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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50092124 No.50092124 [Reply] [Original]

we're here for the job interview

>> No.50092146


>> No.50092148
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imagine the smell

>> No.50092156
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There's not enough bleach in existence to sanitize whatever surface they're laying on.

>> No.50092173

>Smells like chili cheese Fritos and sex in here

>> No.50092175

Modernity is absolutely repulsive.

>> No.50092184

middle bottom one would be beautiful if she looked after herself

>> No.50092195

imagine how many tax dollars youd save by turning them into grease. imagine how far society would have progressed if we just rid fatties from the world. why do we keep the fatties then you ask? because they stimulate the economy with their consumption. i suggest we stimulate our economy with fatties the same way we stimulate it with cattle: the slaughterhouse

>> No.50092205
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How many animals suffers and dies just to feed those fatties each year?

>> No.50092211

someone nuke us jfc

>> No.50092242


>> No.50092267
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>> No.50092286
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>> No.50092308

Past tits, past boons, past even udders, these sad things have reached the lowly status of dugs.

>> No.50092323

>Tfw you adore fat girls
>Tfw your gf was 75kg when you met
>Tfw she is now 98kg


>> No.50092350

Were these pigs infected with some disease? This is horrible

>> No.50092362

>aftermath of Mariupol

>> No.50092374

Why not just put the animal out of its misery quickly

>> No.50092398

Peak Western culture

>> No.50092406

>stop fatshaming me
>stop going to the gym and being fit
>stop eating healthy food
>no I am not entitled
>yes I should be taken care of because I'm lazy and fat

>> No.50092414

That image is over capacity

>> No.50092423
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>> No.50092439

I had the same thought. Shame.

>> No.50092442

Other people's health is not your concern
as long as the government force you to breathing dirty air and encourage drinking alcohol and smoke cigarettes

Also you sitting and becoming brain dead on the internet and wasting healthcare on your antidepressant medication and other cope illness

Then someone being fat doesn't matter either

>> No.50092464

>why don't we enter in direct contact with an animal carrying an unknown disease while COVID is going on

>> No.50092606

Nah, fuck fat piggies who can't take care of themselves because they just can't be bothered

>> No.50092671

They can put in gloves and use an air gun
Lighting them on fire while a live seems like some sick shit

>> No.50092701

This is why "free" (tax money) healthcare can't work. Why should I be forced to pay for people who clearly don't care for their own health? I hope they do whatever they want and are happy, but they're on their own.

>> No.50092855

Wear a hazmat suit

Fuck the old for not caring for themselves
Fuck any ill person they didn't take steps to make themselves healthier
Fuck anyone with mental health issues just be happy idiot

that's beside the fact you're just picking on low hanging fruit to make yourself feel better about your fail life

must hurt knowing those fat whales could get laid by 9/10 men whilst you still seethe as a virgin

Butthurt in 3...2....1...

>> No.50092859
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>> No.50092887

On some level I agree with this but I also wouldn't want to to lose my house because I injured myself at work or some accident

in reality socialised healthcare means you pay for everyone regardless of good or bad lifestyle choices. Peace of mind for everyone including you

>> No.50092905

i love americans

>> No.50092929

This is encourages because it’s the primary money-maker for the medical industry. Hospitals get paid from procedures and treatments for these people, health insurance gets paid from up-charging these fat assholes, pharmaceuticals get paid from selling their entire catalog of drugs to them, and finally the funeral industry gets paid from special order caskets and suits. You will never kill off fat acceptance because there’s too much money to make from encouraging it.

>> No.50092938

Bullets would have probably been cheaper

>> No.50092967

Lady at front and center is actually really good looking of she wasn't a cow

>> No.50092990
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envision the malodor

>> No.50093011


>> No.50093033

they will be die by 50yo maxmium. i hate fat people

>> No.50093049

You're asking Asians to choose between torturing an animal or showing mercy

>> No.50093076

Fat people dont automatically stink

Just because you have sweaty computer nerd armpits all the time

>> No.50093098

You’re disgusting encouraging severe health issues and ugliness

>> No.50093100

yes they do. its natures law.

