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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 1834x899, FWibYIBWAAI__8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50112123 No.50112123 [Reply] [Original]

You fools... the bottom is in!

>> No.50112138

yep, the question is what are you going to do with this knowledge.

>> No.50112144

Wrong, this chart does not take into account all the money funneled into NFTs and the upcoming recession.
Your meme lines are invalid.

>> No.50112153


people literally lose their jobs, homes, cant even fucking eat

2 years of money printing and people staying at home due to corona

people still fucking bullish for crypto lmao

we are nowhere near the bottom

and its scaring me, cause I thought a $10k bottom was gonna be low, but seeeing how delusional you fags still are makes me really scared that we are gonna drop way lower than $10k

>> No.50112154

sit back and watch it dump again

>> No.50112158
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>> No.50112160

>bottom in 2015
>there's a lower low a few months after

>> No.50112161

cope bobo we are not in recession

>> No.50112185

double this. im not sure who keeps inventing new ways of coping at the price action with new ways of drawing some circles or w/e. this shit is probably gonna make last bear look like kindergarten.

>> No.50112196
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>BTC nver been into a recession befo-AAAAAAACK

>> No.50112204

yeah im thinking of changing my buy orders from $10k to around $6k based on how fucking delusional some of these people are

I thought $10k was gonna be as low as it could possibly go, but we are not even close to fear, let alone despair

>> No.50112206
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>> No.50112208

Satoshi could come back and market dump his tokens tomorrow right before the CIA announces they've cracked SHA 256 and delusional bagholders on here would construe it as bullish

>> No.50112232

when does at least despair start?

i need board filled with pink wojaks before we are close to the bottom

right now people still bullish, we have at least, AT LEAST, a 50% drop to go which puts us around $10k

but if there is still no despair you can bet your ass we will go to the $3k to $6k range

>> No.50112234 [DELETED] 

ok hows this meme chart called?

>> No.50112249

I am buying everything!

>> No.50112276


If you look at the chart you see it didnt gain enough momentum get a proper bullrun in the second attempt. You answered why that happened. The money got funneled into shitcoins (Elon shilling doge), NFT's and other animal-normie coins. I predicted around 110k, possibly 98k due to mass profit-taking. It stopped at a good meme-checkpoint. 69420. After running from meme checkpoint 42k.

I think this is accurate. Even though sentiment is negative, it stopped free falling to 15k and stabilized at 20k range. It is keeping up well, if it is not the bottom, it is close. It may dump down to 5k, but it would require a very long bleed (years) into obscurity, or a global market downturn. Under any other circumstance, it will hover here for a while.

If you believe Bitcoin will be pumped again at some point, it is a good time to buy.

>> No.50112279

I don't know, this cycle was all kinds of weird and artificial due to covid and leverage niggers pumping and then dumping the market so effectively. I'm just going to keep watching the board volume, eth gas, and crypto twitter volume. I think most of the remaining people are just addicted to this board (me) or genuinely delusional already

>> No.50112283
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go and open a fat short if you think we are going to 3K

>> No.50112291

>implying he's alive

>> No.50112296

your big green buttholes are somehow gayer than the rainbow chart. good job faggot

>> No.50112299

Yeah im addicted too but I still dont feel any fear, let alone despair.

sure theres some pink wojaks when we get a dump, but people are still fucking bullish

I want to see this board die. The end of crypto. Then I might buy

right now theres still too much bullish shit it feels like we got 75% more downside at least

>thanks for playing

nah man i buy spot only cause im not a degenerate retard

>> No.50112326

Yes being bearish is such an unique call right now.

>> No.50112334


No fear here either. The only things that matter regarding BTC to me is this : Do you think it will pump again? If yes, buy more. The bet/gamble is that simple. If I have enough money after the next run to renounce my citizenship and cash out into 0% tax country, im happy with that. Its worth the shot.

>> No.50112335

thx for the macro analysis. i don't buy and hold this shit but this is a good take. if we drop too low then yeah, it will fade for a long time like during dotcom bs only to start pumping radically 10+ years later. game is fuked but i just trade this trash.

>> No.50112346
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welcome to the future, anons.

>> No.50112363

i wont buy any bitcoin above $10k though

>> No.50112373
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Seems like everyone panic sold and is waiting on the sidelines to time the bottom. Yeap I think op is right

>> No.50112396

The same shit majority did when btc was 5k to 3.5k in 2018: wait for 1k price lol.

