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File: 791 KB, 1170x1422, RDT_20220701_0833283222043885659410156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50108059 No.50108059 [Reply] [Original]

The master investor of our time.

>> No.50108354

This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. If that sequence of events is considered "creation of value" for the future human race, then that human race is going to go fucking extinct.

>> No.50108386

$5 bucks for your used boarding pass faggot, take it or leave it.

>> No.50108392

i could see it be for significant events, like the 9'11 flight ticket, tell me that wouldnt be worth $$

>> No.50108415
File: 81 KB, 900x770, ApuPensive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody uses a QR code
I have never used a QR code.
>Because if you want to eat at a restaurant, you need to use it to get the menu.

>> No.50108421

lmao no cap i would pay at least 1k for osamas ticket as nft

>> No.50108488

its zoomer shit
trendy hipster restaurants use QR codes that link to a menu on their website rather than give out physical menus. they say its to save the environment but in reality they wouldn't do it if it wasn't cheaper for the restaurant to not have to print menus

>> No.50108508

Gary Vaynersneed

>> No.50109039

>pick an airport
>buy up all the incoming passengers nft tickets
>call up and say there is a bomb
>all incoming flights get diverted to a different airport
>you now have a collection of nft tickets that are 1:1 not landing where they were supposed to
>you now own the rights to the movie documentary and oprah interview that inevitably comes after
can someone tell me why this would not work right fucking now

>> No.50109108

They do this shit in 3rd world countries retard

>> No.50109184

>they will become micro collectibles because they will have an artist attached to it
what? Like a logo in the middle of the QR code that have been around for ages?
>somebody may offer you $280...because they follow that artist
why would they? Presumably there are thousands or millions of the same image unless they're gonna have some artist slave away producing unique barcode decorations for each airplane ticket
Why can't I read a single web3 proposal that actually sounds like it would make my life better in any real way?

>> No.50109219

Gary Vaincuck is a tard

>> No.50109244

>Why can't I read a single web3 proposal that actually sounds like it would make my life better in any real way?
Because it won't. Take the profit and leave.

>> No.50109267
File: 21 KB, 416x435, 1606924961218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the future everything is gonna be NFTs

>> No.50109277

Not just that but retards that like nigger music might wanna buy the ticket that the nigger boys got caught blowing each other in the way to a concert.

>> No.50109413

And the network that all these NFTs will be and the companies use is pretty obvious...

>> No.50109471


>QR code

I never use that faggot shit.

>> No.50109506

How does monetizing all this random shit help society in any way?

>> No.50109524

Belarus was a mistake

>> No.50109525

>bro the FUTURE is when everything you do is commercialized into being a HECKIN POKEMON CARD BEANIE BABBY
I fucking hate disingenuous retard marketing. If short term value extraction was all these companies cared about we'd be living in an even more cartoonish world than this mongoloid could ever dream up with his bullshit "art" economy.

>> No.50109541

I unironically have never scanned a qr code with my phone in my life. I actually have no idea how it's done. Do you use your camera? Do you have to install a separate app? I fucking hate apps, the only time I ever used google play store was to download moonlight so I could stream futa porn to my phone from my pc.

>> No.50109580

We've already done everything of worth and value there is to do. There's nothing left for the human race except making abstract meme crap and derivatives of stuff that's already valued. Money doesn't actually mean anything anymore because everyone just prints more of it, and normies all get a dopamine rush from spending their goy tokens on useless crap. So yes, I am looking forward to this clown world, and me profiting immensely from it. You can get on board the gravy train, or go be fucking miserable until you wisen up.

>> No.50109646

incorrect, i don't scan that data stealing QR. I just tell the waiter to bring me steak and whatever sides I want. It has never failed.

