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50142324 No.50142324 [Reply] [Original]

you DID long President Donal Trump, right anon?

>> No.50142355

is that saying he has a 40% chance to win..?

>> No.50142386

>Those scamwicks

>> No.50142395
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>> No.50142424

trump won 2020 but these kikes rugged our money

>> No.50142429 [DELETED] 

What's changed with Dominion voting machines or in general really? Why would the "Democrats" allow him or win, or fail to steal it again?

>> No.50142436

he's not even going to win the GOP nomination, let alone the presidency

>> No.50143268

probably this, /pol/acks have no clue he wasn't even a good candidate in 06.
it's that hilary was a shit candidate

she was so shit that the public was into electing a woman and she still didn't make it.

trump who absolutely destroyed by any democrat who isn't horrifically a bad choice.

>> No.50144679

Trump lost 2020. Get over it.
He might win 2024 since Biden sucks and even the at least he's not trump crowd hates him now and there's still no sign of a Biden replacement so Trump will probably win 2024.

>> No.50144692

>ID: Go kek
well fuck guess that's 4 more years of trumptards.

>> No.50144695

everyone knows 2020 was rigged af

>> No.50144725
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>/pol/acks have no clue he wasn't even a good candidate
>it's that hilary was a shit candidate
>trump who absolutely destroyed by any democrat
In 2020 Trump received more votes than Obama, more votes than any sitting president, more votes than Hillary, etc.

>He might win
Oh because somehow the vote printers will malfunction in 2024 right?
The writing is on the wall. Either vote democrat or be targeted.

>> No.50144729

No I longed DeSantis instead

>> No.50144763

>muh people who dont want covid were sending by mail and the mail votes counted last all at once as they were legally supposed to do wow they definitely just magically pressed an add more votes button this was rigged
only the dumbest of the dumb thought that made sense
he lost in 2020, get over it.

Trump lost in 2020. Get over it.
Are you too dumb to get that there were more votes in totality because a massively increased difference between left and right and rage between both sides?
No shit he got a lot of votes, it was the most rage filled election of all time. People have never felt it was as important to vote before as that day, both sides felt this and voted more. Use your brain retard

>> No.50144790


>> No.50144808

>more votes than Hillary
she literally got more votes than the narcissistic fuck and she was a terrible candidate

>> No.50144816

shut up faggot it was obviously fraud

>> No.50144837

they've chosen DeSantis as the official fake do-nothing conservative. If Trump tries to kick-up a fuss about it, they'll bog him down with legal action for Jan 6

>> No.50144843
File: 99 KB, 1124x1536, uncle joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biden took showers with his daughter and touched her and got away with it, if you tried that you'd be killed in prison and you're seething
cope pedo lmfao

>> No.50144870

nah it was definitely rigged

>> No.50144878

Bot spotted

>> No.50144879

> rigged
> he literally got fewer votes in 06
the US electoral system is rigged

>> No.50144884
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>> No.50144904

> it's illegal to wash the shit off your own children bro
you are literally a degenerate

>> No.50144920

This is retarded, not because Trump couldn't win but because DeSantis has already been chosen to be the next Republican candidate. Short of some kind of extreme unironic illuminati x mason crossover tier shit happening I sincerely doubt he'd accept being VP, and I doubt this bet would pay out in the inverse situation where Trump is VP to DeSantis. This is an asinine play for anything other than pure speculation.

>> No.50144926

>a election so True, questioning it is verboten
yeah I totally believe your gaslighting. do they pay per posts or per time?

>> No.50144939

trump is a godsent to the democratic party, he's not being elected in a million years after he was exposed for 4 years that he's a brainlet narcissistic little bitch. clinton was one of the worst candidates in history and she still got more votes than he did.

>> No.50144948
File: 46 KB, 742x484, 1642353604042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are literally a degenerate
>will NEVER breed but wishes he had a son to molest
t.biden nonce

>> No.50144974

so you and your wife are going to hire someone to wash the shit off your own children, in case some degenerate /pol/ack calls you a perv?
how do you know the nurses you'll hire aren't pervs?

>> No.50144987

seething pedo kek.

>> No.50144988

Democrats don't have a single good candidate, it's all geriatric farts like Biden, Warren and Pelosi or loonies like AOC.
If Trump wins the primaries it will be chaos because the deep state and MSM will panic because he's obviously coming for payback. They would rather have Desantis who is Trump lite.

I thought the US would never see a republican president again in my lifetime but it's almost surreal how bad Biden is.

>> No.50144993
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>6 thousand years and we literally can't stop gang molesting our inbred progeny and giving them herpes
>biden is based like us

>> No.50145016 [DELETED] 

democrats were retards not because they didn't have candidates, but because they were too scared to pick non-conservative choices (conservative within their own clique).

now they know what it can cost and they won't do the same mistake; they started with the mild choice of "silly joe" as a start; next time they might go to a 40 year old hot woman.

>> No.50145034

democrats were retards not because they didn't have candidates, but because they were too scared to pick non-conservative choices (conservative within their own clique).
now they know what it can cost and they won't do the same mistake; they started with the mild choice of "silly joe" as a start; next time they might go to a hot 35 year old woman.

>> No.50145057

>Trusting MSM narratives about any US President or candidate
Brainlet midwit take. Anyone running for President is so fully compromised they're untrustable to anyone that isn't their direct handlers, and even then it's a shitshow. Anyone, regardless what color tie they wear.

>> No.50145067

you're stupid, I have experience in psychotherapy of narcissistic little bitches, trump is one.

>> No.50145079
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>I have experience with pedos
>I am one

>> No.50145080
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>you're stupid, I have experience in psychotherapy of narcissistic little bitches, trump is one.

>> No.50145139
File: 29 KB, 720x400, YourMovie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, retard, I don't like the guy. I don't like any President or candidate we've had in more than half a century. You're still a complete moron if you trust the MSM narrative of any candidate or President regardless what your beliefs are.

>> No.50145152

It's not my narrative you stupid fuck, I have personally diagnosed him, he's a stupid narcissistic little bitch.