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50129101 No.50129101 [Reply] [Original]

Biden will ban farming to stop climate change next! I hope you guys are stocking up. It's literally over.
>THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The Dutch government unveiled goals Friday to drastically reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides to protect the environment, a plan that would lead to major upheavals in the Netherlands' multibillion dollar agriculture industry.

>The Netherlands is the 2nd largest food exporter in the world
>Dutch agriculture is a major player globally and is currently the biggest exporter of agricultural goods after the United States.


>> No.50129110
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How will you survive the biggest human holocaust is history?


>> No.50129176


>> No.50129178

>The Netherlands is the 2nd largest food exporter in the world

What the fuck? Literal fucking NETHERLANDS? That tinyass dot left of Germany? This cannot possibly be real.

>> No.50129186

Whats the matter chuds? Dont like the taste of bugs? We told you...YOU WILL EAT ZE BUGS

>> No.50129188

>He doesn't know the eurozone bows down to the Chad dutch tomato farmer that grows immense mutant tomatoes in a swamp

>> No.50129198

They have a big port - Rotterdam. So anything exported from the EU from there is counted as a Dutch export. Its called the "Rotterdam effect" and creates strange statistical anomalies.

>> No.50129226

Farmers in the EU are money leeches. No sympathy at all.

>> No.50129237

nitrogen emissions? get real, the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen

>> No.50129247

How come I don’t hear about this on the regular news?

>> No.50129258

Oh nooo pouring dookie on the building that will show them. Those politicians will just get the jannies to clean it up.

>> No.50129259

I thought that eating bugs shit was just a meme wtf bros

>> No.50129260
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>>The Netherlands is the 2nd largest food exporter in the world

>> No.50129265
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I wonder where this could be going.

>> No.50129272

why would the regular news tell you about this ?
it doesnt serve the regular news narrative

>> No.50129278

I think their talking about Nitrous Oxides, not N2.
But yeah it’s still a hoax

>> No.50129294

>>The Netherlands is the 2nd largest food exporter in the world
That's cant possibly be true. Certainly not if talking about food we produce ourselves.

>> No.50129304

why are countries responsible for like 0.1% of the emissions so obsessed with reducing them, to the point of ruining the lives of their own citizens?

something conceptually similar happened where i live

>> No.50129312

Read my post. Its the Rotterdam effect. Anything exported from Rotterdam (ie. all of the EUs exports) count as Dutch exports for some stupid reason

>> No.50129313
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believe it or not it is
Netherlands has a shitton of modern greenhouses, everything is automated there, and a lot of fertile lands

>> No.50129317
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>> No.50129328
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Dutch farmers are terrorists.thier assist will be consfescated

>> No.50129329

Dutch government might be the most globohomo infested one of all.

>> No.50129330

Fuck off nothing is happening.
Make another thread when they actually start dragging the bodies of politicians through the street.

>> No.50129334

because gays and stuff

>> No.50129342
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The Dutch government wants to build a 30 million people globohomo mega city on farmland, that's their climate concern

>> No.50129347

Because the EU is only a puppet to its masters.

>> No.50129349

i can't believe they produce more than say france, which has a huge agri sector. it's this >>50129198 and op is lazy journalism.

>> No.50129352
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In our lifetime we will see Europe go from the 1st world to the 3rd world

>> No.50129353

did the dutch government really say that
why are globohomo puppets so retarded with their messaging? it's like Biden saying he was going to put all the coal miners out of business

>> No.50129355
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>the dutch

>> No.50129382

They are mostly trying to destroy farming for small scale farmers. Most big farms (for example potato farmers that sell directly to Lay's or McDonalds) are unaffected by these problems.
People that chose to be farmers because that's what they want to do with their lives are now being forced to change their life because of these fairytale emission rules. Making changes (for example converting their lands to a solar farm) is very capital intensive and your average farmer just can't afford that. So they either quit their job and sell their farm to a big farm or they get loan-baited and then their land is owned by the bank. It's very much a medieval system at that point.
These people are rightfully complaining that their livelihood is questioned because of what politicians are deciding based on New World Order thinking.

