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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50138059 No.50138059 [Reply] [Original]

Everything that's happened in recent years is due to peak cheap oil.
Is this false?

>> No.50138116

Our civilization is living on borrowed time in its current state. Peak oil has arguably happened (definitely if you take shale out of the equation). Unless we switch to nuclear (with the long-term plan of going to true renewables like solar) and fast, we are screwed.

>> No.50138140

It's a pol cope but you will believe it the low IQ retard you are

>> No.50138172

>/pol/ cope
>/pol/ cope
>/pol/ cope
great reset
>/pol/ cope
what isn't a "/pol/ cope" to you faggots? let me guess, civilization is healthier than ever and everything is great and getting better, you're just a racist incel if you perceive otherwise

>> No.50138201

cope chud

>> No.50138388


Debt back fiat is the reason for everything that's happened in recent years. Peak oil is just the catalyst for what was already projected to happen

>> No.50138401

>civilization is healthier than ever and everything is great and getting better, you're just a racist incel if you perceive otherwise

>> No.50138413

go back

>> No.50138425

Peak oil surfaces during every recession, 2008, 2000 in recent memory. Why?

>> No.50138491
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>10.000% background extinction rate
>...civilization is healthier than ever...
kys uneducated faggot

>> No.50138543

unironically nazi cope
even hippies complain about this, it's not /pol/
>great reset
absolute autism (the elite doesn't need a reset they are already fucking you in the ass)

Anything else?

>> No.50138577

>what isn't a "/pol/ cope" to you faggots?
Based Chad calling them out.

>> No.50138602

The Great Reset is the ultimate psyop in that it gets the goyim to fear change and cling to the way things are now which is exactly what they want

>> No.50138614

re-read my post and the post I'm responding to

>> No.50138681

stock market seems pretty reset if you ask me
not time for housing and the debt market

>> No.50138689


>> No.50138716

The Earth has about 20 more years of nuclear fuel at current consumption.

>> No.50138794

Don't click that shit anons

>> No.50138868

13 years. If we went 100% nuclear for all our non-transportation energy needs, we would run out of Uranium in 13 years.

>> No.50138938

I don't even know where to start with all the things that are going wrong. Somehow the west became disconnected from reality, and is now on a collision course with the consequences of our delusions. In all aspects of life. Everyone is physically unhealthy, everyone is taking drugs for mental health or going to a shrink, nobody knows how to do anything of value and nobody has any real skills. If you bring up a problem in society the general consensus as to its cause and cure are almost always delusional and out of touch with reality. We're coasting on the successes of older and more vicious generations, but thats all coming to an end. America is able to get away with not making anything because we sell dollars and financial products to other countries in exchange for real products we need. And we are able to do that because we have nukes and aircraft carriers. What happens when those are no longer sufficient threat to force the world to pay us tribute? What happens when they stop sending us food and clothes and medicine and building materials? It will take decades to retrain this useless population of eaters and coomers into a workforce comparable to what we had in the 70s and 80s. And it will be hard work with little reward. Whats going to happen when americans see their quality of life reduced to that level? How many americans can actually face reality and change instead of doubling down on their delusions? We're heading into an age of cults, madness, and strife.

>> No.50139121

I won't, thanks for the warning.

>> No.50139560

Look into thorium nuclear power. Way more efficient energy produced/mass of fuel consumed ratio, way more of it available globally.

>> No.50139573
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>> No.50139604

>It bubbles up from the earth that means it's infinite
>What do you mean production is objectively down globally, I found a Soviet scientist that says it comes from the mantle that means it's infinite