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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50105445 No.50105445 [Reply] [Original]

Mark Zuckerberg warns staff Facebook will be ‘turning up the heat’ to weed out underperformers: ‘You might decide this place isn’t for you, and that’s OK with me’
In addition to the hiring freeze, Zuckerberg also noted the company was leaving some vacant positions at the company unfilled and “turning up the heat” on performance management to weed out staffers who are unable to meet certain KPIs.

"Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn't be here," Zuckerberg said, adding, “Part of my hope by raising expectations and having more aggressive goals, and just kind of turning up the heat a little bit, is that I think some of you might decide that this place isn't for you, and that self-selection is OK with me."

Options for weeding apparently are to include out include £competitive team exercises" as well as self selective goal mechanisms. Those who are unwilling to participate in self selection goals will be assigned competitive tasks which will include enhanced time keeping procedures and group exercises modelled on traditional sports date including sack racing. Facebook declined to comment on the document when approached but an insider confirmed that an additional town hall update stated that Mark was "willing to participate in sack racing" and that "the primary purpose was not solely headcount reduction but also team building."

Fuck that. I mean. Really. Do wagies really?

>> No.50105453

What is it that people at Facefuck actually do though

>> No.50105465

first one to win the sack race gets to stay in my company!

>> No.50105475
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They do this now. Hop wagie. Hop

>> No.50105479

This is a thinly veiled way of saying to expect layoffs

>> No.50105484

He should stop hiring niggers, trannies, and stupid women if he wants actual work done

>> No.50105490
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>group exercises modelled on traditional sports date including sack racing

>> No.50105497

They are making an empty VR world where you can own a home and marry your Waifu.

>> No.50105505

Used to work for a company, was doing fairly well until we got a new manager (Karen) who knew nothing about the business and just seemed to be in place to destroy it.

She proceeded to stop hiring even as we were losing people to retirement, mental health, etc... and proceeded to triple the workload of everyone.

Recently she fired one of the two managers who relayed that staff were unhappy to her. I quit shortly after this because they dropped the staff so low that you couldn't use the bathroom and/or have any security for when customers were violent.

The final straw for me was an elderly woman collapsing and having 15 minutes of trying to get in touch with anyone trained in first aid while waiting for an ambulance to arrive. She was pronounced dead when they arrived and the company got sued by the family for failing to act

>> No.50105510

I see no problem with physical exercises to weed out the fatties. Good way to save on insurance premiums

>> No.50105534

>we're not firing 20% of you, we're just going to make life so miserable for you that 20% will have a breakdown and quit
Is America copying Japan now? I thought that went out of fashion in the 90s

>> No.50105536

FaceBook has something 58,000 employees. What do these people do??

>> No.50105565
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You can always have a self selected goal whatever that is. Sounds fucking ominous though.

>> No.50105649

Meta has already lost around half of its market value this year alone, a trend that worsened in February after Meta reported it had lost daily active users on its flagship Facebook site for the first time ever in the last quarter of 2021.

“We need to execute flawlessly in an environment of slower growth, where teams should not expect vast influxes of new engineers and budgets,” Cox wrote, reiterating Zuckerberg's message. Cox added, “We must prioritize more ruthlessly, be thoughtful about measuring and understanding what drives impact, invest in developer efficiency and velocity inside the company, and operate leaner, meaner, better exciting teams.”

>> No.50105662

A Meta spokesperson told CNBC that the memo was "intended to build on what we've already said publicly in earnings about the challenges we face and the opportunities we have, where we're putting more of our energy toward addressing.”

>> No.50105687

"If I had to bet, I'd say that this might be one of the worst downturns that we've seen in recent history," Zuckerberg said in an audio recording heard by Reuters.Meta did not respond to Fortune's request for comment by the time of publication.

>> No.50105727

>Is America copying Japan now?

>> No.50105824

source retard.

>> No.50105885

Facebook is fucked. I really regret buying META stock. The metaverse is just a moneypit and it will never take off. It’s literally Second Life.

>> No.50105925
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This is extremely based.

>> No.50105942

So their plan is to fire any remaining American employees and flood the company with h1b replacements. Brilliant in its evilness

>> No.50106014

> we will turn the decimation into a team building event!
i can’t stop laffin

>> No.50106033

>She was pronounced dead when they arrived and the company got sued by the family for failing to act
This is so gay, how is it a business responsibility to provide first aid if a boomer collapses on their premises? That's the ambulance job to get there on time. I fucking hate how entitled people have become, expecting everyone else to have a legal obligation to look after them.

>> No.50106037

>Meta has already lost around half of its market value
Squeeze the life out of the beast!

>> No.50106131

my brother works there, used to worked at Oculus before

That anon is correct >>50105497

>> No.50106198

When businesses enter survival mode the execs tend to become very creative when it comes to cutting costs and trimming the fat. People who weren’t in the job market in 2008 are in for a nasty surprise. Many jobs within companies previously thought of as essential will get axed too as the execs find cheaper alternatives.

In a recession managements only job is to ensure the company survives and does not lose their market position

>> No.50106217

Sounds like he works in an old folks home, a hospital, or a psychiatric ward.

>> No.50106237
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>Options for weeding apparently are to include out include £competitive team exercises" as well as self selective goal mechanisms.
>Those who are unwilling to participate in self selection goals will be assigned competitive tasks which will include enhanced time keeping procedures and group exercises modelled on traditional sports date including sack racing.
So the company that knowingly hired a bunch of cheap brainlets to sip coffee in front of a monitor now has the balls to simultaneously call them lazy while asking them to manage themselves up to reported dumb ass metrics on themselves? Why? So stockholders think management is actually doing their job for once? What a clown show.

>> No.50106438

Have seen this happen, the sociopaths will have no problem coming up with fake goals to splendidly exceed for their fake jobs. Meanwhile departments who actually have to deliver working customer products will be losing people and missing deadlines (because the deadlines are real and can't be fudged)
If done poorly the company bleeds their best talent, tries to fill in the gaps by throwing underpaid contractors at it (which doesn't work and sometimes makes things worse, especially when added mid-project)
Death spiral

>> No.50106792

Pink shirt is FUCKING FIRED!!!

>> No.50107342
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zuck spent half a billion dollars to get Biden elected

>> No.50107514


>> No.50107693


Been that way since 08. The recent hiring blitz has been anomalous. 2023 begins the "lost decade" that never actually ends.

>> No.50109198
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>the "lost decade" that never actually ends.
So what does that entail?

>> No.50111001

Good luck finding someone else who even wants your shitty job, dipshit.

>> No.50111461

All the diversity hires are gofing to get purged in the coming recession. We might even have good entertainment again for a while as studios are forced to produce something people would actually pay for instead of LGBTBLM propaganda.

>> No.50111485

Diversity quota cucks getting their just deserts. Yes that is right like a sandy desert.