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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50111193 No.50111193 [Reply] [Original]

>Actually used for trading
>Proven demand
>20 years of the true gigachad digital currency
>Established market
>Can earn it in game
>Easy and cheap to trade
>Venezuelan chads prefer to grind gp instead of virgin basedkucked buttcorns
>Devs are thinking of a tax system to burn the items and amount of gp in the game

>> No.50111213

>trade for assets outside of the meaningless game
>Have account immediately banned

>> No.50111235

>Even with that considered it is STILL a better value offering and therefore money than buttcorns.

>> No.50111256

literally never been banned for RWT over probably 100 transactions

>> No.50111261

RIP sand casino

>> No.50111265

There is a spell that turns items into gold coins. So no thanks inflation nerds

>> No.50111276
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>virtual equiv's in discord servers
>leveraged betting in a few servers too
man, it's literally the stock market all over again.

>> No.50111277

Do you understand how much GP has inflated over the last 20 years?

When I was a kid on RS classic. 50k was worth like 10-20m today.

>> No.50111278

>Cost of runes
>Cost of item alched

>> No.50111292
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And I still would prefer it over buttcorns

>> No.50111314
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That's because you're a retard. If you had have put all your wealth into party hats back in 2004 you would be wealthy right now. You're an incel and a loser.

>> No.50111336

They need a crypto pegged to rsgp

>> No.50111362
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Lel. The cope is unreal. Face it, some fucking shit skinner box video game from the early 2000s currency is unironically a better form of money than your trooncoin. At least I can get in game goodies with gp, shet. With buttcorns I am just getting rugged by some dirty kike, instead of the natural inflationary process of a video game.

>> No.50111398
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Based. At least gp is a real virtual chucky cheeses token.

>> No.50111410

Can I buy drugs with it or just gay faggoty in game faggot bullshit?

>> No.50111466

>T. Phatlet

>> No.50111647

I can't quite remember but I think there was a way to do free alching a few times a day

>> No.50111681

>can I buy drugs with money or am I just a mouth breathing retard?

>> No.50111838

>boomer who did nothing with his life and didn't invest his gp right complaining about inflation
you snoze you lose

>> No.50112927

Well it's not clearly as the real world value of gold has dropped by around 50%