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50093141 No.50093141 [Reply] [Original]

He's right. BTC will probably not make a new ATH anytime soon or possibly ever again. What's your plan if crypto really is over?

>> No.50093160

Easy: Instead of BTC I will buy Bitcoin.

>> No.50093191

protect my capital how? buying dollars? lmao

>> No.50093240

>probably not make a new ATH anytime soon
>possibly ever again.
>What's your plan if crypto really is over?
Thinking it could be over at this point is so retarded holy shit how new are you?
>Noooo this time its different!
It is not, it's like it has always been. It's even more comfy.

>> No.50093424
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>this time it's different
Crypto survived 2018. That was a true "is this the end" moment.
This does not compare in the slightest.
Each bull market will have people getting rugged because they want fast money and 20% apy.
Following the fundamentals will make you win in the end.
Buy Bitcoin.
Buy Ethereum.
Buy Fantom.
Move it to your Ledger.
Keep stacking every paycheck when we are in a bear market.
Take profits when you are in a bull market.

>> No.50093436

this anon will make it.
>verification not required

>> No.50093460

I think the same thing :(
and i dont want it to be true

>> No.50093476

> Buy Fantom


>> No.50093484

bitcoin stayed above the WMA in 2018 2019 2020 etc

Now its gone way below
and we had the weird double top
things are different

>> No.50093496

Are you cunts going to keep saying this everytime btc goes down?

>> No.50093555
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2nd in DEFI only to Ethereum.
I would rather invest in a good crypto with a shit price than a bad crypto with a great price.
Good projects win in the end.
Bad projects are dumped.

>> No.50093584


>> No.50093597

He’s right…. This time it truly is … over …

You better sell now bros …

>> No.50093652

>2018 was the true test
idiot, right now we have the worst economic macro conditions BTC has ever experienced, if anything NOW is the ultimate test

>> No.50093669

>2028 was the true test
idiot, right now we have the worst economic macro conditions BTC has ever experienced, if anything NOW is the ultimate test

>> No.50093673

>sirs pliz

>> No.50093697

yeah. i've been more or less involved with crypto since 2010. this time is very comfy and i'll be quite glad if btc doesn't recover for 5-10 years. great way to purge the normies and reward people with long time preferences.

>> No.50093738

Monero will be in circulation, and that is all there is to it. I pity you stonks retards and laugh at all your losses. You treat crypto as a savings account and are now paying for it.

>> No.50093811

It will be dead for as long as the stock market is dead. Simple as that. Regardless of whether projects have a use case there will always been value from an investors point of view because of the volatility and % return increase that pales in comparison to stocks and shares. The only reason people buy shares is because they expect a return on investment. The only reason people buy crypto is because they expect a return on investment.

>> No.50093815

are you genuinely retarded? this is the worst it has been since 2008, and BTC didn't even exist back then

>> No.50093974

Retard the 2020 recession was worse

>> No.50093981

What a nothing statement.
There is no guarantee in any of it, up or down in any amount.
If any market had a "guarantee" then everyone would instantly lump every penny they have on it.

>> No.50094005

there was not a recession in 2020. Are you talking about the dip in the market? how old are you that you dont know basic financial terminology?

>> No.50094053

he's talking about rampant inflation and the government handing out free gibs to everybody
he's THAT retarded

>> No.50094067

ur too dumb to exist

>> No.50094075

>Crypto survived 2018. That was a true "is this the end" moment.
newfag spotted, 2018 was nothing everybody knew it was a bear market after a massive run up
the mtgox collapse was the real test, back then people really thought it was over
bet he doesnt even know the slaying of the bear whale

>> No.50094121

Yes goyims, sell all your buttcoins. Isreal needs a a new synagogue.

>> No.50094183

USD is falling apart. US economy is falling apart and country is close to civil war and yet you want to exchange your BTC and other assets for failing fiat currency saying this time is different because of bad macro and BTC won't recover. How dumb are you anon? This macro situation is perfect for BTC and other hard assets

>> No.50094254

If crypto is over, I will go work for my wife’s cleaning company. She makes over 6 figures a year and will pay me $40 an hour to clean rich people homes and I can get 20-30 hours a week. I will use all access money to invest in stocks or commodities or whateer the next wave will be. It will suck but I am only 38 so I will be able to recover and make a new game plan. Honestly if my women scales her business a little more, she could prob clear over 200k a year. She is making 500 a day now working by herself doing 2 cleaning jobs a day. If she hired a crew or a few and scaled it, she could double her salary. So I guess my backup plan if all else fails is to leach off my women lol.

