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50136701 No.50136701 [Reply] [Original]

how do you find real love biz, a girl to love you for what you are not someone to mold you into something new.

im tired bros, i just want a family to love me

>> No.50137014

Nah man thats a mistake. You DO want a partner that motivates you into being the best version of yourself, even "molding" you if they know better how you can best provide for your future family. If youre demanding complacency its no wonder youre having trouble.

>> No.50137029
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Lonely bros... it's over.

>> No.50137119

You need to go to the gym every day because the most important thing in life is attaining muscularity. If you want true love then you need big biceps because when you have the big biceps the women will talk to you because of the biceps and that is true love. If women never talked to you and then you got big biceps and now they talk to you that means they truly love you for who you are because who you are is big biceps

>> No.50137136

Deep down you already know what to do

>> No.50137201
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pajeet advice

>> No.50137332

Ive got one but shes extremely clingy and obsessed with me. It sounds like a good thing and it is sometimes but it can be very draining OP. Sometimes a lonely life is better

>> No.50137357

if you were in real love you’d want to strive to be the best version of yourself

what you want is someone attractive to be in love with the lazy complacent version of you now which is pathetic and never going to happen

>> No.50137380

this would make sense if men were allowed to do that same to women. no anon, women are not always right and you're a fucking simp.

>> No.50137439

Build yourself into someone who you want to wake up with every morning. It takes a while and ignore women for now. When you start getting there you will look around and there will be a lot of half decent women giving you signals. Avoid the obvious hoes when you get there, pay attention to the subtlety. I have a wife who I love who is way beyond model material and family orientated who is a well respected scientist. And I’m 5,9 and in my 40s

>> No.50137479
File: 215 KB, 675x390, 196244F5-C609-47B6-BDDB-9D7302D1CE61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be a chad bro, how are your programming skills.

>> No.50137528

Hilarious how programming skills became chad…