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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50086676 No.50086676 [Reply] [Original]

touch grass dude

>> No.50086714

That' a good and equally relevant one

>> No.50086808
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>tfw I will be a rentoid until the day I die

>> No.50086834

I'll be a rentoid til the day my landlord dies, he's a family friend and I get this house for 400/mo

>> No.50086886

>tfw bought a home in 2019

>> No.50086893

>bought house I plan to live in forever
>monthly chunk of money build my equity instead of landlord shekelberg Goldstein stein boomer
>renovating basement to sublet to college girl- I mean eqaul consideration for all tenants space

What's the problem?

>> No.50086917
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There is a mindset difference between renters and owners. I would much rather my house be next to other owners and not next to a bunch of rentals.

>> No.50086922

seething rentoid

>> No.50087117

you won't let us build a 10-story apartment building for low-income single mothers in your backyard, fucking nimby scum

>> No.50087155

I would rather live 50 acres away from the next human being.

>> No.50087162

same here actually.

bros renting out a family friend's place for 4 hundos a month where we at? My place is nicer than retards paying for downtown 1 bedroom apartments worth $1800

>> No.50087183

I'm renting my brother's house for $350/mo because he married into money and is giga loaded. Comfy.

>> No.50087205

This is unironically the only reason to rent. Sadly mine's a little bit of a shithole but landlord lets me do whatever I want with it and I keep up most of the maintenance. Definitely better than paying 2100 they're asking for a comparable rental down the street

>> No.50087208

What's it like having a jew as a brother?

>> No.50087216
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There is none. Like everyone in this thread wouldn't buy a home if they could afford one. Give me a break

>> No.50087355

I can afford a house in cash, i just buy stocks. If you're someone with an in demand skill you get opportunities that require you to move and i tend to take them. Owning and maintaining a house is a hastle if i want real estate exposure i'll buy or leverage into REITs. I can't imagine being retarded enough to lock 600k+ up in a negative cashflow producing asset. I understand maybe having physical real estate to leverage off but it still seem ineffecient.

>> No.50087445
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>tfw zestimate

>> No.50087700

Yes but it's also a place to live, genius. Not everyone is a traveling salesman like yourself

>> No.50087780

These people have sex. Terminally online chuds don't, simple as.

>> No.50087861

My PITI is $500/mo. It was a rotting pile of trash when we bought it but it’s in a nice white neighborhood in a small city. We work on it whenever we feel like it and can find cheap labor and materials. When we can’t, we simply wait and accumulate cash or other assets with our lucrative wfh tech jobs. My dog roams the neighborhood hunting rabbits and groundhogs.

>> No.50087889

I’m literally a traveling salesman and I rent…

>> No.50087912

>touch grass dude
Go back

>> No.50087913

you can live anywhere genius. do you want to be in your 30s and renting out the rooms in your house? that's what poor people experience. whereas you can invest the difference in your savings vs mortgage payments.

your "equity" is an illusion. the government loves to assess your property higher and higher. so you feel richer. and if you're richer, then you can pay more taxes. good job. you sure showed them how clever you are. unless you can spend your "equity" it's unrealized gains. enjoying selling your home, moving to buttfuck nowhere so you can actually have some left over. what's the fucking point.

>> No.50087922

>marrying into money as a male
lucky bastard

>> No.50088067

I buy real-estate because I live in a very small town, surrounded by fertile farmlands, all of which are owned by rich traditional families that care about said town.
This means they'll flush money down the toilet to keep this town alive (not that they need to, industry is booming and farming never let down) and also that the town will not grow in size.
By buying real-estate I can easily choose who I let rent my properties, which means I can keep whoever I want away. I already own my entire neighborhood and the crime ratio here is nonexistent, as opposed to the poorer more colored neighborhoods across town.
I'm currently investing in poorer neighborhoods too, small apartment buildings I plan on renting exclusively to people I don't ever want to see.
Throw all the numbers you want at me OP, no one can put a price on safety and tranquility.

>> No.50088281


>> No.50088371

I can buy an RV and live in it that doesn't mean it's a good investment.Unless you're buying somewhere with high incomes you're tieing yourself to some shithole suburb and kneecapping your earnings potential. The equity meme is just that a meme that's why a bunch of boomers are house trapped with 0 retirement because they spent their life paying off their house.

>> No.50088408

An RV sounds dope though, maybe I'll buy one after I finish refurbishing my small ranch.

>> No.50088437

I like to creep up to your property in the middle of the night and piss on your porch. Sometimes I piss on your trucks door handle.

>> No.50088550

go away

>> No.50088571


Why do homeowners make you seethe so much?

>> No.50090085

With all the money I get from vinu I will buy a building and make people come and rent, I want to turn into the same person who hurt me so I can breathe in peace.

>> No.50090147

Let me guess, shitbull?

>> No.50090736
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>"highly qualified buyers"

>> No.50090767

>tfw have a flat left to me after my dad passed
>tfw renting two rooms out to some students, so living literally for free
>tfw my mom still has the bigass family house and her business
>tfw made quite a bit on crypto
>tfw getting paid 2k usdc a month
>tfw in Poland where 2k usd is good money even in the capital
>tfw living in one of the smaller towns out East

Now if only Putin can keep his dick in, I'm comfy. Is this thing where the parents don't leave their kids fuck all but blow all their equity on retirement a US thing, or Western in general? Because its part of the reason you guys are screwed.

>> No.50090957

>let's his dog roam around the neighborhood hunting
>my baby would never hurt a fly!
>dog attacks kids, pets, and people
>owner has his head up his ass about how disliked he is and how niggered his dog is acting
Sounds extremely familiar

>> No.50091128

It's an anglophonic boomer thing so US, Englando, Straya and NZ.

An entire generation of people essentially got baited by cold war propaganda into living their lives a certain way and it has all come to naught for them, so now they're throwing a shitfit on the way out after sitting idly by while they let everything go to shit in the first place, pacified on television and drugs.

>> No.50091155

Kek, he fell for the 401k scam

>> No.50091174
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Jealous rentoid with no zestimate is jealous

>> No.50091231
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Based beyond belief