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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50092410 No.50092410 [Reply] [Original]

Who in their right mind would keep working after having made billions?

Why doesn't he work on his body, health, and focuses on enjoying his limited time on this earth?

>> No.50092426

some people have aspirations higher than money

>> No.50092431

he's already doing what he enjoys most which is screwing the goyim over

>> No.50092440

Even after 100M I would be 100% focused on my body and mind.... Fuck me he probably has what 30 years left of waking time? IT's beyond me.

>> No.50092441

Those people already quit at millions stage. To become a billionaire you need to have that little something

>> No.50092443

when you are a jew it is never enough

>> No.50092448

Just look how ugly he is. He likes the power, fame, attention, and popularity.

>> No.50092449

This. Goyim misery sustains (((them)))

>> No.50092506

the answer you seek is in the early life section of the global encyclopediae

>> No.50092551

Running an exchange in the cryptoscam industry isn't exactly a higher cause

>> No.50092681

Makes sense

>> No.50092808

He's just a modern day autist male.
This is the type of dude that would be playing league 13 hours a day in his moms basement if his ethnic connections didnt get him to the top.
Low test... no style or sense, disgusting, unshaven neckbeard, grease stains on cheap shirt and shoes.
I would say that jews are to blame but then you look at old school kikes and they are even respectful somewhat, as are many older wealthy folk.
Him being so fucking subhuman and repulsive just shows how far modern humans have fallen, its a systemic fall really which affects all classes.

>> No.50092856

these (((people))) have always used money and power to achieve what they really want.
The goal isnt money or good looks. Its control over the goyim

>> No.50093234

bc it would be degenerate to not maximise your potential on this earth to the fullest during our short stay here

>> No.50093249

Because he owes

>> No.50093296

Potential? what the fuck are you talking about what potential?

He looks like a fat goblin.... at the very least he should join a gym and diet

>> No.50093321

This is probably the most realistic explanation of what we're seeing here.

>> No.50093349

his potential to help other people in the most efficient way possible? he's talks about this all the time...

>> No.50093475
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>> No.50093486

Life is weird. Society seems to shift into odd directions in a natural flow, shit goes in one direction until it no longer can, and its hard to deviate from the hivemind.
Making money in the past meant good people skills, presentation, realistic ideas and output of real products.
Today its all about large scale internet turboautism.
Little skinny autist boys and gross nerds are defacto gods.
But the problem is that they haven't lived or experienced life at all.
They barely understand anything about the world really outside their small scope of things.

>> No.50093498


>> No.50093504

autistic jew with a strong fixation on wealth accumulation

>> No.50093521

He wants to takeover all of finance.

>> No.50093544
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>> No.50093556

Like for real dude, what the fuck. Guy has the same pair of basic running shoes (with grease on them mind you) in all the pics lmfao.
This isnt even jewishness. Its just pure autism and a horrible lack of sense. Nasty and gross.

>> No.50093558

He isn’t working for money, he’s working for power. If you could be the next George Soros, able to force the world to match your whims, wouldn’t you?

Also in his position, “working” isn’t really work, he just tells people what to do and they do it for him

>> No.50093608

Dude cant even lift his dick for more than 10 seconds nor force himself to do basic hygiene. Whats even the point of having power over plebs when you have no power ovee yourself keke

>> No.50093742

I might just be so far from Jewry that I can't even fathom his motives.

I wouldn't want to control the world anyway...

I want myself to be happy first
But I also want others in first world countries to be happy... What's the use of power and money if the overall environment you live in is shit and everyone around you is unhappy?

Idk maybe I just don't get this whole control the world thing.

>> No.50093775

Yeah exactly it's disgusting... Just at least fucking take a break from your daily jewing and get healthy or some shit.

>> No.50093781


He loves this world and wants to dedicate his life to making it better. It's a shame you guys can't appreciate that.

>> No.50093796

He wants to make anime girls real

>> No.50093853
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kek normalnigger poorfags seething because he does not waste money on expensive clothes or a haircut.

>> No.50093870

I have friends in their mid 30s playing games in their spare time and they show the same behavior.
Their brain is optimized for some little narrow thing and they can't see past that.
Their frail bodies with female like estrogenic fat make me want to throw up.
I'm willing to bet you that the average jew nerd of 1900 had 10x the test.
Its unironically the darkest time despite immense material comfort.