>> No.50094299


>> No.50094308
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at least there is a chance.
your other option is to stack paper money, which will never make a new ATH EVER

>> No.50094366

OP and the tweet should take that opinions and shove it up their asses.

>> No.50094395

Keep following some dumb cunts who just gaining impressions for tweets, soon enough he will open a paid group and y'all dumb ducks will pay for it and he keeps filling you with gibberish.

>> No.50094432

Yo the general market is going to have a comeback y'all never seen, time to buy RIDE, ROUTE, ONE and OP in anticipation for it.

>> No.50094470

>What's your plan if crypto really is over?
buying up the whole eth supply

>> No.50094480


>> No.50094507
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Its obvious

>> No.50094562

Yes I'm sure its over this time, lol

Lmao even

>> No.50094624


>> No.50095428

BASADO, keep buying dips fellow HODLer sir!!

>> No.50095484
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>le diamond hands le line go up le apes stronger together le to le moon xD

>> No.50095812

this, back then it was more of a technical movement in a less liquid and fresh market, this one is fundamental because btc has proven to be an impotent and useless meme which only gets bought by boomer wine aunts and autistic children these days, still enough hopium left for a slow and painful decline

>> No.50095857
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>Buy Fantom.

>> No.50096085

>Crypto survived 2018. That was a true "is this the end" moment.
Yes that was every normies sentiment. They didn’t believe we’d ever see ATH again so they didn’t buy back in at all. Now the whole world knows the cycles and want to “buy the lows” and DCA because they know for certain it’s going back up in 2-3 years for the halving.
Not happening this time. 10 year bagholders will be born

>> No.50096291
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Smart anon

>> No.50096554
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You promised me dog or higher /biz/, you promised me dog or higher.
Muffafackin bichaz

>> No.50096595 [DELETED] 

Why did this happen? I get that Jews long term goal isn't keeping something like the dollar or any sort of FIAT around... But what the hell did they do to make this happen? That's a lot of years of economic chicanery

>> No.50096963

Yes long-term hold onto Ethereum and its 30 transactions per second

>> No.50097190
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Checked but not even remotely true

>> No.50097364


look i have buy orders for btc but your retarded if you believe line only go up forever

dont be one of those bitcoin to 1million retard moonboys its cringe

it will only be matter of time before its replaced by better tech

>> No.50097413

Replace 'BTC' with 'Residential real estate' and we can have a conversation

>> No.50098070

USD has no bottom and only goes down. BTC doesn't even have to gain any purchasing power and it'll eventually be worth a million USD.

>> No.50098110

2018 didn't have a global financial collapse.

>> No.50098447

I hope you wear a little maid's outfit and cuck cage while you're at it, sissy fag.

>> No.50098483
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>> No.50098491
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As the shit scams die, all you will be able to do is sell for XMR. Eventually XMR will eat all the Market Cap because it's ACTUALLY USED.

>> No.50098527

>implying if btc is over crypto is over
maybe for a couple years but isn't a decoupling healthy for the crypto market in the overall long term?

>> No.50099278

Not for long now ICP has anonymous crypto tumblers for every coin lmao

>> No.50099358

Tax loss harvesting over the next few years. Fuckers were so hot to tax it, well thanks for the tax discount on my cap gains.

>> No.50100553

Yeah, the absolute peak in normie adoption was Matt Daemon shilling crypto at the niggerball halftime show. We cant go more mainstream than that, everyone who wanted to nought has already, and most normies are down deep. The other normies dont want to invest because arrogant cryptobros have taunted them for 10 years.

>> No.50100620

This tweet is from 2018, isn't it?

>> No.50100639
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>> No.50100715

>Crypto survived 2018. That was a true "is this the end" moment.
>This does not compare in the slightest.

good lord buttcoiners are so detached

>> No.50100789

btc will continue to exist therefore believers will continue to buy it therefore it will go up after bottoming out therefore it will draw in more casual buyers therefore...

>> No.50102012

they say this every single time during this part of the BTC cycle. been doing this since 2012, and they’re always wrong. my advice is ignore the twitter poors, and accumulate. you’re welcome