>> No.50112412

>muh recession
you don't know what you're talking about. stop parroting garbage you see on tv. there's no real catalyst atm like it was in the 1920s, 80s or 2008. Everyone expect things to get real bad, which means it won't.

>> No.50112435

>130 million top in 2029 dude, trust me on this

>> No.50112440

yeah, I remember when btc was 6 - 8k. My friends said they would go all in if it drops to 4k. At the end of the day no one bought even when it dropped to 3k

>> No.50112485

At least the last two bubbles should be smaller.

>> No.50112543
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damn you have pixel accurate vision... well spotted

>> No.50112546

is this what /biz/ bas been reduced to? drawing arbitrary circles on chart to cope.

>> No.50112552

based project can go parabolic contract address : 0xd254dc670ff725753a826a5f29a4001600cce29c
t. me/ realitsmyne

>> No.50112600

why do you ta fags think we can continue to predict btc with these gay charts. S2F was literally invalidated the other day. BTC is purely driven by speculation and now liquidity is gone and we're in a recession. Whos to say this shit doesnt go sub 10k

>> No.50112709

People being bullish on crypto exactly because of the things you mentioned. People literally got rekt for using fiat, the printed and inflated piece of shit that exists just to make richer rich. If anything, crypto should be prospering right now, and truly decentralized projects do, but sadly all eyes are on bitcoin. I don't mind, people who can't do basic research deserve to buy my bags at the top.

>> No.50112718

>Everyone is X, this means we Y!!!!!!

lmao talking about parotting

>> No.50112728

Why is it always assumed that what happened will happen again?

>> No.50112737

tuesday will be a bloodbath for the markets and crypto...in in phoenix, the 4th of July is in 2 days and spics arent even setting off fireworks.... there are usually at least 20 blasts a night throughout May in all previous years

>> No.50112741

yeah bro im losing 11% per annum on inflation, let me put my money in btc and lose 70%!!!

>> No.50112747
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>> No.50112767

if you shitters are so certain we will moon, why aren't you going long to become billionaires? fucking mongoloids

>> No.50112772

I'm always bullish on Japan. Literally cannot go wrong with Japan

>> No.50112784

market cycles are ultimately driven by human psychology and humans never change.

>> No.50112802

Why would you buy btc retard. Any premined coin is a scam.

>> No.50112874

Yeah but some coins die, right? How come we don't study them?
I feel like "everything is the same" is true as long as we suppress everything different.

>> No.50112897


Now try the same graph without the logarithmic scale

>> No.50112899

why not?

>> No.50112901

Some should die but for example check maidsafe. They are the oldest scam and still alive after capitulations and bear markets.

>> No.50112915

>Any premined coin is a scam.
all coins are scams

>> No.50112921
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My point exactly. You'd think there would be some sort of proof for this. Instead, we only have selective memory and what looks like a big case of self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.50112928

aurelionphayon, this guy is a fucking joke and has been posting this meme shit every week since 42k. keep your gay shit on twitter faggot, your shit at TA

>> No.50112966

I would rather try to time the market than give up another dollar of my six figure gains this cycle. I will wait until there's a break from the nonstop fud and macro calamity.

>> No.50112971

What if there was a token that got no admin keys, renounced contract and it's highly deflationary with a small burn on every transaction? Think really hard before answering, there might be something you don't see at first glance.

>> No.50112975

i dont give a fuck about bottom

>> No.50112995

We're literally already in a recession by definition lmao

>> No.50113018

this lol

>> No.50113034

guy who made this chart taught logic classes in my uni
seemed like an absolute schizo, like most logicians, but even moreso because of his military gymbro attitude

>> No.50113040


>> No.50113049

There's no way you circled the run up to ATH as a bear market kek. Huge copium

>> No.50113057

>Having a buy order
Ngmi senpai

>> No.50113364
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shit like this is why we have further down to go, people have hope for a reversal

>> No.50113427
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>> No.50113450

True, but as you can see it's still awhile for the breakout. It's going to be Snibs's market for few months at least, with only scalpers at high leverage making money. I'm just chilling, waiting for some actually gems to pop up within these months, then I'll buy in again

>> No.50113452

>Bear, then Bull!!
>it happened twice so now it's guaranteed to happened forever!

>> No.50113475
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>bro, recession!
>mfw look at unemployment

Our problem is not a recession, just inflation and low wages. Learn the difference.

>> No.50113492

You don't think it's bulliish that the absolute worst case scenario happened that everyone has suspected may happen for years and be priced in? You think we won't recover from major shocks? You just pause the blockchain a bit and move on

>> No.50113501

You "literally" have no idea what you're talking about you drooling fucking retard.