>> No.50093912

>not one white male
I'm selling

>> No.50093929

See again this is the retarded mindset of the autist. You realize money is meant to be spent? Thsts what its for, you get to purchase cool goods with it, have fun, attract people. Right now you're thinking like "well id rather have this high score than enjoying my small few years in thr world". Dumb.

>> No.50093972
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There used to be a Jewish movement targeted exactly against this:

"Muscular Judaism (German: Muskeljudentum) is a term coined by Max Nordau in his speech at the Second Zionist Congress held in Basel on August 28, 1898. In his speech, he spoke about the need to design the "new Jew" and reject the "old Jew", with the mental and physical strength to achieve the goals of Zionism. Nordau saw Muscular Judaism as an answer to Judennot ("Jewish distress").[1]

The term refers to the cultivation of mental and physical properties, such as mental and physical strengths, agility and discipline, which all will be necessary for the national revival of the Jewish people. The characteristics of the muscular Jews are the exact opposite, an antithesis, of the Diaspora Jew, especially in Eastern Europe, as shown in the anti-Semitic literature and in the Haskalah movement's literature. Nordau saw the promotion of muscular, athletic Jews as a counterpoint to such depictions of Jews as a weak people.[2] In addition, the "muscular" Jew is the opposite of the rabbinic or Haskalah Jew — the man of letters, the intellectual — who was said to be busy all his life engaging with esoteric subjects. His body, and his will, grew weak."


>> No.50094008
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kek keep seething poorfag. I can smell the jealousy through my screen.

>> No.50094094

>i would rather sit in a cold dark room alone eating $1 noodles because its more efficient and cheap hahah shows you poorfags!
Death to all autists worldwide.

>> No.50094127
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You know where you are normalnigger?

>> No.50094173

Being a colossal failure of a human being doesnt make you cool. Nobody is impressed with shitty le normie memes. Its just gross. Fix your life.

>> No.50094671

as we already had enough look at the nose post let me offer another explanation ignoring ethnic realities
i mean just look at him he is physically repulsive by almost anyones standard how do you think childhood was for him, it creates a deep emptiness within you and a desire to fill it up with some form of achievement
but the sad truth is they can never fill that hole, happiness will elude them forever, but to counter it is precisely this drive to excel for the sheer recognition of it all that pushes these people to go above and beyond anything called reasonable

you want another example to clarify this: look at arthur hayes he is the opposite of sam physically speaking yet even with him there was the point where he went beyond reason and did criminal fraud just to get another billion, he almost got rekt completely
in his case i think the drive is also how he was treated in his youth as in being rejected by both white and black social circles

or look at musk his childhood traumas are also well described, same behaviour pattern, so this is not only attributal to ethnicity

>> No.50094709

Half cope half based

>> No.50094726

alright you had your fun, back tο reddit with you

>> No.50094730

Elon and Arthur at least possess qualities in other areas. SBF is actually literally subhuman outside of his crypto thing.

>> No.50094735

all your posts are based

>> No.50094765

>Who in their right mind would keep working after having made billions?

you think people that have already made billions really "work"? they just lord it over everyone and enjoy have the last word being on top, that's not working, they pay other plebs to do the actual work.

>> No.50094788


That's what every tyrant says

>> No.50094793

Dude he’s an evil Jew that’s trying to take over the world. Wake up.

>> No.50094807

What do you mean? A big nose?

>> No.50094866

well of course there are various grades of behaviour anon and yes sbf is an extreme outlier but that doesn't invalidate the argument

>> No.50094908

>He loves this world and wants to dedicate his life to making it better.
So why doesn't he just do it?

>> No.50094957

he has to enslave more goys and generate more dollarz before he starts to make the world better, dummy

>> No.50095165

kek, all the extremely forced PR around "the most generous billionaire" Bankman is just too funny
all this effort and money spent trying so hard to spin him in any sort of positive light can't gloss over his repulsive physique and soul, almost like it's mocking you that he can get away with it

>> No.50095749
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Going to be funny as fuck when he goes full troon. That's the autistic energy he is carrying. Samantha bank-woman.

>> No.50095843

Well the fact that he doesn't take care of his physical health kind of tells me he must be working or something.

