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50078754 No.50078754 [Reply] [Original]

Should I move back with my parents?
I am a 23 yo dropout with diagnosed ADD and probably autism spectrum disorder.
I mostly can’t cope with modern society. I have few friends, but I just can’t cope with modern society. Because of my ADD and me not taking Ritalin working is hell for me. I have very high stress, and my heart gives out.
Additional to that I get depressed & miserable in the middle of the day
I don’t know if it’s worth it. I moved out of parents years ago. After waging i am coming to my empty cuck shed anyway
I don’t think I will ever reach 100% normie functionally
My coworkers all have gfs and I see it that it makes or breaks a man. If you have a gf you go home to you can bear vastly more shit in your life. It’s just I couldn’t attract a gf before and still won’t
I don’t even care I just want peace of mind
Should I go on all the funny meds ?

>> No.50078806

Do IT faggot.

>> No.50078902

Im 34 and going on 35 and live with my parents

Why would a manlet autistic guy ever move out?

>> No.50078917

How often do you work out?

>> No.50078976

you kind of sound like me but depressed. I used to be depressed. I started programming and now I just make stuff and it gives me hope that maybe one day i'll make something that makes me a lot of money and then i can do shit. I'm on autismbux right now though but i spend almost all my time programming the last few years and haven't really been depressed since, maybe because i'm not thinking about life stuff

>> No.50079009

I am 6ft and not hideous. I wouldn’t say I am autistic. I just was raised in a neglected way and sheltered

>> No.50079017

not OP but I got a security+ cert and did all sorts of nerd shit, no degree but still got ghosted on even help desk. Was gonna join the military but vax mandate and I got caught with a lil weed barring me from TS for intel shit

>> No.50079026

>Should I go on all the funny meds ?
yes. I take vyvanse and dex and they help a lot. I didn't like ritalin, it made my heart rate go up to like 140 and i felt high all the time

>> No.50079090

Living with your parents is based. Do swing the narrative that you are taking care of them later on though

>> No.50079169

It totally depends on your relationship with your parents and the size of your house. If you live in a small house with parents you don't get along with or are nothing like it can be really miserable and depressing.

>> No.50079187
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25 yo WFH techbro living with parents checking in