>> No.50109668


> Gary are these NFTs in the room with us right now

Crypto will never be taken seriously because of grifters like this solving non existent problems

>> No.50109726

QR codes just encode data into an image, and most phone apps these days to the opposite (decode the image into data). For example, you can take 'https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/50108059' (this thread's URL) and feed it to an algorithm which will spit out a QR code that decodes to it. One common scummy use of QR codes for URLs is adding a billion tracking and ad tags so that instead of saying "go to www.oursite.com!" they can make a QR code which you would think encodes "www.oursite.com" but actually encodes "www.oursite.com&ad_id=18127&tracking_id=81287&referrer=id38390&timestamp=20220701" which you'd never want to go to, but oops now it's the 'most convenient' way to go there from your camera app.
All of this makes the OP image even more confusing, since there's no reason to put a QR code on a blockchain instead of just the data it decrypts to.

>> No.50111051

>this is your mind on NFT

>> No.50111096

That is the dumbest thing I have ever read. The dude is the "CEO" of Vayner Media. Wtf is that company? Either way they must not be that big or doing well if the CEO not only would come up with that dumb of an idea, let alone post it.

>VaynerMedia is a full-service digital agency built for the now. We partner with clients to drive their business outcomes with best-in-class video production, media planning & distribution, influencer marketing and everything in between. Our people aren't just our greatest asset; they're family. We're writers, artists, comedians, entrepreneurs, foodies, photographers, and data junkies. We live and breathe emerging tech, and we are always growing

>> No.50111140

Sounds retarded, but would work for concert tickets and promotional things like that

>> No.50111182

The post
/s, surely?

>> No.50111225 [DELETED] 

Kikes demons like this retarded piece of shit need a bullet in the cranium.

>> No.50111288

When is this annoying faggot going to die of od with one his underage groupies who things he's cool because he says swear words and wears a backwards cap

>> No.50111305

You have to leave the basement to do that

>> No.50111325

>Either way they must not be that big or doing well

He's a bajillionaire, and most of that is due to his "thought leadership" and "business influencer" sponsorships than the company.

>> No.50111421

Doubt anyone will give a shit about a plane ticket but could totally see it happen for concerts or museum tickets. Daily reminder people collect stamps.

>> No.50111615

does this fag not realize I have never been anywhere that requires a qr code?

>> No.50111634
File: 71 KB, 1024x913, 1629264597144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've replaced my smartphone for a dumbphone, a mp3 player, and gps device

I will never use the qr codes

I will never eat the bugs

>> No.50111655

he's just a youtube grifter making money from retards who pay him to tell them how to get rich

the way to get rich is to have retards pay you to tell them how to get rich

>> No.50111659

But stamps are soulful. People didn’t create stamps because people thought “this can be something people collect and invest in”

>> No.50111712

No, it wouldn't be, because it's not the boarding pass it's a digital fucking picture that I can copy and paste and it's exactly the fucking same.
You retards are getting scammed all over again by the same shit, holy fuck
Fool me once, shame on you, fool... You can't get fooled again. And then you came along

>> No.50111771
File: 271 KB, 1117x920, Screenshot_20220701-185658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this retard literally is just rebranding stamp collecting for a new generation of dipshits

>> No.50111782

So, Stamps?

>> No.50111808

>practical use case for NFTs
>jam artists and "art" into it for no reason

>> No.50111842

Where's that clown who was claiming people applying for jobs wouldn't need to interview any more because the business would just lookup their wallet and find their skills and job history as NFTs?

>> No.50112029

>Qr code menus
What the absolute fuck is this? If a restaurant gave me a qr code menu to order from I would leave and never return.

>> No.50112091

What's the practical use case here even if you remove the art? There's fucking nothing. There is no reason to store your plane ticket in QR form on the blockchain.

>> No.50112104

It makes sense in restaurants that change the menu very frequently, pop-up restaurants that can start serving faster if they can skip getting menus printed, and pubs imitating Wetherspoons where most tables don't need table service so ordering food is done through an app.

>> No.50112124

Just realized that this dude doesn't actually understand what a QR code is, lol.

NFT boarding passes do kind of make sense, but only for of tracking overbooking and globally coordinating airport security. not as an asset with resale value.