>> No.50095863

Tirelessly working to steal more money from goyim and plot their demise.

>> No.50095914

This. He got genocide on his mind.

>> No.50096171

it's not about acquiring the sheckles it's about making the goyim pay

>> No.50097883

An other element confirming nazism and judaism are identical.
This morning i just watched some rabbis talking about the side effects of the vax. They are basically saying the same stuff than the Far right.
Same mentality. Only the symbols differ.

>> No.50098020

this, he is simply the frontman for a cabal who seek to co-opt crypto and then destroy it. Perhaps the worst people to ever descend upon this space. And most of you faggots send them all your coin and personal information for some measly gains.

>> No.50098063

He enjoys the power

>> No.50098113
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OH NONONONONOOOO no fucking way this is too much lmao

for any anons who haven't seen this leech kike sperg in action, watch for yourselves


>> No.50098123

Its because he;s a greedy cunt like the rest of you idle fucks

>> No.50098143

>So, I was browsing the web one day and all of a sudden a video of Sam pops up. I got fascinated by his story and his principles
>comment section doesn't call him out
Once again I see that the goyim deserve everything that happens to them

>> No.50098983

Or the opposite.
It shows how soulless and fake the real society you seem to admire really was.
What matters is not shown on the outside but lies inside.
Having lived in a world where everything was fake and pretense, the real thing is shocking to recognize because it invalidates all the wasted time, effort and money people spend for acceptance in a society which wants to reduce them to slavery and kill them.

He has the mindset of a wealthy person.
Wealth is attracted to people who don't need wealth but can resist its corruption.

>> No.50099036

Is the the Celsius burial?

>> No.50099098

Intelligence asset. He probably has no choice, especially if you come from glownigger families, you have to follow your (((chosen))) path..

Rest assured this kike does little codemonkey work and has a dedicated team under him.

>> No.50099539

if the rumors are true, he has a vore fetish, which means there is a sexual component

>> No.50099638

All the acquisitions and political donations tells us that he wants power. The fact that he's paying for a massive personal PR campaign tells us that he wants fame.

Simple as

>> No.50099701

that poor asian lady is so tired

>> No.50099923

Thats bullshit and you know it. Look at old wealthy kings, past corporate masters like Rockefeller, lords, pharaos, etc. All of them had more to their persona than just money. All of them understood there was something beautiful in fashion/dress sense, being well groomed, works of art, beautiful women, religion, architecture, something grand to their small presence on this planet.
Then you have this autistic disgusting ugly faggot - the real person with no soul - autistically playing videogames in his head trying to accumulate numbers like a fucking calculator lol.
Something changed in the world. Maybe it was the continuous destruction of all traditional norms until the social fabric became too raped, but certainly modern people are repulsive and gross.
He will also never be a male. Ever. He will never get to experience the joys of what real men feel its so far beyond his reach even if he can purchase women of any type essily, he will never genuinely feel anything.
Now please tell me more about soul.

>> No.50100091

>consooming is beautiful

>> No.50100181

Yes it literally is. You are redistributing your resources into someone elses effort and talent and time so they can produce cool shit. Someone has to create beautiful clothes/watches/cars, make good food. The problem with modern rich autistic retards is they only want to eat onions burgers with salt, build square warehouses to accumulate more numbers. Most boring incredibly life sucking generation ever.

>> No.50100230

if you make it you'll learn. it's never enough, whether it comes to money, success, women, you name it. the human mind is the ultimate cruel prank

>> No.50100235

>Someone has to create beautiful clothes/watches/cars, make good food
that's your arbitrary value statement, I'm sure we have some overlap in tastes, but many things you consider "fine" I would consider ugly, ostentatious, and oppressive. in a word, fake

>> No.50100575

You fail at trying to write smart

>> No.50100623

you fail at impotently expressing your disagreement

>> No.50100764

ye you win

>> No.50100802

For funsies.

>> No.50100805

Based take

>> No.50100852

He’s the fintech billionaire equivalent of an Ugly Bastard fucking over goyim raw and making them deepthroat his vile, unwashed mutilated cock

>> No.50100934

Endless hedonism just leads to boredom and depression. Meaningful work is the most content you can be. Women aren't great either because they turn into harpies eventually.