>> No.50129408

that's clearly the UK and that vid is years old

>> No.50129416
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Love these energons.

>> No.50129426

It's just livestock retards, the Dutch that just make more prime ministers to feed their population

>> No.50129436

Because it's a meme.
Even state television admits that we don't even have enough land to feed our own citizens. Yet our lefties and politicians will say that 75% of all the food we produce gets exported so basically we can cut down 75% of all farming.

These people are suicidal. Holodomor 2.0.

>> No.50129495

As long as that globohomo city is still overrun by legal prostitutes I allow it

>> No.50129568

>This cannot possibly be real.
It is counted retardedly. They are an import-export hub and they also process agricultural products so they can claim they are the ones exporting it.
For example their total grain production is 1.55 million tonnes, while Hungary's is 14 million tonnes, a country with 10M ppl.
Also the export is not by volume, but value, so their high value shit like flowers, dairy, meat, eggs, veggies & fruit skew the perception compared to grain exporting countrys. Also if for example a fruit is picked in Vietnam, bulk shipped to Rotterdam, canned and exported it counts as Dutch food export.

meme maths, but they do have a pretty neat AG industry going

>> No.50129645

The EU is a sacrificial lamb in this whole climate apocalypse cult. Meanwhile India and China build a new coal plant everyday or some shit, it's one big joke.

>> No.50129723

If you're gonna be autistic then atleast be correct. Thats clearly a UK police car

>> No.50129851

dutch east india company still doing shit as usual

>> No.50129859

Or they learn to farm using methods and materials that produce fewer nitrous oxides and the dystopian hellscape future that you jerk off about never actually arrives.

>> No.50129950

>52% of farmland already owned by """3.3%"""
>dystopian hellscape future that you jerk off about never actually arrives

>> No.50130013

Good thing Im already used to eating bugs. AHAHAHAHA too bad round eye YOU VILL EAT ZE BUGS

>> No.50130033

Farmers are based everytime they protest and in any country, farmers are our last bastion against globohomo

>> No.50130047

Only the government can grow food- and cut it off if you turn out to harbour illegal, right wing views!

>> No.50130056
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I could think of a pretty straightforward solution for the farmers. A little organizing around a strong leader or group and I bet the government would back off.
Oh yeah, and if they don't, you shoot the cops, politicians, and their families.

>> No.50130066

By continuing to farm..? Do you really think the army will intervene in planting grains and vegetables? Without force or the majority of the force law is just a bunch of words on paper

>> No.50130075

Hmm, I wonder why top billionaires just mega bought ton of farmland?

>> No.50130104

Followed your link and it had nothing to say about "3.3%," whatever that is a percentage of, but it did indicate that more than 2/3rds of farms in the EU were smaller than 5 hectares, so it looks like the little guy is still dominating after all.

>> No.50130218

>demonizes russia for blocking ukrainian wheat and food exports thus causing “worldwide famine”
>blocks russias wheat and foods exports and blames them for “worldwide famine”
>sorry goy we are also banning local farming because think of the environment goy

>> No.50130253

Shoot them anyway.

>> No.50130309

the purpose of the EU is to physically destroy the peoples of Europe, and it is acting exactly as the Nazis predicted it would when they warned us about the EU's founders back in the 1930's.

>> No.50130392

>which contribute less then 2% of UAA and livestock

>> No.50130421

>To ban all farming
>All farming

Kill yourself sub 80 IQ kanker idioot

>> No.50130428


>> No.50130514

Thanks anon, I didn't know that.

>> No.50130534

>The Netherlands is the 2nd largest food exporter in the world
Sounds like a bullshit statistic

>> No.50130583
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The NL government needs to build housing for the net 40-60,000 immigrants that stay in the Netherlands each year. A small fucking town of nigs per year.

They don't have the space to build housing, so theyll have to MAKE space. They found a stick to beat with, and beat they will.

>Forcibly buy out farmers over nitric oxide BS and build your desired nig housing.
>have literal plans to visit homes of farmers and confiscate their lands

Europe will starve without Dutch production.

>> No.50130606

I like the way you think.

>> No.50130626

So India supa power by 2025?