>> No.50093102

They will die at 50 leading happy lives eating what they want and enjoying every moment. Getting plowed by high test chads

You are hungry skeleton going to die at 40 from depression anyway after internet forum sitting all life

>> No.50093117

>Other people's health is not your concern
Yes it is you deracinated cuck. I have an obligation to ensure my people are made better

>> No.50093142

They Don't my girlfriend's armpits smells of strawberries and soap
You are disgusting with your bad attitude

>> No.50093166

I actually know a girl that looks exactly like that but is skinny, definitely an 8 or a 9

>> No.50093169

Ok fattie.

>> No.50093173

They are not your people. People want nothing to do with you. you are coping with delusions of some sort of social solidarity because your life is meaningless and empty so you fantasise about having some perfect society with all your newly acquired "trad" morals

meanwhile you can't even do one pull up and you have a gamer computer and chair

>> No.50093183

As someone who didn't have health insurance for the last couple months, I can share the sentiment about not wanting to lose everything just because of some accident.
My insurance forms didn't ask me about my weight or lifestyle (except tobacco use), so I guess I am already subsidizing people that don't care for themselves.
I just want a system where the people that try to do the right thing are rewarded, and nobody gets screwed over because of accidents.

>> No.50093190

Eat a bullet degenerate
They are my people. Eat a bullet lolsperg. Every single thing you believe has been shredded by repeated meta analysis of thousands of studies

>> No.50093195

If you're a man and not over 90 kg then you're not really a man, you are a onions

>> No.50093210

It would blow your mind how much better literally each one of them would look if they were fit, especially if they had never let themselves get so fat to begin with.

>> No.50093218

>you don't care about people you heartless peace of shit monster
>you want to dictate what people should do you heartless monster
I can make soap out of your gf's belly, fatfucker.

>> No.50093219

Though the same thing, you can already see her good bone structure underneath all that lard. A shame.

>> No.50093222

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.50093231

someone dying at 40 for being fat probably take up less resources than someone living on until 90 and using resources over the years

>> No.50093238

First world societies will get fatter and more unhealthy until they are replaced by imported third worlders. GG no re, western man.

>> No.50093247

I was 100-percent right in my analysis of you that's why you have resorted to silly little memes


>> No.50093254

ooga booga le jews le leftists
lmao get a grip

>> No.50093263

Trying too hard.
Your Reddit is showing

>> No.50093264

> Then someone being fat doesn't matter either
Correct, neither is other people’s financial problems. None of my taxes should be redistributed

>> No.50093287

>your reddit

>> No.50093291

I legitimately cant tell if its better to be third world or first world. On one hand you get insane material comforts. On the other your food is actual poison with god knows whats in it to maximize sales (generating borderline addiction to artificial food products), and you get mindfucked hard, as well as forfeiting most of your natural human conditions.

>> No.50093298

>You are hungry skeleton going to die at 40 from depression anyway after internet forum sitting all life
absolutly projecting

>eating what they want and enjoying every moment
eating fast food everyday like children yeah ! and when you are fat you don't enjoy anything other than sitting your fat ass down. everything physical is a pain.

you are fat and try to feel better about it. everyone makes fun of you because being fat is ugly

>> No.50093312

Fatties get the stroke, fatfuckers get crushed to death.

>> No.50093320

Fuck off degenerate hog enabler

>> No.50093345

The balance is having a third world mindset on food, family, and work ethic while having a first world mindset on morality, society at large, and technological advancement.

>> No.50093348
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Here's your gf bro.

>> No.50093365

Not my problem

>> No.50093387

Its very hard for an individual within a system to go against its flow. You probably dont even understand the conditions of the third world sufficiently to emulate it.

>> No.50093399

No one gives a fuck about what a loner like you thinks.

>> No.50093406

Taxes are a meme anyway the government extorts you. with threat of violence

Cope more skeleton


>> No.50093412

This is the kind of subhuman defending fatties. A degenerate nihilist with absolutely no sense of concern for his people that he has an unseverable obligation and connection to. Only concerned with promoting a severe health crisis causing untold billions in expenses, and destroying the well being of everyone because it makes his psyoped cock tingle. On top of all that he is a redditor.

>> No.50093418

nigger how can one get that fat even if i would sit on my ass all day and not move at all and eat only the worst shit called food i would never become such a fat is it genetics
6 gorillion animals
facts, truth, real