>> No.50101648

He has adderall body
He's been on it all his life so his brain is fucked a bit and he's wired for high achievements whilst on it.
Dudes not gonna live a long healthy life trust me.
>inb4 but he's not a skeleton
Adderall will either bloat you out and make you a skinny fat mismatched hormone mess or will make you a walking skeleton. I literally cycled between both when I was on the stuff.

>> No.50102283

Because its never about money in the first place. The reason why he has any of it is because his masters allow it, and his masters allow it because they know he will serve them and lead the world as how they have planned.
News flash the economy is rigged as shit, its not real.

>> No.50102352
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People become millionaires because they want the money. People become billionaires because they're obsessed with something other than money.

>> No.50103143


>> No.50103232

: ( Sucks that you're probably right. In the end life only matters if you have family that you love and that loves you. Sam seems like the kind of person that was raised by nannies etc.

>> No.50103290

holy shit what a pretentious faggot
stop googling for synonyms and get yourself a gym subscription, FAGGOT

>> No.50103362

And how did he "make" his billions? Did a handful of massive Jewish hedge funds really turn him into a billionaire on a whim because they deemed him the smartest, most autistic jew they could find? His rise to power is so inorganic it hurts. And he just so happens to have endless pockets of cash when everyone else in crypto is down 80% including his own projects.

>> No.50103457

lol that failed spectacularly

>> No.50103476

>weak faggot bagholding 20th century aesthetics

>> No.50103479

Influence and power money is just the grease.

>> No.50103493

The right moment is when the money amount is n+1

>> No.50103901

You are a slave to materialism and blind to the spiritual world.
We come into this world empty handed and we also leave it empty handed with nothing else than our life experiences.
No amount of wealth can change this and can be brought with you when you leave the physical world.

Would you consider Alexander the Great to be another autistic idiot?

>Alexander, after conquering many kingdoms, was returning home. On the way, he fell ill and it took him to his death bed. With death staring him in his face, Alexander realized how his conquests, his great army, his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no use.

>He now longed to reach home to see his mother’s face and bid her adieu. But, he had to accept the fact that his sinking health would not permit him to reach his distant homeland. So, the mighty conqueror lay prostrate and pale, helplessly waiting to breathe his last. He called his generals and said, “I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail.” With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their king’s last wishes.

>“My first desire is that”, said Alexander, “My physicians alone must carry my coffin.” After a pause, he continued, “Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury”. The king felt exhausted after saying this. He took a minute’s rest and continued. My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin”.

>> No.50103919

>The people who had gathered there wondered at the king’s strange wishes. But no one dared bring the question to their lips. Alexander’s favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. “O king, we assure you that all your wishes will be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?” At this Alexander took a deep breath and said: “I would like the world to know of the three lessons I have just learnt.

>I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that No doctor on this earth can really cure anybody. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let not people take life for granted.

>The second wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the path to the graveyard is to tell people that Not even a fraction of gold will come with me. I spent all my life with the greed for power, earning riches but cannot take anything with me. Let people realize that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.

>And about my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I wish my people to know that I came empty handed into this world and empty handed I go out of this world”. With these words, the king closed his eyes. Soon he let death conquer him and breathed his last.

>> No.50104063

so give it all to biden and globo homo? thats what sam is doing and its not some noble lesson like what you described from the death of Alexander.

>> No.50104145

If you desire it will corrupt you and then destroy you.
Before trying to change the world you need to start by changing yourself to be an example for others.

>> No.50104210

> more useless word salad.
this reads like some crap klaus schwab would say. so do you own no personal possesions? i don't give a fuck about new clothes or rolex, i collect wearable art/ jewelry. things that are hard to find. it has not corrupted me, but inspired me to learn how to create, which helps you learn how to learn as stupid as that sounds.i dont understand your fucking problem, nigger.

>> No.50104353

Being well dressed? You are a huge faggot.

>> No.50104469

His boss won't let him quit.

>> No.50104485

If you desire to create then you should learn to observe the outside world instead of trying to force it into your egoist utopia.
Narcissism can only destroy.

>> No.50104486

i understand what you're trying to get across, but simping for sam is the cringiest shit ever. he reminds me of all those (((charities))) that parade around like they're helping the starving niggers or whatever cause you want to insert, but in reality pocket most of the money and give out bowls of rice every once in a while. disgusting.

