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50127225 No.50127225 [Reply] [Original]


>oil cleanser
>foam cleanser

>> No.50127261

she looks a little old for 18
what is tretinoin supposed to do? qrd?

>> No.50127265
File: 27 KB, 326x261, 1639272332290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he supposed to be old or young. I can't tell. This is not a complement.

>> No.50127270

Ok? Why should I care, faggot?

>> No.50127287
File: 141 KB, 1024x799, FinvsFin-Tetrinoin-Anti-Aging-V2-Compressed-1024x799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50127291

She looks old because of the fat distribution of her face but her collagen levels are artificially high because of tret

>> No.50127303
File: 75 KB, 900x596, Screen Shot 2022-07-03 at 02.30.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the morning if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1,000 now.

>> No.50127314
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>> No.50127537

stopped reading here
go back and never look back

>> No.50127580
File: 111 KB, 1000x800, biore-1-81eca16235c24a87ab1df77853c4b82e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your leather skin faggot

>> No.50127591

definitely need to be more consistent. I'm only doing a face wash, stridex, and moisturizer and usually only every other morning. Skin looks pretty bad compared to how it used to. used to have porcelain white baby skin, now I'm 27 and it's kind of looking splotchy and gross. Not good.

>> No.50127610

all I need is moisturiser cause I have superior genes

>> No.50127618

Just do chemotherapy for your acne bro!
>Wtf why do I have cancer at 45?

>> No.50127628


>> No.50127652

tret long term will fuck up your eyes and tear secretion. chronic dry eye is 10x worse than looking older

>> No.50127660

Tretinoin is chemotherapy originally developed to treat cancer. It is still sometimes used in treatment of leukemia.
>inb4 but I will apply it topically and wikipedia tells me that it's used p.o. for leukemia!!!!
Your body still absorbs a good portion of whatever you apply topically, especially when you do it daily.

>> No.50127667

>Korean women versus women from Florida
Top kek

>> No.50127672

Can I get a qrd on sunscreen?

>> No.50127859

Don't buy American, buy Korean or Jap

>> No.50127870

Good move ;thumbs up;

>> No.50127953

sunscreen is a jewish scam
Aryan people need sun exposure for proper test and vitamin D levels

>> No.50127964
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>> No.50127983

wypipo in Australia get shitloads of skin cancer without sunscreen

>> No.50128005

thats bs my man
they get skin cancer cause of the chems in sunscreen and chinese polluting the waters surrounding aus

>> No.50128013

>What are UV rays

>> No.50128022


>> No.50128047

>Provitamin D (7-dehydrocholesterol, 7-DHC) is converted to previtamin D in the skin by exposure to UVB radiation. The previtamin D is then isomerized by body heat to form vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is then transported by the blood to the liver, where it is converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D).

>> No.50128048

Lather up with your heavy metals synthetic cancer sauce

>> No.50128064

>Unprotected exposure to UVA and UVB damages the DNA in skin cells, producing genetic defects, or mutations, that can lead to skin cancer.
>inb4 muh jews

>> No.50128089

>we didn't evolve to handle sun exposure
OY VEY!!! you need to buy this $20 bottle of toxic chems and metals to protect ya from da sun goy!!!

>> No.50128174

>we didn't evolve to handle lava exposure
Maybe just.... avoid lava?

>> No.50128185

>proceeds to blame Jews
there's plenty of science and research papers, I'd recommend you educate yourself. It's nothing new, sweaty

>> No.50128200

diurnal animals evolved to handle sun exposure

>only humans get skin cancer from the sun!!! you gotta use the goy cream to go outside!!! Trust the studies from Dr. Geinsberg!!!
No. Fuck off.

>> No.50128226

Wow it's almost like YTs are from climates that are usually cloudy and and at a Latitude that gets less direct sunlight!

Do you know what sunburns are faggot?
Probably not because that involves leaving the fucking basement

>> No.50128728

sunburn is actually good for you

>> No.50128905

That's because retinoic acid i.e retinol/vitamin A is a cancer treatment.


>> No.50128922

>yes goyim get skin cancer so shekel stein charges millions to fix you
post nose

>> No.50128959

Jokes on them I inhale benzene fumes at my job all day.

>> No.50128969


This bitch is literally 5 years away from 50

Can you imagine?

>> No.50128982

Shes literally a fucking elf

When she hits 60 people are gonna start craving her treatment for how miraculous it is

>> No.50129042

We evolved on an european continent filled with forests and not much sunlight.
Apart from that if you are very tanned you won't get sunburned, but your skin will age fast and wrinkle.

>> No.50129082

i dont use any skin care products and my skin is super clean.

stop touching your face for no reason
stop squeezing pimples
drink 2-2.5 litre water per day
avoid sugar
avoid processed food
workout regularly so pores get cleaned by sweat
in case you have an inflamed spot on your face, take some of your morning urine and dab with clean paper over it. (2-3 times a week) i got this advice from my grandparents who got this advice from their grandparents (german)
- practice semen retention

do all these things combined and your skin will look clean af. if nothing helps try water/juice fasting for a couple of days

you are welcome frens

>> No.50129097

and ofcourse sun exposure is good too