>> No.50113533
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You can count on it

>> No.50113582
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>> No.50113868

Because it supports the conclusion they have a financial interest in being true.

>> No.50113906

the new meme chart dropped?

lit senpai frfr

>> No.50113974

>,, This time it's different"

Niggas shut ur fucking mouths, no matter the big bad news you receive atm, this bear cycle is over and you know it. You are fucking delusional if the worst fucking crypto weeks and RSI is not hinting the bottom. Wait until your bad news barrage will get fucked with 1 that is good and watch how you missed the bottom and the gains you could've made by simply buying now and holding like a good trader that enjoys money. Stay poor and get outpriced when we reach the new ATH. Higher lows is a must for BTC every fucking cycle and this 19k is the bottom.

>> No.50113985

Question is where is the next top

>> No.50113994

Ridiculous graph shows most bull runs in the bear market.

>> No.50114068
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schizo bros lets post ridiculous graphs in this thread

>> No.50114207
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Maybe the most obvious is the most likely

>> No.50114387

Everyone in this thread is a tard.
Lackluster high in the bull phase = milder winter.
The absolute bottom is around 14k.
IF this happens it will coincide with the last interest rate hike that will happen by September.
If they don't raise interest rates anymore THIS is the bottom.
Whatever happens, by September the fed will pivot and return to QE and cutting or stabilizing rates save wall street.
Time your longs and shorts accordingly.

>> No.50114410

>p-please buy my bags
>The bitcoin bottom in these years lasted only for 1 day
>Suddenly no more financial problems worldwide, we will moon now!

>> No.50114431

imagine talking about markets and bottoms in a world without internet, poverty, hunger and nuclear fallout

you have a few years left to enjoy life as we know it

>> No.50114505

thats an artifact in the visualisation of the data series
the actual price made the low during that first dip the second dip was slightly higher
don't always trust these charting tools they round out a lot of data over time you can always check the raw numbers

>> No.50114637

talk about being late to the party, the time to sell on recession/inflation fears was months ago
like the other anon said fed will start brrrrr'ing again soon enough
i mean massive reversal on the 10Y breakout, the market already spoke and now all of a sudden half of /biz/ is filled up with anons screeching recession
i do wonder is /biz/ this dumb or are you all coordinate on a whales shilling discord to make retards sell the bottom

>> No.50114671

>people literally lose their jobs, homes, cant even fucking eat

this is another line i have seen pop up here in the past couple of weeks, out of nowhere and used a lot seems coordinated
or is there really anyone here dumb enough to believe that people that need to worry about paying for food ever are driving the pricing of a speculative asset class with a tril MC

>> No.50114743

We are near the bottom it might hold here but id be thinkjng it feels like it might test 15/16k.. just feels like there isnt enough people saying its “dead this time” etc usually a sign of hope… BUY ICP THIS NEXT CYCLE

>> No.50114748


>> No.50114769

>muh everything is a conspiracy

hi /pol/ !

>> No.50114971

it doesn't work like this, max fear has been up for a long time. at any point you have a lot of people calling for the bottom, even at the bottom. At 3k in 2018, a lot of people we calling 1k but the moonboys were still bullish longterm. you wont be able to shake out the fundamental bulls

>> No.50114975

not knowing that both the jannies are paid off to shill or suppress certain projects and we get raided constantly by coordinate shill groups
have fun being poor

>> No.50115015

I doubt the bottom is in, there's still a very real chance of a massive capitulation dump. Even so the bottom is atleast close and I don't think it's all that stupid to start accumulating.

>> No.50115087

That chart assumes endless growth, which is retarded. The final top is in. It's literally only down from here and 2022 will be remembered as the crypto bubble.

>> No.50115106
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all the true believers, the brainwashed "diamond hands", will be wiped out, just like the nerds during the tech bubble
the will be remembered as the crypto bubble

>> No.50115178

Kek, I wonder how many retards missed the 2021 ATH because they were greedily waiting for sub 3k BTC in 2018/9. Reminds me of 10k fags today.

>> No.50115201

>Feb 2013 - Aug 2015
>Jan 2017 - Jan 2030

Congrats on being such a retard, seriously

>> No.50115244

>its not a recession, its just everything a recession defines!
Call it what you will

>> No.50115257


You faggots are so dramatic. Who can't eat? No one. Most people are obese fat fucks, lmao. "Can't even fucking eat." You're a retard. You can't sit at home collecting $20,833 PPP checks, and have to go back to work like every one did before 2020 covid bullshit. We are back to normal, parties over, but no one is fucking starving, retard.