>> No.50104502

>He doesn't know what Narcissistic Personality Disorder is

>> No.50104540

you are describing exactly what the zionist are doing. they cannot create or innovate. they are most proficient in being thieving murderers. of trying to censor the world to fit into their egoist genocidal narcissistic utopia.

>> No.50104572

i just threw up in my mouth

>> No.50104597

he's a fucking vegan, skinnyfat central

>> No.50104965

Two men with NPD.

>> No.50106456

It's called shills
Yes he has a lot of chutzpah publishing this stupid video. Every cause he listed as a problem that he's donating money to is all globo homo lies.

>> No.50106506

This faggot is just paying to win. Goes against everything crypto stands for.

>> No.50106662

Ye :3

>> No.50108446


>> No.50108498


He needs to get rich enough to fund anti aging tech.

He’s a Jew, so he knows he’s going to hell.

>> No.50108529

enough is never enough
anyone who gets even the slightest taste of wealth or power literally can't stop while they think even more is in reach

>> No.50108545

>He’s a Jew, so he knows he’s going to hell.
actually the god of this world is the devil, so he is going to heaven. take the Gnostic pill

>> No.50109454

Ding ding ding
Figure it out already, faggots.
Then we can start hunting and killing them.

>> No.50109866

It's a nice story but unfortunately is mere fiction. All that Alexander is reported to have said on his deathbed was that when his generals asked who would inherit his kingdom he answered "to the strongest".

>> No.50110010

that stuff is just too weird. I can't even understand how you could get turned on by it.

>> No.50110158

I respect this nappy headed kike even though he's a kike. There's something aryan about his ambition.

>> No.50111282

Uhhhh I would not be surprised if he came out as trans.

>> No.50111433

Because the human body is made to work. If you don't work for a lo g period, you will get depressed and will have bad health. Yes, u can workout but there will be a lot of time in the day left.

Look at the stats of people retiring and getting depressed. They end up going back to work or do some kind of volunteer work to keep their mind occupied.

Usually when smart people retire,, they end up doing some form of art or activity they loved

>> No.50111454

Because when you are not a looser like OP, work is actually enjoyable.

>> No.50111918

His name is literally "Bankman" and he was born on the campus of Stanford. Can you get any more jewish than that?

>> No.50114255

feeling/being important is his way of enjoying life. And he can only feel/be important if he continues to do work that made him (feel) important.

>> No.50114714

This. Sam is based.

>> No.50115033
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listen up and listen good, folks
i dont like jews :)

>> No.50115305

are their still people that doubt he is the conduit for wall streets take over of the crypto space
he comes late to the party and starts a shady exchange that nobody cares about and poof he is the second richest guy in crypto
where do you think those limitless pockets come from its all just brrr'ed money floating around the street

>> No.50115463

its so fucking obvious like his name is fucking bankman ffs people are fucking dense if they still believe this cunt is anything other organic

>> No.50115690

The most generous billionaire. The most altruistic human being. He only does things that do the most good in the world. How would a chud like you understand?

>> No.50115924

He doesnt care about money only about power and harming the goyim. Probably one of the most evil characters in the crypto space and thats saying a lot considering the degenerate chinese and mid eastern whales. Sbf just wants to cause as much pain and damage as possible to others

>> No.50117754

He has served as director of altruism

>> No.50117823

i bet all of the faggots here seething about how Sam doesn't waste money on /fa/ggotry have less than 10k networth

>> No.50118451

Look, not wasting money is a thing but not taking care of your body and health is another.

Bet you're a 10k NW smelly failure of a man.

>> No.50118541


>> No.50118559

I don't think I'd be like that.

He's objectively trading years of his life for what? Control of US politics through lobbying? And also who gives a fuck? There's so much beauty in the world if you have the money to explore it... Fucking find a life partner and travel, enjoy life, improve your body.

Life is so short I can't even comprehend why some rich guy can't stop accumulating wealth... I'm sure at this point he knows the opportunity cost isnt there.

>> No.50118792

He's altruistic

>> No.50119514

I can't help but notice the women scooped so much less. Also, the niggers scooped the most of all.

>> No.50119926

not a coincidence