>> No.50112133

It is retarded shit like this that has made NFTs worthless, not give them value. They will be a meme for years because of retards like this instead of people progressing toward actual use cases that make sense

>> No.50112147

These people need to be taxed 100 percent.
Also, not everyone uses Apple, let alone has an Apple "wallet."

>> No.50112149

Why would I want to pay $18 in tx fees so I can look at a menu on my phone

>> No.50112170

Modern phone OSs have qr shit baked right into their camera app, but I do agree with the sentiment of hating to have to download more apps.

>> No.50113239

this garbage makes me physically ill, I want this motherfucking easter euro kike to lose all his wealth and be reduced to the loser that he is

>> No.50113332

signing a transaction(proving ownership of an nft) doesnt require gas

>> No.50114078

What a brainlet.

How on earth does he go that far yet miss the point.

Document issuing companies will be incentivised to use this tech because of its anti-fraud capabilities.

>> No.50115542

Don't worry it isn't.
Global patronage doesn't need more fucking barriers when patreon, YouTube, fivver, paypal, etsy, and about a dozen other ways to "follow an artist" already exist. NFT fags are just coping because their own mini tulip mania is over.

>> No.50116495

He's smart but he's on drugs

>> No.50116848

Ok Ranjeet. Thanks for the on the ground reporting.

>> No.50116940
File: 320 KB, 976x850, pepethefrog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine waking up in the morning because an alarm went off, the alarm itself is an NFT and totally unique to you. You put your clothes on, which are also an NFT and you own them entirely on the blockchain. The individual clothing items you wear are mass produced, but each one is a unique NFT and the combination of items you wear is also an NFT, which you own. You drive to the grocery store and your trip itself is an NFT that is stored on the blockchain and anyone can purchase it, you can sell it basically as soon as you arrive at your destination and it is minted automatically and placed into your NFT marketplace for anyone to buy.
The milk, eggs and bread you buy are all NFTs and have a unique code to them, you will own those items entirely as soon as you purchase them and even after you consume them the NFTs of them will be yours to resell if you want to. Your bill at the store is also an NFT and you can store it and revisit it or just keep it for your records or even sell it as art. Everything you touch or interact with will be an NFT and a tradable asset.

>> No.50117811

thats unironically going to happen, your employment history will be an NFT and your employers will look it up through chainlink DECO

>> No.50117831

>soon the UPC code on that monster energy which is literally a meaningless number used and re-used for stocking shelves will become DIGITAL MONEY
kill all "ideas" men

>> No.50117835

That's the most hare-brained gibberish I ever read.

>> No.50117895
File: 13 KB, 285x271, 1649675422254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the moment when you transform into a clueless Boomer throwing a temper tantrum because society is partaking in things you can't understand. Watch yourself anon...

>> No.50118002

this is a pretty obvious case of 'if everything is special then nothing is'

>> No.50118031

Why the fuck is Gary Vee famous?

>> No.50119820

do those same countries require a health check in app? and the menu qr code is a sly way of meeting requirements?

>> No.50119970

that Vegas LA 06/01/2020 flight NFT str8 bussin'

>> No.50120506

the artist shit seems stupid

but in reality, what is the downfall for using NFTs as ticketing items? Seems so obvious, and a better system than we currently have. (which is just a dumpster fire of different methods, wallets, centralized accounts, etc)

>> No.50120546

vaynerchuck is a fast-talking used car salesman and a mason.

>> No.50120564

Fucking kek

>> No.50120675


>> No.50121485

but that would imply literal tickets used by celebs when everything was paper would have be valuable

>> No.50121539

maybe if they can 100% prove it was their ticket, it would. but thats not possible without an nft

>> No.50121944

kek, spilled some NFT milk reading that

That guy is one of the greatest deceivers of our time, imagine tricking millions of retards with your «wisdom»

>> No.50122292

yeah what he said is gay and retarded
the real future of nfts is probably for digital goods in video games, like cosmetic items for your characters

and maybe software licenses

>> No.50123549


>> No.50124477

Well that sounds like the start of a nightmare creation.

>> No.50125393

based negociator