>> No.50115282


>> No.50115317

10k is possible
It would put it basically on the level of the 2018 crash

And keep in mind that crash didn't have a bad economy.

I would say people who think it will go lower then 10k ate delusional

Personally i think 14~15k is the more realistic option

>> No.50115374

kek it's amazing how many people fail simply because they're worried about not timing the market perfectly.
Prior to the latest bullrun you had plenty of bobos refusing to buy above 3k and they probably ended up buying at 20k instead of just accumulating. Even when the price dropped down to the 3k levels these people still refused to buy because maybe it could go even lower.

>> No.50115379


>> No.50115409

>line will always go up eventually

>> No.50115460

Bump, many hodlers gonna get rekt then sell bottom as will need some cash at least

>> No.50115528

>1day vs 1week
Must be nice to be so dumb you can delude yourself with charts like this.

>> No.50115549

Enjoy losing your money, loser

>> No.50115559

All graphs are based on the past, and you use the past to extrapolate what will occur in the future. The alternative to this is nothing, what will the price be a year from now? i don't know? my gut feeling is saying X? is there any other answer you could give that wouldn't rely on patterns of the past?

>> No.50115987


$10k here we come

>> No.50116033

how many of these stupid retroactive charts with wonky scales do cryptards actually have? even when they get proven wrong, they somehow keep popping up

>> No.50117388
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Are meme circles the new meme lines? How can I profit from this?

>> No.50117872

We have 2 quarters of negative gdp

>> No.50117954

>You fools... the bottom is in!

the bottom is 0, why would I pay 20k$ for your digital tulip moron?

>> No.50117955

stay two steps ahead and start TAing with meme spheres

>> No.50118118

>massive reversal on the 10Y breakout

>> No.50118149


Those people that cant eat now never bought more than 100$ worth of crypto.

Its the middle and upper class that drives this market and they will buy btc to protect them from the inflation.

>> No.50118165

Insane copium

>> No.50118182

Amerimutt poorfags aren´t the only persons that buy crypto, you know

>> No.50118222

>price always goes down

>> No.50118256

Ah, the next meme chart, i like

>> No.50119540

>all the people in this thread waiting for another dump
How fucked would everyone be if it lifts off right now?

>> No.50119666
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stick to the plan

>> No.50119921

it's worth an infinite amount of money?

>> No.50120595

the proof of it working is that OP was able to draw like 4 circles, if it didnt work they wouldnt be able to draw 2. Its not guarenteed but its clearly a backtested pattern

>> No.50120611

>what is log

>> No.50121033

>I want to see this board die. The end of crypto. Then I might buy
this is like saying btc 100k last year but in bearish

>> No.50121171

>Basically every market in human history has cycles
>"Hey, why do people think there will be cycles in the future?"

>> No.50121448

Okay well we know it's not over. The question is how much longer after the fall will the proce keep going down?
Bottom should be Pctober/November.

>> No.50122339
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Good advice and digits .

>> No.50123213

Bloody moron. Get the fuck off

>> No.50123250
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Kys. Monero is not, as well as every other privacy coins.

>> No.50123263

We are still a step away from it

>> No.50123287

>I'm just chilling, waiting for some actually gems to pop up within these months, then I'll buy in again
There are already gems all around you. You're just too dumb to identify them

>> No.50123653

you should look up when Satoshi launched BTC, then get off this site you trash ass newfag. come back during BSCam season.

>> No.50123679


>> No.50123718
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ISO20002 compliance

>> No.50123743

Already shared. RAIL is kicking ass in the world of privacy finance and is expected to hit top 50 market-cap wise before EOY

>> No.50123766


>> No.50124495

top kek

>> No.50124847

Muh joberinooooos
Muh is different this time

>> No.50124899

Pink wojaks are a dead meme that's why you aren't seeing them posted. Imagine missing out on the next bullrun because you didn't see a shitty dead meme getting spammed on your shitty board

>> No.50124908

>it's different this time
It never is. When there is another cash cow asset like btc and hype dies it'll be "different" in the sense it will be the sme just with a different asset. Just human behavior. Or just be a poor perma bear fag

>> No.50124955

Based, no absolute knowledge in crypto. Morons like him have their accounts hacked because they do not know what privacy protocols are, but deceive people to buy when they are not even buying