>> No.50130765

learn to breathe with fewer CO2 emissions

>> No.50130790

>Do you really think the army will intervene in planting grains and vegetables?
listen up here kiddo, the WEF will use NATO and this will have turkish troops on the streets. You think roaches won't?

You gorilla niggers fail to realize that any government or multi government organization usually does the opposite of what it's labeled to do.

>> No.50130801

US literally bombed a nation to stop it from nationalizing banana plantations, i highly doubt that.

>> No.50130852

I already do. Sportsniggers gonna h8.

>> No.50130863

It's not food, but agri products. This includes agri tech and flowers.

>> No.50130880


>> No.50130912

Fuck rednecks and rural retards.
The best way to get rid of chuds is rural genocide by banning farming

>> No.50130968

Demonic globohomo agents are trying to wipe out Europe and Europeans.

>Bro, we need to cut emissions, so we need to revert back to stone age tech and give up any power we have
>but we also need infinity workers to make gdp line go up, so we need to import all of Africa

Just accept that it's a genocidal ploy, and all the actions of the elite make complete sense.

>> No.50131238

checked and confirm - boeren hegemony

>> No.50131253

Yeah because I'm not a jew

>> No.50131268

If the atmosphere becomes 78.2% nitrogen then we all die. This is why you need to live in a pod, eat the bugs and accept LGBTQIA+ indoctrination of your children.

>> No.50131279

Don't scare the cattle before slaughtering them

>> No.50131341


>> No.50131426

>Farmers are based
subsidized cunts who would disappear in a true free market environment

>> No.50131444

Here in the U.K. the government pays farmers to not grow anything. Not kidding.

>> No.50131482

theyre subsidized because otherwise you will be paying 10$ for a head of lettuce like they did in australia a couple months ago
farming is not a tech company

>> No.50131487

uhm didnt they just try this in sri lanka to increase esg score.. but then the crops failed and everyone is now starving and hunting rich people and politicans in the street? lol

>> No.50131498

i dont know if its the second biggest but i do know for a fact that its among the 5 biggest.. so yeah...

>> No.50131500

What a shit way to go

>> No.50131528


Google: Shmita Year

>> No.50131578
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They should just flood the Netherlands to offset sea level rising for real countries

>> No.50131621

>oi! ave u got a licence to be on fire in the street, m8?

>> No.50131694

no, our farmers wouldn't resist against international competition from poorer countries, we would consume cheaper products coming from elsewhere.
it would render us dependent on those countries and the supply chain though. but in a free market world those cunts would go bankrupt

>> No.50131697


>> No.50131763

Good, fuck farmers.

>> No.50132524
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> Romdiredom! (English & Dutch text):

> Stormvogels (English & Dutch text):

> Wij zijn bereid (English & Dutch text):

> Dietschland ontwaakt (English & Dutch text):

> Mars van het Vlaams Legioen (English & Dutch text):

> Daar ging een Scheepje (English & Dutch text):

> Oostlandlied (English & Dutch text):

> Ja Kameraden (English & Dutch text):

> Landsknechtentrom (English & Dutch text):

> Voorwaarts Stormsoldaat! (English & Dutch text):

>> No.50132864

you think those are not subsidized

>> No.50133156 [DELETED] 
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you vill eat ze bugs

>> No.50133184

>nitrogen emissions
This is a joke right?

>> No.50133210
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>> No.50133320

Everything in this thread is way overstated. Lean hogs and cattle futures will just become slightly more expensive.

>> No.50133352

produce and export are two different things

>> No.50133371


>traded NYC for suriname


>> No.50133484

so, the WEF (or at minimum, some unelected organization like it) is trying to muscle the world's second largest food exporter into winding down its exports, right as oil/gas is becoming cripplingly expensive
it's like they're trying as hard as they can to make people as desperate as possible

these farmers disregarding their shitty politicians might save the world from a catastrophe lol
standing on their fucking ivory towers, using the fucking climate as an excuse to throw everyone even deeper into an economic crisis
when times get hard, control freaks need to be disregarded, and their power recognized as unjust

>> No.50133508


>> No.50134076

say it with me: Great Reset starts with CBDCs