment, people who look at them as such deserve those downturns.
People who bought a house to live in probably couldn't care less if it took them 10-15 years for it to reach a previous high because they never looked at it that way.
Cheap real estate is good, but I extremely doubt it took such a long time for them to recover since most of those countries have had a constant influx of migrants.

>> No.50146116

Kek id

>> No.50146194

>shelter is bagholding

>> No.50146251

>Buying at a peak means you'll have to hold for a long time to see a profit

No shit, Sherlock

>> No.50147368

you're right but no one thinks like this, all housenegros ever talk about is how much their house is worth, how doing x is going to increase the value of their house, etc etc it really is actually sad that at a certain age its literally all americans talk about muh house muh house

>> No.50147472

how is japan so cucked? i was reading about how there's tonnes of abandoned farms and shit

>> No.50147499

Their fertility rate is 1.3. Japan is a dying county